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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Moraya Date: Nov 22

Subject: Visual Art Grade: 7/8
Content: Digital art project Teaching Instructional Strategies:
Students are going to create a digital art “Eyes on me” if their attention wanders or
piece, “what does social justice mean to they get too lout. Walking around the class
you?” to keep students focused on the task.
PDP goal:

Outcomes: Indicators:
CP8.10 Create visual art works that express
student perspectives on social issues (e.g., CP8.10 (a) & (b)
poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability). CH8.1 (c)

CH8.1 Research and share insights about arts

expressions that incorporate social

Prerequisite Learning:
Prior knowledge of social justice topics will be helpful.

Adaptive Dimension:
Allowing students who are knowledgable in canva to assist those at
their table who are less advanced.
Materials Needed/Preparation
Chromebooks & Internet access for research and digital art
Presentation: Students will be finishing their digital art Teaching Notes:
piece, “what does social justice mean to you?” __________________________
1 hour long lesson __________________________
Set: This will be the last part of a 3 week lesson on Social __________________________
Justice. __________________________
Development: Work period and assignment submission __________________________
on google classroom. I will remind the 7/8s to refresh __________________________
themselves with the rubric and the example artist
statement which I will read aloud again before we begin. Notes: Students are diverse,
but our education system isn’t.
This will be the students last class to work on the It often fails to adequately
assignment and hand it in. provide for:
• Students of color,
Write the canva instructional on the board: •Neurodivergent students,
•Students living in poverty,
Snipping tool for windows / control, command, shift 4 on •Students with physical and
a Mac mental disabilities and more.
Lasso tool on pixlr
Ctrl + c = copy
Ctrl + v = paste
Layers - send back bring forward (order your collage)
Rubric for artist statement is attached to the assignment
PPT on google classroom.

At the 20-25 minute mark: I will instruct the students to

begin working on their artist statement if they have not
done so already. 3-4 personal statements are a meeting
expectations and 5+ are an exceeding.

Total time to work on Social Justice Art (45-50 minutes)

Closing (5-10 min): In the last 5 or so minutes (judging on

how close everyone seems to finishing) I will get
everyones attention and will show them how to download
their canva art and post it to the google classroom.
Possibly I will do this earlier if students are asking.
Using Canva & Pixlr
-Snipping tool
-Lasso tool
-Ctrl + c = copy
-Ctrl + v = paste
-Layers - send back bring forward

Citing your sources

-When we are using images from the internet it’s important to cite where we get our
information and our images from.
-I would like you to keep track of the websites where you get your images to make a Reference
-You only need to copy and paste the websites into the document with your artist statement.

Ms. Coleman
4 3 2 1

Quality of Art- Student used Student used Student used Student’s work
work 8+ images re- 5-7 images in 3-4 images in appears incom-
lated to Social collage directly Social Justice plete. Student
Justice, great related to So- collage that did not incor-
composition, cial Justice, apply to theme. porate themes
expression, was well of Social Jus-
creativity, de- thought out tice.
sign, and com- and designed.
munica-tion of

Quality of Artist Artist State- Artist State- Artist State- Artist State-
Statement ment clearly re- ment clearly ment relates to ment is less
lates to the relates to the the topic of So- than 2 sen-
topic of Social topic of Social cial Justice. tences and has
Justice. It in- Justice. It pro- But no support- little or nothing
cludes 5+ per- vides 3-4 sup- ing details to do with the
sonal support- porting details and/or exam- goal of the as-
ing details and/or exam- ples are given. signment.
and/or exam- ples.

For my Social Justice Collage I wanted to include images to represent topics that
are close to my heart. I chose to include eagles, because birds are a symbol of
freedom, and also because animals have rights in this world that humans should
consider. The hands along the side are there to show that we are all the same
even if our skin is different in colour. I wanted to include the trees and the ocean,
because we need to watch over our planet, and these parts of our planet are im-
portant and not always treated fairly. At the bottom I included some Indigenous
people to show that I stand with Truth and Reconciliation, the people wear tradi-
tional powwow regalia. The rainbow is for pride and support of the LGBTQ com-
munity. Lastly I wanted to include something to show my support of mental
health so that is the person along the side with the cloud coming out of their
head, to show that we do not always know what is going on in other peoples
minds. This is why I care about Social Justice.


Adrienne my co-op teacher worked with me on this and created a spot for the artist statement
and citations for the students as well as a place to submit the art portion of this assignment on
google classroom. This will be graded for the students as part of their report card for ELA and

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