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Question 1. Half of Steve’s coin collection is 3 times bigger than Brenda’s whole collection. If
Steve has 300 coins, how many coins Brenda has?

A. 100 B.50 C.200 D.60

Question 2. Ryan is trying to put his toy cars in boxes. If he puts 5 cars in each box, one car
gets left out. If he puts 9 in each box, one car still gets left out. How many cars he should have
at least?

A. 37 B.26 C.46 D.19

Question 3.If (*$ = 30 , and (*$ + $ = 45, then (*$ + ( = ?

A. 32 B.35 C.40 D.42

Question 4. How many multiple of 6 are there between 119 and 301?

A.28 B.29 C.31 D.30

Question 5. Jenny is a waitress and gets paid $20/h. She is trying to save to buy 2 laptops
($600 each) for her brother and sister. If she works 15 hours a week then how long does it takes
her to save enough money?

A. 4 weeks B. 2 weeks C.8 weeks D. None of these

Question 6.What number comes next ? 8 10 13 18 25 ?

A. 38 B. 32 C.30 D. 36

Question 7. There are 5 students: George, Ian, Kimmy,, Brent and John sitting in a table.
George speaks out a number, Ian triples it then Kimmy halves the result. Brent adds 3 to it and
finally John double it. He gets 66. What number George does speak out?
A. 18 B.22 C.15 D.20

Question 8. Alice’s marbles keep doubling every 2 days. After 8 days, she gets 96 marbles.
How many she gets at the beginning?

A. 3 B.5 C.6 D.12

Question 9. A car can accommodate 4 people while a bike can only transport 2. If there 40
vehicles which at full capacity can transport 126 people, how many cars are there?

A.15 B.20 C.23 D.30

Question 10. What number comes next? 5 11 23 47

A. 81 B.95 C.98 D.86

Question 11. Find x if x+9 = 2x + 4

A.4 B. 5 C.6 D.7

Question 12. Half of Janet’s savings is $50 more than Martin’s total savings. If Martin has $120
then how much Janet has?

A. 140 B. 280 C. 340 D. 400

Question 13. Richard just bought a new scale and is very interested in weighing things. He put
an empty can on the scale and it reads 6kg. If he puts one empty can and one can half filled
with water, the scale reads 16kg . What is the weight of a can fully filled with water?

A.14 B.10 C.12 D.11.5

Question 14. Michael has 5 different shirts and 5 different trousers and 2 different pairs of
shoes. In how many different ways can he dress?

A. 12 B.50 C.15 D.27

Question 15. Find x if 2x+4= 18

A.6 B.7 C.8 D.11

Question 16. What is the largest number 122 4! 20 5$

A. 122 B.4! C. 20 D. 5$

Question 17. Sum of A and B is 10 more than the difference between A and B. Find A*B

A. 75 B.81 C.69 D.49

Question 18. What is the smallest number 42 , 33, 61/2, 90/4

A. 42 B. 33, C. 90/4 D.61/2

Question 19. What number comes next 4 6 10 16 ?

A. 26 B.28 C.32 D.24

Question 20. Peter gets paid $20/h and if he works on Saturday, he gets paid double. Assume
that he works 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, then how much can he save after 2 weeks?

A. $2800 B.$2400 C.$2600 D.$3000

Question 21. At 10 am, the two hands of a clock form an angle of?

A. 120° B.90° C.300° D. None of these

Question 22. The sum of all interior angles of a pentagon is ?

A. 3600 B.4200 C.4800 D.5400

Question 23. 3 sheep and 4 cows are sold for $6,000. 4 sheep and 3 cows are sold for $8000.
If Frank wants to buy just 1 sheep and 1 cow, how much he has to pay?
A. 1725 B.2000 C.2050

Question 24. Nina wants to make 5 squares from matchsticks. How many of them at least
should she need?

A. 6 B. 8 C.10 D.12

Question 25. What kind of triangle has 2 angles of 45 degree?

A. isosceles triangle B.equilateral triangle C. right angled triangle D. right isosceles


Question 26. What number continues this series ? 7 4 10 8 13 16 ?

A.18 B.17 C.16 D.15

Question 27. Which of the following is a triangular number?

A. 10 B.15 C.21 D. All of them

Question 28. Find x if 𝑥 $ = 3'

A. 4 B.9 C.3 D. None of


Question 29. Square to 4 is just as hexagon to what?

A. 6 B.7 C.8 D.5

Question 30. What is the average of 4 6 8 10?

A. 4 B.6 C.7 D.8

Question 31.If we double the width and triple the length of rectangle, the sum of all interior
angles will

A. double B.triple C. increase 6 times D.None of these

Question 32. What number comes next? 7 8 12 21 37 ?

A. 45 B.51 C.58 D.62

Question 33. Jimmy is shopping using his coins. If he wants to buy a book for $11.95, how
many coins does he need at least?

A. 8 B.9 C.10 D.11

Question 34. Find A and B if

The difference between A and B is 10, when B is the larger number,

If we double A and triple B, their sum is 105.

A.15, 25 B. 10,20 C. 25,35 D. None of these

Question 35. A car travelled 60 km/h for 3 hours, stopped for 1 hour and then cruised at 40
km/h for 3 hours. What is the average speed?

A. 42.85 B. 50 C. 45 D. 52

Question 36. Shoes are selling at $30/ pair, and 2000 pairs are being sold monthly. Every
month, the factory owner has to pay $2,000 for rent and labor. Material cost for each pair is $10.
What is profit for a month?

A. $38,000 B.$40,000 C.$36,000 D.$4500

Question 37. From 6am to 6.45am, by how many degree does the hour hand move?

A. 450 B.300 C.250 D.22.50

Question 38. Find the 10th term of this sequence 10 15 20 25

A. 45 B.50 C.55 D.60

Question 39. Two teams are shaking hands before a match. If there are 11 players on each
side and players from opposite sides only shake hand once, how many handshakes can be

A.11 B.20 C.121 D.120

Question 40. Nancy is trying to decipher a code. If 3 2 5 means BAD, then what does 20 21 2
19 mean



Question 41. If 4{}B = 4*B + 4+ B then 5{}6 equals to

A. 40 B.41 C.35 D.36

Question 42. A driver travels at 30 km/h and doubles his speed every hour. If he leaves town
at 9am, how far he is from town as at 1 pm.

A.120 B.240 km C.360 km D.450 km

Question 43. The number of cows, chickens and sheep forms a ratio of 4 : 5 : 3. If there are
240 animals, how many chickens and sheep are there?

A.160 B.80 C.100 D.60

Question 44. Fill in the blank

2 2 4 4 1 ?
5 0 1

A. 16 B.4 C.5 D.6

Question 45. Steve is 2 times younger than his brother, Johnny. The sum of their age is 24.
What is the difference of their age?

A. 12 B.10 C.8 D.6

Question 46. Tom is making triangles and pentagon using match sticks. If he wants to have 15
of them altogether with the number of pentagon is twice as much as triangle, then how many
match sticks he needs?

A. 45 B.55 C.75 D.65

Question 47. How many 5cm * 10cm * 20cm dictionaries can be fitted into a draw which
measures 2.5 x 20 x 40 cm?

A. 2 B.4 C.3 D.None

Question 48. A car can be built in 20 days by 10 people. How many cars can be built by 5
people in 200 days?

A. 5 B.10 C.2.5 D.7

Question 49. Jack is planning to paint 4 walls which measure 5m*20m each. A container of
paint can cover 10𝑚 $ and sells at $15. How much Jack will have to pay if he wants to get the
job done?

A. $40 B.$600 C.$150 D.$300

Question 50. The trains leaves at 9:24am and travel for 4 hours 46 minutes. What times does
it arrive?

A. 2.10pm B.1.10pm C.14h00 D.13h10


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