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 As we all know ,cheating in an exam can be by copying the others

idea or answers which means receiving or taking copies of an

exam without the permission of the instructor , which is a thing
unallowed at schools , but we still ask the question :

 why do students cheat ?

 Reasons of cheating includes several things like the lack of
self-confidence in one's ability to perform well furthermore the pressure from parents and
teachers, and poor teaching methods that do not fulfill the learning needs of all students .
While talking about the pressure from parents, we talk about the type of parents who really
want their son to attain the success but they choose the wrong way to make him understand
it, which means that they make an incredible pressure on him by criticizing always his marks
they never say that the student is doing efforts maybe he just need to be helped or to be
encouraged, or the worth is when they ask him always for the excellence, they consider him
as a robot who should never do a mistake or fail for one time, then poor him, he thinks that
he have no other choice. Also the poor teaching methods especially in my countries, most of
teachers tries to make students fall into the trap of extra-hours, and the students who
cannot apply to it prefer to cheat because they also have no choice, at the end we will talk
about the lazy students who cheated for a time because they had not the power of learning
and when they found that they got a good mark easily without any efforts it started being
their habit (bad habit) without having any idea about the consequences who will come in the
 I think that we should solve this problem or tis phenomena by correcting people ideas
before thinking to punish a student, because I find that the problem came from the
environment not only the student .

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