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• Pieces of paper that say, "please don't" and the rest of the sentence
• Representative images for each sentence.
• Board


• The teacher has to divide the board in two with a line

• On each side of the board, 5 images will be pasted, but in disorder (you can place more
images, it depends on the number of sentences)
• If the classroom has 10 students, two groups of 5 members each will be formed.
• Each group will have the same pieces of paper that say, "please don't" and the rest of the
sentence. For example, one piece says, "please don't" and the other "feed animals at the
zoo." In total, 5 sentences must be formed for each group.
• What the children have to do is see the image and according to that they have to form the
correct sentence on the floor and run to the board to place the sentence.
• For example, if they see a picture of someone feeding an animal, they have to form the
sentence, please don't feed the animals at the zoo, and run to the board to place it next to
the picture.
• But before the children do the activity, the teacher has to give an example.
• The team with the most correct answers will win and, at the end, everyone has to repeat
the sentences correctly.
Please don’t Please don’t

feed animals at the zoo. take pictures at the museum.

Please don’t Please don’t Please don’t Please don’t

take pictures at the museum. take pictures at the museum.

Please don’t Please don’t Please don’t

Please don’t

feed animals at the zoo. feed animals at the zoo.

Please don’t
Please don’t
talk loud at the theater.
talk loud at the theater.

walk on the grass of the park.

walk on the grass of the park.

throw trash on the street. throw trash on the street.

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