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 a device or a mechanism that can either

An electrode immersed in a solution containing ions
generate electrical energy from a chemical of the same metal is called a half-cell.
reaction or utilize electrical energy to produce a
chemical reaction.  in the above electrochemical cell,
anode: Zn(s)Zn2+(aq)+2e-
cathode: Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)

1. Voltaic or Galvanic Cell 2. Salt bridge- an inverted porous U-tube plug

that “bridges” two half cells. It contains an inert
electrolyte solution (like KNO3, KCl) to maintain
 spontaneous reaction generates electricity charge balance because the electrons are
 named after Alessandro Volta and Luigi Galvani moving from one-half cell to the other
who pioneered in the development of voltaic
cells/galvanic cells 3. Voltmeter- measures the electrical potential
 common examples are dry cells, lead-acid energy difference between the two half-cells.
batteries and fuel cells The reading in a voltmeter is called cell voltage
often called as electromotive force (emf) or the
cell potential. The unit for measuring cell
2. Electrolytic Cell potential is the volt (V).

 a type of cell which uses electricity to cause a notes:

non-spontaneous reaction to take place.
 application of an electrolytic cell is in the field of  flow of electrons is from the anode going to
electrolysis the cathode
 anions from the salt bridge migrate toward
Components of an Electrochemical Cell the anode & cations toward the cathode

1. Electrode – a piece of metal immersed in a Cell Diagrams & Writing Cell Notations
solution containing ions of the same metal.  shows the components of an
Anode- an electrode where oxidation occurs. electrochemical cell in a symbolic way
Cathode – an electrode where reduction  below is the convention used in writing cell
occurs. diagrams:
A. the anode is placed at the left side of the
B. the cathode is placed at the right side of
the diagram
C. a boundary between different phases
(ex: an electrode & a solution) is represented
by a single vertical line ().
D. the boundary between half-cell
compartments, usually a salt bridge, is
represented by a double vertical line ().
Species in aqueous solution are placed on
either side of the double vertical line, and a
comma separates different species in the
same solution from each other.

 for the cell diagram above, it is customarily Cell Potential

written as:  ability of cell to do electrical work
The driving force that allows electrons to flow is
called the electromotive force (emf) or the cell
EXERCISES: potential (Ecell).

1. For the following cell The unit of electrical potential is volt (V).
Zn l Zn+2 ll Ag+ l Ag 1 V = 1 J/C of charge transferred
a.) Give the anode and cathode reactions A coulomb is the quantity of charge passing in 1
b.) Write the overall equation for the chemical second when the current is 1 ampere
reaction 1C = 1 ampsec
c.) Give the direction of the current in the
external circuit Electrode Potential

2. The following reactions take place in an  measure of the tendency of a metal to get
electrochemical cell: oxidized or reduced when it is placed in a
Fe →Fe +3 + 3 e solution of its own salt
Fe+2 + 2e →Fe
a.) Which is the oxidation half-reaction? Standard Electrode Potential
b.) Which is the reduction half-reaction?
c.) name the reducing agent  measure of the tendency of a metallic electrode
d.) name the oxidizing agent to lose or gain electrons when it is in contact
e.) write cell diagram for the reaction with a solution of its own salt of 1M
concentration at 25 oC


3. Aluminum metal displaces zinc (II) ion from
aqueous solution.
a.) Write oxidation & reduction half equations  electrode potential is determined by coupling the
and a net equation for this redox reaction electrode with a primary reference electrode, the
b.) Write a cell diagram for a voltaic cell in potential of which is arbitrarily fixed as zero.
which this reaction occurs  important primary reference electrode used is a
standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)
4. Write the net equation for the redox reaction
that occurs in the voltaic cell:
Sc(s) Sc3+(aq)  Ag+(aq)  Ag(s)

5. Draw a voltaic cell in which the displacement of

silver ion from solution by aluminum metal
occurs. Label the cathode, the anode and other
features of the cell. Show the direction of the
flow of electrons. Also, indicate the direction of
flow of cations and anions form a KNO3(aq) salt
bridge, write a balanced equation for the overall
reaction and write a cell diagram.

 SHE is made up of platinum wire in an inverted Calculating Cell Potentials (E Ecell) of A Redox
glass tube. H2 gas is passed through the tube at Reaction
1 atm.  The following are the steps in determining the
 A platinum foil is attached at the end of the cell potentials from standard reduction potentials
wire. The electrode is immersed in 1M H+ A. Write the reduction half-equation and its
standard reduction potential. This will be
solution at 25oC.
taken directly from the table of standard
The electrode potential of SHE is zero at all reduction potentials.
temperature B. Write the oxidation half-equation. Its potential
 used to measure the potentials of other kinds of will be the negative of the value listed in the
electrodes tables of standard reduction potentials.
C. Combine the half equations into a net redox
STANDARD REDUCTION POTENTIAL reaction. Add the potentials for the half-cells
 the potential in volts generated by a reduction to obtain Ecell.
half cell reaction compared to the standard
hydrogen electrode at 25oC and 1 atm and at a
concentration of 1 M Example:

1. The following reaction takes place:

Rules in Using Standard Reduction Potentials
Cu(s) + Ag+(aq) → Cu+(aq) + Ag(s)
a. Represent cell using standard notation.
1. Read the half reactions as written
b. Calculate the cell potential of the
2. The more POSITIVE the reduction potential, the electrochemical cell
greater the tendency is for the substance to be
reduced and therefore the better the oxidizing
a. Cu(s) l Cu+(aq) ll Ag+(aq) l Ag(s)
b. Anode: Cu(s) → Cu+(aq) + e- Eo = - 0.34 V
3. The half-cell reactions ARE reversible. IF you
2 { Cathode: Ag (aq) + e → Ag(s) Eo = 0.80 V

need to reverse, you MUST change the sign of Cell Rxn: Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) → Cu+(aq) +2Ag(s) Ecell =0.46 V
the E0 cell.
4. If you change the stoichiometric coefficients, 2. Order the following oxidizing agents by
E0cell remains the same ( Electrode potential is increasing strength under standard state
an intrinsic property; its value is independent of conditions: Cl2(g), H2O2(aq), Fe+3(aq)
the amount os species in the reaction)
5. Under standard state conditions: any species From table of Std. Reduction potential;
on the LEFT of a given half-reaction will react Cl2(g) + 2e- → 2Cl-(aq) Eo = 1.36 V
spontaneously with a species that is on the H2O2(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- → 2Cl- Eo = 1.78 V
RIGHT and ABOVE it Fe+3(aq) + e- → Fe+2(aq) Eo = 0.77 V
6. The most positive values for Ecell mean that they
are the strongest OXIDIZING AGENTS and The order by increasing oxidizing strength is
therefore are themselves reduced. Fe+3(aq), Cl2(g) , H2O2(aq),
7. The most negative values for Ecell mean that
they are the strongest REDUCING AGENTS and
therefore are themselves oxidized.


1. Look at the following half- reactions:

Ca+2(aq)+ 2e- → Ca(s)
Cl2(g) + 2e- → 2Cl-(aq)
Fe+3(aq) + 3e- →Fe(s)
I2 + 2e- →2I-
a. Which substance is the strongest oxidizing
b. Which substance is the strongest reducing
2. Calculate the standard cell potential produced by
a galvanic cell consisting of a nickel electrode in
contact with a solution of Ni2+ ions and a silver
electrode in contact with a solution of Ag+ ions.
Which is anode and which is the cathode?
3. What is the voltage produced by a galvanic ell
consisting of an aluminum electrode in contact
with a solution of Al3+ ions and an iron electrode
in contact with a solution of Fe2+ ions. Which is
anode and which is the cathode?
4. What is the voltage produced by a voltaic cell
consisting of a zinc electrode in contact with a
solution of Zn2+ ions and a silver electrode in
contact with a solution of Ag+ ions? Which is
anode and which is the cathode?
5. A new battery system currently under study for
possible use in electric vehicles is the zinc-
chlorine battery. The net reaction producing
electricity in this cell is Zn(s) + Cl2(g)  ZnCl2(aq).
What is the Ecell of this voltaic cell?

Spontaneous Change in Oxidation/Reduction

 if Eocell is (+) , spontaneous in forward
 if Eocell is (-) , spontaneous in reverse
 if Eocell is 0, reaction is at equilibrium

1. Will aluminum metal displace Cu2+ ion from
aqueous solution? That is, does a spontaneous
Source: General Chemistry by Ebbing and Gammon, 9th ed reaction occur in the forward direction for the

following reaction:
2Al(s) + 3Cu2+(aq)  3Cu(s) + 2Al3+ RELATION SHIP BETWEEN ΔG, E and Q
From thermodynamics,
2. Use half-reaction potentials to predict whether
the following reactions are spontaneous or non- ΔG = ΔGo + RTlnQ
spontaneous in aqueous solutions.
ΔG – Gibbs Free Energy - energy associated with a
a. Ca2+(aq) + 2 I-(aq)  Ca(s) + I2(aq)
chemical reaction that can do useful work.
b. H2S(g) + O2(g)  2 H2O(l) + 2 S(s)
c. SO2(g) + MnO2(s)  Mn2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) Q - the mathematical product of the
d. 2 H+(aq) + 2 Br-(aq)  H2(g) + Br2(aq) concentrations of the products of the reaction
divided by the mathematical product of the
3. Four beakers are set up, each of which contains concentrations of the reactants.
one of the following solutions: = [products] coefficient/[reactants] coefficient
a. magnesium nitrate
b. barium nitrate ΔG = -nFE and ΔGo = -nFEo
c. cupric nitrate
-nFE =-nFEo + RT ln Q
d. aluminium nitrate
Iron is added to each of the beakers. In which Simplifying, E =Eo + RT ln Q
beaker will a spontaneous reaction take place? -nF

4. Which one of the following solutions can be E =Eo - RT ln Q

stored in an aluminum container? nF
a. Copper (II) sulfate
Nernst Equation
b. zinc sulfate
c. sodium chloride
 used to calculate cell potentials at non-standard
d. Lead(II) nitrate
5. What would happen if you used an aluminum
spoon to stir a solution of FeSO4(aq)? Write a
reaction and calculate Eo .

Ecell and Eºcell where:

Eº cell - the standard state cell potential, which

= cell potential at non-standard
means that the value was determined under conditions
standard states. The standard states include a = standard cell potential
concentration of 1 Molar (mole per liter) and an
atmospheric pressure of 1 and at 25oC = gas constant, 8.314 J/molK
= absolute temperature in K
Ecell is the non-standard state cell potential, which = no. of moles of electrons transferred in
means that it is not determined under a
concentration of 1 M and pressure of 1 atm and the reaction
25oC = Faraday's constant, the charge on a mole
of electrons = 96,485 C/mol
The two are closely related in the sense that the
= reaction quotient
standard cell potential is used to calculate for the
cell potential in many cases.
2. Calculate the voltages of the following cells at
Since the temperature is generally 25 C (298 K), 25oC under the following conditions:
three of the terms in the above Nernst equation a. ZnlZn+2(0.50M) ll Cd+2(0.020M) lCd
can be considered constants: R, T, and F. b. CulCu+2().001 M) ll H+(0.010M)lH2
Substituting the values of these constants, results 3. Complete the following cell notation:
in the following equation: ZnlZn+2(1.0M)ll H+ (?)lH2 (1 atm)l Pt Ecell=0.4V


 a cell that does work on a chemical system by

driving an electric current through the system
 made up of two electrodes connected to a
battery immersed in an electrolyte.
Battery – source of electric current
In terms of logarithm to base 10, Electrolyte – contains ions that conducts


Sample Calculations:

Calculate the cell potential for the following system:

Anode: Cu(s) → Cu+2(aq) + 2e- Eo = - 0.34 V

2 { Cathode: Ag+(aq) + e → Ag(s) Eo = 0.80 V
Cell Rxn: Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) → Cu+(aq) +2Ag(s) Ecell =0.46 V

Electrolytic cells are typically used to:

- plate metals on other metals
- obtain a pure metal from it’s compounds
- recharge batteries

Electrolysis – a non-spontaneous reaction caused

by the passage of an electric current through a

Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis

Exercises: 1. The quantities of substance produced and

consumed at the electrodes are directly
proportional to the amount of electric charge
1. Calculate the cell potential of the following cell at
passing through the cell.
Cr(s)lCr+3(1.0 x 10-3M) ll Ni+2 (1.5M)l Ni(s)

2. When a given amount of electric charge passes 2. Sketch a cell for the electroplating of a copper
through the cell, the quantity of substance medal with gold. You will need only one
produced or consumed at an electrode is compartment, a battery, a bar of gold and the
proportional to its molar mass divided by the copper medal. Which metal will be your anode,
number of moles of electrons required to your cathode? What solution will you need? How
produce or consume one mole of the substance. will you hook up your battery? Indicate the flow
of electrons, and the reactions at the anode and
 A coulomb (C) is the quantity of charge cathode.
passing a point in a circuit in 1 s when the 3. In the electrolytic cell shown here, an iron nail is
current is 1 ampere (A) being plated with copper

 If a current of I amperes flows for a period of t

secs, the amount of charge transferred = I
amperes x t sec
Q = It
(coulomb = amperes x seconds)

 Current is the rate of flow of charge

1 A = 1C/sec

The charge on a single electron=1.6022 x 10-19 C

a. Which object, the iron nail or the copper bar,
Faraday’s constant - the charge associated with should be connected to the negative post of the
one mole of electrons battery?
F = 1.6022 x 10-19 C =9.6485x104 C/mol b. Write the equation for the half-reaction that
6.022 x 1023 mole occurs at the cathode of the electrolytic cell
c. Write the equation for the half-reaction that
To use Faraday’s law to calculate the amount of occurs at the anode of the electrolytic cell
substance oxidized or reduced: d. Show on the diagram the flow of electrons both
entering and leaving the battery
1. Identify the amount of current passed 4. How long must a current of 2.5 amps be applied
through the cell and the time to the solution of Au+ ions to plate out 3 grams
2. Calculate the quantity of charge transferred- of gold on the metal?
3. Use the Faraday constant to calculate the 5. A current of 0.452 A is passed thru an
number of moles of electrons that corresponds electrolytic cell containing molten CaCl2 for 1.50
to the quantity of charge determined in step 2 hours. Write the electrode reactions and
4. Relate the number of moles of electrons to the calculate the quantity of products (in grams)
number of moles of substance oxidized or formed at the electrodes.
reduced 6. Calculate the mass of aluminum produced in
5. Convert moles of substance to grams of 1.00 hour by the electrolysis of molten AlCl3 if
substance the electrical current is 10.0 A.
7. The half reaction for the formation of
EXERCISES: magnesium metal upon electrolysis of molten
MgCl2 is Mg2+ + 2e-  Mg. How much current
1. A manufacturer wants to make gold forks out of should pass through the molten solution for
his more cheaply made stainless steel (Fe) forks. 4.00 x 103 seconds to produce 30.2 g Mg?
Draw an electrolytic cell that he could use to
accomplish this task. Assume Au forms Au+3.
Label everything fully and specify the oxidation
and reduction half- cell reactions that will take


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