Soal Dan Jawaban Adjective Clause

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Soal dan jawaban adjective clause

Nama : Rachma Herawardhani Putri

No : 25

Kelas : XI-5

1. I’ll never meet the one …. you told me.

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: B

2. My mom doesn’t want to tell us …had stolen her diamond ring.

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: A

3. He is the one … his father passed away because of flight tragedy.

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: C

4. Do you want to know the girl … shoes is red last night ?

Kunci jawaban: C

4. Do you want to know the girl … shoes is red last night ?

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: C

5. I saw you hanging out with the man … you talked about. Is he your boyfriend ?

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: B

6. My cat … I found yesterday is dead.

a. Which

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Who is

Kunci jawaban: A

7. The book … cover is blue has been found by Elina.

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Of which

Kunci jawaban: D

8. China is the country … Corona virus has been found.

a. Who

b. Where

c. On which

d. When

Kunci jawaban: B

9. Do you know the place … we used to hang out ?

a. Who

b. In which

c. On which

d. When

Kunci jawaban: B

10. Diana didn’t know … her parents come after going for the job.

a. In which

b. Where

c. On which

d. Whom

Kunci jawaban: C

11. Today is 21 th April … we commemorate the Kartini’s day

a. In which

b. Where

c. On which

d. Why

kunci jawaban: B

12. She hates the boy .. hair is curly sitting next to her.

a. Who

b. Whom
c. Whose

d. Which

kunci jawaban: C

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