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Al Oruba International Schools

English Department / Boys’ Section

First Term English Practice Sheet _ Grade 8
Academic Year 2023-24
Paper 2 Exam Materials:
• Verbs
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
Lesson 2 and 3
Writing: Write a Nonfiction Narrative
• Write an Argument Section A: Grammar
Each of the following sentences contains an italicized verb or verb phrase. Choose the answer
option that correctly identifies the verb or verb phrase as a transitive verb, intransitive verb, or
linking verb.

1. Mario’s kitchen smelled wonderful.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking
2. He had made a delicious red sauce with his grandmother’s help.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

3. Together they had carefully chopped onions, peppers, garlic, and mushrooms.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

4. The peeled tomatoes were also fresh.

A. transitive

B. action

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C. linking

5. The homemade sauce tasted perfect for dinner.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

6. I ate with both appreciation and enthusiasm.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

7. Which of the following is a linking verb?

a) Run

b) Is

c) Eat

d) Jump

8. In the sentence "She painted the wall," what type of verb is "painted"?

a) Linking

b) Action

c) Helping

d) Intransitive

9. Identify the transitive verb in the following sentence: "He threw the ball."

a) He

b) Threw

c) Ball

d) The

10. Choose the helping verb in the sentence: "She was studying all night."

a) She

b) Studying

c) was

d) night

11. In the sentence "The cake tastes delicious," what type of verb is "tastes"?

a) Linking
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b) Action

c) Helping

d) Transitive

12. Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

a) He ran quickly.

b) The flowers smelled sweet.

c) She baked a cake.

d) They sang a song.

13. Identify the action verb in this sentence: "The cat sleeps peacefully."

a) The

b) Cat

c) Sleeps

d) Peacefully

14. What type of verb is "is" in the sentence "The book is on the shelf"?

a) Action

b) Helping

c) Transitive

d) Intransitive

15. Choose the intransitive verb in this sentence: "The car stopped suddenly."

a) The

b) Car

c) Stopped

d) Suddenly

16. In the sentence "She has lost her keys," what type of verb is "lost"?

a) Linking

b) Action

c) Helping

d) intransitive

17. Identify the transitive verb in this sentence: "He sang a beautiful song."

a) He

b) Sang
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c) Beautiful

d) Song

18. Which of the following sentences contains a helping verb?

a) They danced all night.

b) We were reading an article.

c) The rain poured heavily.

d) She runs fast.

19. What type of verb is "appear" in the sentence "The magician made the rabbit appear"?

a) Action

b) Linking

c) Intransitive

d) Transitive

20. In the sentence "The daffodils look lovely," what type of verb is "look"?

a) Linking

b) Action

c) Helping

d) Transitive

21. Identify the intransitive verb in this sentence: "The children played in the park."

a) The

b) Children

c) Played

d) Park

22. Choose the action verb in this sentence: "She will be painting a masterpiece."

a) She

b) Will

c) Be

d) Painting

23. The mural looks similar to an ancient Mexican fresco. The verb “looks” is a/an ………… verb.

a. transitive

b. intransitive

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c. linking

d. action

1-Which of the following is a proper adjective?
a) red
b) French
c) this
d) three
2-Identify the demonstrative adjective in the sentence: "I like those cupcakes."
a) I
b) like
c) those
d) cupcakes
3-What is the proper adjective in the sentence: "She ordered an Italian pizza"?
a) She
b) ordered
c) Italian
d) pizza
4-Choose the correct demonstrative adjective for this sentence: "___ book on the shelf is mine."
a) That
b) The
c) An
d) A
5-Which of the following is a proper adjective?
a) tasty
b) Spanish
c) many

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d) your
6-Identify the demonstrative adjective in the sentence: "These shoes are too small."
a) These
b) shoes
c) too
d) small
7-What is the proper adjective in the sentence: "We visited the Egyptian pyramids"?
a) We
b) visited
c) Egyptian
d) pyramids
8-Choose the correct demonstrative adjective for this sentence: "___ movie was really entertaining."
a) An
b) That
c) The
d) Those
9-Which of the following is a demonstrative adjective?
a) happy
b) that
c) blue
d) seven
10-What is the proper adjective in the sentence: "He bought a German car"?
a) He
b) bought
c) German
d) car
11- Which of the following is an indefinite adjective?

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a) Happy
b) Some
c) Five
12-Choose the correct indefinite adjective to complete the sentence: "I'd like to buy _____ apples."
a) Many
b) Red
c) Quick
13-Select the indefinite adjective in the sentence: "She has read several books this month."
a) She
b) Several
c) Books
14-What is the indefinite adjective in the sentence: "There are no cookies left in the jar."
a) No
b) Jar
c) Left
15-Which of the following is NOT an indefinite adjective?
a) Both
b) Each
c) Little
16-Complete the sentence with the correct indefinite adjective: "I've invited _____ friends to my
a) Much
b) Many
c) little

17-Identify the indefinite adjective in the sentence: "We need a few volunteers for the event."
a) We
b) few
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c) Volunteers
18-Choose the indefinite adjective that correctly fills in the blank: "There are _____ people waiting in
a) Several
b) Running
c) Quickly
1- What is the purpose of an adverb in a sentence?
a) To describe a noun
b) To modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb
c) To connect two independent clauses
d) To replace a conjunction
2- Which word in the sentence is an adverb: "She sang beautifully at the concert"?
a) She
b) Sang
c) Beautifully
d) Concert
3- Identify the adverb in the following sentence: "He quickly finished his homework."
a) He
b) Finished
c) Quickly
d) Homework
4-Which adverb shows the frequency of an action?
a) Tomorrow
b) Swiftly
c) Often
d) Eagerly

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5- Choose the adverb that correctly fills in the blank: "She spoke __________ during the
a) Softly
b) Beauty
c) Slowly
d) Jumped
6- In the sentence, "They arrived late," what does the adverb "late" describe?
a) They
b) Arrived
c) The action of arriving
d) None of the above
7-Identify the adverb in the sentence: "John runs very fast."
a) John
b) Runs
c) Very
d) Fast
8- What is the adverb that modifies the adjective in this sentence? "The movie was quite boring."
A) The
B) Movie
C) Quite
D) Boring
9- Identify the adverb that modifies the adjective in the sentence: "The weather was too cold for a
A) The
B) Weather
C) Too
D) Cold
10-Which adverb modifies the adjective in the sentence: "The car is rather expensive."

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A) The
B) Car
C) Rather
D) Expensive
11- In the sentence, "She reads the instructions carefully," what is the word that"carefully"modify?
a) She
b) Reads
c) The
d) Instructions
12- Which adverb in the sentence "They ran extremely fast to catch the bus" modifies another
a) They
b) Ran
c) Fast
d) Extremely
Lesson 2 and lesson 3
1- What is the meaning of the word "abuse"?
A) A state of confusion
B) To use something for a specific purpose
C) To use something improperly or harmfully
D) A sudden disaster
2-Which of the following words is a synonym for "baffle"?
A) Confuse
B) Encourage
C) Clarify
D) Attract
3-What does "barbarism" refer to?
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A) A type of exotic dance
B) A lack of sophistication or civilization
C) An ancient form of art
D) A type of traditional cuisine
4-If something "bewilders" you, what is happening?
A) You are being entertained
B) You are being bored
C) You are being confused or puzzled
D) You are being enlightened
5-What does "calamity" mean?
A) A delightful surprise
B) A minor inconvenience
C) A sudden, disastrous event
D) A pleasant gathering
6- To "deceive" someone means to:
A) Make them laugh
B) Tell them the truth
C) Mislead or trick them
D) Give them a gift
7- "Folklore" refers to:
A) Modern technology
B) Ancient, traditional stories, beliefs, and customs of a particular community
C) A type of dance
D) A genre of music
8-What is a "knoll"?
A) A small, rounded hill
B) A type of musical instrument

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C) A deep hole in the ground
D) A type of bird
9-What does "novelty" mean?
A) Something new and unusual
B) Something boring and uninteresting
C) A traditional custom
D) A mathematical formula
10- "Sincerity" refers to:
A) A type of candy
B) Honesty and genuineness in one's actions and words
C) A form of entertainment
D) A type of fabric
11- What is the opposite of "aggressive"?
A) Passive
B) Active
C) Assertive
D) Impulsive
12- Which word refers to a sudden and widespread disaster?
A) Aggressive
B) Catastrophe
C) Ferocious
D) Ecology
13- The study of the relationships between living organisms and their environments is called:
A) Ferocious
B) Inevitable
C) Sanctuary
D) Ecology

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14-What term describes something extremely fierce, violent, or aggressive?
A) Inevitable
B) Ferocious
C) Valid
D) Intelligible
15- If an event is bound to happen and cannot be avoided, it is:
A) Motivate
B) Inevitable
C) Strategy
D) Sanctuary
16- Which word means capable of being understood or comprehended?
A) Catastrophe
B) Valid
C) Intelligible
D) Aggressive
17-To provide an incentive or reason to do something is to:
A) Ferocious
B) Motivate
C) Sanctuary
D) Strategy
18-A place where wildlife is protected and preserved is called a:
A) Valid
B) Inevitable
C) Sanctuary
D) Catastrophe
19-What is a plan or course of action designed to achieve a specific goal?
A) Strategy

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B) Aggressive
C) Intelligible
D) Ecology
20- Which term means having a sound basis in logic or fact and therefore reasonable and
A) Valid
B) Catastrophe
C) Motivate
D) Ferocious
Answer: A) Valid

Section C: Writing
-Write a nonfiction narrative in which you respond to the following prompt:

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What rite of passage has held the most significance for you or for a person you know well?

-Narrate the events leading up to and following the rite of passage. If writing about yourself, use the
first-person point of view. If writing about someone else, use the third-person. Use transition words to
make your narrative easy to follow, and use sensory language to convey notable experiences.
Conclude with a reflection that inspires readers and shares what you have learned about rites of
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