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Last August I went on holiday to Gunung Kidul, specifically to

Slili Beach. I went there with my aunt and nephew. We left the villa
at 11 am because we had to get ready first. Before we traveled far,
we stopped at the ATM first to withdraw money. after that we
continued our journey. along the way I joked with my nephew.

The views along the way are very beautiful and amazing. The
rows of tall and green hills make the eyes fresh. Halfway through
the trip we stopped at Indomaret to buy snacks such as ice cream,
fruit and drinks. After we rested for a while we continued our
journey. the road started going up and down towards the beach,
making us happy. At 1 pm we arrived at Slili beach. There we sat
in a gazebo overlooking the beach. then we ordered lunch at the
restaurant near the gazebo, there were many menus including
seafood, pecel, fried noodles, etc. after that we had lunch first. we
enjoyed the very fresh beach breeze by drinking young coconut.
We also didn't miss taking photos on the beach.

After everything was finished we went home. We still passed

through hills but there were lots of teak trees. We slept all the way
home because we were tired. When we arrived at the villa, we
cleaned up, showered and then had dinner together.

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