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Mongo Db Installation

Install and run the MongoDB Community Edition on your computer.

For Windows:
• follow this instruction to install MongoDB.
• run MongoDB as a Windows service by typing the following line at
the command interpreter with admin privilege: "C:\Program

For macOS:

• follow this instruction to install homebrew.

• install MongoDB by typing the following lines at the terminal:

brew tap mongodb/brew

brew install mongodb-community@4.4

• run MongoDB as a macOS service by typing the following line

at the terminal:

brew services start mongodb-community@4.4

Install MongoDB Compass

Follow this link to install Mongo Compass, which is a GUI for MongoDB
and can be used to visually explore the database. The following video
gives a demo on how to use Compass to explore a MongoDB database.

Refer to this YouTube tutorial for assistance in installing MongoDB on

your system.
MongoDB Atlas:

Go to:

• Create an account and sign in

• Now this will land you to the MongoDB Atlas home page
where you need to create a new cluster
• Click on Build a cluster
• Shared Clusters is good enough for development.
• You can update it at any time. So, use that one.
• Click Create a cluster.
Once the cluster is created,we can add database users.
Now you need to add a network for the cluster. So, we will click
on Network Access. Then click on Add IP Addresses.

You can add your current IP which is more secure, or you can
allow access from anywhere.


• Click Confirm
• It takes some time to create the IP address and you can
see the status.
• Now go to Clusters and Clink on CONNECT.
Now you will be able to see the following options:

• Connect with Mongo Shell

• Connect with Your Application
• Connect with Mongo DB Compass
We will select Connect with MongoDB Shell

As we have already worked in the Shell, we already have it

• Select I have the mongo Shell Installed
• Copy the String in Step 2 and read the directions in that step.
• Next, you will be opening the MongoDB shell and running the
copied string, changing the <dname> to test.
Open up the MongoDB shell, as you did earlier.

• Check the MongoDB version by running the below command:

mongo –version
• This will show the version of your MongoDB
• Now paste the copied link and run
• After the command you will be in the cloud.

Now create a test database named test1

• Create a collection named testCollection
• Insert a row in the testCollection as testCollection one
Now if we check on Atlas, we can see the database and the
collection we created using Shell.
Additional resource:

• Working with the Mongo shell.

• Mongo shell quick reference.
• Insert documents.
• Query documents.
• Update documents.
• Delete documents.

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