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Antes de responder la prueba, lea las

siguientes instrucciones:

Prueba Corporativa de  Marque con una X la alternativa correcta en
Inglés cada pregunta.

 Si se equivoca al marcar, encierre en un

círculo la alternativa incorrecta.
3º AÑO MEDIO __ 2023
 Utilice lápiz pasta.
 Durante la prueba no está permitido el uso de E
CUADERNILLO DE artefactos electrónicos. A
40 PREGUNTAS  Todas las preguntas se deben contestar en la
hoja de respuestas. N
 Cada pregunta tiene un valor de 1 punto. El
puntaje máximo de la prueba es de 40 puntos.

“English as a means to understand new trends” _ The
information from questions 1 to 6 refer to the following passage
(La información a completar de las preguntas 1 a 7 se refiere al
siguiente texto)

Tattooing Trends Today

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

Tattooing today is more popular ‘At the time it [the tattoo] represented freedom and excitement, a
than ever before, with many British fantastic year in USA… I wouldn’t have anymore; in fact I am getting
under-35’s sporting skin ink. rid of the one I have. I am getting it lasered off. (ouch!!) It’s
Japanese and Chinese characters expensive, very painful, and a long process. It will probably take 18
and loved one’s names are among months to get rid of it.’ (Rebecca, 29 from Bristol)
the most popular.
designs. Street art
A long list of UK celebrities are Whether it is the most glamorous celebrity or the likes of you and me,
gaining fame and recognition due to quirky tattoos, some with the people of the UK and the world have suffered the pain of the
meaning and others none! A famous Maori artist traditionally needle for the aesthetic pleasure of their tattoos for generations.
decorated Robbie Williams, and David Beckham sports his children’s No matter what the significance, those who get tattoos are expressing
names. An influx of tattooed celebrities have also announced their tastes using their skin as the creative canvas. Love or loathe
decisions to have partners’ names removed when their relationships them, tattooing is still very much the art of the people.
turn out to be less permanent.
1 What are some of the most popular tattoo designs among
Personal art British under-35's today?
• Kirstie, 28, from Nottingham, explains what her tattoos mean to her,
‘...They are a part of me as anything else on my body.’ a) Maori characters and English characters.
b) Celebrities ‘names and Spanish characters
• Ian, 35, from Essex, had been interested in China and the martial
c) Spanish characters, Chinese characters, and numbers.
arts for a long time, ‘…it seemed almost inevitable that I’d choose a d) Japanese characters, Chinese characters, and loved one
dragon… I’m also a huge fan of Bruce Lee – he was born in the ´s name.
year of the dragon. I have been thinking about a third... I love the work
of Shige – a Japanese tattooist who works in Yokohama, Japan.’
2 How have UK celebrities gained fame through tattoos?

a) Permanent tattoos
b) Colored tattoos
c) Peculiar tattoos
d) Simple tattoos
Historical reminder
‘I was living in Brazil and spending a lot of time wearing bikinis, so
having tattoos on your body becomes less important, almost just like
wearing jewelry with clothes.
I wouldn’t choose the design now, but I still like it because it was a
present to me from friends and it is a permanent reminder of that time 3 What is Kirstie's perspective on her tattoos?
of my life, and how much fun it was!’ (Joanna, 24 from Glasgow)
a) She regrets having them.
b) She plans to remove them soon.

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

c) They are just a fashion statement. BODY PIERCING
d) They are an integral part of her identity.
For the teen generation of today, a popular fashion trend is body
piercing. Ears eyebrows, belly buttons, noses, tongues, the holes are
everywhere. A recent survey found that 50% of American students
4 Why did Ian choose a dragon as his tattoo design? had piercings. For girls and women, the navel was the most popular
piercing site, followed by the ear. For boys and men, 31% opt for the
a) He is keen on tattoos of giant creatures. ear. For teens, piercings are a form of self-expression. They want to
b) He was born in the year of the dragon. look cool.
c) He is a fan of Bruce Lee.
d) He is afraid of dragons. Some parents are worried because they think body piercing can be
dangerous. In a recent study, researchers said that 17% of students
with piercings had health problems. Infections were the most
common complication, followed by bleeding. These problems can
5 What do Joanna and Rebecca's stories have in common?
cause permanent scarring. Is body piercing worth the risks?
a) They regret their tattoo choices.
b) They both got their tattoos as gifts from friends.
c) They both got tattoos that symbolize good times.
d) They are planning to have their tattoos removed.

6 What is the common theme among people who get tattoos,

whether they are celebrities or regular individuals??

a) Tattoos are painful and expensive. 7 What is a popular fashion trend among today's youth?
b) Tattoos are primarily a fashion statement.
c) Tattoos are a symbol of rebellion against society. a) Tattoos
d) Tattoos serve as a creative form of self-expression. b) Branding
c) Hair dyeing
d) Body piercing.

Read the following text about body piercing and answer

questions from 7 to 16 (Lee el siguiente texto sobre performaciones
corporals y responde las preguntas desde la 7 hasta la 16 )

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

8 What percentage of American students have piercings,
according to a recent survey?

a) 25%
12 What are some common health problems associated with
b) 50%
piercings, as mentioned in the text?
c) 75%
d) 65%
a) Infections
b) Allergies
c) Bruising
d) Irritation
9 Which piercing site is most popular among girls and

a) Ear
b) Nose 13 What percentage of students with piercings experienced
c) Navel health problems in the recent study?
d) Nipples
a) 5%
b) 12%
c) 17%
d) 75%
10 What is the preferred piercing site for boys and men?

a) Ear
b) Nose 14 What complications are mentioned as common problems
c) Tongue with body piercings?
d) Eyebrows
a) Scarring and allergies
b) Infections and bleeding
c) Bruising and infections
d) Allergies and irritations
11 Why do teens get piercings, according to the text?

a) To fit in
b) To rebel
c) To be in fashion
d) To express themselves

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

15 In the context of the text, what are some parents worried
about regarding body piercing?
16 The text raises the question: Is body piercing worth what?
a) Allergic reactions
a) The cost b) Permanent scarring
b) The pain c) Autoimmune diseases
c) The risks
d) Potential dangers and health risks
d) The time

“The importance of the evolution of language” _ Read the

following article and answer question from 17 to 20(Lee el
17 What is the article about?
siguiente artículo y responde las preguntas desde la 17 a 20 )
a) The best way to learn English.
b) How many people learn English.
Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it c) Going to Britain to learn English.
is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or d) English schools in England and America
America or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be

able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You
will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. 18 What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn
Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are English?
with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in class, to speak
Italian if you want to and the learning is slower. a) There are no Italians in Britain.
b) The language schools are better.
On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to c) You can speak your language and English.
study. You don't have to make big changes to your life. As well as
d) You will have to speak English and not your language.
this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never
possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good
teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way
than being in Britain without going to a school.

So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough
money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is
simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only
viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to
maximize your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try
to use English whenever possible outside the class.

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

19 What is one of the advantages of staying in your country to
learn English?
20 People who don't have a lot of time and money should...
a) You don´t have to study hard.
a) not learn English. b) You have to work too hard in Britain.
b) Learn English in Britain. c) The teachers aren't very good in Britain.
c) Go to Italy to learn English. d) Your life can continue more or less as it was before.
d) Try and speak English in class more often.

“My reflection of global issues” Read this text and complete

questions from 21 to 24 (Lee el texto y complete las preguntas
desde la 21 hasta la 24)


21 The message of the United Nations is ……………………..
A United Nations (UN) committee on climate change has said we
can control global warming. The panel, made up of a) unclear
representatives from over 120 countries, believes that we can limit b) optimistic
c) catastrophic
the effects that greenhouse gases are doing to our atmosphere.
d) completely selfish
Its report concluded that the picture of “Armageddon” painted by
many scientists will not happen if we use technology and have the
right strategies to protect the ozone layer. Rajendra Pachauri,
chairman of the panel, told reporters in Bangkok that the study 22 What is the purpose in the previous text?
was an “incredible step forward”. The panel indicated that we can
keep our Earth safe by changing the way we use energy and the a) To persuade people to change their habits
natural resources around the world. Most important is to introduce b) To inform about the UN’s report on global warming
more fuel-efficient vehicles that pollute less and cleaner ways of c) To describe how serious the environmental situation is
making electricity. For this to happen, individuals need to change d) To explain the effects that global warming is doing to our
their lifestyles in developed countries and be more aware of the planet

Report co-author Pete Smith calculated that solving the problem

would cost less than three percent of the world’s economic output
by 2030. He said: “We've got a big problem on our hands [but] this
report provides governments with a solution." The “big problem” is
the damage rising temperatures are doing to the Earth. _
Increased floods, rising sea levels, more violent and destructive
storms, and extinctions of species are just a few OCB things
– PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023
threatening the life of our planet. The report emphasizes the
25 Which of the previous posters invite people to take a few
23 What has the UN’s report concluded?
24 What should be implemented to help solve the problem? simple actions to help the environment?
I. a wide variety of clean technologies a) That1there
a) The st is a solution to global warming, but it will
II. a change in the lifestyle of individuals depend
b) The nd
on countries and people.
2 poster
III. more industrial gases put in the atmosphere. c) The
b) That4global
warming doesn´t have a real solution.
rd th
IV. the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles that pollute less. d) The 3 and 5
c) That climate change postersis not a big problem now.
d) That Armageddon is going to happen soon.
a) I, II b) II, III c) I, II, IV d) I, II, III,IV

Read the following posters, then answer the questions from 25 to

30 (Lee los siguientes afiches, luego responde las preguntas desde la
25 hasta la 30 )

1 2

26 What does the 1st poster describe?

27 Which is one way to reduce waste every morning?
28 What
a) Some canadvantages
be inferredoffrom the 2nd poster?
29 a) That
What globalization
will cause the is
coffee environmentally
polar ice caps to friendly
melt and the sea levels
b) The
to price
a) That
to to that
school we have
rise?the small things we do to pay fornot
are globalization
c) damage
That the the that human
governments beings
off should arethe
save doing to our oceans
c) to recycle our coffee
of ourcups
a) That the future
The rise planet is on our children’s hands
in the temperatures
b) That it is our
The effect of individual obligation
time year after year to save the planet because
nobody will do it for us.
c) Reducing, reusing, and recycling
d) The decrease in the temperatures 30 What do all posters have in common?
3 4
a) They suggest that all countries should stop developing
b) They have an optimistic message for the future generations
c) They don’t present a real solution to the environmental crises
d) They raise awareness about how serious the environmental
problem is.

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

Read the following story, then answer the questions from 31 to that place is that you needed to be very clever to survive, and that
40 (Lee la siguiente historia y luego responde las preguntas desde la helped me later in life. 5
31 hasta la 40)
Finally, my brother and I could finish high school. I went to university
because I was a very good basketball player, and basketball paid for
Growing up poor my university degree. On the day of my graduation, my mother was in
tears. And she was in tears again the day I showed her our new
My name is Mike, and I was born in a very poor neighborhood in Los apartment, away from the neighborhood. Do you know how difficult it
Angeles. When I was little, is to get out of a poor neighborhood? It’s very hard, but I did it, and it
was thanks to my mum. Now she doesn’t have to work two jobs
3 According to the text, what was Mike's father's
participation in his life? anymore, and I take care of her.

a) He worked hard to support the family.

32 b) did
Why He Mike's
played mother
an activehave
role to
in raising
work twoMike.
c) He helped Mike's mother with household chores.
d)a) He
forwas born and wasn't interested in
a vacation
their lives.
b) To afford luxury items for the family
c) Because her husband was unemployed 33 Despite the challenges, what did Mike's mother prioritize for
d) To provide for basic needs like food, clothes, and her children?
a) Social status
b) Good education
my mother took care of my brother and me because my father left c) Material possessions
before I came to this world, and he wasn’t too interested in being a d) Extracurricular activities
part of our lives. My mother had to work two jobs that didn’t pay much.
Every day, she usually arrived home very late, and she was
exhausted. Still, she always cooked nice meals for us, played with us, 34 What was the motivation behind Mike's mother's emphasis
and made sure that we did our homework. She always insisted on on education?
how important it was to get a good education. She couldn’t finish
school because she got pregnant with me when she was just a a) She regretted not finishing school herself.
teenager. “I couldn’t finish school, and that’s why I must work so hard b) She believed education was a ticket out of poverty.
now, and I earn so little money,” she often said. c) She wanted her children to become famous athletes.
d) She wanted her children to be popular in the
Children were very violent in my neighborhood; you needed to be
violent if you wanted to survive. There was a lot of crime, vandalism,
and drugs. It wasn’t easy to be a good student for any child who lived
in our neighborhood. The other children hated you if you got good
grades, so I wasn’t very popular. The only positive thing about living in

OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

35 What was the environment like in Mike's neighborhood
36 Why did Mike find it challenging to be a good student in his during his childhood?
a) Peaceful and friendly
a) Lack of intelligence b) Full of opportunities for growth
b) Limited educational resources c) Supportive of academic achievements
c) The neighborhood's focus on sports d) Violent with crime, vandalism, and drugs
d) Violence and peer pressure against academic success

40 How did Mike's life change after he graduated from


a) He started working multiple jobs.

37 Whatb) positive
He moved todid
trait a different neighborhood.
Mike develop as a result of growing
up in a difficult neighborhood? basketball player.
c) He became a professional
d) He took care of his mother and no longer needed her
a) support.
tendency to avoid challenges.
b) A strong sense of entitlement
c) Cleverness to survive.
d) A dislike for education

38 How did Mike manage to go to university, as mentioned in

the text?

a) His mother's financial support

a) His academic achievements
b) His success in basketball
c) Scholarships and grants
Preg. Clave Preg. Clave Preg. Clave Preg. Clave
1 D 11 C 21 B 31 D
2 C 12 A 22 A 32 D
39 What emotion did Mike's mother express on the day of his
graduation? 3 D 13 C 23 A 33 B
4 C 14 B 24 C 34 B
a) Joy 5 C 15 D 25 D 35 D
b) Anger 6 D 16 C 26 C 36 D
c) Tears 7 D 17 A 27 D 37 B
d) Disappointment.
8 B 18 D 28 D 38 C
9 C 19 D 29 A 39 A
OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023 A 20 D 30 D 40 B
OCB – PC2 de Inglés 3°M -2023

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