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OCB English Department

NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 3° ____

the most popular. designs. A long list of UK celebrities are gaining

READING COMPREHENSION ACTIVITY fame and recognition due to quirky tattoos, some with meaning and
others none! A famous Maori artist traditionally decorated Robbie
Williams, and David Beckham sports his children’s names. An influx
Text 1 – Tattooing Trends Today of tattooed celebrities have also announced decisions to have
partners’ names removed when their relationships turn out to be
a) Match the sentences with the correct part of the body. less permanent. Personal art • Kirstie, 28, from Nottingham,
explains what her tattoos mean to her, ‘...They are a part of me as
He´s got a tattoo anything else on my body.’ • Ian, 35, from Essex, had been
on his neck. interested in China and the martial arts for a long time, ‘…it seemed
almost inevitable that I’d choose a dragon… I’m also a huge fan of
He´s got a tattoo Bruce Lee – he was born in the year of the dragon. I have been
on his hands. thinking about a third... I love the work of Shige – a Japanese
tattooist who works in Yokohama, Japan.’ Historical reminder ‘I was
living in Brazil and spending a lot of time wearing bikinis, so having
He´s got a tattoo
tattoos on your body becomes less important, almost just like
on the ankle.
wearing jewelry with clothes. I wouldn’t choose the design now, but
I still like it because it was a present to me from friends and it is a
He´s got a tattoo permanent reminder of that time of my life, and how much fun it
on the heel. was!’ (Joanna, 24 from Glasgow) ‘At the time it [the tattoo]
represented freedom and excitement, a fantastic year in USA… I
He´s got a tattoo wouldn’t have anymore; in fact, I am getting rid of the one I have. I
on the calf. am getting it lasered off. (ouch!!) It’s expensive, very painful, and a
Tattooing today is more popular than long process. It will probably take 18 months to get rid of it.’
ever before, with many British under- (Rebecca, 29 from Bristol) Street art Whether it is the most
He´s got a tattoo
35’s sporting skin glamorous celebrity or the likes of you and me, the people of the UK
on the nape.
ink. Japanese and and the world have suffered the pain of the needle for the aesthetic
Chinese characters pleasure of their tattoos for generations. No matter what the
and loved one’s significance, those who get tattoos are expressing their tastes using
names are among


OCB English Department
NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 3° ____

their skin as the creative canvas. Love or loathe them, tattooing is 12. _____Some individuals, like Rebecca, may regret their tattoos over time
still very much the art of the people. and opt for removal through laser procedures, which can be expensive,
painful, and time-consuming.

b) Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text 1.

Text 2 – Learning English.
1. ______Tattooing is more popular than ever before.
2. ______Many British under-35s have skin ink, with Japanese and
Chinese characters, as well as loved ones' names, being among the most a. Look for the words
popular designs. listed below.
3. ______A long list of UK celebrities is gaining fame and recognition due to
quirky tattoos, some with meaning and others without.
4. ______Some celebrities, like Robbie Williams and David Beckham, have
tattoos with personal significance, such as children's names or traditional
Maori art.
5. ______Some people, like Kirstie and Ian, view their tattoos as a part of
themselves and choose designs with personal meaning.
6. _____The popularity of tattooing is decreasing.
7. _____Japanese and Chinese characters are not among the most popular
tattoo designs.
8. _____All UK celebrities with tattoos gain fame solely due to the
meanings behind their tattoos.
9. _____All celebrities with tattoos choose designs with deep personal
10. _____Everyone who gets tattoos views them as an essential part of
themselves. b. Complete the sentences with the words found in the word search.
11. _____Tattoos can serve as historical reminders and be associated with
specific times in people's lives, as mentioned by Joanna, 24, from
1. People _______ to ___________ their English.
2. Millions of people ___________ English.


OCB English Department
NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 3° ____

3. In ______, you will be ________________ completely by the language. English whenever possible outside the class.
4. You have to __________ English in Britain.
1. What is one advantage of studying in Britain for learning English?
a) Lower cost
c. Read the text about “Learning English” and complete the questions. b) Limited exposure to the language
c) Constant immersion in the language
LEARNING ENGLISH d) Slower learning pace

Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it 2. According to the text, what is the disadvantage of staying in your own
is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or country to study English?
America or to study in your own country? a) Lower expenses
The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be b) Limited opportunities to speak English
able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You c) No need for major life changes
will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. d) Faster learning pace
Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are
with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in class, to speak Italian 3. According to the author, what is a potential benefit of having a good
if you want to, and the learning is slower. teacher in your home country?
On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to a) Lower expenses
study. You don't have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, b) Faster learning pace
it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain, but it is never possible to c) Concentrated learning
achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in d) Constant language immersion
Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in
Britain without going to a school. 4. What does the author suggest is the best choice for learning English if
So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough you have enough time and money?
money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply a) Staying in your home country
not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable b) Studying in America
option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximize c) Spending time in the UK
your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use d) Finding a good teacher in Italy


OCB English Department
NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 3° ____

Increased floods, rising sea levels, more violent and destructive storms, and
extinctions of species are just a few things threatening the life of our planet. The
Text 3 – “Yes, we can control global warming.” report emphasizes the urgent need for introducing a wide variety of clean
technologies. Harlan Watson, head of the U.S. team, warned: “If we continue to do
what we are doing, then it will be impossible for future generations to live on this
a. Read the text about Global Warming and complete the questions.
planet anymore.

1. According to the UN committee's report on climate change, what is the key

factor in controlling global warming?
A United Nations (UN) committee on
a) Increased use of fossil fuels
climate change has said we can control
b) Limiting the effects of greenhouse gases
global warming. The panel, made up of
c) Ignoring technological advancements
representatives from over 120 countries,
d) Expanding deforestation
believes that we can limit the effects that
greenhouse gases are doing to our
2. What does the committee emphasize as a crucial step to protect the ozone layer
atmosphere. Its report concluded that the
and prevent an "Armageddon" scenario?
picture of “Armageddon” painted by
a) Using more energy
many scientists will not happen if we use
b) Ignoring technological solutions
technology and have the right strategies
c) Implementing clean technologies
to protect the ozone layer. Rajendra
d) Expanding the use of non-renewable resources
Pachauri, chairman of the panel, told
reporters in Bangkok that the study was
an “incredible step forward”. The panel indicated that we can keep our Earth safe
by changing the way we use energy and the natural resources around the world.
3. According to Rajendra Pachauri, why does he consider the study an "incredible
Most important is to introduce more fuel-efficient vehicles that pollute less and
step forward"?
cleaner ways of making electricity. For this to happen, individuals need to change
a) It predicts an unavoidable Armageddon.
their lifestyles in developed countries and be more aware of the problem. Report
b) It proposes drastic lifestyle changes.
co-author Pete Smith calculated that solving the problem would cost less than
c) It outlines effective strategies to control global warming.
three percent of the world’s economic output by 2030. He said: “We've got a big
d) It dismisses the impact of greenhouse gases.
problem on our hands [but] this report provides governments with a solution." The
“big problem” is the damage rising temperatures are doing to the Earth. _


OCB English Department
NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 3° ____

4. What is identified as the most important action to keep Earth safe, according to
the UN panel?
a) Building more factories
b) Introducing fuel-efficient vehicles
c) Increasing the use of fossil fuels
d) Expanding deforestation

5. According to Pete Smith, what percentage of the world's economic output would
be required to solve the climate change problem by 2030?
a) Less than 1%
b) 3%
c) More than 10%
d) No economic output is needed

6. What does the report suggest individuals in developed countries need to do to

address the urgent need for clean technologies?
a) Continue current lifestyles
b) Ignore the problem
c) Change their lifestyles and be more aware
d) Focus on economic growth without environmental concerns


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