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1. What attributes do you have that would make you agreed candidate for this posistion?

With my experience, in marketing within the telecommunications industry I believe I would

be a strong candidate for this position.

2. What sets you apart from other candidates?

What sets me apart is my ability to seamlessly blend creativity with skills enabling me to craft
captivating content and effectively analyze campaign performance.

3. Tell me about yourself and your background?

The reason why i applied to work here is because
Having worked in marketing at PT. Indosat Balikpapan, I bring industry expertise to the table.

4. Why are you intrested in working for this company?

The innovative spirit and commitment to excellence in telecommunications demonstrated by
your company truly resonate with me.

5. What do you consider your greatest weakness

I tend to have an eye when it comes to my work. I embrace it as motivation for continuous

6. Tell me atime when you made a mistake? how did you handle it?
In the past there was an instance where I made a mistake during a campaign; however I took
responsibility rectified the issue promptly and implemented measures for future campaigns.

7. What are your career goals and objectives?

My ultimate career goal is to progress and excel in the field of marketing within the
telecommunications industry.

8. Tell me time you couldnt meet goal or deadline and how you handle it?
Due to challenges there was a project deadline that I couldn't meet once; nevertheless I
proactively communicated about the situation while proposing an alternative timeline and
ensuring high quality completion of the task.

9. Describe the most difficult problem you have, how to solve and how you tackled it?
There was a decline in engagement at one point; however through analysis and
implementing a targeted strategy I successfully resolved this challenge.

10. Why do you went to leave your current position?

Currently my focus is on exploring opportunities that align with my long term aspirations.

11. Describe atime when you disagreed with your supervisor and how you resqued it
While working on a campaign previously there was some disagreement, with one of my
supervisors regarding its direction; however we were able to reach a solution through
respectful discussion and collaboration.

12. What have been your most significant accomplish most?

Achieving a success I led a campaign that boosted engagement by 30% and increased brand
visibility by 20%.
13. What is your greatest strength?
One of my abilities lies in my capability to adapt to changing digital trends and technologies.

14. What's something that you didnt like about your last job?
In my job the lack of collaboration, between departments posed a challenge.

15. How do you deal conflict with a co worker?

When faced with conflicts, among colleagues I believe in resolving them through respectful
communication always striving for solutions that benefit everyone involved.

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