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Student of 1C

Representation, modernisation

What impact does the media have on our society ?

Anglais Monde Contemporain

Année scolaire 2021-2022

Summary :

Introduction (P.3)

Document 1 : « Social Media's Impact on the 2020 Presidential Election: The Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly » (P.4-6)

Doucement 2: « Government In uence on Media - Debate » (p.7-10)

Document 3: « Public opinion and the media » (P.11)

Document 4: « New spaces of political participation » (P.12)

Document 5: « The electoral campaign on social networks » (P.13)

Conclusion (P.14)

Bibliography (P.15)

Since the 19th century, the media have evolved from newspapers to television and now to
digital, but their functions and impact on our society have not changed signi cantly. A
media is the organizations that broadcast, write, or communicate news and information
But what impact do the media have on our society?First, we will analyze the impact of the
media on the US election in 2020, then the in uence of the government on the media,
and nally we will look at 2 graphs on the use of social networks by young people for
Document 1:

Social Media's Impact on

the 2020 Presidential
Election: The Good, the
Bad, and the Ugly
Social media has been a tool for boosting
civic engagement, but also a vehicle for
surprisingly convincing fake news.
November 03, 2020
This year, the US is experiencing one of the most
anticipated and divisive elections in its history. Social media,
with some 233 million users in the US and already a major
communications platform, is believed to have taken on a
heightened role of importance and ability to in uence
leading up to the election with people relying more on virtual
communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. This may
have both positive and negative consequences.
In the Forbes article, Social Media Could Determine The
Outcome Of The 2020 Election, social media is
acknowledged as an important platform this year for
reaching youth and reports a massive and continuous
increase in engagement during this election cycle. Although
it’s too early to determine exact causation, NPR, in an
October 29 article on surging youth turnout, shared that the
number of early voters under 30 who are voting for the rst
time in their life is more than double the number of rst-time
voters at this point in the 2016 election.

In fact, experts believe that social media has positively

impacted civic engagement, registration, and early voting
across the board. Many states have reported record
breaking new voter registration numbers and nationwide,
early voting has broken historic records at 99.7 million early
votes submitted (already more than two-thirds of the total
votes cast in 2016). “Get out the vote” (GOTV) ads and
communications on social media, an umbrella term used to
describe actions taken to get supporters of a campaign to
turn up at the polls, are nearly impossible to miss when
scrolling through social apps.

“For people who are on social media, it is virtually

impossible to avoid reminders and encouragement to vote,”
remarked Dr. Jen Golbeck, professor at the University of
Maryland College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool) and
expert in social networks. “In as much as these platforms
can impact decisions, they are pushing hard to get people to

Although increased engagement in social media appears to

have played a key role in increasing civic engagement,
there is also a downside – misinformation and
disinformation. In the past few weeks leading up to Election
Day, there has been a unique rise in cases of video
manipulation where video clips are edited to make
candidates appear to be making mis-steps that they didn’t
commit, slurring words or appearing less competent, and
some deep fakes, a technique using arti cial intelligence to
fabricate images and videos most often used for malicious
purposes, where videos are computer generated to show
false footage.

“While [social media] platforms prohibit this, they often get

posted, viewed, and shared millions of times,” Golbeck said
on the rise of these malicious efforts. “One of the main
manipulation techniques used to add legitimacy to
candidates and positions is to use bots or super active
accounts to make things look popular - fact-checkers are
critical for helping understand who and what can be trusted.”
Golbeck suggests using sites such as, to nd
accurate information on candidates as we head to the polls.

To nd out your voting location, visit, or for those in

the UMD community, visit UMD’s election resources
webpage dedicated to providing a comprehensive list of
polling locations and hours.

(Original news story written by Hayleigh Moore & Mia

Document 2

Mass media is the vital means which keep people informed about
event and news over the world. It is one of the most important stages
to communicate and transfer information. Obviously, people receive
external and internal news anywhere even they busy by listening radio
and/or reading newspaper, magazine and internet. That mean mass
media is the most powerful tool of communication. There are many
kinds of media such as newspaper, radio, television and internet. It is
useful for entertainment, advertisement and news around the world.
Mass media has positive and negative impacts on the audience. That
mean should be censorship to assess mass media and make it suitable
for all audience. It would argue that some people believe that
government should not influence on the mass media. However, others
think that the government should control the mass media. In my
opinion, I think that the government should have responsibilities and
duties to control mass media.
In this essay will write about advantages and disadvantages of mass
media. Then I will discuss about the government should involve in
regulating forms of influence on news, violence program,
advertisement, sexual themes and education. After that I will mention
some suggestion about media.
Mass media has positive and negative effects on the people. There are
many of advantages of media. First of the advantages, it helps you to
increase your knowledge by reading articles in newspaper or watching
TV program. Second, it keeps you inform about news internal and
external world by listening to radio. Third, it helps you to improve
your skills such as reading and listening. Moreover, magazine or TV
advertisement obtains best offer for perfect product. On the other
hand, if you followed the media extensively it could cause negative
impacts such as media may cause obesity because setting long time
read, watch or listen. Furthermore, children or young might learn bad
habits like smoking or eating drugs because they imitate hero in film.
In addition, people may miss some skill like speaking fluently because
they learn to read and write with media.

In many places around the world people believe that news take part in
human life. The people want to know every events that happen around
them. Therefore, mass media makes report daily and monthly to keep
people informed. Also it reflects the news in best way to affect on
people and make them happy to follow the broadcast. Audience might
not trust any information sent to them by newspaper or television
because fake news influence on the true news. Sometimes the media
broadcasts the events in different way or it changes some parts in this
events to attract people. Producing fake news may led to make serious
problem between people and government entire the country or
between two countries. The government should contribute many
efforts to regulate the mass media by providing censorship for all
kinds of media. Moreover, encouraging the media to make news in
easiest way to understand it clear. That means the media not allows to
establish programs or report without assessment from the government.
For instance, when the newspaper and/or television produce report
they need to have permission to establish it.
Watching horror films and excessive violence programs seem good
way to spend free time for young people. They set at home or they go
to cinema to watch these program in terms of fun and entertainment.
These programs design to make you concentrate on the events and try
to think what could happen at the end. In this kind of program may
show crime unreal like monsters or real but fake film like murder kill
people. Excessive watching horror and violence cause many problems
for young people especially children as the following. First of all the
attitude, mood and behavior will change to worse such as speaking of
young uncivilized because they imitate the film. Second, it might
make children less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, be
more fearful of the world around them and be more likely to behave in
aggressive or harmful ways toward others. As result, the government
should notice that and teach the parents to look after their children and
keep them away. The government should obtain the instruction of any
program by provide legal age to watch it. For example, some films
indicate the suitable age to watch the film to prevent children from
any violence.
In many companies around the world use the media to advertise their
product. The companies pay huge amount of money to show the
product in the media. Usually they target children in advertisement
which help them to sale goods. They create best broadcast by using
famous hero use this product which attract children to buy it. Also,
they use carton film to advertise product by doing unbelievable thing.
That might make children believe that unhealthy food make you
strong. Watching a lot of advertisements cause negative effects on
children such as child believe every think in the media and do not
realize the broadcast made for commercial and get money. Therefore,
in my opinion the government should limit the advertisement or
reduce time broadcasting. Moreover, the government should
encourage companies to make broadcast with positive goal such as
encourage children to eat fruits or mention in broadcasting some
benefits of vitamins.
In the visible media use attractive and sexual people to show the
program like television and internet also in magazine they use photos
of beauty girls. This kind of show to attract people and make them
concentrate in the program. Companies provide beautiful girls an
handsome boys in terms of fashion. The companies effort the worker
more attractive to attract people and sell product. For instance, the
companies use semi-naked girls to advertise hair care products,
shaving blades and creams and/or body soaps. Some of the boys and
girls do strong diet to be slim like the actors or actress. This may
cause negative effect on their life such as cause some disease.
Moreover, the people tend to watch romantic films which contain a lot
of sexual themes. Also, some adult watch sexual films in terms of
entertainment. However, the children will watch most of unacceptable
themes in television or internet. This will encourage children to do
earlier sex and do not care about wearing naked cloths. Because the
children do not know sham and they think do right. This issue should
solve by government. The government influence on the media by
provide suitable age to watch and delay the broadcasting until mid
night to be ensure children sleep

The mass media source of information for people so it work hard in

terms of education which is the important concept in our life. Media
provide variety programs to educate people. There are many program
in history and culture in different countries. These broadcast to keep
you informed about your traditional culture. Moreover, mass media
will increase your knowledge by providing a large number of
competition programs. There are many channel provide documentary
and scientist material to give you view about the nature. Also, some
magazine and newspaper provide different subject and games help
you to think. These programs useful for all ages for example children
may learn to read and write through TV or magazine. I think, the
government keep encouraging mass media to improve the part of
education. Furthermore, the government should give the media
motivation to work hard and to keep going.
Before the end of this essay I would mention some useful suggestion
to help us to get benefits of media. First of all, the government should
encourage people to read books by giving people pursuers about
importance of media and how we use it in correct way. Second, the
people should notice list for good program also do not concentrate on
TV or internet only but you should read. Third, the parents should
look after their children by deleting some channels from TV or band
TV at the midnight and help them to understand the correct way for
the media. Finally, I would say you should do sport to keep your
mental awake.
To sum up, me and some people believe that mass media plays a
fundamental role in our life. It seems that mass media is the quick way
to connect between the government and individuals. Therefore, the
government should control mass media to promote education and
development target also to protect young people from misleading
Document 3:
Document 4:
Document 5:
Conclusion :

We can a rm the fact that the media have an impact on our society and in uence public
opinion.But the arrival of new media, very popular with young people, is a source of
in uence for this age group, even if we know that they spread a lot of fake news.We think
it would be good to draft laws to control the information spread on social networks and to
give young people a constructive opinion based on real data. This would allow for a real
ght of ideas based on concrete and not ctitious information.

Document 1: « the french and the dreyfus a air »

Published by research,
(Original news story written by Hayleigh Moore & Mia Hinckle)

Document 2: « Government In uence on Media - Debate »

Published by Anonymous
In 11th jul 2017 uence-on-

Document 3: « the opinion public and the media »

Published by breventsitebenji
In 2016

Document 4: « Social Media In uences Younger Americans More »

by Patrick Wagner
In August16, 2018 uence-of-social-

Document 5: « Spread of fake news during the 2016 presidential election U.S., by
politics »
Published by Statista Research Department,
In March 2 2018

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