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Communication and

Consultation Strategy

2007 - 2010

Final Version

Document for Internal Use Only

Approved By:
Last Updated: 25 Sept 2007

Craven District Council - Communication and Consultation Strategy
Purpose of Our Communication and Consultation Strategy
One of the Council’s Core Values is:

‘Listening and Communicating’ -

involving consulting and communicating with all our residents.’

If we are to be successful in providing accessible and excellent services for all, we need
to ensure that we effectively communicate with, consult and involve our key
stakeholders in the planning and delivery of the services.

The overarching purpose of this Communication and Consultation Strategy is to:

‘Improve and provide a co-ordinated approach to the way we communicate

with, consult and involve the communities we serve, our partners, Members
and employees. Ensuring that information provided is accessible for all, and
opportunities for involvement are maximised.’

Elements of our Communication and Consultation Strategy

The strategy encompasses the following areas:

Internal Communication

External Communication

Consultation and Involvement

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
The Importance of Engaging with the Communities We Serve
Successful public engagement through communication and consultation is a key
characteristic of successful Councils. National research shows that there is a direct link
between communication by Councils and satisfaction with Council services.

Research carried out by MORI* on a national basis has shown that:

Most people know very little about their local council.

Most people do not associate ‘openness’ and ‘honesty’ with public services.

Some people have little idea about who provides particular local public service.

Most people take a passive interest in the work of their local council - they like to
know what their council is doing and are content to let them get on with the job.

There is a link between how well a council keeps its residents informed and
satisfaction with its services.

(The business case for communications - why investing in good communication makes sense
(Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2002))

Well-managed communication and consultation activity provides us with many

opportunities to:

Tell people about the services we provide and how they can use these.

Give people the opportunity to tell us what think about the services we provide,
and how we can improve them, and what other services they would like us to

Promote our leadership role in the community.

Create interest and increase participation in local democracy.

Demonstrate our commitment to openness and honesty.

Motivate and inspire our employees.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Communication and Resident Satisfaction

Satisfaction with Council services is measured every three years through the General
Satisfaction Survey, and separate surveys in Benefits and Planning.

Results of the 2006 General Satisfaction Survey show overall satisfaction with overall
Council Services (BV3) is 60%. This continues to be in top quartile as in previous

BV3 - % of Citizens Satisfied with the Overall Service


Top Quartile
60% 60%
55% Median
49% Quartile
40% 60% Bottom


Communication and Staff Satisfaction

As part of the Council’s commitment to listening to employees’ views, an annual staff
opinion survey has been commissioned over the last three years. The 2005 survey
showed positive improvements on the 2004 survey in employees’ feelings about being
informed, involved and listened to with 76% saying the Council communicates well with
employees, 68% saying they are able to voice their opinions and 56% saying they are
confident their ideas will be listened to. The survey will now be repeated every 2 years.

Staff Survey - Communication Results

The Council Communicates Well 76%
With Employees
I Feel Confident My Ideas Will be 56%
Listened To 52% 2004

I Am Able to Voice My Opinion 68%

20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Internal Communication

The overarching outcome of our internal communication strategy is:

‘to ensure maximum engagement for members and staff in the council’s
business; to enable effective decision making based upon timely accurate
information; to enable continuous service improvement.’

Our objectives are to:

To improve the council’s internal communications with staff and elected Members
in order to support team building and morale.

To ensure that staff and Members understand what the council is seeking to
achieve through its Vision, Mission and Corporate Priorities, and what their role is
within this, known as the ‘golden thread’.

To ensure that staff are kept up to date on key issues, have access to the
information they need to do their job and feel involved in the life of the Council.

To ensure that Members have access to the information they need to enable
them to undertake their duties and make decisions.

To ensure that issues arising from the staff survey are addressed through a
combination of communication and management action.

To ensure that credible communication channels which enable two way

communication are in place.

Promote and improve the use of electronic communication methods.

Page 5 of this document shows our key internal communication mechanisms. An

action plan for improving our internal communication activity is shown at
Appendix 1.

The effectiveness of this aspect of the strategy will continue to be principally

monitored via the Employee Survey.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Key Internal Communication Mechanisms

Audience All staff Offline staff Managers Group Leaders/ All Members
Lead Members

Claritfy over Council Claritfy over Council Claritfy over Council Claritfy over Council Claritfy over Council
Direction (golden thread) Direction (golden Direction (golden thread) Direction (golden Direction (golden
Up to date on issues, thread) Early warning on issues, thread) thread)
events and Up to date on issues, events and Kept in the loop on Clear briefing on
developments events and developments horizon scanning information that will
Feel part of council developments Feel able to drive Timely information for enable participation
Feel able to express Feel part of council service improvements decisions Horizon scanning
views Feel able to express Able to shape direction Able to shape direction information
Know they’ve been views of travel and influence of travel Support on carrying
listened to Know they’ve been implementation of policy Understand how staff out constituency brief
listened to and partners see Performance data to
council progress enable scrutiny role

Channel Team Brief: Monthly (Core Brief Document) Member Information Bulletin

Staff Roadshows (All staff briefing) Chief Exec/Director Political Group

briefings on key Meetings
Sounding Boards

Intranet: Timely information on an ad hoc basis on things that matter now.

Feedback Sounding board feedback Member Strategy Session

evaluation Staff Satisfaction Survey
Member Comments /Member Survey
Core Brief Feedback

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
External Communication

The overarching outcome of our external communication strategy is:

‘to ensure that all external audiences are engaged in the council’s business; to
build strong relationships; to secure maximum engagement.’

Our objectives are to:

To deliver a co-ordinated strategic approach to the Council’s PR and

Communication activity.

To ensure that residents are kept up to date with services, informed about
council plans and activities, and are able to interact with the council.

To ensure that residents feel that the council adds value to their lives and that
they are aware of the benefits.

To improve the way council communicates and consults with the local
community, key partners and stakeholders, and ensure effective two-way

To manage the reputation of the council through effective media management,

promoting a consistent brand and key messages.

Page 7 of this document shows our key external communication mechanisms. An

action plan for improving our external communication activity is shown at
Appendix 1.

The effectiveness of this aspect of the strategy will continue to be principally

monitored via the three yearly Best Value General Survey.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Key External Communication Mechanisms
Audience Local Community Orgs,
All local people Hard to Reach Groups Businesses and Parish Stakeholders

Know what the council does for Know what the council does for Know what the council does for Clear understanding of joint
them them them role in delivering shared
Outcome Value the council as a service Value the council as a service Value the council as a service projects
provider and community leader provider and community leader provider and community leader Understand council drivers
Feel able to influence the Feel able to influence the council Feel able to influence the council In the loop on key issues
council Feel listened to Feel listened to Shared reputation
Feel listened to

Channel Member Face to Face Communication with Constituents

Press Releases Stakeholders’ briefings

Craven DC Website

‘Your Craven’ (Council Newsletter)

Engagement events Inc Area Forums

Targeted products e.g. advertising Targeted networking Relationship Management

Piggybacking e.g. CVA newsletter Parish Council Meetings/Liaison

Member Feedback
and 3 Yearly Satisfaction Survey Collated data
Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions Informal Feedback

3rd party feedback

Web Feedback/ Informal feedback/Consultation Feedback

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Consultation and Involvement
The Council has a track record of customer focus and has consulted and involved
residents, other key stakeholder and employees through a variety of means including:

Residents Survey 2002

General (Best Value) Residents Satisfaction Surveys 2000, 2003 and 2006

Planning and Benefits (Best Value) Satisfaction Surveys 2000,2003 and 2006

SIMALTO Consultation 2003

Community Strategy Consultation 2002/03 and 2006/07

Twice Yearly Resident Area Forums

Parish Liaison Meetings

Annual Employee Survey

The Council is involved in a number of groups and forums in which we involve and
consult key stakeholders in the design and delivery of services. In addition, the Council
principally through the Economic and Community Development Team are involved in
key forums to involve key stakeholder in the design and development of service
delivery. Current key projects being undertaken during 2007/2008 by the team include
Skipton Developments and Craven Adventure Centre.

The Council has an established process for accepting and responding to complaints,
comments and compliments. We will continue to make this mechanism available and
seek to review and improve this as appropriate, in order to ensure we maximise
opportunities for our local community to provide us with this valuable feedback.

An annual Comments, Complaints and Compliments Report will be produced in

order to report and review the range of issues raised and ensure appropriate
action has been taken to address them. We will seek to review this annual report
alongside the outcomes of consultation activity, to ensure that any emerging
themes have been fully identified and addressed.

Page 9 of this document shows key mechanisms for consultation and

involvement. We will continue to develop these mechanisms to ensure a consistent
approach to our consultation and involvement activity.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Key Mechanisms for Consultation and Involvement

Corporate Level

Key Partnerships Area Forums Equality The Council’s

e.g Related
North Yorkshire (Twice Yearly) Forums Complaints,
Strategic Comments
Partnership (NYSP) e.g. Skipton and
Craven Local BME Task Compliments
Strategic Group
Partnership (LSP) process

Area Parish General Employee

Committees Council and Satisfaction Survey
Parish Clerk Survey
Meetings (Statutory 3

Service Level

Stakeholder Benefits and

Groups and Planning
Forums Satisfaction
e.g Landlord Forum
Taxi Liaison Group (Statutory 3 Yearly)

Customer Panels User Consultation on

Questionnaires Specific Projects

e.g e.g Environmental e.g. Skipton

Pool - Swimming Health Satisfaction Developments,
Club Group Survey Local Development

We will ensure that results of consultation and involvement activity are

co- ordinated to ensure specific outcomes and themes are identified and
understood, and results/outcomes are fed back to those taking part and the wider

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Annual Consultation Programme
We will undertake a programme of consultation activity during each financial year, which
will be developed and reviewed on a six monthly basis. The plan will be agreed by the
Council Management Team.

The Plan will:

Ensure that we are consulting on key issues to facilitate service improvement.

Ensure co-ordination, reduce duplication, and ensure that minimal resources for
consultation are not wasted.

Promote joint working, including options for sharing costs of community

engagement with key partners.

Reduce consultation fatigue amongst our local communities.

An annual summary report on consultations undertaken, results and intended action to

be produced by the Corporate Performance Team making use of data available on the
consultation database.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Our Tools to Ensure Successful Consultation and Involvement
Successful consultation requires appropriate and consistent planning, recording and
evaluation. It will ensure that the methods we use continue to be valid, duplication is
avoided and results are put into use to improve and shape service delivery.

To this end we will establish a series of tools to help us:

Consultation Standards Toolkit

A toolkit containing general advice and minimum standards for undertaking
consultation. Including standard consultees, methodologies, ensuring
consultation is inclusive, analysis and presentation of results, and standard

Consultation Proposal and Outcome Forms

Consultation Proposal Form

A summary form to be completed to provide a record of intended
Consultation Outcome Form
A form to be completed once any consultation exercise has been
undertaken and the results are known, summarising results/outcomes and
intended action.

Consultation Database
A database where details of all consultation undertaken by the Council will be
logged. Initially the Corporate Performance Team will be responsible for
maintaining this database. It is the intention to develop this to an intranet/internet-
enabled database in the future to extend availability, subject to technical

Equalities Monitoring – A Guide to Gathering Data on Service Users

A guide specifying standards for the collection of demographic data, and data
protection statements.

Stakeholder Group/Forum Database

A database containing details of key stakeholder groups, and forums which the
Council leads on / plays a key role in. This will be used as a list of key contacts
for consultation/standard consultees. It is the intention to develop this to an
intranet/internet enabled database in the future to extend availability, subject to
technical possibilities.

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Appendix 1
Communications Action Plan 2007/2008
Internal Communications

General Internal Communications

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Continue to develop Core Brief High PR and Comms. Officer
Establish a communications/intranet/web group to High PR and Comms. Officer
raise standards of communication Website and Comms.
Clarify procedure for ad hoc urgent briefings on key Medium PR and Comms. Officer
breaking issues in conjunction with CMT

CDCI Intranet Site

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Improve the provision on information on the intranet High Website and Comms.
Officer /Head of IS
Review opportunities for remote access for Members High Head of IS

Member Communication and Engagement

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Review Member Information Bulletin and consider High Democratic Services
merge with Core Brief
Determine Member information requirements and Medium Democratic Services
gaps via a Member Survey
Provide Members with briefings on key messages Medium CMT
PR and Comms. Officer
Invite views from a member sounding board as part Low Chief Executive
of the Member Strategy Sessions
Seek to provide Member remote access to Microsoft High Head of IS

External Communications

General External Communications

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Review and update communications in reception Medium PR and Comms. Officer
Develop an integrated approach to all external Medium PR and Comms. Officer
communications. Making sure news releases linked
to internal/Member communications (Core
Brief/Intranet/MIB etc)
Work with Members to publicise their “offer” and Medium Democratic Services
Council key messages to local people ( Link to
Community Call for Action)

A – Z Guide
Action Priority Responsible Officer
Review and develop the Council’s on line A -Z Guide Medium Website and Comms.
Produce a mini hard copy A – Z guide Low PR and Comms. Officer

Branding /Publicity
Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Appendix 1
Communications Action Plan 2007/2008
Action Priority Responsible Officer
Review leaflet production across the Council and High PR and Comms. Officer
establish a standard set of basic information leaflets
on key services in ‘easy read’ formats
Review implementation of Corporate Branding Guide High PR and Comms. Officer
throughout key Council services and further develop
Seek opportunities to promote the Council through High PR and Comms. Officer
branding (3 initiatives a year)

Media Management
Action Priority Responsible Officer
Set up a regular meeting (e.g. quarterly) between High PR and Comms. Officer
local press, Chief Executive and the Leader
Increase national profile by issuing PR to relevant High PR and Comms. Officer
trade press
Encourage services to be proactive in identifying High PR and Comms. Officer
news stories
Ensure a proactive approach to news by identify top Medium PR and Comms. Officer
stories via use of Policy Committee Forward Plan
and PR Plan/Calendar
Provide news awareness/ media management Medium PR and Comms. Officer
training session to Heads of Service

Micro – Communications
Action Priority Responsible Officer
Shared footer on all emails to promote identity and Low Head of IS
key council messages PR and Comms. Officer
Informative call-waiting messages – what we do for Low Head of Customer and
you Benefits Service
PR and Comms. Officer

Reputation Management
Action Priority Responsible Officer
Seek opportunities to enhance the reputation of the Medium CMT
Council Members

Council Website

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Ensure the website is seen as a key communication High Website and Comms.
channel by all staff Officer
Review website and produce and implement a web High Website and Comms.
strategy to improve information provision, Officer /Head of IS
transactional capability and increase usage.
Devise a set of web site standards for all information High Website and Comms.
posted to the website Officer /Head of IS
Determine updater responsibilities and ensure all High Website and Comms.
service areas update their sections on the website Officer

‘Your Craven’ – Council Newspaper

Action Priority Responsible Officer
Clarify and review format/content and impact and High PR and Comms. Officer
extend to twice yearly production

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Appendix 2 – Consultation Plan 2007/2008

Consultation Plan - Financial Year 2007/08

(highlighted projects are complete)
Project Service Lead Officer Purpose/ Target Method Timescale
Area Objective Audience
Craven Adventure Economic and Jill Armstrong To seek views on Public and Other Various – inc public Ongoing
Centre Community Craven Adventure Stakeholders displays, attendance at
Development Centre proposals meetings and forums,
Play Strategy Economic and Frances Petch To seek views on Public and Other Various – inc public Spring/
Community the draft Play Stakeholders displays, attendance at Summer
Development Strategy meetings and forums, 2007
Skipton Economic and Hazel Smith To seek views on Public and Other 3 day consultation event September
Developments Community the Skipton Stakeholders 2007
Development Developments
Food/Health and Environmental Ken Robinson To assess Sample of Postal Questionnaire 2007/08
Safety Health satisfaction Businesses (Joint with NY Districts
Satisfaction Survey amongst business and York CC) Results
receiving regulatory April/May 2008
inspection services
Housing Strategy Housing Nina Pinder To seek view on Key stakeholders Various – inc meetings, Spring/Summer
the development of forums and mail outs 2007
the Housing
Strategy for Craven

Health Survey HR Steve Rhodes To seek the views All staff Electronic Survey Complete
Health and of staff on a variety April/ May
Safety of health/stress 2007
Management management
Group issues

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Appendix 2 – Consultation Plan 2007/2008

Project Service Lead Officer Purpose/ Target Method Timescale

Area Objective Audience
Annual Employee HR Samia Hussain To seek the views All Staff Paper Questionnaire 2007
Survey of staff on a variety
of issues
Green Travel Plan Leisure and Patricia McLaughlin To gain views of All staff with Intranet, email and hard April to June
(staff consultation) Community staff on Green particular focus copies circulated where 2007
Facilities Travel Plan on those based at necessary
Swimming Pool
and Engine Shed
GreenSTAT Leisure and Patricia McLaughlin Ongoing Users, non-users Online with hard copies to Ongoing
Community consultation and under follow
Facilities relating to views on represented (Provided by
parks and green groups Greenspace)
spaces in Craven
Friends of Aireville Leisure and Patricia McLaughlin Discuss the Users, non-users Meetings and newsletters Ongoing
Park Community development and and under
Facilities any issues relating represented
to the park groups
Area Forums Performance, Kate Senior To consult and Public and Other Open Forum September
Policy and involve residents Stakeholders 2007
Communications and key Spring 2008
stakeholders on a
range of services
Core Strategy Planning and Fiona Pudge To seek views on Public and Other Postal, Website, Via October
(Local Building Control the draft Local Stakeholders forums and meetings 2007
Development Development
Framework) Framework
Biodiversity Action Planning and Fiona Pudge To seek views on Public and Other Postal, Website, Via August –
Plan Building Control the draft Bio Stakeholders forums and meetings October 2007
Diversity Action

Communication and Consultation Strategy 2007 -2010 Final 25 09 07
Craven District Council
Council Offices
Granville Street
North Yorkshire
BD23 1PS

Tel: 01756 700600


For further information on this document contact the PR and

Communications Officer/Website and Communications
Officer (job share) on (01756) 706246

Sharon Hudson

Richard Jackson

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