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Name: ______________________________________Global Perspective Date: 13th November, 2023.

What is culture?
a. A set of beliefs, values, and practices shared by a group of people
b. Only including food and traditions
c.Only including celebrations and language
d.All of the above

What perspective does this essay aim to explore culture from?

a. Only from a personal perspective
b.Only from a local perspective
c.Only from a national perspective
d. From a global perspective, including personal, local, national, and global aspects

How does food reflect our culture, and what factors influence the dishes we eat and the ways we prepare them?


Indian food is known for its _________ flavors and diverse range of dishes. Each region in India has its own unique
cuisine, which is influenced by the local _________, geography, and available ingredients. Some popular Indian dishes
include _________, tandoori chicken, samosas, and various curries.

Which of the following statements is true about Italian cuisine?

a) It is known for its complexity and heavy use of spices.
b) It emphasizes the use of fresh ingredients and regional variety.
c) Pasta, pizza, and risotto are not well-known Italian dishes.

What is the Mediterranean diet inspired by?

a) Traditional French cuisine
b) Traditional Italian cuisine
c) Traditional Japanese cuisine

Why is the Mediterranean diet considered one of the healthiest in the world?
a) It emphasizes the use of processed foods and added sugars.
b) It emphasizes the use of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats.
c) It emphasizes the use of red meat and saturated fats.

How does food reflect culture, and what are some examples of how specific dishes or cuisines have been shaped by
history, geography, and traditions?

In a globalized world, how do different cultures interact and influence each other's food? Share some examples.

What is the significance of traditions in our lives? Give some examples.

How do celebrations serve as a unifying force among different communities and cultures? Give some examples.
Which of the following statements is true about Brazilian Carnival?
a) It is a celebration of Indian culture.
b) It takes place in the days leading up to Lent.
c) It is not a major tourist attraction.

What is Oktoberfest known for?

a) Its wine and cheese offerings.
b) Its beer and amusement park rides.
c) Its focus on Italian cuisine.

Which of the following is true about Oktoberfest?

a) It is held annually in Berlin, Germany.
b) It is the world's largest folk festival.
c) It is a celebration of Swiss culture.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of these two case studies?
a) To showcase the importance of regional cuisines in cultural celebrations.
b) To highlight the role of celebrations in promoting cultural unity and understanding.
c) To emphasize the economic impact of tourism on local communities.

What is the primary function of language as a vehicle of culture?

a. Promote global communication and cooperation
b. To reflect history and traditions
c. To shape our perceptions of the world around us
d. All of the above

What is the status of English as a global language?

a. English is the most widely spoken language
b. English is the main communication language in international business, science, technology, and entertainment
c. English is the most widely taught second language
d. All of the above

How has the widespread use of English affected global communication and cooperation?
a. The widespread use of English has facilitated global communication and cooperation
b. The widespread use of English has led to a loss of linguistic and cultural diversity
c.The widespread use of English has had no impact on global communication and cooperation
d.All of the above

English is spoken by many people around the world, which is good for communication. But, some people worry that we
might lose other languages and the cultures connected to them? Why people mostly like their native language and scared
from English? Explain.

What is the significance of shared history in fostering understanding and cooperation among different cultures?

What role did cultural exchange play in shaping our world through the Silk Road?
What was the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on African culture in the diaspora?
a) It caused African culture to disappear completely
b) It led to the creation of new cultures that mixed African and Western influences
c) It had no impact on African culture in the diaspora
d) It made Africans completely assimilate into Western culture

How did enslaved Africans keep their cultural heritage alive during the slave trade?
a) Through language only
b) Through music, dance, storytelling, and other forms of expression
c) By forgetting all about their cultural heritage
d) By becoming exactly like Westerners

How does culture impact the life of an Chinese immigrant living in the United States?

What challenges might an Chinese immigrant face while adapting to a new culture and maintaining their own
cultural identity?

Global cultural events, such as Olympics and the World Expo, bring together people from different culture. Can
you give us more examples, where people around the world meet each other and celebrate together?

In the text, It mention American cuisine is a melting pot of various global influence, reflecting the country’s
history of Immigration and Cultural diversity. What do you mean melting pot ?

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