Intermediate Reading - Nanda Wati Ika Syafitri

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Name : Nanda Wati Ika Syafitri

Nim : 1106220001

1. Definitions of Topic, Topic Sentence, and Main Idea

The topic of a paragraph is the subject or theme that the paragraph is about. It is
what the paragraph is centered on. For example, topics suitable for a paragraph
could be "The SLR camera," "Vegetarianism," "Tokyo," "Pottery," or "A wedding
Topic Sentence
A topic sentence is the key sentence in a supporting paragraph that explains
particular points of the thesis of the entire work. It indicates what each paragraph in
the paper is about and serves as a headline for the paragraph. It consists of the topic
itself and the controlling idea, and it is specific, well-focused, and guides the entire
Main Idea
The main idea, also known as the thesis statement, is the central point or the key
concept of a paragraph or an essay. It is the most important idea that the writer
wants to communicate to the reader. The main idea or thesis statement summarizes
the argument or analysis that will be discussed throughout the entire essay

Source :

2. Paragraph

 Officials trying to reach 41 workers who have been trapped in a collapsed tunnel
in northern India for eight days were contemplating alternative rescue plans
Sunday after snags with a drilling machine caused them to halt digging. A new
drilling machine arrived at the accident site in Uttarakhand state on Saturday to
replace one that was damaged while breaking through the rocks and debris. They
had been using the drill to create a space to insert wide pipes through which the
trapped workers could crawl to their freedom. Authorities have so far drilled 24
meters (79 feet) through rubble and debris, but it would require up to 60 meters
(197 feet) to allow the workers to escape, said Devendra Patwal, a disaster
management official. Officials on Sunday were considering new angles for
extracting the workers. Deepa Gaur, a government spokesperson, said this
included possibly using the new machine to drill from the top of the hill, under
which the workers have been trapped inside the collapsed tunnel.

Topic : Efforts to rescue 41 workers trapped in a collapsed tunnel in

Topic Sentence : "Officials trying to reach 41 workers who have been trapped in
a collapsed tunnel in northern India for eight days were
contemplating alternative rescue plans Sunday after snags with
a drilling machine caused them to stop digging."
Main Idea : Officials are looking for alternative rescue plans after
problems with a drilling machine caused them to stop digging
to reach 41 workers trapped in a collapsed tunnel in northern
5 New Vocab
Contemplating : Merenungkan
Tunnel : Terowongan
Collapsed : Runtuh
Considering : Mempertimbangkan
Debris : Puing-puing

Source :

 Since the first days of the war, about 300 families have sought shelter in the
hospital. Numbers have steadily increased following orders from the Israeli
authorities for residents of Gaza City in the north to relocate to the southern side
of the Strip. Timidly, the children tentatively join an active circle organised by
Abushawish, who gently invites them to come in. Among them, 10-year-old
Hamsa Irshi, with a bright smile, claps along with the other children in the circle.
She recounted to Al Jazeera the story of her family’s departure from their home in
the al-Daraj neighbourhood of eastern Gaza City. “Last Friday, my mother and
three siblings accompanied me to my uncle’s house in Deir el-Balah,” she said.
“However, that same night, Israeli air raids targeted my uncle’s house, killing their
entire family.” For a brief moment, Hamsa fought back tears, then continued. “We
were in a room somewhat distant from the direct strike. My mother sustained
minor injuries, and they managed to rescue us from beneath the rubble.”

Topic : War refugees in Gaza who seek refuge in hospitals.

Topic Sentence : "Since the first days of the war, about 300 families have
sought shelter in the hospital."
Main Idea : The passage describes the harrowing experiences of families
seeking shelter in a hospital in Gaza due to the ongoing
conflict, with a focus on the story of 10-year-old Hamsa Irshi
and her family's ordeal during the war.
5 New Vocab
Sought : Dicari
Steadily : Dengan mantap/Terus
Timidly : Takut-takut
Sustained : Berkelanjutan
Tentatively : Sementara
Source :

 While the world’s focus is on Israel’s genocidal siege and bombing campaign in Gaza,
Israel is also inflicting terror on Palestinians across the occupied West Bank. At least 186
people, including more than 30 children, have been killed there by the Israeli military and
settlers since October 7. And nowhere in the occupied territories has seen more military
aggression than the Jenin refugee camp, which to all intents and purposes has become a
warzone. Since 2018, the Brighton Trust, an English charity that I am part of, has been
helping fund the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in the camp. It is a place where children can
go to learn, play and socialise. In recent weeks, many have sought refuge from Israeli
bombing in the Centre, and have been sleeping there because their homes have been
destroyed. Like every corner of the overpopulated camp, the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre
is currently under attack. In fact, it has been under attack for a long time.

Topic : Ongoing attacks on the Al Tafawk Children's Centre in the

Jenin refugee camp, West Bank.
Topic Sentence : "Like every corner of the overpopulated camp, the Al Tafawk
Children's Centre is currently under attack."
Main Idea : The Al Tafawk Children's Centre in the Jenin refugee camp
has been repeatedly targeted and attacked, endangering the
safety and well-being of the children seeking refuge there.

5 New Vocab
Inflicting : Menimbulkan
Sought : Dicari
Refuge : Perlindungan
Siege : Pengepungan
Occupied : Ditempati
Source :

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