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Name of Group: _______________
Date: _______________________
Rating Scale
Facets of process 0 1 2 3 Score
1 Communication Plan of work not known The plan of work exists and may All members have seen and read All members have seen, and
to all members be seen, if requested notes of the plan of work discussed the plan of work
2 Collaboration No awareness of what Some interest in what other groups Group discussing work of other Members seek out and are
other groups are doing are doing groups aware of the work of other
3 Leadership Same person leads group Leadership of group is rotated Leadership is rotated and Each member willingly takes
all the time members feel comfortable with it his/her place in turn
4 Norms of Group Not agreed on a set of Norms are written for the group, Norms are written and mostly All members feel responsible
norms for the group but not observed observed for norms being observed
5 Diaries/ Journals/ Not open to persons Available to some members of the Diaries are helpful to all in the Diaries tell rich story of the
Notebooks inside the group group group – knowing what is being activities in the group
6 Reflection Group members show no Reflection on work is practised at Members undertook work in Reflection on members’ work
evidence of reflecting on the end of each activity or session groups, and reflected on work was an ongoing focus of group
their work during sessions
7 Interaction There is Members are beginning to trust Members are actively creating Members respect and
misunderstanding among one another and resolving interaction with each other and appreciate each other; and show
members. Members feel misunderstandings displaying trust and respect empathy to all members
8 Equality Hierarchy exists within Some members have more Members support equality, but Equality is evident in all
group influence than others not always seen behaviour of group members

9 Expert Voices Members rely on what Members bring some literature Members identify experts, books, Members actively seek and
they already know only visual media, and bring some to invite expert voices
10 Experimentation No interest in trying new Hesitant to try new strategies Members use some new strategies Members share results
strategies or materials (obtained from using new
strategies) among themselves
Total marks for Quality of Within-Group Activities = 30 marks
Scale down to 10 marks Total Score

Score awarded group = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = ______________* (*Round up to the next nearest whole number)
Name of Teacher: ________________________________ Time/Date: ______________________________________

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