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Lizaidy Ortiz Rodriguez

Prof. Le Compte

Vocabulary words:

1. Gist- The gist is the most important element of information (without the details).
Example: I got the gist of the last meeting.

2. Adjournment- Adjournment is when something ends (it can be a conversation,

meeting, etc)
Example: The class was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

3. Chair- The person in charge of the meeting or organization is the chair.

Example: Professor Le Compte is the chair of the class.

4. Humane mousetraps- It is a trap that does not kill the mice.

Example: Humane mousetraps are less dangerous compared to the wooden

5. Cognates- Cognates are words that are similar in different languages.

Example: One example of a cognate is the word Hospital.
-We are going to the Hospital. (English version)
-Vamos para el Hospital. (Spanish version)

6. Phonology- Phonology is the study of the sounds in different languages.

Example: The s in the word “helps” sounds like an s, but the s in the word “crabs”
sounds like a z.

7. Denotation- Denotations are the main meaning of the word.

Example: The denotation of the word “snake” is a reptile with a long body and no

8. Monoculture- Monoculture is only growing one type of crop or one type of animal
on a farm.
Example: Extensive irrigation for corn monoculture depletes water resources.

9. Freegan- According to the Cambridge Dictionary, freegans are “people who

chooses to eat food that is not bought from a shop, especially food that other
people, shops, or organizations throw away, so that food is not wasted.”
Example: Freegans are people who never pay for food.

10. Hard skills- The things you learned in school or professional environment are
hard skills.
Example: Laboratory skills such as PCR or managing a microscope are hard

11. Soft skills- The social abilities are soft skills.

Example: Leadership and teamwork are good examples of soft skills.

12. Upcycling- Upcycling can be defined as the process of creating something

new that has more value than the original.
Example: Upcycling is a good solution to help the environment.

13. Planned obsolescence- The term planned obsolescence means that a

product is being made for the dump. That is to say, to be useless as
quickly as possible.
Example: Phones, like iPhones, are created to last a maximum of three
years and then begin to damage.

14. Treadmill- Treadmill is like a cycle of repeated work. It has no positive

effects and no end.
Example: The steps in the treadmill are:
a. Buying a new pair of shoes
b. Go to work
c. Watch an announcement that tells you to buy another pair of

15. Perceived obsolescence- The term perceived obsolescence is used when

consumers are convinced to throw away products that are still perfectly
useful, so they buy another model.
Example: Carlos bought the iPhone 15 because it has a better camera.

Cambridge english dictionary: Definitions & meanings. (n.d.).

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