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Guidelines for presentations

Groups of 3-5 people will get allotted 15 (group of 3) and 20 minutes (groups of 4 and 5).
Please divide up the tasks among yourselves, so that no group gives too much time to a single
member. Be prepared to answer Q & A afterwards.
Give the names of the presenters on the first slide, in the order of presentation. Put your name
on the slides you create.
Come up with three questions about the text you prepared, so that we have a class discussion
afterwards. Send your questions at least one day in advance to your professor for feedback.

• Types of questions:

• Level 1 questions are text-based and must reference one text directly. These
questions help you read closely and root your discussion in the texts.

• Level 2 questions broaden the understanding of an issue or a text by

speculating about the social and cultural considerations surrounding it. Such
questions connect texts and contexts.

• Level 3 questions ask you to make personal connections to the text and ideas
we are discussing. For example, “How do these ideas/issues affect you or
your community?”

Tips about how to present: Say where and when the text was published and who the author
is (scholar, poet, film-maker, etc).
Identify the genre and main arguments of the text and explain how the text builds them/
what examples the author uses. Give an overview of the text as well, in the beginning.
Focus on the connection between the text you read and the lecture(s).
If you are not dealing with a narrative text but rather with a film, you need to give a summary
of the plot of the film, focus on one character or two and connect the plot with the main
ideas of the course. Try to analyze one scene in detail, etc.

Use quotation marks when you cite the voice of the author and have a bibliography of any
additional sources at the end of your presentation. The final slide should feature the
questions for the audience.
The written report is an account of your collaborative work. Give the title of your text/
presentation and the names of the group members in the cover page. You can explain why you
chose the text, how you divided the roles among the presentation members and what findings
about the text you wanted to highlight, based on the discussions with your team mates. It
should be about 400-500 words and should be written collaboratively. (one report per group,
to reflect the individual perspectives and interests of the group members) Please send the
report by email within three days from the presentation to the TAs of the course (Betty Su and

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