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Lizaidy Ortiz Rodríguez

Prof. Le Compte

At the beginning of classes, I had a different expectation of what the course would be
like. Previously, I had taken the Grammar and Composition class (in Spanish) and for
some reason, I thought it would be something similar. However, the course is about how
to perform technical documents. The term technical document refers to a document that
has a purpose, it means that someone will do something with the information you are
providing. Always remember the main rule, "you are not writing to yourself". This means
that you cannot write a technical document thinking of yourself. To write a good
technical document you have to keep in mind that your audience does not know the
subject, so you have to be quite specific.

With everything learned during the course, I would give myself a score of 7.5/10. I am
aware that writing technical documents is not difficult, yet they take a little work. I
remember that during the first weeks of classes, we discussed the steps to write these
kinds of documents, and the first steps dealt with the audience. For that reason, it was a
bit difficult for me to write, as it is much easier when you write from your perspective.
However, I learned a lot with the course and thanks to the tasks (which were consistent)
I could put what I learned into practice. Also, thanks to the course I was able to add
extracurricular activities to my resume, for example, the community service performed
at the Atabey Garden. I cannot lie, at first, it became difficult and I thought I would not
be able to keep up with the demands of the course since I had my two classes of
concentration and work. But, organization will always be my best friend and I was able
to complete all my jobs on time and complete the required hours of community service.
The reason I give myself a 7.5/10 is that I think I could have written better documents if I
had spent a little more time in class. However, I am proud of my work and am aware
that I learned a lot.

Finally, I know that everything learned in the course, from how to do technical
instructions to the journey of how to make a portfolio will help me in the future. Without
realizing it, this class gradually taught me how to make documents that will be vital to
my professional life.

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