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Spiritual Tools and Resources by Kathy DeGraw


Mind Battles – Root Out Mental Triggers to Release Peace

Spiritual Warfare Declarations – Prayers to Break Strongholds & Release Healing
Unshackled – Breaking the Strongholds of Your Past to Receive Complete Deliverance
Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan – Your Deliverance Guide to Freedom
Speak Out – Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer
Prophetic Spiritual Warfare – Partnering with the Holy Spirit to Manifest Your Destiny

Several other titles are available on Amazon or at

Anointing Oil
Kathy takes a hands-on approach to anointing oil and believes in the Holy Spirit’s anointing and the
power of God on the oil to heal. She personally prays over and scents every bottle individually. Each
bottle is carefully labeled and packaged (often by Kathy herself). She anoints and includes a prayer cloth
and includes it with the oil in a gift or carrying bag. She uses only the highest quality olive oil and purest
organic Latin essential oils. You can purchase a variety of scents and bottles at

Training and Mentoring Platform – Jesus said, “To go out and make disciples.” Kathy takes that
assignment seriously. Visit her training platform with over 20 eCourses, including her primary teaching
schools. Kathy’s Inner Circle Mentorship is like a spiritual boot camp pushing and propelling you to the
next level so you can manifest your prophetic destiny! Visit her training platform at

Podcast - Kathy DeGraw’s show, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, empowers people in 10-minute episodes
with practical application and declarations to walk in freedom, combat spiritual warfare, and release the
ministry of deliverance. Visit to listen or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!

Connect with Kathy:

Teaching articles, events, online schools, and resources –

Follow Kathy on Facebook


Instagram @KathyDeGraw

Shop Kathy’s store for Christian t-shirts, jewelry, books, blankets, workbooks, anointing oil and more!
For Booking Information Contact:

1. Destroy word curses.

• Repent and forgive.

(See Kathy’s book, Unshackled, if you need help with forgiveness.)

Matthew 6:12-13 “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation But deliver us from the evil one.”

• Don’t take the words into your heart – it is not you

• Bind and rebuke – Destroy it in the spiritual realm violently.

• Take authority over gossip and slander – eradicate it in the spiritual realm
Pray destroying prayers (see my book, Spiritual Warfare Declarations)

• Give no room to the enemy to accuse you of the same

Don’t release gossip and slander – not even to spouse, let it stop at your ears
Don’t speak out against someone. Be love, love is the only action and reaction.

• Scripture Proverbs 26:2 - curse without cause can’t take alight

alight = land, arrive, settle, rest

• Give no room to the enemy!

• Do Not Grieve the Spirit

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with
his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”:
do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give [g]place to the devil. 28 Let
him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands
what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. 29 Let no
corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for
necessary [h]edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not
grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of
redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, [i]clamor, and evil speaking be put
away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

• Rebuke and renounce all words spoken against you, your family, business or loved ones.
If someone speaks negatively about you or over you, say quietly or aloud (if you are
able) “I rebuke that, in Jesus’ name” (Leviticus 19:17). “You shall not hate your brother in
your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him”
(Luke 17:3). Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if
he repents, forgive him.

• Break off all word curses. Speak aloud, “I cancel all word curses and attacks from the
enemy in Jesus’ name.”

• Cancel assignments of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy your life, health, family,
business and finances. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to
destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more
abundantly” (John 10:10).

• “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you
in judgment You shall condemn” (Isaiah 54:17).

• Bind the words of those who speak negativity over you. Bind their tongue, mouth, lips
and voice-box from speaking negative words, gossip, slander and anything that does not
edify, exhort or build up. Say, “Lord, I bind their words in Jesus’ name.”

• Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18).

• Ask the Holy Spirit to convict them and expose them. (God is your vindicator.)

• Repent of any ungodly words you have spoken.

• Keep your tongue from evil (1 Peter 3:10-11).

• Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers,
be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on
the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a
blessing. For ‘he who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from
evil, and his lips from speaking deceit, let him turn away from evil and do good; let him
seek peace and pursue it’
(1 Peter 3:8-11).

• No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (Psalm 91:10).

2. How soulish and fleshly prayers curse

• Pray according to the will of God.
o Refer the Lord’s prayer – Matthew 6:10
“Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”

o Jesus said, (Matthew 22:42) “42 “Father, if You are willing, remove this
cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.”
• Don’t pray what you think is best for someone, pray as the Spirit leads or God’s
• Calling something forth for a person that you want to happen in your flesh is a
soulish prayer.
• Words still go into the spiritual atmosphere.
Angels and demons are waiting to ride on your words.

3. Stop cursing your family.

Think of things that were said or spoken over you that affect you today.

See Kathy’s book, Mind Battles, if you have cursed your family and want to identify and remove
curses. Order at or wherever books are sold.

• What are your word choices towards your kids?

• Simple things even – basic facts, but we don’t want to speak out.
• What are you speaking out financially – creates a poverty mindset?
• What do you speak out in casual conversation even if fact?

• We will never know the true power of our words until we get to heaven.

• Cursing by continually speaking out about family generational depression, mind

ailments and physical infirmities and generational conditions
ex speaking forth than depression is generational
ex medical conditions such as colon cancer, HBP, diabetes, etc.

4. Your words can curse you.

Words such as:

• I fear…
• I don’t have…
• I will probably…
• I cannot…
• I never get…
• My ministry or business isn’t…
Learn more about the power of your words in Kathy’s book, SPEAK OUT – Releasing the Power
of Declaring Prayer

How words cursed in the Bible:

Self-Invited Curses
Words we speak can invite curses and evil spirits within us.
Matt 12:36-37 “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account
of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will
be condemned.”
Self-Imposed curses are in the Bible with Esau, Jacob, Isaac, and Rebekah
Genesis 27
Gen 27:12 Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall
bring a curse on myself and not a blessing." Gen 27:13 But his mother said to him, "Let your
curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get them for me."
Self-imposed Curse
Rebekah was persuading her son Jacob to deceive Isaac, his father, now blind, in order to
obtain his blessing (which Isaac intended to pronounce on his other son, Esau) Jacob was eager
for the blessing, but fearful of the consequences if Isaac should discover his deception.
“Perhaps my father will feel me,” he said, “and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall
bring a curse on myself and not a blessing.” Rebekah responded immediately, “Let your curse
be on me, my son.” And the curse was on Rebekah and she lost the privilege of being with her
Just like Jacob took away Esau’s blessing some of our families have taken away our blessings
and now it is time we get it back.

Curse on Descendants
Matthew 27:20-26
But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and
destroy Jesus. The governor answered and said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to
release to you?" They said, "Barabbas!" Pilate said to them, "What then shall I do with Jesus
who is called Christ?" They all said to him, "Let Him be crucified!" Then the governor said,
"Why, what evil has He done?" But they cried out all the more, saying, "Let Him be crucified!"
When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took
water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this
just Person. You see to it." And all the people answered and said, "His blood be on us and on
our children." Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he
delivered Him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the Praetorium
and gathered the whole garrison around Him. And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on
Him. When they had twisted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right
hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!"

Against his own judgment, the Roman governor, Pilate, consents to release to the crowd a
murdered named Barabbas and to impose the death sentence on Jesus instead.
In order to disassociate himself from this act, however, Pilate washes his hands in front of the
crowd and says,
“I am innocent of the blood of this just Person.”
To this the crowd responds
“His blood be on us and on our children.” WOW – LOOK WHAT HAPPENED HERE.
Here there is a self-imposed curse on themselves and a relational curse on their descendants.
Since that time bloodshed and tragedy has been interwoven in the destiny of the Jewish

Eliminate negative self-talk.

Prophesy over yourself
See Kathy’s book, Prophetic Proclamations to speak positive proclamations and help you write
personal prophetic declarations.

Curse Breaker Blessing Maker

What self-imposed curses are you putting on yourself or generational curses are you putting on
your children?

Self-imposed curses are related to negativity:

• That makes me sick.

• She's driving me crazy.
• They have the flu, and I'll catch it next.
• I can't afford it.
• Over my dead body
• They irritate me.

Purchase Mind Battles to help you go through the generational curses you need to break off
your family line. This book will assist you in diagramming it and walking through the prayer,
healing and deliverance process.

5. Evict generational curses.

See Kathy’s book, Mind Battles Chapter 11 Page 167

See Kathy’s book, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Generational Curses pages 117-120

Don’t have to live with mental, emotional and physical curses.

Kathy’s books, Mind Battles and Prophetic Spiritual Warfare will assist you with charts,
graphics, prophetic exercises and deliverance applications to root out generational curses.

Uprooting Generational Curses

We diagram a family tree to discover our family lineage. We write down our relatives' names
and how they were related to us, and if we dig deeper, we usually discover where they came
from. Our family trees can contain valuable information to our spiritual walk and seeking
Have you ever thought about diagramming a family tree to help discover health ailments,
emotional issues and spiritual generational curses? Going back can often help us to move

Curses Defined
Cursing aims to destroy, defile or desecrate the sacred and holy, aren't we supposed to be the
sacred and holy? Set apart for God? We have been cursed in our bloodlines and now is the time
to make sure we have been redeemed from the curse as the Bible says.
"Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is
written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE"). – Galatians 3:13

Breaking Generational Curses

Breaking generational curses isn't as easy as speaking out loud one time, "I command all
generational curses to be gone in Jesus' name." The Word of God says He will bring the iniquity
upon the generations (see Ex. 34:7). However, it also says, "Christ has redeemed us from the
curse of the law by being made a curse for us—as it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who hangs
on a tree'" (Gal. 3:13). This means there is freedom and deliverance available through Christ.

God tells us in His Word

Exodus 20:5-6 You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth
generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and
keep My commandments.

Ex 34:6-7 And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, merciful
and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for
thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children's children to the third and the
fourth generation.

How do we break agreement with a generational curse?

I want to stress the importance of speaking out loud the following guidelines. The demonic
realm cannot hear what you pray in your mind, and these things need to be spoken out into the
spiritual atmosphere. Learn more about the importance of praying audibly and how Jesus and
the Father spoke out through my book, Speak Out, by Creation House.


• Generational curses need to be broken by repentance.

• We need to repent on behalf of our generations and on behalf of what they weren't
taught or did not know.
• We need to repent on behalf of our Grandparents, parents and those who raised us. We
need to say, as Jesus said on the cross in Luke 23:34, "Father forgive them they know
not what they do."
• Releasing forgiveness to our parents and repenting on behalf of them for their sins
which are our curses.

Whether a learned pattern has manifested into a generational curse or a generational demonic
spirit of affliction and infirmity, we need to cut and break that tie. When we don't break the tie,
we have co-labored with their legal right because we did nothing about the situation to change
or remove it. Therefore, we need to repent and set things straight in the spirit realm.

1. Repent for your generations. Say, "I repent for the sins of my grandparents, parents and
those before me. Father God, I ask for your forgiveness on their behalf, and I call off any
assignments this has put on me and my generation.
2. Repent for your actions. Speak, "Father, please forgive me for behavior patterns, habits
and addictions I took upon myself. Forgive me for what I knew and didn't know and for
that which I didn't try to stop and change."
3. Break agreement. Proclaim, "I break agreement with the demonic spirits of generational
curses. I call off any ill effect they have had on me. I command I will not co-labor with
these spirits anymore. I decree and declare I have broken their legal right to take action
against me."

6. Witchcraft curses

Satanic hierarchy – Kathy’s book, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, pages 96 and 97

Prophetic Spiritual Warfare – Chapter 10

• Python spirit
• Witchcraft spirit
• Jezebel spirits

• Curse health (Spiritual Warfare Declarations book)

• Curse voice

Exposing Witchcraft

We've all been in conversations where someone doesn't hear us correctly. We argue back and forth about
what was truly said. The hearer doesn't receive and understand what the communicator was saying.

Misunderstandings cause offense, discord and rejection. We suffer spiritual warfare at the hands of
another person. The demonic realm most often activates through another human being causing them to
sow discord into relationships.

Hearing and talking are one of the most common ways evil spirits attack us. We are partially responsible
too by exuding behavior patterns, thoughts and habits that haven't changed. We can't blame everything on
a demon, because everything is not demonic. Our own egotism, self-confidence and self-sufficiency can
build up strongholds in our lives.

When in a conversation have you ever said, "I didn't say that?" The person you are talking to argues back
that you did, in fact, say that. You go back and forth about what was said and what they heard. There are
times you think, Where did you get that from? That wasn't even close to what I said.

The spirit of pride works to turn and twist communication channels. The person with pride doesn't hear
what the person said and meant. The words in their mind are twisted and turned before being received.
This causes dissension and miscommunication. The person hearing the words is inflicted with a spirit of

Examples of miscommunication and pride in relationships:

o "I'm going to order a pizza for dinner" (because you're both tired and don't want to cook.)
The hearer receives, "I made my own decision what is for dinner, and I didn't take your
feelings into consideration and ask you what you were hungry for even though I was trying
to help." They are now offended, rejected and mad.
o "I'm going to the store and buy myself some socks and a few other things." The hearer says,
"Great! Can you pick me up some deodorant?" You agree but forget their deodorant. A
person who is manifesting pride receives, "Your items were more important than I am,"
leaving them angry and insecure.
o In extreme cases, you could say, "I am going to the store to get peanut butter," and they
hear, "I am making a PB&J."

How pride and the strongman of Leviathan manifest miscommunication:

o Employer and employee relationships.

o When discussing what restaurant to go to.
o Deciding whose family's turn, it is to spend a particular holiday this year.
o Making decisions about which vehicle to purchase and discussing the pros and cons.

Pride is the hidden spirit in operation. Pride is a blinding spirit, and people who have pride don't see they
have it. There are surface things we know we are prideful about, such as the way we dress or the car we
drive. However, we need to go beyond the surface and go deep to find the hidden pockets of pride that are
causing us spiritual warfare, delaying our destiny and destroying our marriages.

How do you deal with a person with pride?

o Pray, "Holy Spirit, convict them."

o Declare, "Holy Spirit, reveal and expose their pride to them."
o Pray, "Jesus, in their quiet time with you, deliver them and bring their actions to the
forefront of their mind for them to evaluate them and receive what you purchased on the
cross for them.
o Command through declaring, "I command the spirit of pride to be bound and restricted in
my time of interaction with them."
o Pray, "Holy Spirit, show them their argumentative nature and lead them to repentance."

How do you cope with the retribution you encounter as a result of their pride?

o Exude love. Be love at all times and in every action.

o Don't argue back. When a person is struggling with a spirit of pride, you are talking to a
demon, not the person.
o Love the person; dislike the principality operating through them.

"For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12).

Remember, you are not fighting and miscommunicating with the person you love but with an evil spirit.
Love the person; dislike the principalities operating through them.

Don't confront them about a spirit of pride unless the Lord leads you to approach them. When I had pride,
I did not see it. I was a mature Christian. My husband would tell me, and I would deny it. It was only after
my overseer approached me several times and my soul was in a place of self-evaluation and pressing into
everything Jesus had for me that I was able to be delivered. My pride didn't manifest like others', so it
prevented me from seeing it. Pride has many characteristics.

The power of prayer and the Holy Spirit-revelation is what the person needs. All else will lead to another
debate, misunderstood conversation and time of emotional wounds for both parties involved. If we would
all self-examine and seek the Lord, we could uproot these spirits that are attacking our lives.

Does stagnancy plague you? Do you feel dry as if you need a spiritual reboot? Did you know your
problem can be demonic in nature and not a fleshly tendency?
Have you ever wondered why you couldn’t press through to your breakthrough or get your spiritual walk
back to where you want it? Our lack of spiritual desire can be more than flesh or laziness. It can be a
principality and power in operation! A python spirit is a witchcraft operation coming against your
spiritual walk. It desires to silence and suffocate the voice of the prophetic and since we are called to be a
prophetic generation it wants to silence you.

“On one occasion, as we went to the place of prayer, a servant girl possessed with a spirit of divination
met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, shouting,
“These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.”
—Acts 16:16–17

The word divination in Greek is referred to as a python.[i] A python spirit in the spiritual realm would
correlate to a python snake in the natural. A python kills its prey by constriction and asphyxiation. I think
sometimes in our walk we feel constricted. We try to move forward to find ourselves stagnant or back
sliding. Constriction is a narrowing or tightening. Asphyxiation is being deprived of oxygen, which can
result in unconsciousness or death. The python spirit constricts and tightens around the trachea and makes
it difficult to breathe.

I recently was shown by the Lord how this can relate to stroke like symptoms where you are deprived of
oxygen. I think we could go a step further and even say is the coronavirus around because it affects our
oxygen and is trying to silence the voice people have to speak out. WOW! What an interesting thought
and correlation that came forth as I wrote that. The Spirit of God is moving, and I feel there is something
important here to release.


When you are in a territory dominated by witchcraft or have a prophetic voice and message, you may feel
your trachea tighten. Python spirits generally want to make you prayerless and come to attack your
spiritual walk. They make you lose your passion for worship, prayer, and the Lord. A python spirit attacks
your spiritual walk, and you think you are in a dry place. The python spirit will continue to attack until
you eradicate it through prayer.

Constricting is putting pressure on something to make it tighter and narrower. In the natural, we lose our
voice when our vocal cords are inflamed or swollen, making a narrow passage between them. When this
happens, our vocal cords don’t vibrate as easily, which inhibits us from talking and speaking fluently.
When we look at the spiritual realm, the python and witchcraft spirits do the same to Christian ministers.
They come to disrupt and silence the prophetic voice, attempting to inhibit the Word of God from going
forth to advance the kingdom of God.

Jezebel and controlling spirits go labor with a python spirit. It is multi-faceted! Don’t assume you are up
against one strongman only. You can learn more about strongman spirits in my book, Prophetic Spiritual
Warfare. There can be many strongmen. In Mark 5, Jesus asks the demon its name, and it says, “My name
is Legion; for we are many” (Mark 5:9). I once delivered a lady who had five strongmen of control.
Therefore, don’t assume anything in the ministry of deliverance and spiritual warfare. Allow the Holy
Spirit to prophetically lead you through each situation for what is uniquely needed for that particular

Python Prophetic Word

Our flesh can walk in disobedience to the Lord, but over time, it can build a stronghold in our lives. The
devil comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Have you ever wondered why you can't press through to your breakthrough or get your spiritual walk
back to where you want it? Our lack of spiritual desire can be more than our flesh or laziness. It can be a
principality and power in operation!

A python spirit in the spiritual realm would be referred to what a python snake would be in the natural. A
python kills its prey by constriction and asphyxiation. Constriction is a narrowing or tightening.
Asphyxiation is being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death. A python spirit
or snake squeezes its prey.

The Spirit of the Lord revealed and brought my attention to COVID-19 and the recent racial tragedy
where an African American man died because his airway was being constricted and he mustered out, "I
can't breathe." When we look at both of these circumstances that have impacted our world, they were both
related to respiratory or breathing issues.

The python spirit constricts and tightens around your trachea, making it difficult to breathe. When you are
in a territory dominated by witchcraft, you may even feel your trachea tighten. When we look at both
COVID-19 and the recent racial injustice, we see the airway being attacked. This is a python spirit in

Python spirits generally want to make you prayerless and come to attack your spirit walk. The Lord was
showing me that this spirit wants to come against revival.

A python spirit attacks a Christian's spiritual walk and the Christian thinks they are in a dry place or "the
wilderness." The truth is a Christian can't see and doesn't acknowledge that the majority of the cause of
their stagnancy and lack of desire for spiritual growth and breakthrough is because there is a principality
in operation against them.

This same principality is in operation over the world and against revival. It may be releasing a spirit of
death through COVID-19. Spirits of trauma, stagnancy, distraction, depression and fear are being released
as a result of COVID-19. These are direct attacks against revival. Yes, we need to pray for individual
situations, but truly we need to attack the power trying to come against revival.

Acknowledging demonic powers and operations instead of people causing these destructions will be the
true way we win the war. Over the last several weeks, the Lord has released multiple words to me about
what is happening in the spiritual realm. The common word He continues to release is the principalities
and rulers over the earth. When we target them, expose them, and decree and declare against them is
when we will have victory.

The python spirit will continue to attack until we annihilate it through prayer. Its operations and tactics
may change to a different demonic deploy.

You may or may not recognize its next move. Our job as Christians is to squeeze the life out of the
python spirit through prayer before it squeezes the life out of us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Free eBook on Jezebel at

We've all come in contact with a person operating under the influence of a Jezebel (controlling) spirit.
Jezebel is a strongman's name for a spirit of control. A person can have a spirit of control without having
a Jezebel spirit. However, a Jezebel spirit will always have a spirit of control. What makes a person bound
in Jezebel so difficult to deliver is the spirits that are in operation behind the controlling spirit that we
don't recognize and root out.

Characteristics of a Jezebel Spirit

We could all list many characteristics of a person operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. If we
were to refer to books, teachings and deliverance ministers, those lists may have some similarities but also
look quite different.

Spirits co-laboring with a Jezebel spirit (partial listing): Rebellion, witchcraft, control, manipulation,
seduction, idolatry, dominance, religion, fear, intimidation, insecurity, jealousy, bitterness, unfairness,
self-sufficiency, deception, competition.

In all the books and teachings, I've seen, I haven't seen the biggest two co-laborers mentioned, which are
pride and offense. My husband calls pride, offense and control the deadly trio, because together they steal,
kill and destroy, relationships and ministries and are a difficult combination to deliver.

People struggling with the strongman spirit of Jezebel have control, offense and pride operating strongly
within their souls.

Pride: Pride is seldom exposed because it is a blinding spirit. We are blinded to it. I know firsthand how
severely it prevents us from self-examination and discovering it within our souls. I was a deliverance
minister casting out other people's pride for years when I didn't see it in myself. My overseer was
constantly telling me I had pride. I was bound in pride when I knew everything about pride. It blinds
those who are plagued. It is a luring spirit that draws you into thinking you have no pride. I was shocked
by how clever this spirit was to hide within my soul. Pride manifests in several different facets, so it is
important to recognize how pride manifests in one person might not manifest in another, which can make
it difficult to discover. We have all experienced a level of pride.

Offense: The people with offense think everyone else is wrong. A common Christian prideful thought is
that ministry leaders are unfair because they won't let them lead, prophesy or operate in their giftings.
They feel entitled, which co-labors with pride. People with offense don't recognize they are the very one
who needs healing. They are church hoppers and bring division. They got mad and upset, and gossip and
slander about what is happening. They have a victim mentality, feeling that people are always out to get
them. They blame conflict on other people being jealous of their anointings or giftings, which intertwines
with pride.

When this deadly trio gets together, it is all-out spiritual warfare to receive deliverance. Deliverance must
start with a person having the truth exposed in their life and wanting to be set free. However, there are
roadblocks to pride and offense that need to be rooted out and destroyed so they can see their character
flaws and the demonic entities attacking them. It doesn't take a person yelling in their face about what
they need to change. They have to seek and desire deliverance. It takes a believer receiving Holy Spirit
conviction and desiring freedom within their soul. It takes a strong mentor walking alongside them and
speaking the truth in love and sometimes a corrective tone. It takes someone who will not give up on them

but who will assist them in walking through the process. It takes the realization that they are not living a
life glorifying the Lord and exuding the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we deliver a person plagued by Jezebel and the deadly trio?

Pray: Specifically pray, "Holy Spirit, convict them. Holy Spirit, reveal their demonic strongholds. Holy
Spirit, stir a desire within their soul to want to receive freedom and manifest love."

Expose: Pray that their hearts would be open to receive conviction and truth, whether from the Holy
Spirit or another person. Pray for God to open their eyes to see their outbursts and ungodly characteristics.

Discern: Seek the Holy Spirit and discern when to keep your mouth closed and when to speak the truth in
love. Ask the Holy Spirit if it is your assignment to lead them to freedom.

Love: You've heard the saying, "Be Jesus with skin on." Do it! Be like Jesus and love them
unconditionally and extend them the grace Jesus extends to you. Getting in a shouting match or
confrontation will not lead them to deliverance, but will stock their arsenal with more control, offense and
pride. Be love and give love, unconditionally, obediently and willfully.

Extend: Give books to people on the subject. Most people who deal with the deadly trio are ministry
oriented and would enjoy reading on subjects to stock their arsenal. Purchase books on the topics, and
pray over them that through the author's teachings, the Holy Spirit would speak to them and that they
would see characteristics of themselves in the readings.

People can be delivered from anything and everything. I've witnessed thousands of deliverances, and I
believe this is true. No one is undeliverable. No one is beyond God's reach. However, I will point out the
importance of keeping ourselves out of it. We can't change a person, but we can lead them to change.
Unless instructed otherwise by the Holy Spirit to get directly involved in their deliverance, the best prayer
you can pray with precision and purity is, "Holy Spirit, convict them, expose them and reveal their sins to
them." Receive further education on these topics and more and how to set yourself and others free in my
book, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan ~ Your Deliverance Guide to Total Freedom.

Breaking the Power of Jezebel's Words

• Rebuke and renounce all words spoken against you, your family, business or ministry. Say out
loud "I rebuke, break agreement with and renounce word curses and spiritual assignments that
have obstructed the spiritual realm around me and put up roadblocks, hindrances, delays and
detours on my assignment in Jesus' name."
• Break off all word curses. Speak aloud, "I cancel all word curses and attacks from the enemy in
Jesus' name."
• I cancel all assignments of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy my life, health, family, business,
ministry and finances. "The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I have come
that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
• Speak Isaiah 54:17 over your life. "No weapon that is formed against [me] shall prosper, and
every tongue that shall rise against [me] in judgment, [I] shall condemn."
• Bind the words of those who speak negativity over you. Declare to bind their tongue, mouth, lips
and voice box from speaking negative words, gossip, slander and anything that does not edify,
exhort or build up. Say, "Lord, I bind negative word curses from going out and activating against
me, in Jesus' name." "Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 18:18).
• Pray for the person(s) and ask the Holy Spirit to convict them and expose them. You are asking
Him to convict them of sin and their words and expose their motives and behaviors so others see
their impure intentions so that additional people don't get hurt due to what they speak out.
• Keep your tongue from evil. Your prayers are most effective when you are not in sin. You can't
break something off your life you are putting on others.

Finally, be all of one mind, be loving toward one another, be gracious, and be kind. Do not repay evil for
evil, or a curse for curse, but on the contrary, bless, knowing that to this you are called, so that you may
receive a blessing. For "He who would love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil, and
his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it"
(1 Pet. 3:8-11).

• Declare out over your life, "There shall be no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near
your tent" (Ps. 91:10).

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything else that needs to be annihilated in the spiritual realm. Expect Him
to reveal Jezebel's assignments and believe that these things are removed from your life through your
power and authority. Spend time renewing your mind and capturing any stray thoughts.

Search your heart and remove bitterness and resentment from people who operated in a Jezebel spirit.
Ultimately, remember to love the person but dislike the personality. In my book, Speak Out, learn the
power we have when we speak out, and for further deliverance, see Discerning and Destroying the Works
of Satan.

7. Identify and remove inverted curses.

Kathy’s book, Mind Battles, has an inverted generational chart, exercise and prayers to identify
and remove the curses you have put on your family line.

• What are you speaking over your children?

• Check gen curse listing – see diagram in Mind Battles book.
• Identity what curses came down on you and what are your word choices.
• See Mind Battles – Page 174

Breaking Word Curses

Break those curses off your children and spouse. Right now, say, "Heavenly Father, I repent and
renounce every idle word, negative word, every word that did not edify, exhort, encourage and
comfort another person. I break all word curses off my children and spouse right now, in Jesus'
If appropriate and necessary, go and repent and ask for forgiveness.

Speak out Blessings instead of Curses.

• Instead of saying, "be careful" speak out "may angels guard and protect you."
• Instead of saying, "you’re tired of that person” say “I’m done with their behaviors.”
• Instead of saying, “I can’t afford that” say “I’m choosing to spend my money elsewhere
or I am waiting for my material blessing to manifest.”


• Spend time in prayer breaking, renouncing and repenting of word curses you have
spoken over another person.
• Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to convict you when you are about to say something that
you shouldn’t. Stop in mid-sentence if you have to so you don’t continue speaking it out
to another person.
• Practice being slow to speak and quick to listen.
• Make it a goal to only speak as the Spirit of the Lord instructs you to speak, being led by
the Spirit for the words you release.

Self-imposed curses are related to negativity.


• That makes me sick, when someone tells you something, can open a doorway to
sickness, claiming a family member will get it next.
• She’s driving me crazy, or I can’t take it anymore, leads to emotional doors being
• My daughter has the flu and I’ll catch it next. We are redeemed we don’t have to get the
flu or a virus.
• I can’t afford to tithe. Change your poverty mentality, you can’t afford not to tithe.
• Over my dead body, leads to a spirit of death. Have you ever said, “You’re going to kill
me for this” or I’m going to kill myself for what I did?”
• They irritate me can lead to a spirit of irritation.
What words have you spoken out that you need to clean up and out in the spiritual

8. Paralyze curses causing health ailments.

Speak Out and Spiritual Warfare Declarations will have you annihilating sickness and
manifesting healing!

My testimony – Delivered of a witchcraft curse and a hospital verified miracle

manifested in 3 days.

I used Declarations in my new Spiritual Warfare Declaration book and the anointing oil
(Exodus 30) I have on my website.

(Purchase Exodus 30 anointing oil with prayer cloth @

• Root of curse or health ailment

• Break agreement with generational curses
• Rebuke doctors’ reports
• Take authority over words you have spoken.
• Seek inner healing (see my book, Unshackled)
• Get healthy, drink water and exercise.
• Rebuke witchcraft curses
• Rebuke family curses and prayers ex. Amber
• Anoint your body with oil for healing.
• Anoint your family members possessions.

9. Renounce poverty curses and financial lack.

• I can’t afford it.
• I don’t have money.
• We live in lack.
• I can’t afford to tithe.
• Lack mentality.
• Purchasing cheaply or always seeking something for free even when you could
buy it.
Kathy’s book, Unshackled, has chapters on breaking poverty, victim and defeat mentalities.
Order Unshackled wherever books are sold or at

• Be a giver.

• Give when you don’t think you can.

• Renew your mindset.

• Everything you have it God’s.

• Give away possessions.

• Donate jewelry to ministries

Malachi 3:8-11

Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me.

But you say, “How have we robbed You?”

In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, your whole nation, for you are robbing
Me. 10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and test Me
now in this, says the LORD of Hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour
out for you a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it. 11 I will rebuke the
devourer for your sakes, so that it will not destroy the fruit of your ground, and the vines in
your field will not fail to bear fruit, says the LORD of Hosts.

10. Stop mental curses and mind bondages.

• Depression, fear, anxiety, worry, stress, bipolar, schizophrenia

• Rumination
You don’t have to receive your parents’ mental ailments, fears or worries.
If you are struggling with a mind battle of any kind, see Kathy’s book.
Mind Battles – Root Out Mental Triggers to Release Peace

Galatians 3:10
For all who rely on the works of the law are under the curse. For it is written, “Cursed is
everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the Book of the Law, to do
them.”[c] 11 Now it is evident that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, for “The just
shall live by faith.”[d] 12 But the law is not of faith, for “The man who does them shall live by
them.”[e] 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us—as
it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”[f]— 14 so that the blessing of Abraham
might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.

We are not under the curse; therefore, we are redeemed from mind bondages.
How many mental battles are rumination instead of demonic domination.

11. Biblical facts of curses

Deuteronomy (Read through book of Deuteronomy)

There is blessing and cursing – It is a fact.

Galatians 3:13-14
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us—as it is
written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”[a]— 14 so that the blessing of Abraham might
come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith.

James 4:7
Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

12. Cursed Objects

Anoint with oil objects in your possession.

New home purchases
Anything the Holy Spirit highlights
Anything you are in doubt to see if you can pray off the attachment and keep the object.

Anointing oil is available by Kathy on her website. She uses only high-quality olive oil and the
purest form of essential oils. She personally mixes the oil and prays over every bottle that
comes in a gift bag with a prayer cloth. Order at

Ways to know that they are:

• Be mindful of your feelings and/or what your spirit is sensing. When you pick an item
up, enter a store or restaurant do you get an uncomfortable feeling or check in your
• Ask the Holy Spirit to show or tell you.

What kind of items should you be careful of?

• Crosses.
Just because it is a cross does not mean that it does not have demons attached. In India
crosses are made in the same factories as idols. Not all religions use crosses the same
way that Christians do. Look carefully at a cross and see if there are any faces or
unusual markings in it.
Celtic crosses-they have a circle behind the cross, this represents sun worship.
• Knives.
• Jewelry.
Is sometimes used for earth worship; will be in the shape of a sun, moon, stars etc.
Certain animals represent the demonic realm and sacrifices.
Crucifixes-Jesus is resurrected, He is no longer on the cross!
Native American jewelry.
Silver used in witchcraft.

• Statues, pictures etc. of Mary. This is worshipping a false God and can have spirits of
idol and religion.
• Family heirlooms.
• Heritage items.
• Items from another country.
• Items purchased at garage sales and consignment shops.
• New purchases from items made in another country.

What to do if you believe there are demons on the object:

Cast off the demons.
Ask the Holy Spirit if you can pray off the demon and keep or get rid of it.
Pass cursed objects through the fire or burn if possible.
Dispose of small objects in a sealed trash bag so that it doesn’t fall back on your property as the
trash person disposes of your trash.

13. I was cursed! Do I send it back?

Witches/Satanists – want love and power.

We live in a world of spiritual warfare and false religions. People have gone astray from the
word of God and sought out other powers. Satanism, witchcraft and occult practices are on the
rise, and in most bookstores have more space allotted for books than the Christian genres.

When you think of witches, warlocks, voodoo priests and Satanists, you should know they're
looking for power and love. They usually get coerced into false practices and divination through
being a rejected child, thrown out on the street or having someone show them love like they
never had before. Yes, some are raised, and some make conscious choices to participate in
occult practices, but some are simply looking for love. They are looking for the same love you
are looking for, the love and acceptance of people, to be liked and acknowledged.

Being a spiritual warfare minister, I have seen many of these people who throw curses are truly
looking for love and power but are caught in a trap of evil. I believe they are seeking the same
love and power we are looking for; they just don't know it is the love and power of God they
desire. As Christians, God has given us a spirit of love and power, "For God has not given us the
spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control" (2 Tim. 1:7). We want to exude love to
everyone we come in contact with, and we want to see God's power through the
demonstration of healings, miracles and deliverance.

Unfortunately, the people caught up and seduced into evil practices were found by a Satanist or
occultist first. If we the church would get outside the walls of the church and exude God's love
and power in the streets, secular community and the marketplace, perhaps we could find these
people before they are seduced into serving false gods and cursing Christians.

Even so, as Christians, we must realize their curses have no power over us. Instead of the
church embracing and loving these people who are caught up in a false identity, we run in fear
from them or are uncomfortable being around them. As I said before, they are looking for love
and power, and the church has the ability to show them the love and power of Christ, but we
don't. I believe when we see a person in a mall whom we can tell is serving another master, or a
witch or warlock comes into our meetings to try and disrupt the service, we cower in fear of the
unexpected instead of realizing what the Scripture says, "You are of God, little children, and
have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (1 John

Our reaction:

2 Tim 1:7
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.

Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Luke 6:28
bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.

Bless and Pray

Don’t curse them back that is Christian witchcraft.
God is Vindicator (scripture) Romans 8:33, Isaiah 54:17 and many others.

Genesis 12:3
I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you,[a]and in you all families of the
earth will be blessed.”
Genesis 27:29
Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be those who bless you!”

14. I was cursed! Now What? (Should I fear the curse)

Anoint yourself daily (Purchase high quality anointing oil that Kathy has mixed and prayed over

Take communion daily.

Pray on the offense against curses.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, 5 casting
down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Speak protection.
Psalm 91 – Break it down (Stay in the secret place)

Luke 9:1 – Power over curses

9 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all
demons and to cure diseases.

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