June Deacons Meeting

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Deacon Meeting 6/6/23

Present: Brett McBride, Cathy Fratilla, Jan Bombeck, Gretchen Andolina, Beth Knauff, Cathy
Szabo, Janie Lippincott, Zoey Heckathorn, Cathy Szabo, Rick Stauffer

Excused: Derek Work, Shelley Reading

Opening devotions
Matthew 10:16-23- Persecution will come

Counting: We talked through the three teams and have chosen people to contact those who
are not currently serving about the changes to come and confirm their interest. We also talked
about a mass email to all who count to let them know of the changes we have made to the
counting teams. This is set to start in July with Team 3 and if Marieta feels it too much to do 2
months in a row we will work to help ease into the process.
The changes are as follows:
Team 1: Derek Work, Beth Work, Rick Work, Tim Patterson
Team 2: Diane Ward, Cathy Fratilla, Cathy Szabo, Gretchen Andolina
Team 3: Ryan Zippie, Marieta Logue, Pat Logue, Gene McConnell
We also added Denise Javorsky as a possible sub as she was interested.
We plan to bring new counters in train them on the process to help acclimate them.

We worked out Picnic details and found out that Brett will be on vacation that week.
The assignments are as follows:
All to bring a cooler with bottled water and ice does not have be before 9 just bring when you
get there
Matthew has games covered
Photos being taken by Jan and Angie Smith
Helping people from their cars- Janie, Zoey, Beth
Servings spoons- Jan
Hot dogs, Burgers, and Buns- Frank or Zoey (going to ask Frank for the number and see if he
wants to get them again or pass it on)
Extension Cords- Rick going to ask at church
Paper products are ordered by Michelle
Set up- Beth, Gretchen, Jan arriving around 11-11:30
The Ward’s will be there to assist with there grills and other setup.
Grillers- Brent Ward and Pat Logue

Treasurer Report:
May Report:
Beginning 6321.48
Deposits: 1498.40
Expenses: 1101.00
Total: 6718.88

Pastor Update:
Task Force:
The architect is coming to look into changes to see the cost of everything. They found in the
process that what they want to do is going to be more than the gift we were given so we will
have capital campaign in the future. They looked into the children’s area and the old sanctuary
as the opportunities to go with.
They also placed money into a CD which has grown over the months.
He also brought up the nominating committee and how they wanted to do it in the summer so
they could actually do training with the new candidates. He asked for a volunteer and Cathy
Fratilla said that she would be willing to be our representative.

Closing prayer: This was done in our groups as we spent most of the time working on details
for the picnic and we prayed for all the groups and the needs that we can help with.

July meeting is on July 4th so instead of rescheduling we will just not have a meeting in July.

Next meeting is August 1st at 7 pm

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