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•Skin puncture

Methods •Venipuncture (Evacuated

•Arterial puncture
Skin Puncture
1. Wipe the area with a cotton ball soaked in
70% isopropyl alcohol.
2. Allow the site to air dry or pat dry with
sterile cotton.
3. Puncture the preferred site with a sterile
disposable lancet.
4. Wipe off the first drop of blood and collect
the subsequent drops. Avoid squeezing the
puncture site.
1. Apply the tourniquet. Ask patient to open
and close the hand for several times.
2. Cleanse the puncture site w/ alcohol. Allow
the site to dry.
3. Puncture. Aspirate blood.
4. Loosen the tourniquet.
5. Place a sterile gauze/cotton over the
puncture site. Apply pressure.
6. Detach the needle from syringe. Transfer to
the appropriate test tube.
Arterial Puncture
1. Sterilize the puncture site.
2. Palpate the artery.
3. Once located, move the fingers 3-4cm
4. Insert the needle at a right angle until
flash of blood appears on the hub.
5. When sufficient amount of blood

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