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Intended Learning Outcomes

a. Design and develop performance tasks using the Goal, Role, Audience,
Situation, Products, Standards (GRASPS )model;

b. Develop appropriate assessment rubrics or customize existing ones to fit

the desired outcomes; and

c. Interpret performance assessment data/results for monitoring and

evaluating learner achievement to improve learner performance and inform
A. What and Why of Performance Assessment
What is Performance
an assessment activity or set of activities that
require students to generate products or
performances that provide direct or indirect
evidence of their knowledge skills and abilities in an
academic domain
Teacher observes and makes judgment about the
student’s demonstration of a skill or competency in
creating a product,
constructing a response, or making a presentation
-McMillan, 2007
It is an alternative form of assessment.
DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2012

The highest level of assessment focuses on the performances (product)

which the students are expected to produce through authentic performance
Performance assessment provide a basis of teachers
to evaluate both the effectiveness of the process or
procedure used and the product resulting from
performance of a task.
-Linn, 1995
Process-based vs Product-based

Process-based assessment include actual performance of making products.

Product-based assessment is used for assessing learning outcomes that involve

designing or creating projects or products.
Process-based Assessment

paper presentation, poster presentation, individual or group report

Oral Presentations/Demonstrations on assigned topic, skills demonstration such as baking, teaching or
problem solving

dance, recital, dramatic enactment, prose or poetry interpretation,

Dramatic/Creative Performances
role playing, playing musical instruments

debates, mock trial, simulations, interviews, panel discussions,

Public Speaking
storytelling, poem reading

Athletic Skills Demonstration/Competition Playing basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and other sports
Product-Based Assessment

charts, illustrations, graphs, collages, murals, maps, timeline

Visual Products flows, diagrams, posters, advertisements, video presentations,
art exhibits

Kinesthetic Products diorama, puzzles, games, sculpture, exhibits, dance recital

journals, diaries, logs, reports, abstracts, letters, thought or

Written Products position papers, poems, story, movie/TV scripts, portfolio,
essay, article report, research paper, thesis

Verbal Products audiotapes, debates, lectures. voice recording, scripts

Characteristics of a Good
Performance Assessment
It is authentic.
It provides opportunities for students to show both
what they know and how well they can do what they
It allows students to be involved in the process of
evaluating their own and their peer’s performance and
It assesses more complex tasks.
It explains the task, the required elements, and the
scoring criteria to the students before the start of the
activity and the assessment.
General Guidelines in
Designing Performance
What are the outcomes to be assessed?
What are the capabilities/skills implicit
What are the appropriate performance assessment tasks
or tools to measure the outcomes and skills?
Are the specific performance task aligned with the
outcomes and skills interesting, engaging, challenging,
and measurable?
Are the performance tasks authentic and representative
of real-world scenarios
What criteria should be included to rate students’
performance level?
What are specific performance indicators for each
The choice of teaching and learning activities is also of
utmost importance in choosing the performance
assessments to use
How to conduct performance assessment?
Define the purpose

What concept, skill, or knowledge of the students should be assessed

At what level should the students be performing?

What type of knowledge is being assessed?

Choose the output that you will assess
Define the criteria
Content criteria- to Process criteria- to Quality Criteria- Impact Criteria- to
evaluate the degree
evaluate the to evaluate the evaluate the over-
of a student’s
proficiency level of all result a or
knowledge and quality of a
understanding of performance of a effects of a product
product or
facts, concepts, and skill or process or performance
principles related
Angel Caroline Casiño
Angel Caroline Casiño Angel Caroline Casiño
Angel Caroline Casiño
Create a performance rubric

Holistic Rubric General Rubric

Student performance or output
Contains criteria that are
is evaluated by applying all
general and can be applied
criteria simultaneously, thus
across tasks
providing a single score based
on overall judgment about the
quality of student’s work

Angel Caroline Casiño Angel Caroline Casiño

Analytic Rubric Task Specific Rubric

Student’s work is evaluated by contains criteria that are
using each criterion unique to a specific task
separately, thus providing
specific feedback about the
student’s performance or
product along several
Angel Caroline Casiño
Angel Caroline Casiño
Assess student’s performance/product.
Developing Performance Task
Types of Performance Task
Solving a problem
Completing an Inquiry

students asked to collect data in order to develop their

understanding about a topic or issue
Determining a position

Students to make decision or clarify positions.

Demonstration Task
Developing Exhibits
Presentation Task
Capstone Performances
Suggestions for Constructing Performance Task
Focus on learning outcomes that require complex
cognitive skills and student performances.
Select or develop tasks that represent both the content
and the skills that are central to important learning
Minimize the difference of task performance on skills
that are irrelevant to the intended purpose of the
assessment task.
Provide the necessary scaffolding for students to be
able to understand the task and what is expected.
Construct task directions so that the student’s task is
clearly indicated
Clearly communicate performance expectation in terms
of the criteria by which the performance will be judged.
Goal, Role, Audience,
Products, Standards

Provide a statement of the task.

Establish the goal, problem, challenge, or obstacle in the task


Define the role of the students in the task

State the job of the students for the task.


Identify the target audience within the context of the scenario

Example audiences might include a client or committee


Set the context of the scenario.

Explain the situation.


Clarify what the students will create and why they will create it

Provide student with a clear picture for success.

Identify the specific standards for success.

Issue rubrics to the students or develop them with the


Prepare a performance task using a GRASPS model.

Proficient (8 Basic (3-5 Limited (1-2 Inadequate (0
Criteria Excellent (9-10 points)
points) points) points) points)
Clearly defined and aligned with Mostly clear and aligned Somewhat clear and Vague or unclear
Goal the task. with the task. aligned with the task. goal.
No identifiable goal.

Role is somewhat clear

Role is well-defined, specific, Role is mostly clear and Role is unclear or
Role and directly related to the task. related to the task.
but loosely related to
irrelevant to the task.
No role specified.
the task.

Audience is mostly clear Audience is somewhat Audience is unclear

Audience is clearly defined and
Audience appropriate for the task.
and somewhat clear but not entirely or irrelevant to the No audience specified.
appropriate for the task. appropriate for the task. task.

Situation is somewhat Situation is unclear

Situation is well-established and Situation is mostly clear
Situation directly connected to the task. and related to the task.
clear but loosely related or irrelevant to the No situation specified.
to the task. task.

The The
product/performance is
The product/performance is product/performance is product/performanc
somewhat developed
innovative, well-developed, and well-developed and e is underdeveloped No identifiable
Product/Performance clearly connects with the goal, connects with most
but lacks clear
and lacks clear product/performance.
connections with some
role, audience, and situation. aspects of the GRASPS connections with the
aspects of the GRASPS
model. GRASPS model.

Standards are stated but Standards are

Clearly stated and aligned with Standards are
could be more explicit or somewhat stated but No identifiable
Standards the goal. Standards are rigorous
rigorous. Somewhat lack clarity or alignment
unclear or not
and appropriate for the task. aligned with the goal.
aligned with the goal. with the goal.
Developing Scoring Schemes
There are different useful ways to record the assessment of students’
Rubric as an Assessment tool
What are the types of
Analytic Rubric
Holistic Rubric
Analytic Rubric VS Holistic Rubric

Analytic Rubric Holistic Rubric

Identify specific and detailed Judgment about the over-all

criteria . quality

Each criterion receives a separate Each category of the scale

score, thus providing better contains several criteria which
diagnostic information and shall be given a single score that
feedback from students. gives an over-all rating.
Angel Caroline Casiñ o Angel Caroline Casiñ o
Stevens and Levi’s Introduction to Rubrics (2005)
enumerated the steps in developing the rubric.

Task Description



Description of the dimensions


Task Description: Each student will make a 10-minute presentation on

his/her observations, experiences, analysis and interpretation of
developing community. Student may use his/her own community as a
sample and look into its changes over the past 10 years. He / She may
use any form or any focus of presentation, but it’s a must to have a
thesis statement, not just an exposition. The presentation should
include table, graphs, photographs, maps, landmarks, and conclusions
for the audience.
Angel Caroline Casiñ o
Describes how well or poorly any given task has been performed and
determine to what degree

Sophisticated, competent, partly competent, not yet competent

Exemplary, Proficient, Marginal, Unacceptable
Advanced, Intermediate High, Intermediate, Novice
Distinguished, Proficient, Intermediate, Novice
Accomplished, Average, Developing, Beginning
Set of criteria which serve as basis for evaluating student output
or performance
Description of the Dimensions
Dimension Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Developing (2) Limited (1)

The rubric is
The rubric is The rubric lacks
clear and The rubric is mostly The rubric is
clear and precise, clarity and
precise, with clear and precise, but unclear and
with well-defined precision in some
Clarity and explicit some criteria or imprecise, making
criteria, areas, making it
Precision criteria, descriptors may it challenging to
definitions, and difficult to
definitions, require minor interpret and
performance understand the
and clarification. apply effectively
descriptors. expectations fully.
Dimension Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Developing (2) Limited (1)

The rubric
aligns The rubric aligns
The rubric mostly The rubric has
perfectly with well with the The rubric lacks
aligns with the limited alignment
the learning learning alignment with the
learning objectives with the learning
objectives and objectives and learning objectives
and assessment objectives and
Alignment assessment assessment and assessment
goals, but some assessment
X4 goals. Every goals. Most goals, making it
criteria could be goals. Some
criterion criteria are largely irrelevant
more closely criteria seem
directly directly related to to the desired
connected to the unrelated to the
relates to the the desired outcomes.
outcomes. outcomes.
desired outcomes.
Dimension Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Developing (2) Limited (1)

The rubric covers

The rubric covers The rubric
the main aspects of
all essential includes most of
the task or The rubric is The rubric is highly
aspects of the the critical
assessment but incomplete, missing incomplete, omitting
Comprehensiveness task or aspects of the
lacks depth in several important many essential
x2 assessment, task or
some areas or aspects of the task elements of the task
leaving no critical assessment but
overlooks or assessment. or assessment.
elements may omit a few
unaddressed. minor elements.
Dimension Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Developing (2) Limited (1)

The rubric is
user-friendly, The rubric is
The rubric is The rubric is not
with a logical mostly user-
somewhat user- very user-friendly,
layout, clear friendly, but The rubric is not user-
friendly, but it may making it
instructions, and minor friendly at all,
Usability require significant challenging for
an intuitive improvements hindering assessment
adjustments to assessors to
format. It could enhance and feedback process
improve its navigate and apply
facilitates easy its overall
usability. effectively.
assessment and usability.
Dimension Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Developing (2) Limited (1)

The rubric The rubric offers

provides a highly a reasonably
The rubric has
consistent consistent The rubric lacks
framework for framework for consistency in The rubric is highly
Scoring inconsistencies in
scoring, ensuring scoring, but scoring, resulting in inconsistent in scoring,
Consistency scoring due to
that different some areas may significant variations making it unreliable for
X3 ambiguous criteria
assessors would need minor in scores among assessment purposes.
or performance
assign similar adjustments for assessors.
scores to the better
same work. consistency.

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