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2 Hardware
and software
Unit plan
Session Outline of lesson content Resources
2.1 Mainframe computers and Understand the differences Coursebook questions 1–5
supercomputers between mainframe and Coursebook Practical Activity 2.01
Coursebook exam-style question 1
2.2 System software and Understand the purpose Worksheet 2.1 Translator
utility software of and need for system Worksheet 2.2 System
software and utility software. software crossword
Worksheet 2.3 System software
Worksheet 2.4 Utility software
Coursebook questions 6–10
Coursebook Practical Activity 2.02
Coursebook exam-style
questions 2, 3, 6
2.3 Custom-written vs off-the- Understand the need for Worksheet 2.5 Custom-written vs
shelf software different types of software, proprietary software
and the differences Coursebook questions 11–12
between the different types
Coursebook exam-style question 4
of software.
2.4 User interfaces Understand the need for an Worksheet 2.6 Types of interface
interface and the differences Coursebook questions 13–16
between the different types
Coursebook exam-style question 6
of interface.


• Learners will have experience of using many different types of software and should already be
aware of operating systems and some of the examples of utility software. Learners should have
an understanding of the need for software and different types of software but are unlikely to
recognise the categories associated with each.
• Learners will likely have experience purchasing or using different types of software but may be
unaware of the identity of each and the differences.
• Learners are likely to have experienced different interfaces, most commonly GUI. They may have
used gesture based interfaces with games consoles, and dialogue interfaces with mobile phones
or smart-home systems.

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2.1 Mainframe computers and supercomputers


Learning intentions Success criteria

• Understand the characteristics of mainframe • Define the terms mainframe and

and supercomputers. supercomputer.
• Understand the advantages and • Describe the characteristics of mainframe
disadvantages of mainframe and and supercomputers.
• Justify the use of a mainframe or
supercomputer in a given context.


mainframe computer: powerful computer serving several terminals

supercomputer: large computer with parallel processing to complete highly complex tasks quickly

Lesson starter
1 Types of computer (10 min)
Learning intention: To identify pre-existing knowledge.
Description: Ask learners to list all of the different types of computer that they use or that they know exist.
Create a list of all the computers, and if not included add mainframe computers and super computers.
What to look out for: Learners may only consider laptops, PCs, etc. as computers. This misconception can
be challenged, e.g. by using the kitchen as an example and all the different computers that exist here as
embedded devices.

Main activity
1 Types of computer (30 min)
Learning intention: To understand the uses of mainframe and supercomputers.
What this activity is good for: Team-work, developing understanding in context.
Preparation: Supply a list of uses of mainframe and supercomputers (one per group).
Description: Introduce learners to the characteristics of mainframe and super computers. Put learners into
groups of two or three. Give them a scenario and ask them as a group to decide whether a mainframe or
supercomputer would be used, justifying their choice and making use of each of the characteristics.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners, put them in groups with stronger learners, provide them with a
list of the characteristics of each type of computer and ask them to refer to them in their answers.
To challenge confident learners, encourage them to justify their choices.

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Plenary idea
1 Match the statements (10 min)
Preparation: Create a list of advantages/disadvantages/characteristics of mainframe and supercomputers.
Description: Ask learners to vote on whether each statement relates to a mainframe, a supercomputer, or
both. Discuss the answers and ask learners to justify their choices.

Homework idea
Give learners a different scenario each that makes use of a mainframe or supercomputer, and ask them to
present their findings in the next lesson.

Assessment idea
Tick box questions can be used to ask learners which type of computer would be used in specific examples.
Learners could be asked questions to define the types of computer, to identify a set number of characteristics,
and to justify the use of a type of computer in a specific scenario: this could be a long-answer question where
learners have to explain their answer.

2.2 System software and utility software


Learning intentions Success criteria

• Understand that there are different types • Define system software.

of software.
• Identify different examples of
• Understand the need for and purpose of system software.
different types of system software.
• Describe the need for and uses of translators
• Understand the need for and purpose of (compiler and interpreter).
utility software.
• Describe the purpose of a linker.
• Understand the advantages and
disadvantages of different system and • Describe the purpose of device drivers.
utility software. • Explain how high-level language is translated
to assembly language or another low-
level language.
• Explain the need for and purpose of
utility software.
• Describe the purpose of different examples
of utility software.

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compiler: translates high-level programming language into an executable file in machine code
device: a hardware component of a computer system consisting of electronic components
interpreter: translates and executes a high-level programming language a line at a time
operating system: software that manages the hardware within a computer system
software: programs that give instructions to the computer
system software: software needed to operate a computer system
utility software: software that performs some sort of maintenance on the computer system

Common misconceptions
Misconception How to elicit How to overcome
The differences between utility Ask for examples of tasks Give descriptions to categorise
software and the operating performed by operating software in either, show learners
system are sometimes difficult systems, and utility programs. how to compare software to
for learners to grasp. the descriptions and determine
which they are.

Lesson starters
1 What can you do on your computer? (10 min)
Learning intention: To categorise the actions performed into software types.
Description: Ask learners to list as many different things or actions that they can do on their computer.
Collate these into a list and categorise them into operating system functions, application software,
utilities, etc.
What to look out for: Learners are likely to use brand names, but need to consider the generic name.

2 Convert high-level code to machine code (10 min)

Learning intention: To understand the processes involved in a translator.
Resources: Worksheet 2.1 Translator.
Description: Give learners Worksheet 2.1 Translator and ask them to convert the program into binary by
using the reference table. Explain that this action is performed by a translator because a computer can only
use binary so the high level language needs translating before use.

Main activities
1 Research the system software (45 min)
Learning intention: To understand the purpose of different types of system software.
What this activity is good for: Team-work, research.
Resources: Worksheet 2.3 System software.
Description: Put learners into groups and give each group an example of system software from Worksheet
2.3 System software, to research. This could be structured with questions to answer. Each group has to
present their findings to the class. Ask the learners to complete Worksheet 2.3 System software using the
research from each group.

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Differentiation ideas: To support learners, give them structure to help their research, e.g. questions to
answer, and websites to begin their search from.
To challenge confident learners ask them to include additional research, e.g. how the software works.

2 Create a quiz (30 min)

Learning intention: To understanding of the differences between the types of software.
What this activity is good for: Team-work, breaking objects down to fundamental parts.
Description: Ask learners to create a quiz that determines what sort of software is being used. The quiz
should begin with a question that has two answers. Each answer then leads to another question, each of
which has two possible answers. The answers should lead to the type of software. The quiz can be drawn
using a large sheet of paper with the first question at the top. Learners may prefer to do this in pairs
or groups.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners, provide them with a starting question that will differentiate
between some of the types of software.
To challenge confident learners, test their quizzes and challenge some of the differences with software that
does not always follow the rules.

Plenary ideas
1 Crossword (10 min)
Resources: Worksheet 2.2 System software crossword.
Description: Ask learners to complete the crossword on the different types of system software and
utility programs.

2 Operating system vs utility software (10 min)

Preparation: Create a presentation with different statements about operating systems and utility software.
Description: Ask learners to vote on each statement to determine whether it is about an operating system or
about utility software.

Homework ideas
Ask learners to make a list of the different system software they have on their devices at home. These should be
for different types of device, i.e. mobile phone, laptop computer, etc.
Ask learners to complete Worksheet 2.4 Utility software to summarise the purpose, benefits and drawbacks of
each type of utility software.

Assessment ideas
Include questions asking for definitions and descriptions of the different types of system software and utility
Give learners scenarios and ask them to suggest suitable system software for the stated needs.

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2.3 Custom-written vs off-the-shelf software


Learning intentions Success criteria

• Understand the difference between custom- • Define custom-written and off-the-

written and off-the-shelf software. shelf software.
• Understand the difference between • Describe the advantages and disadvantages
proprietary and open source software. of custom-written and off-the-shelf software.
• Define proprietary and open source software.
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages
of proprietary and open source software.
• Suggest a type of software for a given
context, and justify the decision.


custom-written software: software that is written especially to meet the requirements of a client
off-the-shelf software: general purpose software available to a large market

Lesson starter
1 How can you obtain/access software? (10 min)
Learning intention: To identify pre-existing knowledge.
Description: Ask learners to identify all the different ways that they can get software for their computer.
Ask learners for their answers and to identify off-the-shelf and custom-written software.

Main activities
1 Advantages vs disadvantages (20 min)
Learning intention: To identify the advantages and disadvantages of different types of software.
What this activity is good for: Evaluating different types of software, teamwork.
Preparation: Supply a list of advantages and disadvantages of different types of software.
Description: Give learners a list of advantages and disadvantages. Ask them to work in pairs to determine
whether they are referring to customer written or off-the-shelf software. Repeat with proprietary and
open-source software.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners, give them a description of custom-written and off-the-shelf
software to refer to.
To challenge confident learners, ask them to generate further advantages and disadvantages than
those listed.

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2 Scenario (20 min)

Learning intention: To understanding the benefits and drawbacks of custom-written and off-the-
shelf software.
What this activity is good for: Evaluating choices, developing reasoned arguments, applying knowledge
to context.
Preparation: Supply a set of contexts where software is required.
Description: Put learners into pairs or small groups. Give each group a different scenario. Learners need to
decide whether an off-the-shelf or custom-written piece of software would be most appropriate, and then
proprietary or open source software. Learners must justify their decisions.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners, give them a list of the advantages and disadvantages of both to
base their arguments on.
To challenge confident learners, ask them to argue both sides, i.e. that custom-written is more appropriate,
and then that off-the-shelf is most appropriate.

Plenary idea
1 Mind map (10 min)
Resources: Worksheet 2.5 Custom-written vs proprietary software.
Description: Ask learners to complete the mind map by writing points about each type of software.

Homework idea
Ask learners to create key cards about custom-written and off-the-shelf software.

Assessment ideas
Include questions asking for definitions of each type of software. These could include tick boxes where they have
to decide which type of software each statement relates to.
Give learners a context and ask them to decide which is most appropriate and to justify their choices.

2.4 User interfaces


Learning intentions Success criteria

• Understand that there are different types of • Identify the different types of interface.
• List the features associated with each type of
• Understand the differences between the interface.
types of interface.
• Recommend an interface for a given scenario
• Understand the features of each type of and justify the selection.
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages
of each type of interface.

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user interface: communication between the user and the computer system

Lesson starter
1 Interface features (10 min)
Learning intention: To identify features that appear on interfaces.
Preparation: Supply an example interface.
Description: Demonstrate or project your example interface. Ask learners to generate as many different
features that can be found on an interface. An interface could be shown as an example, or they could be
asked to come up with all the different features on the interface shown.
What to out look for: Learners may identify features of the software, i.e. things that it can do, and not the
features of the interface.

Main activities
1 Creating a graphical user interface (40 min)
Learning intention: To be able to create a graphical user interface.
What this activity is good for: Implementing theory.
Preparation: Prepare a scenario that an interface is needed for.
Description: Link with Unit 8 Spreadsheets or Unit 10 Database and file concepts. Give learners a scenario
and ask them to develop a user interface that meets the criteria, or design an interface on paper. Provide
learners with a list of possible features and ask them to select the most appropriate. Ask learners to justify
the interface features they have selected.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners, give them a structure to add designs to.
To challenge confident learners, ask them to explore other features that can be added to the interface.

2 Experiencing interfaces (30 min)

Learning intention: To identify the key features of each type of interface and understand the differences
between each type of interface.
What this activity is good for: Exploring the topic, teamwork.
Preparation: Prepare a list of interfaces/systems for each type of interface.
Description: Give learners examples of each different types of interface and ask them to list the different
features on each in pairs. Collate the answers for each type of interface from all learners and create a list on
the board.
Differentiation ideas: To support learners put them with more confident learners, and provide them with
questions to answer about each interface to structure their research.

Plenary ideas
1 Advantages and disadvantages (10 min)
Preparation: Make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each type of interface.
Description: Give learners a list of advantages and disadvantages of the different types of interface and ask
them to decide which interface they belong to. Ask learners to share their answers.

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2 Which interface? (10 min)

Preparation: Prepare a presentation with a screenshot of a different type of interface on each slide, e.g.
a screenshot of a GUI with icons, a screenshot of command prompt, etc.
Description: Ask learners to vote on each slide as to which interface it is.

Homework ideas
Ask learners to identify one example of each type of interface that they use, or experience and bring the example
to the next lesson to be collated.
Ask learners to complete Worksheet 2.6 Types of interface.

Assessment ideas
Give learners questions to define the different types of interface, and identify the features on each: this could be
a question where they join the features to the different types of interface.
Give learners a context and ask them to recommend and then justify which type of interface should be used.

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