Review 23. Luz Alejandra Vasquez.

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|. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice: 1A clean my room every dey ‘My mom Is claaned every day. 2 Tom bought anice present yesterday. Arnice present was bought by Tom. 3. Ann wil sing @ beautiful sang. ‘A beutiful song will be sung by Ann: 4. Ben repaired my computer yesterciay My computer was repaired By Ben 5. My sister is making a tosty coke naw. ‘Atasty cake is being maked by my sister & We have bought tickets to the concert Tickets have been bought to the concert by us, 7. Helen teaches French at school French is taught at school by Helen 8 They grow strawberries every year Strawberries are qrown every year by them. 9. Tim sent an SMS to his trend. ANSMS was sent to his friend by Tim 10. She hos written a test today. Atest has been wntten today by her. 11 They vistet that museum yesterday. That museum was visilad yestarday by them. 12. ham watching a fectball match now. Apatball match is being watched now. 13. Pam hos found the keys ln the table. ates Review Unit 19, He will Cony this fext. _This text will be copied by him. 20. He has bought a new cor. Anew carhas been him. 21. We are playing volley-ball now. Velley-ball is being played nom by us. 22. Our teacher explained the rule, The rule was by our teaches. 23. She fransiates the texts avery doy. ‘The texts are translated every day by her 24. Shes watching a comedy film now. ‘Accomedy show is being watched now by her. 25. He put the candle on the table. The candie is puton the table by him. 26, Pam has bought o new ring recently. A. new ring has been bought recently by Pam. 27. He wil comect the mistokes, The mistakes will be corrected by him 28.\ have got a beautiful present, A beutiful present has bean gotten by me. 29.The cat dropped the vase yesterday, The vase was dropped yesterday by the cat. 30./.am playing the piano now. ‘The piana is being played by me. 31 He has fumed off the TV set. ‘The keys have been found in the table byPam. The set TV has been tumed off by him. 14, Mona is washing the clothes naw. The.clothes ate being washed now by Mona 15. Youhave mode a lof of mistakes. Alot of mistakes have been made by you. 14, Bil wil bring sonchwiches. Sandwiches will be brought by Will. 17they attendiectret every day, The: 32. We receive e-maik evary day. E-mails are received evary day by us. 33. Nickis eating an ice-cream now. ‘An ice cream is being eaten now by Nick. 34_She will end money to her friend_ Money will be ent to her friend. 35. | Vait Paris avery year, “The lectures are alfended every day by them. Paris is visited every year by ma 18. We ore meeting the relotves now The relatives are being met now by us, 36. He has already prepared the repert. ‘The repost has already been prepared by him. 8. Passive of Active? Compiete the sentences with the correct fom af the verb. The posive ino woy of stuctuing a An odlive verb of sentence & ane gentence to that the grammatical subject in which the stject it the person or thing inthe peson or thing which experiences the ‘which pedoms the Hated action: effect of ct oction, rather thon the person or thing which counes the eect: {he diag chaved the cot The cat wes chewed by the hog Tha bullion illbidel tha heune sorty. Tha noun wal be butt snomty, Jone Austen wecte mix bock Trézboak war written by Jone Auction, Thay hove eaten the-coke, The cate hos pean scien, jno agent) 1. Where _was the bread baked (bread/bake)? . | Wverjustheard that Bob_has sold _(sell) his car, did you know? 3. The police__S!pped (stop) him because he was driving too fast. Was that jacket worn (that jocket/wear) recently? Mary ond David_bought (buy) ther house in 2004. The company was crested _(create) by twa brothers in the early 80s. Can have details of yourloptop which_was advertised (advertise) in your latest catalogue, please? My meother_wesclesning __(elean) the windows when | anived. . L__fepaired {repatr) the cor, you can use it now. 10. He__wss delayed. (delay) because of the traffic at amived too late for the mesting, 11... The invoices_ere checked _{check). so you can send them now. yee »e 12 People_don'tsmoke _{not/smoke) so much there days. 13, Who__inverted {Invent} the telephone? }4,. She___went (go) to Brussals last week for a meeting. 15, Alot of damage_wes caused (couse) by the storm bast month. 16, Two men_Wete arrested {omest) last night. They ore in prison now, 17. Our products_are-soid {sell) oll over the word. 18 They____bake (bake) the bread every moming, 19) She_was weanng (wear) o beautiful green dress when I saw her. 20. Normally the streets_ate cleaned {clean) every day. 212 Smaking__!s prohibited (prohibited) in all bars in France. 22, The corls being sepeired (repair) at the marnent, but it should be ready tomorow.

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