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Defining Human
To be secure is to be free from both fear (of physical,
sexual or psychological abuse, violence, persecution,
or death) and from want (of gainful employment, food,
and health).

Human security therefore deals with the capacity to

identify threats, avoid them when possible, and
mitigate their effects when they do occur
Subjects of
Human Security
Subjects of
Human Security
Individuals and its goals is to protect people from
traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional
threats such as poverty and disease.

Central to this approach is the understanding that

human security deprivations can undermine peace
and stability within and between states, whereas
an overemphasis on state security can be
detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a
central provider of security, but state security is
not a sufficient condition for human welfare.
Background of
Human Security
1990 - 1995
The United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) Human Development
Report New Dimensions of Human
Security coined the term “human security”
within the UN system. The report
highlighted four characteristics of human
security: universal, people-centered,
interdependent and early prevention. It
focused specifically on the development
of the human security framework. It
further outlined seven interconnected
elements of security: economic, food,
health, environmental, personal,
community and political.
2002 2003
In the year 2003, Sabina
Alkire published
“Conceptual Framework for
The intent of the UNDP’s Human Security”, in which
1994 Human Development the author proposed, “The
Report was further objective of human security
illuminated in 2002 in Keizo is to safeguard the vital
Takemi‘s presentation, core of all human lives from
“Evolution of the Human critical pervasive threats, in
Security Concept, Health a way that is consistent
and Human Security: with long-term human
Moving from Concept to fulfillment”. Alkire’s paper
Action,” delivered at the clarifies key terms, traces
Fourth Intellectual Dialogue the historical background
on Building Asia’s and evolving interpretation
Tomorrow. of human security and
examines the interactions
between human security
and other policy
In May 2006, Richard Jolly and Deepayan
Basu Ray published “The Human Security
Framework and National Human
Development Reports: A Review of
Experiences and Current Debates.” The
authors provided clear support for
shifting the focus of security from state
boundaries and preservation of strategic
national interests maintained by
protected military resources, to protection
of individuals and communities across a
range of threats.
3 Concepts of
Human Security
Concepts of
Human Security
Natural Right

Humanitarian Conception

Broad Concept
Natural Right
The core element is individual
basic rights such as rights for life,
liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness (United States
Declaration of Independence,

This should be protected by

international communities
International actions to abolish
weapons that harm civilians, to
genocide, and punish war crimes
(Geneva Convention, 1949)

Achieved by strengthening
international law
Realms of Human Security by UN,
Office on Drugs and Crime
access to a secure
Economy income/employment.

Food physical and economic access to


access to medicine and health

Health services, nutrition, clean water,

Realms of ensure sustainability and

Human Security Environmental
protection of land, air, and water.

safety against threats of violence,

Personal crime, war, abuse.

protection of community groups

Community including families and ethnic
provision of Human Rights, the
Political right to vote, and express political
Debates on
Human Security
Whether or not force is necessary

The relationship
in pursuing a particular human
security. To what extent the use of
force in humanitarian intervention
between human is justifiable when it harms non-
combatants? Humanitarian

security and intervention can surely protect the

people from human rights abuse

globalization and atrocities however, it can also

be exploited and used for ulterior
Globalization and Human Security For example, the movie “The thin
are related in various ways. blue line.”
Globalization creates new
people by
technological innovation, cultural
exchange, and democratic dimension of
governance. But as it provides
these advantages, it also worsen human
existing threats to human security
by increasing
exclusion, and
Risks of Human
Violent Conflict and
Wars Crime and Violence

Armed conflicts, civil wars, and High levels of crime, including

international wars pose significant homicide, assault, theft, and other
risks to human security. They result in forms of violence, threaten human
loss of life, displacement of people, security by undermining personal
destruction of infrastructure, and safety and creating a climate of fear
profound social and psychological and insecurity.

Terrorism Human Rights Violation

Violations of basic human rights, such
Acts of terrorism can cause fear, loss
as discrimination, torture, arbitrary
of life, injuries, and damage to
detention, and denial of freedom of
property. They also have a lasting
expression, can severely undermine
impact on societies, influencing
individual and community well-being
policies, freedoms, and human rights.
and security.
Poverty and Economic Food and Water
Insecurity Insecurity
Economic instability, income Insufficient access to safe and
inequality, lack of access to basic nutritious food, as well as inadequate
necessities like food, housing, and access to clean water and sanitation,
healthcare, and overall poverty can can pose serious threats to human
lead to insecurity and social unrest. health and security.

Degradation and Health Emergencies
Climate Change and Pandemics

Environmental challenges, including Outbreaks of infectious diseases and

climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, like COVID-19, can
pollution, and resource depletion, can overwhelm healthcare systems, cause
negatively impact human security by loss of life, disrupt economies, and
disrupting livelihoods, displacing impede access to healthcare and other
populations, and causing health essential services.
Mass Displacement and Nuclear, Chemical, and
Forced Migration Biological Weapons
Conflict, persecution, natural
disasters, and environmental The potential use or spread of
degradation can lead to mass weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
displacement of populations, creating poses a grave risk to human security,
humanitarian crises and challenges in potentially causing catastrophic loss
providing adequate shelter, food, and of life and long-term environmental
healthcare.. damage.

Cybersecurity Threats
Cyberattacks, hacking, identity theft,
and cyberbullying pose risks to
personal and societal security,
compromising privacy, financial
stability, and even national security.
There are essentially seven issues
associated human security. These are
SUMMARY economic security, food security, health
security environmental security, personal
security, community security, and political
Human security is people-centered. Its security.
focus shifts to protecting individuals. The
important dimensions are to entail the In other words, human security is the
well-being of individuals and respond to protection ensuring life, livelihood, just
ordinary people's needs in dealing with treatment, dignity and the freedom from
sources of threats. fear of political or civil harm, injustice
and life-affecting hazards.

Human security recognises that there are

several dimensions related to feeling safe,
such as freedom from fear, freedom from
want, and freedom from indignity. CATEGORIES
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