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sew adn com From the Strengths Perspective to an Empowerment-Participation-Strengths Model in Social Work Practice Ping Kwong Kam* mo it nt bc es yy fag a a ee scnmapnin Fn Kv Kan 70, Depuiet of Sl ad shoud ‘Soo Cy Civenty Hang. Tt Che Avene Kanon Tong. Mee Kone ‘ea apeeoesn de Abstract nrc yur he ang pan ha bre rte wa prs node SELLS aut show ppc a olen eto ana spies at en ena al eh pen She age nine ab thr by poping the sopon of an thwart {eter portant concep lwo parca | (5 ot arate se ree ones by propsng tht ol workers we the ‘stain popscon hen rss he selfs ot "ow tis wns he seg pepe 3 wae por: Fm empower, part, soe preci el werk Acces Fobruary 2021 {© Te An) 2, as by fd Ut rs bball fin bio coo So Wore Anson il ‘eacér rove om nung nt ri eee a ennaar istamus opens Woy prong 126 Ping Kwong Kam Introduction ‘The strengths perspective has become s popular approach in soil wok Iroctce in recot pare (Gliker, 2004 Salven, 2012; Salebey, 2013 Pull, 200; Blundo tof, 2019 Despite ths, there fas been increasing {Tscusion about appbing tho aengts perspectives actual practice {Ornstein nd Gamer, 2100 Oko, 2006; Gerdes and Stromal, 2008; ‘Guo and Tu, 2010; Gray, 201) "This acl adresses this and advo- ‘ates aloping an Enpowermieat-Partpation-Stengths (EPS) model ‘hat intpats the stengls perspective with two other signfenat eam ‘aps in socal work practice, enpowermeat and partipation, The EPS tmodel uffims the Interclaticmship and cose interinkage between these concep; the strengths penpective provides the bas, service usr [ovipation i conered az 4 wot method, and tei empowerment {the goal o thie model Ths sl reviews the advantages and ases in aplyng the strength pespesivo,outnes the special features ofthe EPS model and dreuses fis petonal aplication in adrering these isues and enhancing, Ihe. arengtperspecive in socal work ‘The strengths perspective, its emphasis and values “The srngths penpestive was clned and developed by Weick ef at (960), ening on ther practice experiences fn mental heallh services tnd dsatsfation wth the tadonal problem solving, pathological and ppychodynamie aprodches in sical work pracice tht focuped on se Fike wets’ problems or dfs, They suggeted that service ur capac: {iy to lp themselves and grow could be enhanced by ping them to ‘dootify and ie personal and environmental strengths and resources “This imovtive prvi perspotive has alacted much attention from ‘hin socal mote ad alo from alied medial abd social cae pote ones porary spread widely folowing plication of Saeebuy's ‘sted collection (Saesbey 183, “The atenghe perspective dws on « humanitarian approch that emphases service ter" suengthe and poste characteristics. Puli BON). Everyone bat stoagts Tat enable them to move forward and hangs develop aad transom Kista, 2013) Resnce eer to a0 Individeas casey to. cope wth cfiis and rebound from advenity {Glcken 2004) and is rparéedas ne ofthe important lexicons ofthe Strenphs perspective (Saiebey, 2013) The strength pepectve si fonts that if renlonce te afore more anton and smiled, there Stl bo eester awarenos of pple’ sels and stengis. In che helping [process svi workers esd to Keni serie Uses stengts and en {ange thetresliene ane 20.6 anos ai ene Enno eer SMP rose Sa Ly pO Empowerment Partin Srengs Mode! 827 “The popularity ofthe suergths perspective is due to is encourage ‘ment of paraigm shift among sell worker rom a longstanding ‘ion focsing om inivigual dats (0 exploration of service wets Strengths, competencies, rosence and posites (Omntein and ‘Ganser 200, Miley fal, 213). It oflers a rail aerate to the Inn deicfocused, deuteorented intervention models” (Gray, {ott p. 6 and binge 'a rac! departae rom social work's long afi tion with cet pathology” (Oso, 206, p 2). I enables social work to nove away fom is nage ar» problomsolhing profession and reduces {bell workers" reliance on a pthoipl or medical model view of se tee wets The songs pespectve abo helps to desonstivt sci Mrorkers negative image of dindvantged service ser, Issues in applying the strengths perspective i Despite scknowkement of the valves and postive funetions of the rots perspective over the las two decades, there hasbeen increas ing desc regarding is splistion in social work practi. Major {ses identified inthe Herts aze summarised below. practice DDownplaying the root problems Fint, sine the strengths persrective spss that the foes of practic is ot on problems, plholgis or defi but on sueagts and expats, Socal workets may misunlestand that they do-not need 10 Be cor ened about service er” problems in ther duly practice, The Strengths perpectve does not gnore service user’ problems. It reminds foci woekers fo recognise serve ter” prblews ony in thee proper Context and find simpler wage talk about the problems and pay les ‘Menon to than (Weick ed Chambers, 197) However, social Svokers may midaterpret thse seminers by onky encouraging sevice hers to adopt» poste aie towards thie problems. Sola workers Inny adopt overly simple and supertical approaches in understanding find sscsing series ter’ problems (Glcken, 204), thus ignoring oF owoplying the reality and root problems they face that need 10 be dressed (Orel and Gancer, 200. Lack of awareness of power issues Secondly, although the stenghs penpeatve requires social workers to nav a new partnership ith service wes (Rapp ané Ooscha, 2008), ome cies hve highlighted tat soil workers may be unaware of the nz Ae 2 nen vp ni muna osDL ASEM omnes ow pnt aN 128 Png kong Kam ower ines in practice (Grant end Cadel, 200%; Guo and Ta, 210) |The cle and importance of power ia soil work practice has been gsn- Gray understated ar key face shaping the process and outcome of the seve ueernorker rlaiaship bechise Of assumptions tht the Interest of service wers andthe worker ae compat a ely, there ifn asjmetty of power betwen social work professionals and service thers. The tendency of professnal power Yo contol service uses an Produce diempowering sets (Kam, 200%). Cries have argued that {hemi service oer hae incresod awarenes of the strengths, social Workers do not dees the power sues in practic, the imbslaoed Power rslaionship wil emai enchallenged an soca workers may not ‘teatvely help serie sere woover Irom adversity (Guo and Ta, an. Influence of neoliberal individualism and new managerilism “Thiraly,concems sot the streagthe perspective not only fos on indi “dual changes but als tive to berate people by combatting social op pression and dsctnination (Rapp and Goscha, 2006, Silebey, 2013) Flowever the prevalence and ‘pact of neo-liberal individualism and row managers in social welae afcts the Scope of social worker cncern wen they apply the engi perspective. An etho of individ “ism in society encourages toca workers to favour therapeutic itr ‘tion and select the indivi ae the target for change (Kam, 2014), ‘Now manegeils, demanding flint ofthe equtemens stipulated by the ence andar, and irzasig gant service performance [iat ean thatthe foal scorns of socal wellare agencies have ‘come minting the suv of services and runing them in the Ios cstelective manner (Frgsoa, 208; Lai and Chan, 2009). Given th infuons, soil workers ae subject to heavier workloads and in ‘essed managerial pressures to meet administtine requzements (Kam, ‘ans. Socal workers may pico more emphasis on interventions di fected at anal target systems of individuals, fais and small groups [the eapense of eo to bag sboot changer ia oepansations om- utes, wd public pols” (Nitiman Shvart and Hantman, 200, p. ‘70. Sovil workers spying We strengths perspective thus scare le “apport for launching commonty or advecacy projects to rake struc: fur changes. Rater, they mar focus on ipdiualatitodes, respons bility and actions to nd slutont for problems, and ths neglect the Soca inequles tht afeet individuals wel-being aod the need for so- fia change, Az Cray @QOI1) comments, excsive feu on individual ef fort and svength to tc provi facing individuals may epic the Decoy of wag the tuctral oF mse approach fo change oppresive ‘och ystems and unjst socal poles, ee 20 wn vans mg ara sano Se renBL ASE apRNE a eR UH PA Empovenent Paitin Svargths Model 128 ‘A quest for more intervention guidelines outhly, the strengths perspective enables socal workers to change thelepeapetive and offers pravie diections. However, as Salcbey (Go86) points on. eviow e alan practice reveals that while weil Morte might know and recgnie the stzengs perspective, they may TM show of is fal endorcnent and application. One reason for this may be thal socal workers lack speaile and concrete uldelins, ‘Alhough six working pines have been proposed that can provide ‘enced Buidance(Slecbey. 293), thee ay not be slicer tangible {br socal workers to follow, Blind o (2029) comment that although the strength perspective helps socal workers recognise and identify se vse wer sents it dos toler suficienty specie techniques ot Intervention gudeines on how to elp sevice wets make use oftheir strengths to achieve change. Gonctete intervention guns insti to he working pacples are necsar to increase vocal workers conf ‘ene and competence napping the stengis perspective. Difficulties convincing service users to believe in thelr strengths Finely, i isnot esay, and takes ime, to help service users believe in their rent (Kat, 20009). es especialy ifect wo ehange the at {des and mindst of powedesr groups to peecive tha they have "For example even rough sofa Workers may ty thir best to sence of thir strengths they stl ead to ‘oe able sod that they nee! oly on 0- {Gil workers Oder people's ie experience tell them that they are ‘etded as senile, weak, wis, dependent and unable to change sci Sy. Apsct tom fly appljeg the working principles of the strengths Dorpecti, now ways io eae service users conidece to chil Their dhempowered stualoms and belive in thir own srengtts ae owded ‘Towards an EPS model “The above iu nda the neod to advance a suitable practise model that supplements or eniancerappiation of the strengths perspective Diferent scholars ave proposed ferent new approaches 1 econ- Struct or enforce the srengts perspecive (Orastem and Gnnzer, 200; {Guo and Toi, 2020; Gray, 211). However, thse suguestons offer new ‘Geos for adreming an indidal or specifi sve ony, bat fll to ompchensiely adress all he above sues in applying the stents petsposive and effetvelyeakance i we in sci! wock practice, To order 20 men wep mB as seu kg 29;0L ALES o-eCRH FES 1490 Png Kong Kan Sit this gop, and to adress the ie of separately apn ths concepts tf empowerment and partpatin sare proposes the adopion of ‘1 EPS model developed by te asthor (Kam, 20208) ‘Repuding_ te application sf -empowerment, according 10 post. siructralist of fominst thors, daring the empowerment proces, the ‘ober of the unequal ower ‘atonbip between social workers and erice ers ib undrtted (Leng, 208; Parpat eal, 2002), Cie fw boem raed tht in fostsing om Helping dsempowered. groups to Tiuke changes, social workers may easly enterain negative serotypes out service owes (Guo and Tn, 2010) Isola workers have exces. Sive concen abou helping disepowered groups regio their power and protet thei sights inte practic, they may became more dzetve in ‘Eprescting the diempowered groups to advocate fr change, and thos ‘eam more likly to work orsatier tn work with service bers “The epnlcatn ofthe patcpaton concept has been sujet to th ‘following tions, Fin, aoling serie wots participation may De {okeninte ot simply symbale (Kam, Ba). Secondly sevice users are ally freated a8 followers anc are not offered opportunities to be i- Velted in planing and decison making (Beresford, 2010) This, s0- {Ga workers tnd 10 invite paricpation of able and motivated service thet sine the ain of purtpton foeuses more on task seievement tnd meeting service or ageney needs (Barnes and Coterel, 22). Empowerment ‘The concept of empowerment has received longstanding and wit unging endorsement i socal ork, As aled inthe global detnion of Sal ork Catemationa Fedsaton of Social Wotk & Internation! ‘Assocation of Schools of Social Work, 201), the eration ad empow rent of people continues fo 22 empased as one of the major sims ‘tot! work, Sodal work asso long been idatiied and reeopised fs an empowering profession (Miley ef ab, 2013) Bang this specific Charactrbtic of socal work, soda Workers under the EPS mods should feratd empowerment or the Wate gon oftheir dally intervention ‘Eapowerment neato embers the following important cements Not retuming power to disempowered service users ‘est, social workers aged to boar in sind that empowerment doesnot mean granting. or betting power to. dsempowered service wer [Empowerment isthe one fundion that scll workers cannot perform for another person (Miley era, 2013; they can only work wit service thers 1 help Them empower themselves. Soca workers must be aware ene zo so men nea BK a ED EEG OU RAPER UH PREC Enpowermeni-Pardcpaton-Swergth Mode 1481 that ‘empowerment i no bed on returning power o the people, bat fon doconering the power wii the people Godidally and esl {help Galeebey 1982, p. 8), Socal workers ae no the soure of et ppomcrment, and service ers have the ably to empower themselves (Cam and Kwong, 208), Power dimension “The EPS movel sus that sapowerment is not only rested to per few biltyand capacity but aso feludes. the power dimension, ‘Empowerment directs sval wer concern 10 he relationship be- tween scrvice wees and sone, government and poll power sue {tres (Wiley ef el 2013) Therefore, empowerment does not ony foes fm enancing service wer’ seve of individual aby nd competence, tet ao changes the aneqeal ad ppresive power slaonships in ode (Ey and increases service tren ente of power to influence the pol ‘deco ming pres (Kam, 2002). tn helping service wers to achieve empowerment, soil workers must aso be alert to the existence of & pporer-dpendancy rlaonti i which service uses are dependent on eal workers, and agencie and workers have more advantages and esousey than service wets Changing the unegual power relationship ‘etweon socal workers and sevice users needs to ply sigan role In empowerment practic (Leen, 205; Fergeson, 208) ‘Thee levels of empowerment In keeping with understanding of the power dimension In empowerment the goal of empowerment i ot uaiasnsional but comprises three fx. {hs (Mley eta, 2013). Fst the persona evel enabling individuals to ‘evel thelr competence and elfieaey to maser their environment and lstiewe seledetermnation Sandy, Interpesona empowerment helps india to develo and ineoase las th exerci of interpersonal inten and the performance of valved toc roles Solomon, 1976, p. 49) efers to an individuals capacity fo reduce and combat nepaive stereotypes ia tlating to thes. Thr, stretral empowerment helps Service ters reals tat they ean ac together to sve suture prob fem and combut socal incyaliior spd socal ijosice (Rubin and ‘Rul, 2008). Ir enables serves ters to examin thelr relationships 10 feck stucres, make stradural changes and actively Inence and shang social pois nz za 02 vo mi i uno Sa RSL AE eames By 9pm PSC 1422 Png Kong Kae Internal transformation Most imptant in the expewermeat process is helping service wets Xbicve internal transformation (Kam, 2012}. The major aim of empow- ment in the BPS model it te help the service wsertensfor them- Seiver trom a person im a sale of poweresness, Heplessiess, opeleiess and elewnes to one with nceaced selfcompetence, self onto selteteem and mifpnty” A service wer nosis to be tans formed ftom a person who Ich conidence, sli, consciousness and Incenves to combat oppressor and ssa injustice to one who iat fis hemscltes a significant ep! competent to jin cllesive actions 2 Cenfton suctural deficiencies and change socal pois, Through in- ‘ermal ansformation, service wera ave Become more capable of elii- Snlng both ect power blocks (gxal inequalities, dsempowering Sosial polices, socal oppressica and discrimination in society acing Senos sevice wes) and inrect (nerd neptive seCvaluations) ‘nes (Soaeioa, 197), ‘An on-going process “The PS model asets that daring the empowerment proces, soil Workers wl not stop after src users are hsped to sck, regain and Uncover thir deserved power ‘Sosal workers need to at service ho to develop ‘on-going capi and eiacy to repent theraeives {O pin beter contol over tae dally ives (Kar, 212), Exypowerment 13 simed spot only a edcng the sense of reality of individ ad eam ‘mimity poverlesres, but also at helping people dover the consider {ble power within themselves, “er families, and their neighbourhoods {Salebey, 1992 pe Empowerment is ths an ongoing roses that fav no endpoint Svial worker need to live that servis ser have the ability and potential to engage in this proces to continuously di over their unresogased powers wells further develop new power. Participation In the EPS model, socal woriers are commited to promoting service ‘rer partipatin in thelr daly practice, Social workers ned 10 believe that parcption the best means fo adance the wie ofthe strengths Dpespotve and. fo. help service users to achieve empowerment Prripton need to ave the following special feats eazsi 20.02 ec i ne 480 Ka eB Gone eon ny FEC empowermet-Parication-Svegth Mode! 433 ‘Not only uptake and receipt of services Fist partipution i ot inital to promoting serve user! ap-take and ecupt of sevice, Seve teen should not be regarded as pssive se ‘ice tecpionts wo simply play the flower or asstant ole help so- TES Sento deter the eres Socal workers ned fo actively involve Snvze wos inservice planing, iaplementation and deckion making servel an inucoingsrutura td poly changes’ (Karn, 2020, p) ‘The EPS model does not teu participation as merely symbolic, Seve crs ave afforded opportunites to engage in mesningflpatiption (Gat mum be veluntry, provetive and botomup. They nced to be oped to rete that they can Docome service producers ot providers (Kar, 2020) Users rights Pastpation is not a8 outome trom service users but their vet (hermes tod Walker, 1996 Bares and Cotter, 212), This means that Cereipoton should not jst bea male of sevice provide” dscretion: Tithe, every service sor asthe right to partite 8 a'iize’ re fauics of thereby, istrumental” functions ot contribution. ‘omatngpartipation i he duty of all socal workers. Social workers font to sive to provide scrce sets with sulable channels and plat lam fo sxerce thei ight fo partspaton that can help eave thet ‘Rist se herd and ten nto consideration in implementing and pln Tine tomicen ths mating services more fespnsve to their particular eee (Mart, 2012) ‘Userted rather than provicer-led Social welfere organisation: have been cited for adopting 9 providerled or consumerist approach t parispation that renands eer Tice users simply es consumers (Bares and Walker, 19%). This ep- Jone emphases improving the effiency, economy and ffectivencst iin secs and mts sere ween” patcpatin to consulstion and To access af informatio, whe the power control and decide remains fe the hans of service provers In eontast, the EPS model des so- Gal workers to adopt the use-eriented, needed and power-sharing 9 fac thet involves service wets Jo contributing to needs asesment Sra irvce delvery giving epinions on sevice management and pat- ing t tehicwe meaning putpetion Barnes and Walker, 199). It Tak serie sors empowe! themscver though giving vice to tir tear ez sgt Pema eto zen aH GseRRuMous NFER a EINE 1124 ng Kwong Kam ‘views ed opinions and influencing decision-making and implementation bl servie dlvry (Beresford and Croft, 200. A partnership relationship In the EPS mote, socal worker need to put aie professional power td authori in fcilating tence user patcpation. Soci workers feed to work with service ones es partners or alles (Kam, 201). ‘Treough particpation, sevice wor a gen the opportunity te eam {i share power wih social workers (Kam, 2090), The pariersip of ‘altarian elaonsip lps to eliinate myths held by sevice were ‘out profesional author, mobile their abies and resources, eb- Sued them to move or acd at the forefront, and increase their SRaeeS “Sad. “opportunites, te influsoe and manege service ‘plementation. Ladder of service ser participation [A ladder of service user partcbaton is proposed in the EPS model to jroride tele channels and ators to falta participation that ‘PSs the flowing seve levels of paripation. While service wen” ‘Ratption may at news follow the progreive steps inthe Id Tar ty exo be encouraged to become invaved in any speci evel of Partptien. ‘Level I Being consulted and ving feedback: easing relevant infor nafon to sores tues, eting up a service ase feedback election ‘on alowing Vine fr evalatcn sd shaving, ad posing service wer {edbaek on notice boards. “ieee 2 Being offered more opportunities wo make chotes offering sence users moe holes in atios and service PACKS. Tove! 3s Being lvelved in diy serve management end implemen tations ivoling serie ers i counter service, making phone cal’ ‘Galng tits, Jecoraing the servis uni, and being ambassador for {he serie nit “Level Aassting in running programmes end community activites scree sett faking 4 more ative role ia oreanising progssmncs and ‘Shunienp community action for solving community problens abd im- proving community fits ‘Lend Active paripaion in grogps and commnly projects ‘oe ery song agent an making deisons together, taking om the ne to cur and take secords im groups, lunekng community projets Tie fovaian community comets group that employ collective action to azn zo.n men sa mb ms hun 680A GEENA mA UH PRESINES enpowermet-Paricpaton-Srangths Model WO ‘ight for equitable redistribution of community rexourss and make com musty changes. “Level te Partnrips stash agency, electing tpresentatives to the coun Tip eh serie uber to cawbateocal oppression and discrimination, ‘nko policy aes and avocating 01 polly canes “Lend I: Decslon making and control developing sevice wes soll ywogrommingieltelp gfeups, appolning or electing service were 8 lokberr of the Bonrd/ExectvelAdvisory Commitee of the service Theme, forming dtact or tetory-wide coalitions of service wes 12 Soe nd moniorelecod lepdatre to stenihen politi! power and Safeguard the iterests ad sights of eviews Strengths perspective “The EPS model tegards the srengths perspective asthe base f ot neck praise, The sreasthe penpective coitus the basi at fae an mladet of cll workers cowards sevice wers. Apart from ‘hari crstonding of he arengths perspective as discussed cars in {hs ancl, the EPS tnodelbiiihts thre ational characteris Nonmalnstroaming 1s applying the strengths popetive vocal workers need to embrace 8 juttdgm shift from a patboglcl to a srengths-beed eviction, Though this is vot cosy scioved If social workers Hike 1 flow the Imsinatveam perspective in Wel daily practise. For example, the malt Ttae idea Soom service wor with sual imoirmentfoases on prob eos rented tothe eyes. It esl rsrcs our coacem to the lass of ‘yet sity du to vl impaitent and thus ignoces the fwetions Brmacy of other ers ofthe body To help sift hr atenton from Slack inpatient to ther resources and abies posessed by the ser We one aoco worker ed to mave-away (om the mainstream Tamewori: The EPS model reminds sola workers of the problems of Atnqueatning we of oe relahe onthe nsinsreams framework tis nol ‘hag simply fo now abort the necesity of »paradim shi, soci ‘Monues hve to change to edopt a son-mainsteaming aw of service here and change helt worldview from halt emp” to “al all” (Km, 2m) ors 20.0 en spa ud an en Meer Geral ro tuaPen a PRES 1196 ng Kwong Kom Not only knowing but firmly believing in service users! strengths ‘The strengths perspotive elgs socal workers understand ot know thet Te AIRE lie owengtis. Honever, the EPS model wets tht si ‘iy knowing and eopntive undestanding ate not sic. Rater, 50> Py Mone need to steaghy belive thal service wrens cin identi, Sa Mand mobile thelr own avengths and ats and have the ie TSE parctpte (Kam, 200). Socal workers need to wold the Past tha orig user athe than soil workers ae the exerts of Teas peblems mando ea, 219). The strengths perapetive mst be te Toons belt esters among social workers Pull 2017), “Ten ways of identifying service users’ strengths Service wets commonly say that they are unaware, of thir ohm Sect Sokal workers may ato tnd i fic to lp service wes SEeCRUR spl nrngths The EPS. sodel suggests that soi workers Seed to work together i Tfecngths, Mentiying strengths should not be a esi for Saiytaeroe wes ako need 10 be actively involved Fae ere adinal ways of facitating sevice wes to ently thei sent proposed inthe EPS model: Se sparen tothe las obvious. Socal workers need to elP dean arrays est and wetive to those minor good qualities wer, Selo capebities, nd farn thei attention from outstanding a rem apparent oles obvious o sue, and fom uly devel ‘ped sucnghs to potential songs, ‘rom invres and pleasure, Social workers should not ret Mi on talking abt problems or difties with eerice meta Team more about tha fterests andthe things they enjoy 4 iBe"hng tr ela time so a fo help them cover tei tent of Shs tha are often ignored unidetie. si petent tapas ere, Sal workers ned op service Se er een tht resent station and f0 review thei sto: ae Ganley thet pst acievements, work, sd thei Ue expeien ‘cin wantonig diferent ie stges Sree imigee trengés. Socal workers necd to help sevice Leet Jer seve aware tat each person bas tit own wrigue <> eetbe and potential Service war need to be enabled 1 dey the Fret and ncguencs of tsi maida stengts, eventhough hey ere many rimflar caters with oer series wes sini tar stuatons. rrnkingsutle the bor, 1 odet to discover service wets! strengths eM foe and service ters ned to develop the abilty to think exe fre en. wane au aan oa Ka renaszrmn ems de SAREE PEAS npowerment-Pacpaton-Srength Mode! M7 ‘utd the tox void wing winszeam culture 1 judge the strengths lotr carl groups aad Tera to ent thei ural resoores nd stone “tenting screngths i feet contexts and in diferent roe. Soca rere and scr wtrs eed tobe rominded otto rely on a sna Context or ports role fo uhdersand service wer. Service wers SeRUUL Watt cxeud ther our for thir stengheco the diferent ‘Contents in which thy lve an the cerent ols they ray. “Alvys looking a Both sides of the col Service were nee to be em ait to belove that thar are both postive and negative aspects of Seat, and se refteing fo trm negative personal qualities to pos tive poronal set, ‘Providing eportaiies for sersce users 10 try mew things an dro now experiencee Soc workers should create opprtonitis for sere” er to expowe themgelves to Uy new things. Sci workers ‘tho go trough now expriones wih sevice users together wil pin 3 IWucfunderstanding of ther asd uncover their tre potentials and rent. Undrtanding service mer coping ix adversity o discover their stron: Sota workers need f0 help service wes nt simply to talk Shout the ndverse sittions they Yass but focus. on the coping pro (SSS they oe to aureve a maintain thei socal fnctionng, This ho help serve ures dower and appesate their inter resources {hut they surest eto del with paral adverse situations, Tcaifsng fly, rou, ongentsaton, community and indivi! tenth Sil workers heed to become more aware of iting ftnty,poup, organ, ard community strengths, and te comin tion ofl member to eteaing or developing these stents. ‘The special features of the EPS model “The Integration of empowerment, prtipation and the stengths per ‘Fete the spec feature f the EPS del, I inks these tes con- ‘Tee by sero tho sol workers wse the strengths perapoctive 10 (eBe aPsenice uses, encourige thelr patpation and thea ep them {Grempower themsehex The dss ofthis eatonhip ae naa i Figure 1 (Kam, 2020). Tae PS snodel ites that these thre concept are eal po ‘uot spd nome en be dareanded, Te reminds soil workers ofthe met tebe linking o Integrating era in diet soil work practice, I socal Wesker put more exphati on and srongly tlie in service wer Sanat thelr motivation aad competence to promote sence usr’ ‘erclption tnd erpovermant wil he icteased Service wsers wil take ‘reacties in partispation and in oping ther paiption tener co une mapa i RRS SERN APRA UH RENE 1438 ng Kwong Kame am © ee won UF scone Pee 85 ing cpt nh pe levels, Promoting service were partipaion wil farther develop their ‘Grr and\prende them wir more oppor 10 enhance their ‘Sapient fevls If empowerment aforded more empass, se See to wi have more opportuni fo disaver their new strengths Ud become more willing to actively participate ‘Addressing issues in applying the strengths perspective ‘he EPS model aims th intr-relatlonsip and clot itersinkage of the sengtss porpectve, enpewerment and participation, whch pro- ‘mots store comprehensive aproach to ares the abovementioned fay ber Teyarding the appration of the sengths perspective and ebifors te voles in supplementing or advancing Hi social work ie, tthe EPS model stings sola workers ofthe importance of courging service wor” partpation Ut taking up active r0ls and 12> Sonfilty to make ‘changes’ Tt tequres commitment fom social ‘Roker t easble service aren 0 take action to fice or tke their bic inthe lpg proces Dy helping sevice ses reals the it~ ‘Ets smtormaion i the empowerment process, the EPS model Chance tervice wer waren of Ce ife problems and diempon- (es suatons, Besides adopting 4 stengh-based inde, the EPS ‘Hodes emplasis on pariipaon and empowerment encourage sci Mivkcrs te mobise serve ters to Join community actions or focal “Rrmpuigne to fight for sommaiy sources and protect har eghs ‘edurgesscil workers to fifa service wer involvement in col {eedve porlpation and develnping the sprit of slaty nd social ‘Sansioumess If there i more emphasis on service sie” strength it Process, socal workers will become more motivated Toiping sevice were empower thesches. BY tan ire Zo enuresis sr ans aehgePHwsD tooo wy EEN Erpoerment-Puicption-Srengs Mode] 138 integrating the strengths perpeatve with empowerment, seal workers tr pay more ate {overpowering service ucts who ace pase, Cimotated or lacking in corEdence, and become more conscious of feping service asars develop aew strengths that help frtber empower them ‘Sevondly, the EPS model hep to promote increased concen about ‘ne powe isies in peace. The empowerment goal inthe EPS model Foot coined to persona ably and capeiy but asserts a salen em plans onthe power dimensor eluting to service wer’ power relation pein the society as well ther competence to exercie power in {hee iy hfe With its esapais on promoting srvice wer” passe ‘on the EPS model encourags social workers to be tore alert the fegune efovs of professionel wthosty and unequal power relton- {ips Working ns portars or ales reducs the power-depeadency rel timp between serce ures and social workers (Kam, 2014). The BFS Mel icates service wen" iereasng. avarenes of thet at TLeny in the partiption and empowerment proces, providing motive Ee" team share power with social Workers and become actively in ‘ened inthe Belping proces, “Thr, the empoverment zal of the EPS model includes the ind- dual inespessonl snd stroctrl Levels, Service users are ot only en- Neato. enhance, ther incvdual and interpersonal illune> in ‘onlin the ay if; the structural level of empowerment encour Sas und oblics the to jon collesive actions to contest srctural ‘Efcenclen and soci ajusce The EPS model advances the steagths ferpetive by alerting sll vorkes fo emphase stengthening service Ui confidence and competence to sland upeoleively o combat s0- {Sn dcimintion, The mod, further encourage social workers to be- ‘Sthe more ware ofthe ssi contet so abt suerte service we” ‘Sinmanity partion and empowerment. The EPS model beps sens fhe and cheourage socal workers fo. aot a soil construction ap roach when understanding vice wer’ vulnerabily, helping sexier ier to etatie the toll eres of ther problems and rerame their eons! rubles sell fen (OU and Barnes, 212) “Fourthly, the EPS mode! wakes clear fo socal workers that the goal oftheir protce isto promote service wes) empowerment. By wi ‘artipaton asthe means, stal workers have clearer guidance‘® eX Tosing sic were inthe hdping process. The laler of parpation repre inthe EPS model ao provides socal workers with eonerie Fraeators aod ear intervention stops i helping service users (0 we their strengths to empower themselves, The EPS model enhances social (Torker motivaon and conence in engaging src users ota the Tint or slab steps to se thir ows sesutees and capac to exper ‘Soe eran ebanges It ets social Woekes from fctsing on service ore cuisine stent to increasing ther efforts to father deveiop enc 20. sen sy am eno a zteaneHmaMewetahns ero mapen Ao geen 1440 Ping Kong Kem service wer’ new range 1 a50 guides socal workers otf confine thetratention to abl and active service users bu to gine more oppor rie to the mos dsepormered service users with Now slags and felt thy th best eet ofthe EPS model i that more evidence can be geen to berice uss Io beleve fn ta own stent. Patton ro- Ses sre wees with more oportanits to recog and disover theit ‘rong Thie eal expense in patipaton an vy provide eon ‘See idee and clea indeston out thee om sng By relring {oh perfomance of sevice ter patpaton, social worker wil fd Teac eae to convince thm ha they are capable and ae expats of thar own probleme The ators experience of encouraging olde peo- He ache partyin ia a pojed advocating ageeadly transport iG rad ates dates thal neared aad higher levels of partis {lon provide ‘more opportuni for older people to recognise thie {Kreg Tn ds projec, det goople were feted many opportaies ‘a Shunnc to partispate in planing, deeion making and inplements- tin actives suchas ending toda workers t inspect problema rans- potion and road faites, acing a jterviewers i sel surveys 10 Feet opinions of members of ie puble on inproving the fc, c= Ing nate clon and chaling and speaKog a the press conference ‘ekine ie survey ra sbd at lobbying mectngs wih goverment off ins and ebced lpslator, Through atively partpating fall these {ants he eer sere ier aver the val oftheir role in shaping {he proset, understood that they wee mote motivated and ste than Sourpses tobe the interviewer and wale that they themselves were {he experts in sugpsig way toimprowe the ape-iendinss of the ai ies and were move eflstve (hn soit worker in ining gover nen offs and polls who responded more posivly and enjoyed "senlng wo older people's views (Kam, 25200). “Toe fo wage of identiing service use strengths proposed in the EPS mode) enable social workers to us a wide range of stages € help ervce ers ither the evidence to ieatfy their songs ‘Though engging them i the empowerment proces the EPS model ‘Eble sere user ta plas more empboss on changes and develop- font thet ictease thee avaroness of their unrecognised or untapped Strengths, Serie wers who hve more oppovtuniis to inceabe their purdlgtion and empowerment evel are more able fo reals their per ft lateroal tanaormation al further develop new tenets Conclusion “This arco acknowledges the values of the strength perpective, but tbo provides a ere evew of application in sda work practice, lene cot en eo sea emt 2s ar HPN ro APR Uy PRONNED _mpawenmentPorcatin-Srangths Model 141 ‘iterto there hasbeen no corprebesive approach to ares al hese soe Adoption ofthe EPS nods tat links three concept, namely Cpowerment, partition aad the sengthe perspective, hep to il {hit eoreteel and practice gap. Apa fom adresing the key sues {ind eninacing ts aplication, the EPS model also advances a practice “pprowh fr socal workers to promote areal rene of serve scr cm fowerment end develop inreiaed insight of sola work as an empow- ‘ring prfesion (Miley of, 2013; Kam, 202) In ation, his model things in new denon to fami proaches by making expt the interactions among tere thes conoyps Te ofr a frmework to guide cial wonkers pructce by promplig Dim to develop praca and et Fecive ways of integrating The tree caneept Inthe dll social work “The EPS model also contribtes to advance a framework that belps isemtiy the special charcteraics of social work that dferentiate {fom ether professions. Unlike oer professions that fous on problem vation, the aor goal of scl work pace i o fait service “Gon” empowsrment What saal workers are daiag snot to work for Service unr but to work wit be. They ae ot relying on ther expert Itmonledge to. do everything for seve ses but encourage service {sen puripation inthe gross. Unlee other profesional wh sie bly oecpy a superior poston and hold an autostaran profesional igo, soial workers alm to relate to service wes in an epaltarian manor and are hen to ata painer or an ally. Unlike ote profes- Sonls who csually es delist or pathologie! perpesive oF orentar tion svi workers adopt a suengths perspective to Took at service tet With a poskive perspective, service tes rather than the social Nevers ate tested the expert of ther problems. Social workers Tiny betieve that ervce wars are able to bring in many resources fd posses that need tbe identified and developed by social workers Th concision, wih its emptasix onthe iteration ofthe concep empowerment,” patisipation andthe stengths perspective, the EPS move enables social workers to advance the strengths perspective for identify and. adopt an ffectvepeacice approach that elps Imai the sprit or ature roi wor. I reminds social workers of the need to uphold and. devlep their Gith in stonpy affiming “vce wer strengths, promating service use parcpation and foot ine on helping service users empower themselies and others in ther tiny pracice: To dats, tha hae been Tailed reearch into the ‘Mfetvenes of the EPS modeL The model needs t0 be further {lveloed and epestlonaio i diferent practi setings, i diferent cunties with spec clara comes ahd socio pole structures Trther recat will then be necessary to determine Is capacity 10 ten nz unm oo a eng een Egor gePSauns reopen AGH UH PREIS reipond more broadly tothe changes and development of social work preate References Bare, Mn Cote, Pe) (12) Cte Pret on User Hemet Bes The Pay rs, TOSI) ‘are aed Walk A (98) Conomerm vee emg A pied “ecw the ete ser et Poy Pol, 20, mst eer (1) obs pateci, governs a ina: sere ‘Ser np neat! fe of Caner Sa, 343) 9. 992 oneal and Cif, at) Sev mer and pact rend. Te key “opens sil wet nn Brito Toumal of Sc! 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