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Harmonic Creations

In this unit, you will be immersed in the fascinating realm of musical instrument
design. Your task is to collaboratively create a unique and functional musical instrument
that not only captivates the senses but also stands as a testament to your understanding of
sound waves, historical design principles, and musical concepts.
Inquiry Question
- How can a comprehensive understanding of sound waves, historical design
principles, and musical knowledge be applied to the creation of a novel musical
- What impact does the envisioned purpose of the instrument have on its design and
mechanical production of sound?
- Where music sound comes from and the fundamental properties that are associated
with producing noise.
- The origin of music and why it was created.
- Every culture listens to the same type of music for the same reason.
- External design vs the underlying principles that actually make noise.

Formative Assessments

Science - Chalk Talk

- Without any prior knowledge, the students will be able to
see what they already know about sound waves. This way
the teacher will be able to see how much they know and go
from there. There will be stations with a prompt at each
station and they will rotate and write something down for
each prompt. Then when they are done they will be able to
have a group discussion.
- Exit ticket about sound waves
- The idea is a recap about what was learned about sound
waves and show how they can apply that. This will also
allow the teacher to see what the students were able to take
away from the activity/notes.
SCI 4-10. Students can use the full range of science and engineering
practices to make sense of natural phenomena and solve problems that
require understanding how waves are used to transfer energy and
SCI 10 Waves have characteristic properties and behaviors.
SCI 10.A Use mathematical representations to support a claim
regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of
waves traveling in various media

History - Chat Stations

- 5 posters around the room with different discussion
questions about music throughout history all around the
idea of what music has brought to society and cultures.
Each student will write an answer to each one then we will
go into a class discussion and lecture after.
- Doc/Research Analysis
- Examine primary and secondary sources surrounding the
history of music with a group while completing
tasks/questions while reading. All documents will be
around the idea of why music and instruments were
created especially for societies and culture. Each group
will then share their analysis of the document overall
teaching others on their mastery.
- Standards
HIST 1.1 Apply the historical method of inquiry to formulate
compelling questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, analyze
and interpret data, and argue for an interpretation defended by textual
HIST 1.2 Analyze historical time periods and patterns of continuity
and change, through multiple perspectives, within and among cultures
and societies.

Music Sympathetic Vibrations

● In a full ensemble setting students will play through multiple
intonation exercises together. During each intonation exercise
students will follow a worksheet filling out intonation
adjustments they made to be in tune. During each excerpt
students will use the concept of sympathetics vibrations(timpani
or string bass) as the indicator for if they are in tune. Finally
students will play a Bach Chorale and finish the final reflection
on their worksheet.
Instrument Families and Sound Production
● In homogenous instrument groups, students will create a short
presentation about their instrument. This presentation must
include a breif history, producation, andmechanics slide that
explains how their instrument produces sound and changes pitch.
The presentation must also include the benefits and pitfalls of
their instrument, whats easy about their instrument? What is
hard? Students will present their instrument including aural three
aural examples.
MU.AC.4.4 - Describe and analyze the contributions of music on
historical periods and cultural and social contexts.
MU.AC.4.2 - Describe and analyze the contributions of music on
various cultures.

Summative Exam:
Students will be placed in pre-assigned small groups to imagine, design,
create, and present their own musical instrument design. Students will use their
knowledge of sound waves/production, history of design/importance, and musical
knowledge in order to complete this project. Each group will submit an instrument
proposal that includes an overview of their instrument, materials, instrument
inspiration, and the mechanics they will use to create sound. Once their proposals
are approved students will then build one prototype of their instrument. Along with
their instrument prototype students will create a brochure, website, or
advertisement for their instrument. This brochure must include the beginning
history of their instrument and the overall purpose they envision their instrument
having in the music world. Lastly, students will submit a mechanical analysis of
their instrument that explains how the instrument produces sound.


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Below Basic (1)
- Thorough - Clear - Adequate - Incomplete or
Instrument Proposal (20 points) overview of the overview of the overview of the unclear
instrument instrument instrument overview

- Inadequate or
- Detailed - Adequate - Limited
explanation of explanation of explanation of
explanation of
materials materials materials

- Missing or
- Comprehensive - Relevant - Limited
instrument instrument instrument
inspiration inspiration inspiration

- Inadequate or
- Clear - Limited
- Detailed missing
mechanics for mechanics for
mechanics for mechanics for
sound sound
sound production sound
production production

- Poor
- Good - Adequate
- Exceptional craftsmanship
craftsmanship craftsmanship
Instrument Prototype (30 points) craftsmanship or
and and
and functionality non-functional
functionality functionality

- Somewhat - Does not

- Clearly reflects - Reflects the
reflects the reflect the
the approved approved
approved approved
proposal proposal
proposal proposal
- Lack of
- Innovative - Creative
- Basic design innovation or
design with design with
with some ineffective
effective sound effective sound
effectiveness sound
production production

- Professionally
- Well-designed - Adequate - Poor design or
Brochure/Website/Advertisement designed and
and visually design and lacks visual
(20 points) visually
pleasing visual appeal appeal

- Missing or
- Comprehensive - Relevant - Limited
history of the history of the history of the
history of the
instrument instrument instrument

- Clearly - Inadequate or
- Articulates the - Vague
articulates the missing
purpose in the articulation of
purpose in the articulation of
music world the purpose
music world the purpose

- Inadequate or
- Thorough and - Clear - Limited
clear explanation explanation of explanation of
Mechanical Analysis (20 points) explanation of
of sound sound sound
production production production

- Relates - Links - Partially links - Fails to link

mechanics to mechanics to mechanics to mechanics to
scientific scientific scientific scientific
principles principles principles principles
- Insightful - Identifies - Identifies - Lacks
analysis of areas for some areas for identification of
potential potential potential potential
improvements improvements improvements improvements

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