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2- pretrial conference ( Pretial conference

- readiness hearing, Readiness hearing

- omnibus hearing, audiencia relativa a una Ómnibus hearing audiencia
pluralidad de materias o cuestiones Master calendar
- master calendar, etc.) Plea bargaining
a) plea bargaining Continuance
b) motions (continuance) Deferred judgment
Drug court
c) diversion (deferred judgment, drug court, etc.) Change of plea
Continuance aplazamiento, suspensión
d) change of plea (disposition) Preliminary hearing
e) continuance (aplazamiento, suspencion de un acto Grand jury
pros ) or trial date Prosecutor
3. preliminary hearing Judge
a) held in court of limited jurisdiction for felonies only To cross-examine
Pretrial motion
b) only in jurisdictions where grand jury is not used Case law
Evidence code section
c) prosecutor presents only enough evidence to show: Continuance
To suppress evidence
i. crime was committed To exclude evidence
ii. this person is likely to have committed it To amend
d) no jury, only judge Indictment
To dismiss
e) defense only cross-examines, does not present case Discovery
la defensa solo Bail causion

f) judge issues ruling: i. binds over to stand trial in

higher court (holds to answer)

ii. releases defendant

4. pretrial motions (complex legal terminology, case law, "points and authorities," evidence
code sections, page numbers)

a) continuance

b) suppress or exclude evidence

c) amend complaint, information or indictment

d) dismiss

e) appoint expert witness

f) discovery

C. The Trial

1. jury selection

a) summons for jury duty

b) fill out questionnaires

c) panel goes to courtroom

d) oath to tell the truth e) clerk calls 12 names

1) voir dire (judge, attorneys)

g) challenges

i. peremptory

ii. for cause

h) take turns excusing jurors, call new names

i) jury chosen

j) alternate jurors

k) oath

- Superior court: tribunal superior

- NOTICE oF APPEAL. s. notificación que se da a la contraparte respecto de la
interposición de un recurso de apelación.
- File: presentar la notificación
- JUDGMENT. s. l. sentencia, fallo, enjuiciamiento; 2. condena, pena; 3. decisión judicial,

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