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Agreement Circles

Students stand in a large circle, and then step to the center in proportion to their agreement with a
statement by a student or teacher.


Fan-N-Pick (Kagan)

Teacher provide question on flash cards. Students in group of 4.

#1 fans the cards ;

#2 picks and read the question;

#3 answers the question;

#4 tutor or praises.

Students then rotate roles.


Groups with 5-8 students. Each group member is assigned some unique material to learn and then to
teach to his group members.

To help in the learning students across the class working on the same sub-section get together to decide
what is important and how to teach it.

People Hunt

Students circulate, finding others who can contribute to their worksheet. Followed with test or

(, )

Teammates make problems which are traded with another learn to solve.


Ideas Trading

Teacher gave the student cards. Student trade their ideas to their classmate using that card.

At the end of activities, the most students with cards will be acknowledged.
Class Hooray

Students are given piece of paper. They write the problems related to the subject.

Student take turn to read aloud the problem stated. If there is the same problem, other student stand
up and say “hooray”.

At the end, teacher is reviewing problem with the most “hooray”.

Pair Interview

Students standing in pairs. One as “interviewer” other “interviewed”. “Interviewer” move to other
students when teacher says “move”. Teacher is giving 2-3 minutes time each.

Students complete their worksheet or questions related to the topic during interview.
Break to review

Teacher stop any time during a lecture or discussion and give teams several minutes to review what has
been said, ask clarifying questions or answer questions.

Numbered Heads Together (Kagan)

A team of four is established. Each member is given numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4. Questions are asked of the
group. Groups work together to answer the question so that all can verbally answer the question.
Teacher calls out a number (two) and each two is asked to give the answer.
Answer Share

Students first think about a stimulated topic/questions. After students have had time to think, and
answer to the questions, they share their ideas/answer in pairs/group of 3 students. Next, students
again work alone and revise their view/answer.

Students form a group that represents an opinion/answer. After this, groups in the class share their
team statements /answers written on the paper with the rest of the class.

All Write Round Table (Kagan)

Students sit in the group of 4. All of them have paper. Students take turn to talk in the group and write
their own answer on the paper.
Talking Ball

Students sit in group of 4. Teacher gave them problem to be solved. There is one ball for each group.
Person who hold the ball must answer the question. They take turn.

At the end, they have to provide summary/final answer.

All Students’ Quiz

Students make question on the cards. All students combine that cards.

Students then form the group of 4 or 5. Teacher distributes cards equally. Students pick the card and
answer it in turn within their group.
Round Checking

Students in group of 4. Teacher gives questions to be solved. Teacher says, “Move your paper” and the
next student check the answer. If they found wrong answer, they mark it or tutoring group mates.
Teacher then give the next question to be solved.

Writing in Turn

(Writing Game)

Teacher gives one or two sentence(s). Students must continue that sentence in 2 minutes. Teacher said,
“Move your paper”. Student give the paper to student next to him/her. The next student continue to
complete the answer. And so on, and so on until 20 minutes.

In group, students choose one best writing to be read for the class.
Ice breaker Game

Teacher provides 3- 5 minutes game to make students “awake” or to be more ready to learn.

Brain Storming

Teachers ask several questions. Students answer in turn.

Some of them take note on the whiteboard or draw the mind map to summarize the ideas.

(Subject Games)

Teachers create games relate to the topic/problems.

Give one example: …


Students present their ideas/work in several forms e.g. posters, graphic/cartoon, chart, power point,

Students divided into 2 groups. Pro: agree with the statement presented. Contra: do not agree with the
statement. Teacher set the procedure e.g. each student must talk in at least 1 minute time and max 2
minutes, juries must evaluate/summary in 1-2 minutes time.


(Agreement Process)

Teacher gave the problem (case study). One student takes the lead as moderator. Students take turn to
talk. One student takes notes. At the end, moderator asks two students to summarize the ideas.
Moderator is asking agreement from all of students. Note taker read the agreement in formal sentences.
One on One Coach

Teacher meets one student at a time while other students are doing their work. Teacher meets one by
one during period of time.

Group Coach

Teacher meets one group at a time and guides them to solve the problem. Teacher moves to another
group in equal time.
Student Guide Student

Teacher pair the highest performer in class with the lowest performer. 2nd highest with 2nd lowest, etc.
Students work together in pairs to solve the problem.

Structured Tasks

Teacher gives task in steps. Teacher checks the work of student on each step. Students are required to
fill in the work as set by teacher in the worksheet provided
Role Play

Students playing role play to explain one concept or ideas.

Rally Coach

Students solve the problem/answer to the questions. Student count 1 and 2. Number 1 student move to
another table to share his/her answer. If any mistake, student coach other student.

Teacher gives 3 minutes time each. After 3 minutes, Number 1 student move to another table again.
And again, and again.

Then, number 2 students take turn to move to the opposite direction. Number 2 students move to
another table same as number 1 students did.
Subject/Topic Exhibition

Students work in groups and to display their work to the school community. During exhibition, students
are required to explain to the people who come to their stand/booth.

Timed Share

Students talk to another student in limited time e.g. 3 minutes time with 3 students. By the end of the
sharing, students write down the summary of what they have shared.
Mind Map Together

Students create mind map about one concept / how to solve the problem in group 3-4 students in
limited time. They have to present it in front of the class.

Guess What? (or Guess Who?)

Student writes a concept/name. Other students guess. Student who write only answer “yes” or “no”.
Write and Comments

Students write his/her ideas in sentences on a piece of paper (let say “pink paper”). Student put it on
the wall / board.

Other student reads and writes comment/praise on piece of paper (let say “blue paper”) and put it
below the “pink paper”).

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