Liberal Studies Required Courses

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Revised 11-12-2020

First-Year Students Only – Four (4) Year


(Law Studies, Criminal Jus4ce, Poli4cal Science)
Freshman Fall Semester Freshman Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

LIBS-191 University Seminar I 1 LIBS -192 University Seminar II 1
POLS-103 Intro to Poli>cal Science 3 KINE-101 Life>me Fitness and Wellness 2
ENGL-101 English Comp I 3 ENGL-102 English Comp II 3

MTSC-GE Math 3 GE Natural Science w/ lab 4

GE- SoSci Social Science Elec>ve Intro 3 POLS 200 American Na>onal Government 3
SCCJ-101 to Sociology
LBS 101 Intro to Liberal Studies 3 INFO-101 Applying Computers or 3
MIS 101 Microcomputer Apps
Total Credits = 16 Total Credits = 16

Sophomore Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

ENGL-200 Speech 3 PHIL-101 Cri>cal Thinking 3

POLS-230 Interna>onal Poli>cs 3 LIBS 290 Experien>al Learning 3

POLS-220 Compara>ve Government 3 ENGL- Literature Elec>ve 3
SCCJ-202 Social Deviance 3 SCCJ-210 Race and Ethnic Rela>ons 3
SCCJ-200 Wri>ng in the Major 3 SCCJ-208 Criminology 3
Total Credits = 15 Total Credits = 15

Junior Fall Semester Junior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

LIBS 395 Civic/Prof Leadership 3 SCCJ-313 Courts & Criminal jus>ce 3
SCCJ-311 Law enforcement 3 GLOB-395 Global Socie>es 3
SCCJ-314 Methods of Research in 3 GE Arts/Humani>es (including 3
Sociology language)
POLS- 307 Cons>tu>onal Law/ 3 SCCJ-310 Social Stra>fica>on 3
Poli>cal Science
GE Arts/Humani>es 3 SCCJ-315 Criminal Law 3
Total Credits = 15 Total Credits = 15
Senior Fall Semester Senior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

SCCJ-415 Vic>mology 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
SCCJ-402 Principles of Correc>ons 3 LIBS 490 Capstone Experience 3
SCCJ-402 Sociological Theories 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 SCCJ-316 Contemporary Issues in CJ 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 1
Total Credits = 15 Total Credits = 13
Total Credits = 120

Revised 11-12-2020
First-Year Students Only – Four (4) Year


Media, Arts, and Culture Concentra4on (Mass
Communica4on, Music, Arts)
Freshman Fall Semester Freshman Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

LIBS-191 University Seminar I 1 LIBS-192 University Seminar II 1
MTSC-GE Math Elec>ve 3 KINE-101 Life>me Fitness and 3
MCOM 208 Founda>ons of MCOM 3 GE Natural Science w/ Lab 4(3)
LIBS 101 Philosophy of Liberal Arts 3 MCOM-101 Wri>ng in the Major 3
ENGL-101 English Comp I 3 ENGL-102 English Comp II 3
MUIN - 109 Intro Music Technology 3 MUIN 111 Music Industry 3
Total credits = 16 Total Credits = 16

Sophomore Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

MCOM 217 Intro to Media Tech 4 ENGL-GE Literature- GE 3
ENGL-200 Speech 3 ECON- 201 Macroeconomics 3
LIBS 290 Experien>al Learning 3 GE Arts/Humani>es -GE 3
ECON-202 Microeconomics 3 ART- 207 Computer Graphics 3
ART-108 Survey of Macintosh 3 GE Social Science Elec>ve 3
Total Credits = 16 Total Credits = 15

Junior Fall Semester Junior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr
MUIN- 337 Applied Music Industry I 3 HIST-GE History Elec>ve 3
LIBS 395 Civic/Prof. Leadership 3 GLOB-395 Global Socie>es 3
MCOM-307 Cinema and Society 3 MUIN-338 Applied Music Industry II 3
ART-317 Art History 3 MCOM- 405 Techniques of Layout and 3
MUSP-099 Performance Seminar 0 ELEC Free Elec>ve 3
GE Art/ Humani>es Elec>ve 3 MUSP-099 Performance Seminar 0
Total credits = 15 Total Credits = 15

Senior Fall Semester Senior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

MUIN-339 Applied Music Industry III 3 ELEC Free Elec>ve 3
ART- 463 Selected topic in Art 3 Free Elec>ve 3
Theory ELEC
ELEC Free elec>ve 3 ELEC MCOM elec>ve 3
MCOM- 407 Media Law and Ethics 3 LBS 490 Capstone Experience 3
ELEC Art Elec>ve 3
Total Credits = 15 Total Credits = 12
Grand Total = 120


(60+ Credits)

Freshman Fall Semester Freshman Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

ENGL 101 English Comp I 3 ENGL 102 English Comp II 3
Natural Science w/lab 4 Arts/Humani>es (including 3
MTSC-xxx Mathema>cs 3 Arts/Humani>es (including 3
History 3 Social Science 3
xx-191 University Seminar I 1 xx-192 University Seminar II 1
201 or 202 or World Literature 1 or II or African
KINE 101 Fitness and Wellness 2 3
205 or 206 American Literature I or II*
Credits 16 Credits 16
Sophomore Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

CONC Concentra>on 3 ENGL 200 Speech 3

CONC Concentra>on 3 CONC Concentra>on 3

ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3

ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3

Credits 15 Credits 15
Junior Fall Semester Junior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

CONC Concentra>on 3 CONC Concentra>on 3
CONC Concentra>on 3 ENGL 311 Advanced Composi>on* 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
Internship (Op>onal) or
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC 3
Open Elec>ve
GLOB 395/ Global Socie>es/Mul>cultural
MIS 105 Microcomputer Applica>ons* 3 3
EDUC 318 Educa>on
Credits 15 Credits 15
Senior Fall Semester Senior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

LIBS 390 Survey Liberal Studies ** 3 LIBS 490 Liberal Studies Capstone *** 3
ELEC Open Elec>ves 11 ELEC Open Elec>ves 11
Credits 14 Credits 14

This curriculum is explicitly for tradi4onal students who are internal transfers from the University and external
transfers who have 60 earned credits. Student must possess a 2.00 Cumula0ve GPA to enter the program. Must
complete 40 hours of upper division courses (300 level or above). Must complete last 30 credits at DSU. *(One
course from the African American list,)
**Survey of Liberal Studies (LIBS 390) completed before the Capstone (LIBS 490)
***Liberal Studies Capstone (LIBS 490) is to be taken in the final semester.


Freshman Fall Semester Freshman Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

ENGL 101 English Comp I 3 ENGL 102 English Comp II 3
Natural Science w/lab 4 Arts/Humani>es 3

MTSC-xxx Mathema>cs 3 Arts/Humani>es 3

History 3 Social Science 3
Exempt University Seminar I 0 Exempt University Seminar II 0
World Literature 1 or II or
201 or 202 or African American Literature I
KINE 101 Fitness and Wellness 2 3
205 or 206 or
Credits 15 Credits 15
Sophomore Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

CONC Concentra>on 3 ENGL 200 Speech 3

CONC Concentra>on 3 CONC Concentra>on 3

ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3

ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3

Credits 15 Credits 15
Junior Fall Semester Junior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

CONC Concentra>on 3 CONC Concentra>on 3
CONC Concentra>on 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
ELEC Open Elec>ve 3 ELEC Open Elec>ve 3
GLOB 395/ Global Socie>es/Mul>cultural
MIS 105 Microcomputer Applica>ons* 3 3
EDUC 318 Educa>on
Credits 15 Credits 15
Senior Fall Semester Senior Spring Semester

Course Course Name Cr Course Course Name Cr

Liberal Studies Capstone *** or 3
LIBS 390 Survey Liberal Studies ** 3 LIBS 490
Internship Op>on 3 -12
ELEC Open Elec>ves 11 ELEC Open Elec>ves 11
Credits 14 Credits 14(15)

This curriculum is explicitly for nontradi4onal students who have 90 plus earned credits.
Student must possess a 2.00 Cumula0ve GPA to enter the program and be in Good Academic Standing.
Must complete 40 hours of upper division courses (300 level or above). Must complete last 30 credits at DSU.
*(One course from the African American list)
**Survey of Liberal Studies (LIBS 390) completed before the Capstone (LIBS 490)
***Liberal Studies Capstone (LIBS 490) is to be taken in the final semester. Students who select the Internship
op>on for the Liberal Studies Capstone must complete 45 hours for each three (3) credits.

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