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ANSV/HI 10.6-2004 American National Standard for Air-Operated Pump Tests Seoretariat Hydraulic Institute, Inc. www. ‘Approved May 18, 2004 American National Standards Institute, Inc. yarautie intial Standards, Copyright© 1987-2005, Al Rights Reserved American 4ptvel of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the National Standard Published By requirements for due process, consensus and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgoment of the ANS! Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, bt not nec- essarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted offort bo made toward their resolution The use of Amerioan National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not In any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, ot proce- dures not conforming to the standards, The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no ciroumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard, Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests {or interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page ofthis standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard, Purchasers of ‘American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by call- ing or writing the American National Standards Institute. Hydraulic Institute, Inc. 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 07054-3802 Copyright © 2004 Hydraulic Instituto All rights reserved ‘No part of this pubication may be reproduced in any form, ina electranic retigval system or otherwise, without prot \watlen permission ofthe publisher Printed in the United States of America ISBN 1-880952-50-5 Hydaulenstute Standards, Copyright © 1987-2005, Al Rghls Reserved Contents. Foreword 106 Tests. 106.1 Scope 106.2 Types of tests. 1063 Definitions 10.6.4 Mechanical test 1068. Pettormance tests (when spectiog) 10.6.6 Plotting pump performance. 10.6.7 Net positive euction head required (NPSHR) test Suction lft (priming) sees . Hydrostatic test of pumps or pressure-retalning components. 106.10 Noise. 106.11 Instrumentation 106.12 Rate of fiow (capacity) measurement 10.6.18 Air consumption measurement. 10.6.14 Speed (cycle rate) measurement . 106.15 Temperature measurement and instruments, ‘Appendix A: Index Figures 10.11 —Erfective diaphragm area. 10.12 — Open or closed tank 10.13 — Plotting test results 10.14 — Level contol NPSH test with deep sump supply 10.15 — Vacuum andior heat control NPSH test with closed loop 10.16 —NPSH test results 10.17 —Dry or wet suction lif test results 10.18 — Gauge connections Tables 10.5 — Symbols. 10.6 — Subscripts 10.7 — Recommended instrument calibration interval 10.8 — Actual measurement Hyrule iste Standards, Copynght © 1987-2005, Al Rights Reserved Page 13 ‘This page intentionally blank Hyieulcnstile Standards, Copyright @ 1987-2005, Al Rights Reserved Foreword (Not part of Standard) Purpose and aims of the Hydraulic Institute The purpose and aims of the Institute aro to promote the continued grown and well-being of pump manufacturers and further the interests of the public in such matters as are involved in manufacturing, engineering, distribution, safety, tans- portation and other problems of the industry, and to this end, among other things: ‘) To develop and publish standards for pumps; b). To collect and disseminate Information of value to its members and to the public; ©) To appear for its members before governmental departments and agencies and other bodies in regard to matters affecting the industry; 4), To increase the amount and to improve the quality of pump service to the public; ) To support educational and research activities; 4) To promote the business interests ofits members but not to engage in busi= ness of the kind ordinarily carried on for profit or to perform particular services for its members or individual persons as distinguished from activities to improve the business conditions and lawful interests of all of its members. Purpose of Standards 1) Hydraulic Institute Standards are adopted in the public interest and are designed to help eliminate risunderstancings between the manufacturer, the purchaser and/or the user and to assist the purchaser in selecting and ‘obtaining the proper product for a particular need. 2). Use of Hydraulic Institute Standards is completely voluntary. Existence of Hydraulic Institute Standards does not in any respect preclude a member {rom manufacturing or selling products not conforming to the Standards. Definition of a Standard of the Hydraulic Institute ‘Quoting trom Article XV, Standards, of the By-Laws of the Institute, Section B: “An Institute Standard defines the product, material, process or procedure with reference to one or more of the following: nomenclature, composition, construc tion, dimensions, tolerances, safety, operating characteristics, performance, qual- ity rating, testing and service for which designed. Comments from users ‘Comments trom users of this Standard will be appreciated, to help the Hydraulic Institute prepare even more useful future editions. Questions arising from the con: tent of this Standard may be directed to the Hydraulic Insttute. It will direct all ssuch questions to the appropriate technical committee for provision of a suitable answer. {a dispute arises regarding the contents of an Institute publication or an answer provided by the Institute to a question such as indicated above, the point in ques- tion shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the Hydraulic Institute, which then shall act as a Board of Appeals. Fiydraue itu Standards, Copyright© 1997-2005, AF Rights Reserved v Revisions The Standards of the Hydraulle Institute are subject to constant review, and revi- sions are undertaken whenever it is found necessary because of new develop: ments and progress in the art. if no revisions are made for five years, the standards are reatfirmed using the ANSI canvass procedure. Scope This standard applies to alr-operated reciprocating diaphragm and bellows pumps (referred to as “air-operated reciprocating pumps" herein). Units of Measurement Metric units of measurement are used; corresponding US units appear in brack- ets. Charts, graphs and sample caleulations are also shown in both metric and US nits, Reefer fo Table 10.5 for metric and US customary units. Since values given in metric units are not exact equivalents to values given in US Units, itis important that the selected units of measure to be applied be stated in ‘eference to this standard. f no such staternent is provided, metric units shall govern. Consensus for this standard was achieved by use of the Canvass Method The following organizations, recognized as having an interest in the standardiza: tion of alr-operated pumps were contacted prior to the approval of this standard, Inclusion in this ist does not necessarily Imply that the organization concurred with the submittal of the proposed standard to ANSI. 3M Chemicals AA, Anderson IRIARO Black & Veatch Corporation Brown & Caldwoll Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. Cheng Fluid Sytoms, Inc. OMS Generation Equister LP Healy Engineering, inc Minois Department of Transportation JLP. Messina Pump and Hyd. Cons. Kellogg, Brown & Root Krebs Consulting Service Malcolm Pimnie, Inc. McFarland Pump Company L.LC. Newport News Waterworks Pacer Pumps Pinellas County, Gen. Serv. Dept. South Florida Water Mgmt. Dist ‘The Process Group, LLC Warren Rupp, Inc Wilden Pump & Engineering Co. vi Hycraueinsttute Standards, Copyright © 1997-2005, Al Rights Reserved Committee List Although this standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Canvass Method, a working committee met many times to facilitate the develop- ‘ment ofthis standard. At the time it was developed, the committee had the follow- ing members: Chairman ~ Gary Lent, Wilden Pump Vice Chairman - Steve Able, [R/ARO Members: Alternates Peter Brule, iwaki Walchem Gorp. Michael Cont, [R/ARO Gary Cornell, Blacoh Fluid Control Challe Taylor, Versa-Matic Pump Co. Denise Caldwell, Versa-Matie Pump Nick Kozumplik, Ingersoll-Rand/ARO Co. David Paulson, Osmonics, Inc. ‘Tom Marshall, Crane Pumps & Systems Bob Piazza, Price Pump Daniel Shaw, McFarland Pump Co. Hydraulic Insite Standards, Copyiht © 1987-2005, Al Rights Reserved vi This page intentionally blank. yrauic Institue Standards, Copyaight © 1997-2005, A Rights Reserved 10.6 Tests 10.6.1 Scope ‘This standard applies to test of ait-operated dia- phragm and bellows pumps only. Unless otherwise stated, all tests are conducted using water at ambient temperature. Air-operated rotodynamic and rotary pumps are not Included in this test standard, It is not the intent to limit or restrict tests to only those described herein. Variations in test procedures may ‘exist without violating the intent of this. standard, Exceptions may be taken it agreed upon by the parties. involved without sacrificing the validity of the applica: ble parts of the standard. 10.6.1. Objective This standard provides uniform procedures for mechanical and other pump performance testing and for recording of the test resulls of ai-operated dia- phragm and bellows pumps. 10.6.2 Types of tests This standard contains procedures for the follawing tests: a) Mechanical test to demonstrate mechanical integrity ‘while pump is in operation, See paragraph 10.6.4 {And the following optional tests when specified: b) Machanical integrity at specified head and flow rate; see paragraph 10.6.4. ©) Net positive suction head testing; see paragraph 10.8.7. 4) Suction lit testing; eee paragraph 10.6.8. ) Head-fow-air consumption and mechanical inte rly at speed and flow rate; see paragraph 10.6.13. f) Hydrostatic testing of _pressure-retaining components; see paragraph 10.6.9. 9) Noise measurement is to be performed in accor- ance with a nationa/intarnaticnal specitication as Indicated by the manufacturer. See paragraph 106.10. yale stots HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 10.63. Definitions The following terms and symbols are used to desig- nate test parameters used in connection with pump tests 10.8: 1 Symbols ‘See Table 10.5. 10. 2 Subscripts See Table 10.8, 10, 3 Raled condition point Rated condition point applies to the rate of flow (capacity), discharge pressure, suction pressure, NPSHR, and air consumption of the pump as specified at a specific rate of flow. Alr-operated reciprocating pumps are normally purchased from a standard per: formance curve. There “normally” is no single "rated" flow rate. Volume (standard units) ‘The standard unit of volume shall be as follows: a) Metric — cubic meter; b) US units - US gallon or cubic foot. ‘The specific weight. 7 (gamma) of water at a tempera- ture of 20°C (68°F) shall be taken as 9810 Nim? (62.3 pounds per cubic foot). For other temperatures, proper specific weight corrections shall be made, using val- ues from the ASME steam tables. 10. Stroke length (L) ‘The distance traveled in one complete unidirectional motion of the diaphragm or bellows and connection rod. 10. 6 Cycle ‘One complete motion of the diaphragms or bellows. ‘Two strokes equal one cycle, 10. 7 Gyole rate (n) ‘The number of cycles in a given unit of time. tandands, Copyright © 1997-2005, Al Rights Rosewed 1 HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 ‘sun g7 = swum anew x 122} vorsionuoove at 4 wea u sepou enoge eounssp sored uonenets | 7 126 3250 punseRreay shu pusnaspareun Axor 4 ze+(xo.)| a. | wawenwascessop | 9, 500 so.60p erodes \ r = So = seauasuau ZanesB oyoeds = oor we | aruwrevereé sn] wa Tmoqneyew aan Thiveds5) mou oie o sor0 isd wou exenbeyspunod [ea 729886 ames 4 L = ‘sso|Uo|sueWuIp - SSIUOISUOLUID obra He x a0 id | woueronborepuned | eat poijiba: peu uonons exweod oN | WHSaN gph o isd ypu] azenbs/spunod eat aiqemene peey uoyons anqysod iN | WHSdN me aynunuyseF ww ainunaysepK ares 1040 o F000 w sa4u1 ww Zu cabual exes 7 (ewweb) s9¢'9 val 100) 91qn9/spunod wnt aqaus aignopuonauoypy quBem oypedg 1eze. pas | puocas/puosasaay oh uoves/puosesjiatow [u0)}210)8008 feUONEYABID 6 ¥6000 uw seuoul wu eoU 19;wRIG P Avo 6 suojei SA sw 49you 21GND- SyOAS Jad juoWee|dsIG a 31000 au Seypu arenbs zu 7eyawnn erenbS eon ¥ owe | uoreNeIaay | Wn Arewoien9 SA] Uoeneday noon way equs uoisnuog sjoawhs —s'01 e1gey yeraule nsttute Standarts, Copyright© 1997-2006, Al Rights Reserved HI Pumps ~ Alr-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 Table 10.6 — Subscripts ‘Subscript Term ‘Subscript Term a absolute H total head > barometiic i inlet 6 discharge max maximum D siaphragm rnin misimum oP diaphragm plato 5 suction EFF efeative v velocity ' frction ” vapor pressure 9 gauge z elevation Rate of flow (capacity) (Q) The volume of liquid delivered during a defined unit of lime at suction conditions. it assumes no enttained gases at the stated operating conditions. Effective diaphragm area (Ager) Agee is an approximation of the actual working area of a diaphragm. It is determined by averaging the diame- ter at the outermost flex point of the diaphragm and the outside diameter of the outer diaphragm plate and calculating the area from resultant ameter. (See Figure 10.11). (d+ op? Agge = Outer diaphragm plate \ oe P< diaphragm plate Diaphragm Figure 10.11 — Effective diaphragm area 10..3.10 Displacement per stroke (D) The volume swept by the diaphragms or bellows in cone stroke, The displacement per stroke can by approximated with the following formula: Da Ageext It should be noted that the actual displacement per stroke would vary to some degree with diaphragm onstruction and flow rate during operation due to the flexibility of the diaphragm, 10.63.11 Datum The datum is the centerline of the pump inlet from Which all elevations are measured. The elevation pres- sure (p,) to the datum is positive when the gauge is, above datum and negative when the gauge is below datum, 1063.12 Pressure (p) Pressure is the expression of the energy content of the liquid in units of force per unit area, 10.63.13 Gauge pressure (p,) The pressure energy of the liquid determined by a pressure gauge or other pressure-measuring device, relative to the atmosphere, Hycralc Institute Standards, Copyright © 1997-2006, Al Rights Reserved 3 HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 106.3.14 Elevation pressure (p,) The potential energy of the liquid due to elevation of the gauge oF liquid surface above or below the datum, expressed as equivalent pressure, Maximum allowable air inlet pressure ‘The maximum allowable gauge pressure at the pump air inlet that will not result in damage to the pump dur- ing operation as specified by the manufacturer. Maximum working pressure ‘The maximum allowable gauge pressure at the pump that will not result in damage to the pump during oper- ation, 1063.17 Maximum allowable suction pressure (@, max) ‘The maximum allowable gauge pressure at the pump Inlet that will not result in damage to the pump curing operation, Elevation head (2) ‘The vertical distance from the centerline of a pressure ‘gauge or liquid surface to the datum. 106.3.19 Velocity pressure (p,) The kinetic energy of the liquid flow expressed in equivalent pressure. Its determined as follows: (%) Lag) (Metric units), = gag3%S ¥¢ 2 (USunits) py = 555 x8 106.3.20 Suction lft (priming) Pump priming is commonly referred to as suction lit for alr-operated pumps, Suction lift is defined as the vertical elevation in meters (feet) of water that can be lifted through an air column by the pump at sea level ‘and room temperature. There are two types of priming tests: dry suction it and wet suction lit. 10.63.21 Total head (py) The diferential pressure is the measure of the pres- sure increase imparted to the liquid by the pump and 's therefore the difference between the discharge pres- sure and the suction pressure: Pu = Pa-Ps NOTE: Air-operated pumps will produce a maxi- mum discharge pressure that is established by the operating alr pressure. Discharge pressure is often stated rather than ditferential head on performance curves. Net positive suction head available (NPSHA) NPSHA Is the total suction head of liquid absolute, determined at the suction nozzle and referred to datum, minus the absolute vapor pressure of the liquid at the temperature of the liquid pumped. NPSHA is ‘specified by the customer and is dependent on system design, NPSHA = Pca~Pyp Where: Pzq = total suction pressure + barometric pressure =P, + Py Net positive suction head required (NPSHR) NPSHR is the total suction head in pressure absolute, determined at the suction nozzle and referred to cen- torline of the inlet, ess the absolute vapor pressure of the liquid required to prevent more than 3% loss in the flow rate (capacty) from the pump at a specific pres ‘sure and speed, NPSHR is specified by the manutac- turer and is dependent on pump design. 4 Fydraule Insttute Stands, Copyright © 1997-2008, Al Rights Reserved 106.3.24 Air consumption ‘Air consumed by the pump Is given in terms of the mass flow rate of the alr through the pump at standard atmospheric conditions (20°C (68°F) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere). The standard unit of air consump: tion shall be as follows: a) Metric ~ m3 (cubie meters per hour) b) US units - SCFM (standard cuble feet per minute) 10.6.4 Mechanical test The pump is tested at the manufacturer's specified operating conditions and is monttored for abnormal noise, vibration, leakage and proper valve operation. Test acceptance is based on visual and physical inspection to engure that the pump meets the manu- facturer’s requirements. 106.5 Performance tests (when specified) A pump Is tested for performance to measure head, rate of flow (capacity), and air consumption. This test is to establish conformance with the manufacturer's published performance criteria, Pumps are to be tested with standard accessories (eg., mufflers) unless otherwise specified. Accesso. fies and other special equipment ate to be reported with the test results. “Tharmom coaret CContot Valve for Pressure Gauge “Theotting Suction low Meter it Cooated in Suction ‘etaightoning > } Gooster Pump may be insaed ‘Sdational sucton pressure required ——— Ratu sume iseraroe Constant Suction Hi Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests —~ 2004 Test setup tor performance and NPSH This section contains general guidelines for pump test setup to eneure accurate and repeatable test results (see Figuie 10.12). it must be understood that test setups, which do not conform with respect to intake structure, pping and measuring equipment, may not duplicate test facility results. The pump test may use, but is not limited to, the following: a) A compound pressure gauge suitable for measur. ing the complete range of suction pressures, whether positive or negative; b) A discharge pipe or hose with a pressure break down (throttling) device; ©} Adischarge pressure gauge or gauges suitable for ‘measuring the complete range of pressures; 6) Dampening devices may be used for the suction and discharge gauges, such as needle valves or capillary tubes, to dampen out the pressure pulsa- tions at the gauges; ©) A means for measuring air consumption to the pump shall be provided and shall be suitable for ‘measuring the complete range of airflow; 1) Ameans tor measuring pump speed; Presure Gauge Dampaning Doves ow eter Cae Scctaae Pune HE Test Digohaige Control Valve, oF ‘ajusiable Spring Leaded Back Breseure Valve or ‘ajusiabie Choko Valve Hat exchanger, required: mote: Peston of these Gevieos may be reversed some satupe, Figure 10.12 — Open or closed tank HycrauicInstute Standards, Copyright © 1997-2005, A Rights Reserved HI Pumps ~ Ai Operated Pump Tests — 2004 9) Test setups intended for NPSH testing shall be provided with 2 means for lowering the NPSHA to the pump (such as a suction throtte valve with ‘optional screen or straightening vanes), variable leval sump, suction tank vacuum pump or suction tank heater; h)A means for measuring the temperature of the test liquid at the suction; |) The actual dimensions of the suction and dis charge openings where pressure readings are to be taken stall be determined, so that proper velocity pressure calculations can be made. Liquid for performance and NPSH Water shall be used. Other test liquids may be used, ‘but must be stated in test documentation. Pumps intended for viscous services that are tested with water may require corrections to approximate the performance with the viscous liquid. Contact the man- llacturar for the appropriate viscosity correction procedure. 10.6.6 Plotting pump performance Performance is usually plotted as shown in Figure 10.13, Air consumption is normally displayed as a fam- lly of curves on the performance chart. Lines of constant air consumption Discharge Pressure Rate of Flow Figure 10.13 — Plotting test results 106.7 _Not positive suction head required (NPSHR) test 1067.1 Objective To determine the NPSHR by the pump. 1067.2 Test equipment (test circuit) Three typical arrangements are shown for determining the cavitation characteristics of pumps. In the first arrangement, Figure 10.12, the pump is supplied from a constant level supply through a throttle valve, which is followed by a section of pipe containing straightening vanes or seven diameters of straight pipe to straighten the flow. This arrangement dissipates the turbulence produced by the throttle valve and makes. possible an accurate reading of suction pressure at the pump inet This simple arrangement usually is satisfactory for NPSHR greater than 30 kPa (5 psi), ahough the tur- bulence at the throttle valve tends to accelerate the release of dissolved air or gas from the liquid that takes place as the pressure on the liquid is reduced. A test made wih this arrangement usually indicates higher NPSHR than that expected with deaerated liquid. In the second arrangement, Figure 10.14, the pump is supplied from a sump in which the liquid level can be varied to establish the desired NPSHA. This arrange- ment provides an actual suction lit and hence more nearly duplicates operating conditions of pumps on water service, Care should be taken to prevent vortex: ing as the liquid lovel is varied. Penn Soe Sas Figure 1014 — Love contol NPSH est with deep sump sup017 6 HydrauleInsttue Standards, Copyright® 1997-2005, At Rts Reserved In the third arrangement, Figure 10.15, the pump is supplied from a closed tank in which the level is held ‘constant and the NPSHA is adjusted by varying the alr or gas pressure over the liquid, the temperature of the liquid, or both. This third arrangement tends to strip the liquid of dis solved air or gas. It gives a more accurate measure ment of the pump performance uninfluenced by the release of alr or gas. This arrangement more nearly duplicates service conditions where a pump takes its supply from a closed vessel with the liquid at or near Its vapor pressure. Aeration Taking the following precautions shall minimize water aeration: + Submerged retum lines + Reservoir sized to allow alr removal achieving required pressures, postive or negative + Inlet line property located to prevent vortexing + Reservoir batfies to isolate inlet from return line + Pipe joints tightened to guard against air leakage into the system + Use of suction stabilizer with air collection space located as close as possible to the pump suction connection Gas Pressure | _ Heet Excianger Fw O Bistroutor Z eous | Heating Pomp oatng Go _ Suction Ss Discharge ) Figure 10.15 — Vacuum andior heat control NPSH_ test with closed loop HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 106.7.4 Test procedure ‘The NPSH test should be performed at constant ‘speed while measuring rate of flow (capacity) at citfer- cent values of NPSHA. The NPSHA should be incre- mentally reduced until rate of flow loss reaches 3%, ‘The inlet water temperature should not vary more than 2G (3°F) during the test. When in service, the pump must be operated above the NPSHR if noise, vipration, unstable operation and even mechanical fallure are to be avoided. The margin of operating NPSHA above NPSHR depends upon the particular pump, liquid and installation. 1067.5 NPSHR calculations NPSHA ‘Net positive suction head available is the total suction pressure available from the system at the pump suc tion connection, minus the vapor pressure of the liquid at the pumping temperature. I the pressures and tem- peratures are provided at some distance from the suc- tion of the pump, frictional head losses must be calculated and subtracted, For metric uns (a) 010205 Nest » 2802 Pop- PD For US units (psa: Npsia = 2SPe- Peo PP 2, NPSHR data presentati n The results of an NPSH test are plotied as shown in Figure 10.16. 10.6.8 Suction lift (priming) 1068.1 Dry suction lft With the pump in an unprimed (dry) congition, the dry suction lit is defined as the vertical elevation in meters (feet) of water that can be lifted through an air column by the pump. Hycrauie mttue Standarés, Copyaght © 1987-2005, Al Rights Rescrved 7 HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 108 2 Wet suction tift With the pump in a wetted condition, the wet suction lft is defined as the vertical elevation in meters (leet) of water that can be lied through an air column by the pump. The pump may be “wet" internally by recent ‘operation, oF by adding liquid to the pump valve areas. Dry and wet suction lit (priming) test methods ‘Two test procedures may be used at various air pres- sures: the water lift method and the vacuum gauge method. Both tests are acceptable as valid methods of measuring the suction capablity of the pump. The tests are performed at various air inlet pressures and the results are typically as shown as in Figure 10.17. Manufacturers typically publish suction lit at the maxi mum value. Water lift method ‘The pump is used to ltt water of varying vertical dis tances until it is no longer able to evacuate the air in the suction line and the pump itself. om DP a is Se 36 d\n Point where rat of Tow is 3% beiow ‘maximum NPsH Figure 10.16 — NPSH test results Suction it r— inlet Air Pressure Figure 10.17 — Dry or wot suction lift test results Vacuum gauge method ‘A vacuum gauge Is attached to the pump at the inlet and the vacuum recorded. The vacuum measurement may be converted into a vertical distance. 10.6.9 Hydrostatic test of pumps or pressure- retaining components Objective The objective is to demonstrate that the pump, when subjected to liquid pressure, will not leak or fail structurally. For the purpose of this requirement, the words “will not leak," mean only prevention of escape of liquid through the ‘external surfaces of the pump, typically to atmosphere. 106.9.2 Test parameters Each part of the pump that contains liquid under pres- sure shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test fat not less than 150% of the maximum allowable ‘gauge pressure. Components or assembled pumps: The test shall be ‘conducted on either the liquid-containing components ‘orthe assembled pump. Components: The test shall be conducted on the liquid-containing components. Care must be taken not to impose prossure in excess of 150% of design on ‘areas designed for lower pressure operation. Assembled pump: The test shall be conducted on the entire liquid-containing area of the pump, but care must be taken to support the air side of the dia~ Phragms with a pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure. Test duration: Tost pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient period of time to permit complete examina: tion of the parts under pressure. The hydrostatic test shall be considered satisfactory when no leaks or structural failures are observed for a minimum of minutes. Test liquid: Test liquid shall be water oF oil having a maximum viscosity of $2 centistokes (150 SSU) at test temperature, a Hycrauteinsttule Standards, Copyiht © 1987-2005, A Rights Reserved Temperature: If the part tested is to oporate at a tem perature at which the strength of material is below the ‘strength of the material at room temperature, the hydrostatic test pressure should be multiplied by a fac tor obtained by dividing the allowable working stress for the material at room temperature by that at operat- ing temperature. The pressure thus obtained will then be the minimum pressure at which hydrostatic pres: sure should be performed. The data sheet should list the actual hydrostatic test pressure, 1069.3 Test procedure Components to be tested shall have all the openings adequately sealed, Provisions must be made to vent all the air at the highest point on the component. The item shall be filed with the test liquid, pressurized, and the test prescure shall be maintained for the duration of the test, No leakage through the component tested shall be alowed. HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 106.10 Noise Manufacturers shall test per one of the following estab- lished sound pressure or sound power standards: + ANSI1.13 + ANSIHI 91-35 + 1803708 ‘The manufacturer will report pump noise lovels as either sound pressure or Sound power. The manufac- turor shall also report +The standard under which the test was completed + Air inlet pressure and rate of flow or discharge preseure at the test condition The manufacturer should strive to test at 4.8 bar (70 psig) and in the mid-tlow range for the subject ‘Table 10.7 — Recommended instrument calibration interval Rate of flow Speed Venturi Note 1 | Pulse counters Nozzle Note 1 Electronic iy Orifice plate Note 1 Mechanical tyt Turbine tye Temperature | Magnetic flow tye Electric 2yt Rotameter yr Mercury syr Uttrasonic syr Pressure Bourdon tube (pressure gauge) | 4mo Manometers Not Regd Dead woight tester tyr Transducers 4mo Digital indicator tyr NOTES: 4) Initial calibration required. Further calibration is not required unless it is suspected there are critical dimensional changes. 2) Use instrument manufacturers recommendation if less than listed above, Hycrauteinsitute Standarés, Copyright© 1987-2005, Al Rigs Reserved 9 HI Pumps ~ Air-Operated Pump Tests — 2004 pump with a standard exhaust silencer, unless other- wise stated, Note that the materials of construction and operating cconaitions, euch as air inlet pressure and pump rate of flow, can affect noise levels, 106.11 Instrument ‘Test instrumentation shall be selected so that it can provide measurements with the accuracy as indicated herein at rated conditions. Instruments need not be calibrated specifically for each test, but are to be peri- odically calibrated by the instrument manufacturer or other suttable party. Refer to Table 10.7 for sultable period between calibrations for performance test instruments, Fluctuation and accuracy Acceptable fluctuation of test readings during test and accuracy of instruments is as shown In Table 10.8, To avold erroneous results due to inherent pulsing flows: + Instrumentation with sensitivity to frequency response less than the pumping stroke frequency shall be employed + Timo-weighted averaging Is normally used in reported data ‘Table 10.8 — Actual measurement Accuracy of | the | Accepiable | instrument | tuctuaton of | as.a% of the | testreading % | values Rate of flow | 5 15 (capacity) Discharge 2 1 pressure Suction 1 1 pressure ‘Nir consumption 5 2 Pump speed 2 2 106.11.2 Pressure measurement ‘The units of pressure and the definition of total head and its component parts are covered in the definitions section, Pressure tap location A minimum of two diameters of stiaight pipe of unvary- ing cross section before the suction stabilizer and after the discharge dampener following an elbow, valve or cother obstruction is necessary to ensure representa- tive flow conditions. if a stabilizer and/or a dampen are not employed, the gauge must be dampened sulfi- ciently to prevent pulsations from affecting the gauge readings, ‘The opening in the pipe shal be flush with, and normal to the wall of the water passage. The wall of the water passage shall be smooth and of unvarying eross section, For a distance of at least 300 mm (12 in) preceding the opening, all tubercles land roughness shall be removed with a file or emery loth, f necessary. ‘The opening shall be of a diameter from 3 to 6 mm (V/s to" in) and a length equal to twice the diameter. ‘The edge of the opening shall be provided with a suit- able radius tangential to the wall of the water passage, and shall be free from burrs or irregularities. Where more than one tap oF orifice is required at a

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