Tasks 9-12

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TASK 9-12


Do you have a damaged shirt for a stain or something else? Well, we can fix that, how? We offer
you a service that makes your life easier, just leave us your damage clothes and we will make a
new clothe, and just the fifty percent for what do you pay for that clothe, amazing.

Remember we are resurreclothes, and we never leave you in the worst moments.


Whe i was a child i used top play with my friends in a park near to the school where i studied. The
school made a tournament of micro where all the courses particpate, we win our two first
matches but in the third we lost and that was enough to be out of the competition, after that we
went to a cornero f the park and cried for like an hour.


Here i will show you to learn how to play a sport, first the basic equipment have to be chosen,
later the practice or game might be played by someone that can teach you the basic concepts,
after that, the rest and sleep have to be taken for the enough time because a very important part
of learning so you need to rest and sleep the enough time. Finally, the constancy have to be
understood like the fundamental part of your progress.


Hi neighboors and administrators, I have a couple of suggestions to be implemented for the good
coexistence of our community, first, a basketball court must have built in the zone of Parks
because is important to have recreative zone for all the ages and that makes a more healthly
people in our neighborhood, my second suggestion is to make more trash chutes closer to the
apartments because the smell of the trash in just one pleace is awful.

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