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Day / Date : 5/10/2023

Time : 45 minutes
Children’s age : 3-4 years old
Number of children : 3 children
Theme : Colours
Title of Activity : Pom Poms Picasso
Area of Learning : Early mathematics and logical thinking
Previous knowledge : Children are able to name different colours
Objective : 1. Children will be able to match the patterns of cards on the mat. (early
mathematics and logical thinking)
2. Children will be able to hold the tweezers to put pom poms in the correct
place on the mat. (physical)
3. Children will be able to name colours. (language, communication, and
early literacy)
4. Children are able to follow the instructions and rules given by the
caregiver. (Personality, socio-emotional and spiritual)
Location : Classroom
Material : Pom Poms in different colours, pattern grid cards, empty grid mat, child-safe
Steps : Beginning
a. Caregiver leads the children to sanitize their hand before heading to learning
b. Caregiver leads the children to the classroom in nursery.
c. Caregiver initiates conversation with children.
d. Caregiver sings together with children.
e. Caregiver explains about the activity that will be conducted by showing the
teaching material.

Contents to Achieve Objectives

a. Caregiver starts the lesson by asking children “what’s your favourite colour?”.
b. Caregiver shows children the different coloured pom poms and ask children to
name the colours. (Language – LO3)
c. Caregiver distributes to each children pom poms, pattern grid card, tweezers,
and empty grid mat.
d. Caregiver demonstrates how to use the tweezers first.
e. Caregiver shows children on how to pattern by replicating the pattern grid card
with pom poms on the empty grid mat.
f. Caregiver asks children to try replicating their pattern card. (early mathematics
and logical thinking, physical and language, communication, and early literacy

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-LO1,2 & 3)
g. Children are encouraged to try again if they cannot make it for the first time.
h. Caregiver guides the children and praises them when they succeed.

Contingency Action
a. If the children succeed, caregiver will ask children to create their own patterns
with pom poms on the empty grid mat with two of their favourite colours.
b. If the children do not succeed, caregiver will guide them until they are able to
complete the task themselves.

a. Caregiver will create a simple pattern with pom poms and children will need to
replicate caregiver’s pattern.
b. Praises are given to children who participate in the activity.
c. Caregiver guides the children to clean up the materials.
d. Caregiver says “Thank You” to children.
e. Caregiver leads the children to sanitize their hand.

Attention : Safety
Caregiver need to ensure tweezer does not have sharp edges.
Caregiver must ensure children don’t poke themselves or their classmate with the
Caregiver must ensure that children do not place pom poms in their mouth or ears.

Caregiver need to ensure that the classroom and materials are clean.
Caregiver need to ensure that the children sanitize their hands before and after the

Caregiver need to make sure that children are healthy during the activity.

Reflection : Children (Are the children able to achieve the lesson? What is their scale?)
1 OUTSTANDING Incredible mastery in terms of quality and
2 GOOD Consistently strong mastery, remembering,
accuracy, controllability, and quality
3 MODERATE Able to understand a skill and want to try to
master a skill or concept learned
4 NEED Need more guidance and attention

L. 1 2 3 4
1. Emily Chan Li Yuan /
2. Michael Anderson /
3. Sophia Lee / Facing difficulties in using

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the tweezers

Caregiver (Is the caregiver conducting the lesson well? What score did they give to themselves?)
L. NAME 1 2 3 4
1. Vanessa Yong Leng / Caregiver did not give clear
instructions of how to use
the tweezers. Instead,
caregiver only showed them
how to hold the tweezers

Overall Achievement of Objectives

Overall, children were able to achieve the learning objectives of the lesson. In spite
of that, Sophia Lee required more attention from caregiver as she faces difficulties
in using the tweezers. Caregiver had to provide her with guidance on how to hold
and squeeze the tweezers. Caregiver guided her by showing then holding her hand
to demonstrate so she would know the amount of pressure she needed in order to
squeeze the tweezers.
Improvement Action
Caregiver need to make sure all students are able to use the tweezers by showing
them how to squeeze and examples of how to pick up pom poms with tweezers
instead of just showing them how to hold the tweezers.

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