Survey Form For GB

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Interview Questionnaire for Primary School Headmaster:

The Role of School Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Introduction: Hello Sir,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview as part of our study on "The Role of
School Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment in Malaysian Primary
Schools." Your valuable insights and experiences will be instrumental in understanding the
challenges and strategies involved in fostering a positive learning environment. Please rest
assured that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

Interviewee Information:

Name : Mr Rajamanickam a/l Vellayan

Designation : Headmaster

School : SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Sel.

Part 1: Background Information

1. What is your name?

2. How long have you been serving as a headmaster in this primary school?
3. Briefly describe your leadership philosophy and style.

Part 2: Leadership Strategies (Code: LDR)

1. How do you set clear expectations for teachers and students to foster a positive learning
2. In what ways do you promote collaboration among teachers to enhance the overall school
3. How do you encourage student engagement and active participation in the learning

Part 3: Support and Communication (Code: SUP)

1. How do you establish open channels of communication with teachers, students, and
2. How do you provide emotional and professional support to your staff members?
Part 4: School Climate and Culture (Code: CLM)

1. How do you foster a positive school culture that emphasizes respect and inclusivity?

2. How do you address disciplinary issues with empathy while maintaining a positive
atmosphere within the school?

Part 5: Challenges in Creating a Positive Learning Environment (Code: CHL)

1. What are the most significant challenges you face in maintaining a positive learning
environment in your school?

Part 6: Student Well-being and Academic Performance (Code: STD)

1. In your experience, how does a positive learning environment impact student well-
being and academic performance?

Conclusion: Thank you for your valuable time and input. Your responses will be of immense
help in our research on creating a positive learning environment. If there's anything else you'd
like to share or any additional comments you have, please feel free to do so. Your
participation is greatly appreciated, and your identity and responses will remain confidential.

Interview Date : 1st July 2023

Interview Location : Headmaster’s residance

Interviewer's Name : Thanalechmi Muniandi

Interviewer's Signature : __________________

Interviewee's Signature : __________________

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