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Thời gian làm bài 90 phỳt

Nội dung sau đây dùng cho câu 1 đến câu 5:

Choose the word in each group which has the main stress on a different
syllable from the others.

Câu 1
A. relative B. contents C. review D. interview

Câu 2
A. ridiculous B. hazardous C. meticulous D. adventurous

Câu 3
A. machinery B. surgery C. activity D. technology

Câu 4
A. government B. movement C. development D. sediment

Câu 5
A. foreign B. language C. involve D. continent

Câu 6
I really don`t see why you object .................. our suggestion so strongly.
A. to B. of C. with D. into

Câu 7
Rickets .......... by deficiency of Vitamin D.
A. caused B. causes C. are caused D. is caused

Câu 8
If you listen to music you can't ___ your homework.
A. read about B. arrange for
C. specialise in D. concentrate on

Câu 9
She let the letter .......... on the floor.
A. fell B. fall C. falls D. falling

Câu 10
The match will be broadcast ___ to various countries in the world.
A. live B. lively C. alive D. living

Câu 11
They had ___ awful holiday that they wanted to come home early.
A. so B. such C. such an D. too

Câu 12
She is the ......... singer ........these pupils.
A. better .......... among B. good .......... among
C. best ......... in D. best .......... among

Câu 13
There .......... always a lot of storms in the rainy season.
A. are B. is C. was D. were

Câu 14
She did not tell me the reason that she came late
A. she came B. .......... for coming
C. coming D. ........... to come

Câu 15
No one knows how many documents ___ been lost.
A. has B. had C. have D. has had

Câu 16
Nothing can.......... him
A. satisfactory B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. satisfied

Câu 17
_____ hard work is good for your health.
A. Little B. Few C. A little D. A few

Câu 18
_____ of those books is sold together with a CD.
A. All B. Most C. Some D. Each

Câu 19
His health becomes worse and worse because he is a ..........
A. smoker B. smoking carriage C. non-smoker D.
heavy smoker

Câu 20
Taking care of her children.......... most of her free time.
A. occupy B. occupying C. occupies D.

Câu 21
A Dane and a Dutch person meeting in Cairo will almost.......... find themselves

speaking to each other in English.
A. automatic B. automatically C. slowly D. friendly

Câu 22
Your exam marks are rather..........
A. disappointed B. disappointing
C. disappointedly D. disappointment

Câu 23
The children ___ to stay up late.
A. don't allow B. aren't let
C. aren't allowed D. would rather

Câu 24
I could not sleep last night. I spent a very .......... night.
A. restless B. speechless C. useless D. harmless

Câu 25
"Do you agree with the local authority on that point?" means..........
A. Are you in agreement..........
B. Do you have agreement..........
C. Is there your agreement..........
D. Are you agreed..........

Nội dung sau đây dùng cho câu 26 đến câu 35:
Read the following passage and then choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best
completes each blank.
The person I am going to write about is Charlie Chaplin. He has always been one
of my favorite actors and I really (1) ............. his films.
Charlie was born in London in 1889. Both his parents were music hall
performers. His father was a drunkard and his mother later (2.............. mad. Life
was hard and Charlie and his half brother, Sidney, were sent to a(n) (3).............. for
a time.
He first appeared on the stage when he was seven and by the time he was ten he
was a regular performer. When he was 17, he went on a tour of the USA where he
was (4) ............. and given a part in a Hollywood film. His early films were not
particularly successful but in 1915 he made his (5) _______, "The Tramp", in
which he first appeared in the baggy trousers and with the hat and cane. Soon he
had had his own (6)............ built and was making his own films which included
"The Gold Rush", "Modern Times" and "The Great Dictator".
In the 1940s his reputation in the USA started to (7) ............. Silent films were
no longer so popular. Chaplin went to Europe but was not allowed to return to the
USA because he was (8) ............. of being a communist. The authorities finally let
him back in 1972 and he was (9).............. an Oscar, but by this time he had made
Switzerland his home.
Chaplin did not have a very happy personal life and was married four times. He

only found happiness with his fourth marriage in 1943. When he died on Christmas
Day 1977, the world had lost one of the greatest (10) .............. comedians.

Câu 26
A. admire B. admit C. claim D. encourage

Câu 27
A. ended B. went C. came D. began

Câu 28
A. orphanage B. institution C. shelter D. lodging

Câu 29
A. spotted B. elected C. set D. drafted

Câu 30
A. achievement B. completion
C. fiction D. masterpiece

Câu 31
A. factory B. workshop C. studio D. stage

Câu 32
A. slide B. split C. decline D. discredit

Câu 33
A. suspected B. doubted
C. considered D. abused

Câu 34
A. prized B. awarded C. delivered D. rewarded

Câu 35
A. ever B. before C. previously D. present

Nội dung sau đây dùng cho câu 36 đến câu 45:
Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời cỏc cõu hỏi:
When Daniel Boone died peacefully in bed in his son Nathan's elegant
stone Missouri farmhouse on September 26, 1820, the surge of emigrants
along the Oregon Trail was still a generation away. But Boone already
exemplified the pioneer at his best. He was neither the physical
5 giant (five feet nine) nor the innocent child of nature that legend
has made of him. He was an intelligent, soft spoken family man who
cherished the same wife for 57 years. He befriended Indians, preferred
company to solitude, and when he told his wife it was time to move
because a newcomer had settled some 70 miles away, he was joking.

Pennsylvania-born, Boone was one of 11 children in a family of Quakers
who migrated to North Carolina. There Boone was recruited at age
40 to undertake a scheme designed to open up Kentucky to settlers
and establish it as a 14th colony. He arranged a deal by which the
15 Cherokees sold 20 million acres for $20,000 worth of goods to Boone's
employers, the Transylvania Company. It was all fair and square-the
Indians had an attorney, an interpreter, and the sound advice of
their squaws. The deal completed, Boone led a party from Tennessee
through the Cumberland Gap, hacked out the Wilderness Road, and set
20 up a town- Boonesboro-and a government. Elected a legislator, he
introduced on the first session's first day a bill to protect game
against wanton slaughter and a second bill to "improve the breed
of horses." He got 2,000 acres for his work, but after the Revolution-in
which Boone won considerable fame as a militia commander-the scheme
25 of the Transylvania Company was declared illegal and Boone lost his
land. Undaunted, he staked out more claims-and lost them because
he impatiently neglected to register his deeds. Ever hopeful, he
accepted an invitation from Spanish-held Missouri to come and settle
there and bring others with him. The Spanish gave him 8,500 acres
30 and made him a judge. But the Louisiana Purchase, which embraced
Missouri, again left him-but not his children-landless. Old and broke,
Boone cheerfully continued hunting and trapping long after his hands
shook. Shortly before he died, he was talking knowledgeably with
young men about the joys to be experienced in settling California.

Câu 36
What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?
A. To chronicle the life of a model pioneer
B. To romanticize the legend of Daniel Boone
C. To show Boone's many successes on the frontier
D. To trace Boone's explorations in Kentucky, Missouri, and Louisiana

Câu 37
The word "surge" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. remains B. attraction C. rush D. rumor

Câu 38
It can be inferred that one area in which Boone was NOT successful was
A. politics B. hunting and trapping
C. business D. the military

Câu 39
The phrase "fair and square" in lines 16 is closest in meaning to
A. honest B. simple C. efficient D. lucrative

Câu 40
It can be inferred from the passage that Boone died
A. a rich man B. an eternal optimist
C. in California D. a lonely trapper

Câu 41
According to the passage, where is Boone's namesake city located?
A. In North Carolina B. In Transylvania
C. In Kentucky D. In Missouri

Câu 42
The Transylvania Company wanted Boone to
A. settle Kentucky B. be fair to the Indians
C. ensure animal rights D. claim Missouri

Câu 43
The word "undaunted" in line 26 is closest in meaning to
A. unscrupulous B. fearless C. undiscouraged D.

Câu 44
According to the passage, the Louisiana Purchase
A. legitimized Boone's land claim in Missouri
B. revoked the earlier Spanish bequest to Boone
C. drove the Spanish from the East
D. excluded Missouri from its jurisdiction

Câu 45
What can be inferred from the passage about Boone's children?
A. They were better off financially than Boone.
B. They supported Boone's desire to settle new areas.
C. They lived in Kentucky.
D. They had no land due to Boone's bad investments.

Câu 46
Choose the sentence that have the same meaning with this sentence:
I wish they would start .
A. I hope they`ll soon start .
B. I`m pleased they haven`t started yet .
C. I`m sorry they aren`t going to start.
D. I`m glad they`ve started .

Câu 47
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that has the nearest meaning to the
sentence given.
Fortunately, no one had said anything about it.

A. Fortunately, anything about it had been said.
B. Fortunately, anything hadn't been said about it.
C. Fortunately, it hadn't been said about anything.
D. Fortunately, nothing about it had been said.

Câu 48
Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
The test we did yesterday was less harder than the previous ones.
A. did B. harder C. the D. ones

Câu 49
Find the mistakes:
The caverns were more exciting before the guides came and took away the
adventurously aspect.
A. The B. more exciting C. guides D. adventurously

Câu 50
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is the most suitable completion for the
set of given words.
mother / tell / William / leave / house / she / get back
A. "Not leave the house until I get back, William," his mother told.
B. William's mother told him not to leave the house until she got back.
C. William's mother told her son don't leave the house until she got back.
D. William's mother told him didn't leave the house before she got back.

Câu 51
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that has the nearest meaning to the
sentence given.
Your car is more expensive than mine.
A. My car is cheaper than your.
B. Your car is not cheaper than mine.
C. My car is as expensive as yours.
D. My car is not as expensive as yours.

Câu 52
Choose the sentence that have the same meaning with this sentence:
Our parents don`t like us to come home late .
A. Our parents don`t care about our coming home late.
B. Our parents don`t care about our coming home late.
C. Our parents want us to stay at home.
D. Our parents would rather us to come home early.

Câu 53
Find the mistakes:
Mary has been sick quite a few times since she arrived. She just can't have used to
the hot weather.

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