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• is the hindrance to the flow of charge.

• It opposes the flow of the current

• The ratio of the voltage applied to the electric current that
flows through the resistor.
• The SI unit of electrical resistance is the ohm/s (Ω).
• is an objective comparative measure of hot or cold.
• a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substan
ce with reference to some standard value.
• It's also a measure of how fast the atoms and molecules of a
substance are moving.
• An electron traveling through the wires and loads of the external
circuit encounters resistance. Resistance is the hindrance to the flow of
charge. The electrical resistance of an electrical conductor is a
measure of the difficulty to pass an electric current through that
conductor. The SI unit of electrical resistance is the ohm/s (Ω).
Temperature is a degree of hotness or coldness the can be measured
using a thermometer. It's also a measure of how fast the atoms and
molecules of a substance are moving. Temperature is measured in
degrees on the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales. The resistance
increases as the temperature of a metallic conductor increase, so the
resistance is directly proportional to the temperature. When we
increases the temperature the amplitude of vibration of atoms
increases as result of which the number of collision among the
electrons and atom increases, hence resistances increases.
• What will happen to the resistance if the wire if placed in the
hotter or cold area?
• Is the resistance of the wire decrease or increase when place
into different temperature?
• How do we know that temperature can help reducing or filling
resistance to the wire?
• Why temperature is related in increasing and decreasing the
resistance of a wire?
• To conduct this experiment we need some materials that are
related to this experiment like: wire, multi-meter, thermometer
(optional), steam generator, water, laptop, and usb link to be
connected in steam generator. We will conduct this experiment
to prove how the temperature is related in increasing and
decreasing of the resistance of the wire which is the conductor.
We will only measure resistance by heating the wire, meaning,
we will only taking positive temperature in ˚C.
• Since the electrical resistance of a conductor such as a copper
wire is dependent upon collisional processes within the wire, the
resistance could be expected to increase with temperature since
there will be more collisions. An intuitive approach to
temperature dependence leads one to expect a fractional
change in resistance which is proportional to the temperature
• Wire
• Multi-meter
• Thermometer
• Steam Generator
• Water
• Laptop
• USB link (to be connected in laptop and steam generator)
• Get the needed materials
• Pour water into the steam generator to be heated later
• Prepare the laptop, connect the usb link from the laptop to the
steam generator
• Put the wire into the steam generator and heat the water.
• Get the resistance of the wire when the laptop detects the
required temperature
Resistance = R(initial) [ 1 + alpha { T (final) – T (initial) ]

• R = Ri [ 1 + α (Tf – Ti) ]
• = 3.21Ω [ 1 + 3.9 x 10-3 (40 ˚C - 30 ˚C)
• = 3.33519 Ω

• R = Ri [ 1 + α (Tf – Ti) ]
• = 4.12Ω [ 1 + 3.9 x 10-3 (50 ˚C - 30 ˚C)
• = 4.44136 Ω

• R = Ri [ 1 + α (Tf – Ti) ]
• = 5.08Ω [ 1 + 3.9 x 10-3 (60 ˚C - 30 ˚C)
• = 5.67436 Ω
Interpretations of data
Temperature Resistance

Measured Resistance in 30 ˚C 1.29 Ω

Measured Resistance in 40 ˚C 3.21 Ω

Measured Resistance in 50 ˚C 4.12 Ω

Measured Resistance in 60 ˚C 5.08 Ω



30˚C 40˚C 50˚C 60˚C
• Now, by the help of this experiment, we conclude that when we
increase the temperature of the wire, the resistance of the wire
will also increase, so that if you decrease temperature, it will
result in decreasing the resistance also. The reason why this
happens is just because as temperature changes, the dimensions
of the conductor will change as it expands or contracts. Upon an
increase in temperature, the atoms within the wire would vibrate
with more energy and therefore more vigorously, hence making
the electrons flowing through the electric circuit more likely to
collide with one of the atoms, so increasing resistance.
• We recommend that if you will do this experiment, make sure to
measure resistance quickly after heating it in the steam
generator. We also recommend that you should conduct this
experiment in the place which is not very hot or cool place.

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