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International Journal of

Robotics and Automation K smos Publishers

Research Article Int Jr Rob and Auto Engg: IJARE-104

Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws

Valentina Markova*

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Corresponding author: Valentina Markova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. Tel: +359 877 888 195;

Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and Auto
Engg: IJARE-104.

Received Date: 20th August 2018; Accepted Date: 25th August 2018; Published Date: 12th September 2018.


In the modeling of this device is used a new theoretical basis. It represents Extended Field Theory that is verified
with two new axioms and is built on eight new laws and many consequences. This report is based on one axiom and
four laws only.

It is well known the Maxuel’s Axiom of Classic Field Theory. It claims that the movement of a closed-loop vector E
is always even (velocity is a constant): div(rot E) = 0 [L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Theory of fields, M., Science,
1988]. First of the new axioms claims that the movement of vector E in an open loop or vortex is always uneven
(velocity is variable):
div (rot E) ≠ 0.

When the vortex is in a plane (2D) is obtained a cross vortex. If div (rot E) >0, the cross vortex accelerates and it
generates. If div (rot E)<0, the cross vortex decelerates and it consumes. When the vortex is in volume (3D), a
longitudinal vortex is obtained. If div (rot H)> 0 the longitudinal vortex accelerates and it generates. If the div (rot H)
<0, the longitudinal vortex decelerates and it consumes. The decelerating cross vortex in 2D is transformed into an
accelerating longitudinal vortex in 3D. The mechanism of transformation is as follows: when the main cross vortex is
decelerated in 2D, many primary decelerating cross vortices are emitted to the center of the main vortex in 2D. If
sufficient quantitative cross vortices are accumulated a longitudinal vortex in 3D, perpendicular to 2D is occurred.
The longitudinal vortex in 3D sucks and accelerates from below - up and out – inward. This transformation is the
basis of generating the antigravity thrust and antigravity pulling to up force. The successful experiment shows the
validity of this theory.

1. What is the sense of Extended Field Theory in the form of New Axioms and Laws?

1a. Essense: It is known that Maxwell’s laws are based on a single classic axiom which states that:

div( rot E) = 0. 1.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

The previous studies attempt to expand the Classic Field Theory to a more general Theory of the Field that also
includes the gravitational field [1,2,9,11]. The author change a little this axiom as the movement of a vector E in an
open loop(div rot E ≠ 0)or an open vortex (div Vor E ≠ 0) is uneven [1]:

div( rot E) ≠ 0, 2.
div( Vor E) ≠ 0. 3.

The more general Theory of the Field is represented by the Extended Field Theory. It consists of two axioms and
eight laws and lead to the following results: even movement is replaced with uneven movement (decelerating or
accelerating); movement in a closed loop is replaced with movement in an open loop or vortex; during its movement
decelerating vortex emits primary free cross vortices, while accelerating vortices suck in this primary free cross
vortices; movement in 2D is transformed into the movement in 3D as a cross vortices in 2D generates a longitudinal
vortex in 3D through a special transformation and vice versa-longitudinal vortex in 3D through another special
transformation generates the cross vortices [2,3,4].

1c. New Axiom

The motivation for altering the classic axiom (1) follows after the need to describe the causal links in uneven
movements in open systems, i.e. the necessity to expand the existing laws of the Classic Field Theory [2]. This can
be achieved by enriching the knowledge on the classic electromagnetic field and describing a new, open and uneven
field with far more diverse and complex dynamics that also includes the gravitational field [7-9].

As we mentioned the Extended Field Theory consists two new axioms and eight new laws. But in this report is
used one new axiom and four new laws only. In order to expand the concepts, the notion (1) of movement of vector
E in a closed loop (div (rot E) = 0) in 2D (Figure 1a) is replaced by the notion (3) of movement in an open loop (div
(rot E) ≠ 0) in 2D (Figure 1b).

Axioma 1. The motion of vector E with mono tone-decreasing div(VorE)<0) or mono tone-increasing
(div(VorE)>0) velocity in 2D or 3D is in the form of an open loop (div(rot E)≠0), or vortex (div(VorE)≠ 0): (Div
(rot E) = 0), (div (VorE) ≠ 0);
div(VorE) <0, div(VorE)> 0 4.

We immediately received 4 types of movements-cross, which can be accelerated or delayed and longitudinal, which
can also be accelerated or delayed.

Law 1*: The open cross vortices (E2D) in 2D generate an open longitudinal vortex (Н3D) in 3D in its center through a
cross-longitudinal transformation Δ1:
Vor (E2D) => -- Vor (Н3D), 5.

Where Vor (for Vortex, meaning an uneven vortex) replaces rot (for rotor, meaning closed loop) and the cross
vortices in 2D (E2D) (Figure 1c ) continues its development in 3D as a longitudinal vortex (Н3D) (Figure 1d ). The
first classic Maxwell’s law claims : rotЕ = -μ ∂Н/∂t or rot E ~H, where (rot E) is the even movement of the electric
vector E in a closed loop, μ is the coefficient of magnetic permeability, ∂Н/∂t is the variation of the magnetic vector
H in time t, and (~) is the proportionality between the electric (E) and the magnetic (H) vector [1]. The classic law
claims that rotation of vector E generates vector H(rot E ~ H). But the new law (5) postulates that the vortex
Vor(E2D) of E in 2D generates a vortex Vor(H3D) of H in 3D.The sign (-) for Vor(H3D) 3D means that E2D and H3D
have opposite dynamics.

Law 2*: The velocity of a decelerating vortex decreases in (n) portions ψ times [i.e.(1/ ψ)n], while the amplitude (W)
of cross vortices increases reciprocally in (n) portions ψ times [i.e.(ψ)n]:,

I V2= V0 (1 – V), 6a.

I W2 = W0(1 +W), 6b.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

Where vn and ωn are periodic roots with period n that fulfill the requirement for orthogonality: vn.ωn= V0.W0; n =
0÷∞; the roots vn and ωn are expressed as: vn= (1/ ψ)n. V0 ;wn=(ψ)n.W0 ;V0 is the starting value of Vn, W0 is the
starting value of wn and ψ is a number that fulfills the requirement: ψ-1/ ψ =1.

Consequence: A decelerating longitudinal vortex with a decreasing velocity(V) vector (Figure 1e) emits to the
outside decelerating cross vortices with increasing amplitude(W) in perpendicular direction (Figure 1f).

Consequence: Decelerating longitudinal vortices wind counterclockwise (-).

According to the Rule of the Right Hand and Law 2 the decelerating vortex emits from its center longitudinal
vortex. The decelerating vortex continues like a longitudinal vortex of to the left. Therefore, the entire decelerating
longitudinal vortex twists left-counter clockwise (watched against the movement) (Figure 1e).

Law 3*: The velocity (V) of an accelerating vortex increases in (n) portions (ψ) times [i.e. ψn]while the amplitude
(W) of cross vortices decreases reciprocally in (n) portions (1/ ψ) times [i.e.(1/ψ)n ]:

I V2 = V0(1 + V ), 7a.
IW2 =W0(1 – W), 7b.

Where vn and ωn are periodic roots with period n that fulfill the requirement for orthogonality: vn.ωn= V0.W0; n = 0 ÷
∞; the roots vn and ωn are expressed as:
vn= ψn.V0 ; wn=(1/ψ)n.W0 ; V0 is the starting value of vn, W0 is the starting value of wn and ψ is a number that fulfills
the requirement: ψ-1/ ψ =1.

Consequence: An accelerating longitudinal vortex with an increasing velocity(V) vector (Figure1g) sucks in
accelerating free cross vortices with decreasing amplitude in perpendicular direction (Figure 1f).

Consequence: Accelerating longitudinal vortices wind clockwise (+).

Figure 1a,b,c,d,e,f,g: The essense of the new axiom.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

The direction of the resultant vortex caused by an accelerating cross vortex is to the right (Law 3*). Therefore, the
entire acceleration vortex will twist to the right or clockwise (+), (viewed against the movement) (Figure 1g).

2. Imitation of a decelerating vortex through a snail and generating an accelerating gravity funnel.

2a. What imitate?

Law 1: An open cross vortex generates in its center open longitudinal vortex.
Law 2: For a decelerating vortex V decreases ψ times, but amplitude W increases ψ times in n portions.
Law 3: For an accelerating vortex V increases ψ times, but amplitude W decreases ψ times in n portions.

Figure 2: Technical imitation tools.

 When a longitudinal decelerating vortex emits the cross vortices on one side only, the longitudinal vortex
will roll secondary in the form of a snail.
 This snail is imitated using a hollow tube with a decreasing radius. It has holes as nozzles at inner edge
 The cross vortices are emitted from this nozzles and coincide and accumulate in so-called fuel camera.
 The accelerating vortices will continue to upwards and will form an accelerating perpendicular funnel.

3. Mathematical Description
3a. In Polar Coordinates (Figure 3.).

 There is the outside time Ti (i=1-m) along the longitudinal velocity Vi . There is the local time t j (j=1-n) along the
angular velocity wj .
The first disk (i = 1) : ϕ1 (w1 )= w1 .t1 ,or in Polar Coordinates: ϕ1 (w1 )= W1 .eϕ1,where (w1 ) is the maximum
angular velocity, (W1 ) is the maximum radius , ϕ1 (w1 ) is a maximum phase.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

Figure 3: In Polar Coordinates.

The second disk (i = 2): ϕ2 (w2 )= w2 . t 2 =(w1 / Ψ).t 2 = ϕ1 (w1 ) / Ψ, or in Polar Coordinates: ϕ2 (w2 )= W2 . eϕ2 =
(W1 / Ψ).eϕ2, where (w2 =w1 / Ψ) is the less speed ,(W2 = W1 / Ψ ) is the less radius ; ϕ2 (w2 ) =( (ϕ1 (w1 ) / Ψ) is a less
phase and so on.

The third disk (i = 3): ϕ3 (w3 )= w3 . t 3 =(w2 / Ψ).t 3 = ϕ2 (w2 ) / Ψ, or in Polar Coordinates: ϕ3 (w3 )= W3 .eϕ3= (W2 /
Ψ) eϕ3, where (w3 =w2 / Ψ) is even less speed ,(W3 = W2 / Ψ ) is even less radius ; ϕ3 (w3 ) =( (ϕ2 (w2 )/ Ψ) is even less
phase and so on.

The late disk (i = m): ϕn (wn ) = wn .t n = (w1 /Ψm ). Tm , or in Polar Coordinates: ϕn (wn ) = wm .eϕn= W1 /Ψm .eϕn,
where w1 >w2 >…>wn (wn is min speed); W1 >W2 >…>Wm (Wm is min radius); ϕ1 (T1 ) > ϕ2 (T2 )>…>ϕn (Tm )
,( ϕn (Tm ) is min phase in Tm ); ϕ1 (w1 ) > ϕ2 (w2 > … > ϕn (wn ) , (ϕn (wn ) is min phase in t n ).

Consequence: The single spiral Si (ϕj ) forms by the all points (i=1-m) for all phases (j=1-n) , where ϕj (wj ) = wj . t j ;
wj = wj−1 /Ψ; ϕj (wj ) = (wj−1 /Ψ). Ti or ϕj (wj ) = ϕj−1 (wj ) /Ψ; ϕj (wj ) = ϕj (wi ) /Ψj−1 at Ti = T1 - Tm ; t i = t1 - t n . For
the accelerating spiral ϕj decrease to zero but t i increases to infinity.

3b. The expressions of single spiral {Si } by three Cartesian coordinates(x, y, z)

For an uniform spiral in three coordinates (x, y, z) are known: x=D/2.cos2πn.t; y= D/2.sin2πn.t; z=s.n.t, where D is
the diameter of the uniform spiral, n is the sequence number of the spiral, s is the step of the spiral and t is the
current time.

-For an accelerating spiral the expressions in three co-ordinates (x, y, z) follow from Law 3. We introduce: ϕj (wj )=
ϕj−1 (wj ) / Ψ , decreasing radius (D/2) and an increasing step (s) between them, where x, y are on wheel in local time
t j (j=1-n) along the angular velocity wj , but z is along outside time Ti (i=1-m). According to Law 3 for accelerating
longitudinal vortex follows that:

W2=W1/ Ψ ; ϕ2= ϕ1 /Ψ; t2=t1. Ψ,… ;Wi=Wi-1/ Ψ ; ϕj= ϕj-1 /Ψ ; tj=tj-1. Ψ.

x i= (1/Ψi-1.(Wi/2).cos[(𝜑 j/t j).T i] /Ψi-1 ;….,

y i=(1/ Ψi-1)(Wi/2).sin[(𝜑 j/t j).T i] / Ψi-1 ;…; They lie down on the local disk.
zi= Ψi-1 .V1 ; It is along the longitudinal velocity.

3c. The expressions of single and family of accelerating spirals

By a product of vector (𝑉𝑖 ) velocity I 𝑉1 , 𝑉2 , 𝑉3 ,…, 𝑉𝑖 ,…, 𝑉𝑚 I in a matrix (m x n) of amplitude (𝑊𝑖 ) for a current
(e ϕi ) phase of cross vortices and fixing starting phase ФK. It has decreasing amplitudes (𝑊𝑖 ) of cross vortices and
(n) column (eϕi) with (n) decreasing phases (ϕj) , where i = 1÷m; j = 1÷n; ϕ𝑗 = 𝑤𝑖 . 𝑡𝑖 ; 𝑇𝑖 is an objective external time.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

 = I V1 W1(ϕ1 + ф1) + V2.W2(ϕ2+ ф1)+ V3.W3(ϕ3+ ф1)+….+ Vm. Wm(ϕn + ф1) ;

 V1.W1(ϕ1 + ф2) + V2.W2(ϕ2+ ф2)+ V3..W3(ϕ3+ ф2)+….+ Vm..Wm(ϕn + ф2) ;
 V1.W1(ϕ1 + ф3) + V2.W2(ϕ2+ ф3)+ V3.W3(ϕ3+ ф3)+….+ Vm. Wm(ϕn + ф3) ;…..,
 V1.W1(ϕ1 + фk) + V2.W2(ϕ2+ фk)+ V3.W3(ϕ3+ фk)+….+ Vm. Wm(ϕn + фk)I
 = I S 1+ S 2+…. + S m I=I ΣnΣm ΣkVi . Wi(ϕj +Фk) I; where Si = I ΣnΣmVi . Wi(ϕj +Фk)I

 A single spiral: where Si= I ΣnΣmVi . Wi(ϕj +Фk)I ;k=1÷ K;i = 1 ÷ m; j = 1 ÷ n.

Figure 4: A family of all spiral waves that forms a Gravity Funnel.

 One spiral for fixed starting phase (Фk) of rotation:

Si(Фk) = I ΣnΣmVi . Wi(ϕj +Фk)I for each(i) moment of objective time (Ti),where i ≠ j.
 All of (k) spirals of all phases (Фk;k=1÷ K) of rotation :
I ΣnΣmΣKVi .Wk(ϕj +Фk) I =IΣk= 1-K [S i (Фk ) ] , where, k=1÷ K; i=1-m; j=1-n;m ≠ n.
 Mathematical expression of Gravity Funnel:
This family Σk= 1-K [Si (Фk)] of (n) spiral vortices for all possible starting phases (k) and all current phases( ϕm)
is mathematical expression of Gravity Funnel.

4. Consequences of Law 3 for one accelerating vortex (Figure 5.)

4a. Longitudinal acceleration Ai is right proportional(~)to the cross acceleration a1 :

𝐀𝐢 ~𝐚𝟏

4b. Longitudinal acceleration Ai is inverse proportional to the amplitude wi of its cross vortices :
𝐀𝐢 ~ 1/ 𝐰𝐢 .

4c. The gravity force Fi is inverse proportional to the current radius ri of the tube in which the vortex winds:
𝐅𝐢 ~ 1/𝐫𝐢 .

4d. For longitudinal vortices the distance Sj along the spiral is inverse proportional to the velocity Vj of the vortex:
𝐒𝐣 ~ 1/ 𝐕𝐣 .
4e. For cross vortices the distance 𝑆𝑗 between cross waves is right proportional to the velocity 𝑉𝑗 of vortex ( as much
is velocity 𝑉𝑗 as much is the distance 𝑆𝑗 ):
𝐒𝐣 ~𝐕𝐣 .
4f. The space-times of cross waves and of longitudinal vortex are inverse one to another.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

We know that the space-time, where we live in now, the sunlight is spreading crosswise with constant velocity Vj .
So as much is velocity Vj as much is the distance Sj (Sj ~Vj ). But for longitudinal vortices with variable velocity
(accelerating or decelerating) as much is velocity Vj as less is the distance Sj (Sj ~Vj ).
4j. Conductivity of a dialectric such as air.
Electromagnetic Field, that is cross waves, passes through the dielectric of air as forming dipoles. Similarly the Field
of longitudinal vortex passes through the dielectric of air as a decelerating longitudinal vortex emits free cross
vortices and an accelerating longitudinal vortex sucks this free cross vortices. May be the same process is in effect
and for vacuum .

Figure 5 a, b : Consequences of Law 3 for one accelerating vortices.

5. Consequences of Law 3 for a few accelerating vortex (Figure 6.).

5a. Two accelerating longitudinal vortices ( j and j+1) with longitudinal acceleration Aj and A j+1 are attracted
towards and force of attraction [𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐭 = 𝐅𝐣 - 𝐅𝐣+𝟏 ] between them is right proportional to the margin between their
momentary cross acceleration[(𝐚𝐢 (𝐀𝐣 ) - 𝐚𝐢 (𝐀𝐣+𝟏 )]:
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐭 = 𝐅𝐣 - 𝐅𝐣+𝟏 = (𝐚𝐢 (𝐀𝐣 ) - 𝐚𝐢 (𝐀𝐣+𝟏 ), 8.
where the direction of attraction and the sign of this difference (8) is from faster to lower longitudinal vortex. So if
𝐀𝐣 > 𝐀𝐣+𝟏 it 𝐅𝐣 >𝐅𝐣+𝟏 .

5b. The faster longitudinal vortex is winded in a narrower tube and sucks to itself the slower one which is winded in
a wider tube. So the faster vortex inserts into the slower one.

5c. The slowest vortex is located in the periphery and accelerates itself as sucking free cross vortices from
environment. But every inner and faster vortex accelerates itself as sucking all cross vortices of the slower adjacent
outer vortex.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

Figure 6a, b, c: Consequences of Law 3* for a few accelerating vortex.


6. Model of Gravity Field

6a. Gravity Funnel

We saw that accelerating longitudinal vortices aim to nest inside each other and form a Gravity Funnel. The
fastest vortex with max V inserts in the center. The slower vortex with less V rotates outside of it. The slowest
vortex with minimum V rotates at the periphery (Figure 6c). In the periphery vortex accelerate itself by sucking free
cross vortices from the environment. But inside any inner long vortex sucks the all cross vortices of his adjacent
outer vortex.

6b. The Gravity attraction

 The reason of Gravity attraction are:

the margin between the longitudinal accelerations(A1 > A2 );
the margin between their momentary cross accelerations[( a i (A1 ) > a i (A2 )], (8) (Figure 6a,b)
and the very unique design of nested accelerating longitudinal vortices (Figure 6c).

. The space distortion and accretion discs are only some of results.
. The other result is that space-time into Gravity Funnel is inverse to the space-time where we live in
now(point 4f).

7. Practical Implementation

7a. Modeling of a one-sided decelerating vortex

Let use a ½ conical tube with open nozzles on one side only. The entrance is powered by a fluid under stationary
or pulsing pressure. According to the Law 2*,

Law 2*: The velocity V of longitudinal vortex decreases ψ times in each step, but amplitude W of cross vortices
increases ψ times in each step. Therefore the cross vortices with increasing amplitudes W is emitted from the
nozzles to the environment.

Law 4*. The current power (Pi) for uneven vortex is constant in every (i) portions of cross vortices:


*In this report the numbering of laws does not match to numbering in the report ”About the new
axioms and laws”[11].

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

Pi =Vi.Wi= const., 9.
Where i=1-m. According to the Law 4*, the power (Pi) of cross vortices (not only the amplitude Wi ) increases in
each (i) step.

Figure 7: One sided restricted longitudinal vortex.

7b. Modeling of the Law 1*

Figure 8.One pipe anti gravity device in stationary mode.


(Please follow the link for video:


 If this one conical tube (Figure 7) is bended to a snail so that the holes with the nozzles will stay on the inside
(Figure 8), it will imitates the Law 1*, i.e. cross vortices in 2D are continuing to the longitudinal vortex in 3D.
 The cross vortices are emitted that coincide in gravity center (p.G). It is replaced to the geometric center (p.O)
to a vector (F), which represents Force of eccentricity. So, the body will spin around gravity center (p.G) that is
a big disadvantage (Figure8), [4].
 In the stationary mode it’s supplied flow of constant pressure and it’s obtained constant gravity pulling force,
that compensates the weight of the body and holds it above the surface (Figure 8), [8].
 In pulse mode it’s supplied flow of steep accelerating front and obtained a steep gravity pulling force. The body
will disappear up right away (Not figure )[9].

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

8. To avoid the defect of the device of one pipe that it rotates around its axis (Figure 9)

 If it’s used 3 conical tubes rolled as a snail with inputs displaced in 120 degrees, it will be received gravity
device with very stable movement and higher parameters.
 If one pipe creates 10 units of gravity pulling force, the three pipes create gravity pulling force at 3 order of
magnitude greater: 103 ,or 1000 times [6].

Figure 9: Three pipe antigravity device in stationary mode.


Three pipe antigravity device in stationary mode.

(Please follow the link for video:


9. Conclusion

 Device of three conical tubes has a fundamentally new technology (Figure 9). It is fast, reliable, sure and
 With such a device, Mr. Musk could fly to Mars, could reach it faster and come back safer and more efficiency.
 If the velocity of periphery (v) is close to velocity of light (c), the velocity in center (V) will be N order
more(V>v). So the velocity in center (V) can be much more than velocity of light (V>c) [5]. So, theoretically, if
this device is in the center of the Gravity Funnel it can reach a velocity (V) greater than the velocity of light (c):
(V>c) [6,7,10] .
 Design of the device is simple. However there are many problems and secrets in the technology, in the input
fluid and so on.
 It was experimented successful the one-pipe variant in the stationary mode only (Figure 8).
 The practical experiments show that the principle of this device is correct and perspective.


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International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01
Citation: Markova V (2018) Antigravity Device, Modeled on The Basis of New Axioms and Laws. Int Jr Rob and
Auto Engg: IJARE-104.

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Copyright: ©2018 Valentina Markova *. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permit unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

International Journal of Robotics and Automation Engineering, Issue 2018, Vol. 01

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