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ELSEVIER Energy and Buildings 24 ( 1996) l-10

The role of thermal mass on the cooling load of buildings. An overview

of computational methods
C.A. Balaras
N&mu1 Obsenutory oj’Athens. Institute ofMeteorology and Physics of the Atmospheric Environment, Group Energ)) Conserwtion. PO Box 20048,
GR I18 lOAthem, Greece

Accepted 19 June 1995


Thermal mass can reduce peak cooling loads and indoor air temperature swings in buildings. The factors affecting the performance of
thermal mass are reviewed and classified. Experimental studies which demonstrate the effectiveness of thermal mass as an energy conservation
alternative and in providing more comfortable indoor conditions, are also reviewed. A number of simplified design tools for calculating the
cooling load and indoor air temperatures of a building, which also account for thermal mass effects, have been identified and are classified.
The models are categorized in terms of their inputs, outputs and restrictions on their level of accuracy in treating thermal mass effects, type
of loads or other design limitations.

Keywrdst Thermal mass; Coolmg load; Computational methods

1. Introduction the day is stored and then is slowly releasedinto the indoor
environment at a later time. In winter, the stored heat is
Indoor air temperatureis primarily influenced by external transferred back into the room during the late afternoon and
climatological parameters(solar radiation, outdoor temper- late evening hours, when it is most needed,satisfying part of
ature) and highly variable internal loads (human activity, the heating load and avoiding overheating and discomfort
lights, equipment). During the summer,this resultsin tem- conditions during the high solarradiation periodsof the day.
perature swings,with peaksoccurring around noon andearly In summer,heatis storedin the thermal mass,thusreducing
afternoon hours. During theseperiods of the day, high out- the cooling load peaks. A reduced portion of the load will
door temperatureseliminate the use of simple alternative
needto be removed from the interior space,while the remain-
passive cooling techniques like natural ventilation. As a
ing portion of the external and internal heatgainsis contained
result, in order to maintain thermal comfort during these
within the thermal storagematerials.The stored heat is pro-
hours, it is necessaryto remove all excessheat from the space
gressively releasedto the interior of the building. As a result
immediately upon entry, by anenergy consumingmechanical
indoor air temperaturevariations remain within the comfort
system. This will require an oversized system capable of
handling the short period peaksof the cooling load. range, for most hours during the day. This then reducesthe
To reduce indoor air temperatureand cooling load peaks, energy consumption for cooling, which can reach 20% in
and to transfer the load to a later time in the day, it is possible commercial buildings [ 11.
to store heat in the material of the outer envelope and the There is alsoa time shift of the peak load and a time lag of
interior mass of the building. The storage material is the the heat releasefrom the material to the indoor air. This time
construction massof the building itself, which is referred to lag is actually desirable,since at the time when the heat is
as thermal mass.It is typically contained in walls, partitions, returned to the interior, the indoor temperature is relatively
ceilings and floors of the building, constructed of material lower. In the event that the building is alsounoccupiedduring
with high heat capacity, suchas poured concrete, bricks and the evening hours, like office buildings, it is possibleto relax
tiles. the restrictions on indoor thermal comfort. In any event, out-
The thermal massof the building could have a positive door conditions aremore favourable for passivecooling tech-
effect on the indoor conditions during the summerand winter niques,like natural, hybrid or indirect ventilation, which can
periods.The energy available from the high solargainsduring be usedto remove portions of the load [ 21.

037%7788/96/$15.00 0 1996 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

The effectiveness of thermal storage is acceptable where lower values. Beyond a certain material thickness, the heat
the diurnal variation of ambient temperatures exceeds 10 K flow into the indoor air doesnot take place during the night
[ 31. Under such circumstances, ample night ventilation and hours, but it is delayed till the following daytime hours. This
closing the building during the day, due to the thermal mass is undesirableduring the cooling season,sincethe releaseof
effect, it is possible to achieve a temperature difference, storedheat to indoor spacesduring the early hoursof the day
between the mean indoor and outdoor temperatures, greater will result in unpleasant indoor comfort conditions and
than 10 K in the negative direction and an indoor temperature increaseearly day cooling loads.
swing of 2.5 K.
Thermal mass has also a positive effect on occupant com- 2.2. Thermal masslocation and distribution
fort. High mass buildings prohibit high interior air and wall
temperature variations and sustain a more steady overall ther- Location of thermal massis important. One may distin-
mal environment. This increases comfort, particularly during guish two cases,basedon whether the heat storagematerial
mild seasons (spring and fall), during large air temperature receivesenergy by solarradiation (direct) or by IR radiation
changes (high solar gain), and in areas with large day-night and room air convection (indirect). Direct heat gains are
temperature swings [ 41. Traditional architecture, especially experiencedby the outer building envelope, which is exposed
in southern European countries, has successfully demon- to solar radiation and by the interior surfaces which may
strated these positive effects. absorbincident solar radiation as it enters through the buil-
ding’s openings. Indirect heat gains are experienced by
opaqueelementsinside the building from the energy which
2. Parameters affecting the performance of thermal is transferred indoors from direct gain surfaces.Direct loca-
mass tions are much more effective than indirect, for placing heat
The rate of heat transfer through and the effectiveness of Thermal mass must be properly distributed around the
thermal massare determinedby a number of parametersand building dependingon the orientation of a given surfaceand
conditions. To achieve the bestpossibleresults,one needsto the desirabletime lag [ 51. North andeastsurfaceorientations
follow somegeneralguidelines and take appropriateactions have little needfor time lag. For a south and west side,an 8
that fall within the overall procedure for energy efficient h time lag is sufficient to delay heat transfer from midday
building. It is important though to alsounderstandthe relation until the evening hours. The roof, which is exposed to solar
of these parameterson the performance of thermal massin radiation during most hours of the day, would have required
order to achieve the best possible results. Optimization of a very heavy construction with a long time lag. However,
thermal masslevels dependson building material properties, becauseit is very expensive to construct massive roofs, the
building orientation for its location and distribution, thermal useof additional insulation is usually recommendedinstead.
insulation, ventilation, climatic conditions and useof auxil-
iary cooling systems, and occupancy patterns. The most 2.3. Thermal massand insulation
important features,for eachof theseparameters,arepresented
in the following discussion. In general,both thermal massand insulation are important
in the overall thermal performance of a building [6]. In
2. I. Material thermal properties and petformance climateswhere cooling is of primary concern, thermal mass
can reduceenergy consumptionprovided that the building is
The temperaturedistribution within the building materials unusedin the evening hours and the stored heat can be dis-
varies with time, boundary conditions and material thermal sipatedduring this idle period. However, common insulation
properties.The phenomenawhich take placeduring day and materialswill deteriorate the performance of a thermal stor-
night periods, differ significantly, dependingon whether the age wall [7]. Overall, because thermal mass stores and
massmaterial is being charged (temperature increase) or releasesheat, it interacts with the building operation more
discharged(temperature decrease),respectively. than the simpleaddition of insulation [ 81. This makesana-
The thermophysical propertiesof heat storing material can lyzing thermal massperformance and the overall building
influence the performance of the system.For the material to thermal performancea more difficult problem to treat.
effectively store heat, it must exhibit a proper density, high
thermal capacity, and a high thermal conductivity value, so 2.4. The role of ventilation
that heat may penetrate through all the material during the
specific time of heat charging and discharging. The role of thermal massis also extended into the night
The depth that the diurnal heat wave reacheswithin the period. During the summer,sinceoutdoor night temperatures
storagematerial dependson thermal diffusivity (the control- are usually lower than indoor temperatures,it is possibleto
ling transport property for transient heat transfer). Materials cool the building by natural night ventilation. Ventilated air
with higher thermal diffusivity values can be more effective enhancesconvective heat lossesfrom mass elementsand
for cyclic heat storage at greater depth than materials with dissipatesthe releasedheat to the lower temperatureoutdoor
C.A. Balaras / Emrgy and Buildings 24 (1996) l-10 3

heat sink. Ceiling fans can also be used to increase indoor air els of thermal massin similar buildings, hasprovided useful
movement and raise the convective heat transfer coefficient, information [ 151. Accordingly, an increaseof thermal mass
which facilitates the process of rejecting heat from massive from 21 to 201 kg/m2 of floor area,in close and in ventilated
walls at night [ 91. ‘Ihe recommended night ventilation hourly buildings, can reducethe peak indoor temperatureby approx-
rate is 90 m3/h m2 of floor area. The objective is to maximize imately 1 and 2 “C, respectively. Important reductionsin peak
the building thermal transmittance during the nighttime and heating and cooling loads can be achieved for high thermal
minimize it during daytime. massdesigns.Energy savingsvary between 18 to 20%, com-
When the climatic conditions do not permit the use of paredto a basecase.
outdoor air, because of high humidity levels, one can still A high masstest housewasmonitored in an environmental
precool the building during off-peak hours, using an air- chamberundera nighttime cooling operation [ 161. The cool-
conditioning system. This, in fact, results in considerable ing load was measuredfor simple cyclic outdoor climatic
savings to the user and to the electric utility [ lO-131. The conditions. The simulated outdoor conditions were for a
electricity rates at night are usually much lower, since the deserttype climate (low temperaturesand high humidity at
demand drops considerably. On the other hand, the utility night, and hot and dry conditions during the day). Nighttime
company also benefits, since eventually there will be a smaller cooling was proved to be much more efficient than 24 h
demand during the day hours, which in turn reduces the need cooling, resulting in over 50% decreaseof the total daily
for additional generating capacity and maintains a more uni- electric power consumption. For cooling load calculations,
form load on the power generating facility. The saving is under these climatic conditions, it is however important to
achieved by subcooling the mass immediately before the peak account for a large amount of latent cooling load, resulting
utility rate period, thereby shifting a portion of the cooling from the release of moisture from the structural concrete
load off-peak [ 121. during the daytime warm-up period.
At the beginning of the following day, the cooled mass is For indoor temperaturesset at 24 “C, heavyweight build-
utilized as a heat sink. Part of the cooling load will be pas- ings have beenreported to consumelesscooling energy than
sively covered by the building mass which is at a lower comparablelightweight buildings having the equivalent ther-
temperature, provided that the building is well insulated and mal resistancein their walls [ 171. The thermal masswasalso
is not ventilated during the daytime. This means that for air- found more effective when it was positioned inside the wall
conditioned buildings it is possible to reduce the energy con- insulation. Nighttime ventilation can reducecooling loadsby
sumption of the system, since it will reduce its operation time. 27 to 36%, dependingon the wall construction of the building.
For naturally ventilated buildings it is possible to achieve Larger savingsoccur in heavyweight comparedto lightweight
longer periods within comfort conditions. buildings.
Robertson [41 haspresentedspecificrecommendationson
2.5. Occupancy patterns how to best use thermal massmaterials in residential and
small commercial buildings, for southwesternUnited States
A designer, should keep in mind that building occupants locations. Denseand usually more conductive building mate-
constitute the final determining factor on the extent of util- rials are better. A 5-10 cm wall thicknessis usable for heat
izability of any building system, including thermal mass. absorption,storageandreleaseon a daily basis.Thicker walls,
Clearly, by changing the use of internal spacesand surfaces upto 25 cm, may provide longer periods of thermal storage.
one can drastically reduce the effectiveness of thermal stor- Thermostatsetupduring summer,is lesseffective in massive
age. Consequently it is necessaryto carefully consider the structures,becausethey take longer to cool down. Numerical
final useof the spacewhen making calculationsof the cooling simulationshave also shown that the percent annual reduc-
load and incorporating the possible savings from thermal tions in sensibleheating and cooling loads, becauseof the
masseffects. thermal masslevels of the walls (floors andfoundations were
assumedto be massless),can be as high as 40% in mild
3. Effectiveness of thermal mass For the designer,experimentalresultsprovide usefulinfor-
mation, but for actual building designone needsappropriate
The effect of building thermal storageon the peakcooling tools to be able to deal with specific applications. There are
load has been evaluated during an experiment with a large severaldesignand computational tools available, which take
office building in Jacksonville, Florida [ 141. The objective into account the impact of thermal masson the building’s
was to precool the building at night and during the weekend, thermal performance.In a recently completedstudy, 128pro-
to reduce daytime cooling loads. Diurnal heat capacity cal- grams have been identified, that have some capabilities to
culations were used in analyzing the experimental results. calculate the cooling load of a building [ 181. Among them,
The resultsshowedan 18% reduction in cooling energy sup- 54 programscan alsocalculate the variation of the indoor air
plied during daytime. temperature, 45 programs can also take into account the
A theoretical analysisof datacollected during an extensive impact of massand shading,while only 23 programscan also
monitoring campaignof office buildings, using variable lev- simulatenatural ventilation strategies.
4. Simplified design tools expected weather inputs to modify its operation strategy so
as to reduce energy consumption and temperature swings
In total, 16 simplified models for estimating the cooling resulting from large solar and other radiant gains, and highly
load of a building, taking into account the building’s thermal variable loads. The model is developed for a heating season.
mass, have been selected and are briefly described in the The building response to expected weather inputs and internal
following discussion, in alphabetical order. Simplified design gains is predicted using a frequency domain thermal network
tools are necessary for building designers during the Hurst model. Using an iterative technique, a profile of the thermo-
stages of a design process in order to evaluate new techniques stat set point is determined so that optimum comfort and
and systems and their performance under specific conditions. minimum energy consumption are achieved. The building
These tools are easy to use, do not require detailed inputs and model employs distributed elements, such as thermal storage
provide relatively accurate information. They may require mass in walls, accounts for thermal coupling between rooms,
the use of a computer or in some cases the calculations can room interior radiant exchanges, and a time varying
also be performed by hand. conductance.
The reviewed models are tabulated in Table I, which The Bida and Kreider model [ 241 is a simplified design
includes some relevant information for each one. For each method which can be used for calculating the monthly cooling
method, one can identify the inputs and outputs, the parameter loads of dwellings and small multistorey buildings, with small
used to account for the thermal mass effect, the restrictions internal gains. The main source of heat which is transferred
and whether the method has been used to develop a software into the building is from incident solar radiation. The interior
package. This review has also revealed a number of para- of the building is considered as one zone. The component of
meters which can be used to account for the thermal mass the cooling load from the latent heat is not taken into account.
effect on the cooling load and overall behaviour of buildings. However, the model accounts for loads from ambient and
These parameters and their physical meaning are summarized internal gains, and solar gains through transparentand opaque
in Table 2. elements. The mass effect coefficient (MEC) is used to
account for thermal mass effects on the cooling load and is
4.1. Description of models defined as the ratio of the calculated monthly cooling load to
the monthly cooling load if no thermal mass were present.
ASHRAE [ 191 has adapted a simplified design method. The model can estimate the annual cooling loads with an
The calculations can be performed by hand using a few fun- acceptable accuracy. For large cooling loads, greater than 10
damental equations but numerous tabulated input data. The GJ/year, the maximum error is less than 15%. The calcula-
thermal mass effect on the cooling load is taken into account tions of the cooling load can be performed for light and heavy
by various factors, called cooling load temperature differ- buildings, thus enabling the user to easily compare the effect-
ences (CLTD) and cooling load factors (CLF) . These fac- iveness of the thermal mass in reducing the cooling load of a
tors were generated for each component of the space cooling building.
load using the methodology and basic equations of the trans- The Building Research Establishment [ 251 has developed
fer function method (TFM) Following the TFM procedure. a method for calculating peak summer temperatures. The
extensive computer simulations were first carried out, and method introduces the concept of the admittance factor. This
then based on these results, the representative multipliers represents the extent to which heat enters the surface of mate-
(CLTD and CLF values) were extracted by dividing com- rials in a 24 h cycle of temperature variation. This follows
ponent results by their U value. The space cooling load com- from the fact that dense materials take up more heat and have
ponents are calculated directly, using tabulated CLTD and higher admittance values than lightweight ones. The method
CLF, which include the effect of time lag due to thermal has been developed in an easy to follow format of a series of
storage. The method can account for the significance of the worksheets that the user has to fill out and includes the effect
thermal mass on the cooling load for light, medium and heavy of material thermal capacity and resistance. It is suitable for
building constructions, but it cannot directly handle the cal- office buildings, with one external wall and all other faces
culation of optimum thermal mass level and distribution. An about other offices, but it can be extended for treating rooms
additional limitation of the method is that the tabulated factors not surrounded by others, with a reduced accuracy.
have been calculated for a constant indoor air temperature, Catani [ 261 has developed a computer program account-
an assumption which is not valid for buildings where tem- ing for thermal mass effects. The method is known as the M
perature swings are expected. A modification of the CLF factor, which is a correction to steady-state R values that can
factor to account for external window shading, has been pro- result in less insulation being required in opaque wall sections
posed by Todorovic [ 201. This so-called { negative cooling of massive buildings than for lightweight buildings. Charts
load’ method provides more accurate results with differences of M factors show the correction as a function of local degree
that can be as much as 50% [ 2 I]. days and the weight per unit of wall area. The h4 factor is
The Athienitis model [ 22,231 is particularly suitable for used to indicate the thermal performance of building enve-
massive buildings. It is a predictive control algorithm, which lopes and as a correction to the steady state U values, which
utilizes computer prediction of the building’s response to are divided by this factor. Accordingly, the M factor is a
C.A. Balarus /Energy und Buildings 24 (1996) l-10

Table I
Simplified design tools for calculating the cooling load in buildings

Model Inputs Outputs Parameter to describe Restrictions Software

mass thermal effects

1. ASHRAE [ 191 BG,BC,IL,EL,AT/M,VE/S and L, hourly and peak cooling CLTD values for wall simplified treatment no
loads construction
Todorovic [ 211 IN/S and L modified CLF for
2. Athienitis [22] BG,BC.AT/M.ATIH.SRIM or hourly or monthly for elements in a thermal detailed inputs, yes
network complex analysis
SR/H,IL optimum thermostat set
3. Bida and Kreider BG,BC,IL,EL.VEIS,SRIM. monthly loads mass effect coefficient monozone, dwellings. yes
[241 small multistorey
AT/M,CL,SS buildings, small IL, no
latent heat loads, no
wind effects
4. BRE [25] BG,BC.EL,IL peak summer admittance factor office buildings with no
temperatures one external wall. no
wind effects
5. Catani [ 261 BG,BC performance of masSlYe M factor manual method for no
walls calculating the
thermal mass
6. Givoni [27] and BG.BC long term performance of effective heat capacity Method for calculating yes
Balcomb [ 71 thermal mass
massive walls performance
7. Givoni and BG,BC,VE,SRIM,AT/M internal air temperature total thermal time All external input yes
Hoffman [ 301 constant functions are taken
equal, no wind effects
8. Kusuda [31] BG,BC,EL,IL,VE,TAIH,SRiH transient sensible cooling conduction transfer Detailed inputs, no
load functions complex analysis for
previous temperature history multi-zone,-element
9. LANL [ 361 BG,BC,SR/M,DD monthly cooling load, solar saving fraction Restricted to certain yes
daily type of buildings, no
average indoor VIZ IL, wind effects
10. van der Maas BG,BC.IL,AT,VE/S indoor air temperature, thermal effusivity Monozone. stack effect yes
and Roulet [ 371 driven flows, short
cooling rate periods, homogeneous
walls, no radiation,
no convective effects,
constant heat flow
rates, no wind effects
I 1. Mathews and BG,BC,IL,EL.VE,SR/M. hourly Indoor an effective heat storage Single zone, no yes
Richard [ 381 temperature temperature
AT/M and sensible loads interior surfaces at
same temperature, no
wind effects
12. Passport Plus BG,BC,EL.IL,IN/S/L,VE/S hourly indoor air and transfer functions One dimensional heat yes
1411 surface conduction
ATIH,SRIH,WVIH,WDIH temperatures, cooling/
(Meteorological Library files) load, air flows, comfort
13. PMDG [36] BG,BC,SR,DD monthly cooling load, heat capacity no VE, IL. wind yes
daily effects
average cooling load
14. Seem [33] Previous temperature and heat cooling load comprehensive transfer Calculations for input no
functions information
flux, transfer functions, loads for

( conlinued)
6 C.A. Balarus /Energ.v und Buildings 24 (1996) I-10

Table I

Model Inputs outputs Parameter to describe Restrictions Software

mass thermal effects

15. Shaviv [43,44] BG,BC,SR/H.AT/H maximum indoor air heat capacity, thermal isothermal internal no
resistance mass
16. SPIEL [46] BG,BC,SS,AT/M,IN mean moonthly hourly capacitance convergence of
indoor calculated values, no
air temperature, cooling direct account of SR
load levels, no IN, no
wind effects
17. Steady State BG,BC,AT/M.lN average daily space envelope heat transfer steady state conditions, no
[I71 cooling coefficient no IL,EL,VE

Nomenclature: ADT = monthly ambtent daytime temperature; AT/M, AT/H = ambient temperature monthly data, ambient temperature hourly data;
BC = detailed information on the building construction ( U values, material thermal properties) ; BG = detailed information on the building geometry, orientation;
CDD = monthly cooling degree daysCL = monthly clearness index; DD = monthly degree days; EL = external loads (solar radiation, temperature); IL = internal
loads (human activity, equipment, lights); IN/S, IN/L = infiltration loads from sensible heat, infiltration loads from latent heat; SR/M, SR/H =solarradiation
monthly data, solar radiation hourly dataSS = mean daily sunshine hours; VE/S, VE/L = ventilation loads from sensible heat, ventilation loads from latent
heat; WV/M, WV/H= wind velocity monthly data, wind velocity hourly data; WD/M, WD/H= wind direction monthly data, wind direction hourly data.

Table 2
Parameters for describing thermal mass effects

Parameter Phystcal meaning Ref.

Admittance factor represents the extent to which heat enters the surface of matenals in a 24 h cycle of 1251
temperature variation
Capacitance accounts for the ability of the external and internal materials to store heat r491
Comprehensive transfer functions describes heat flows in building elements, combining individual wall transfer functions [331
for an enclosure
Conduction transfer functions expresses the decay of temperature through the material [311
Cooling load temperature difference includes the effect of time lag in the propagation of heat through the material, due to [I91
thermal storage
Diurnal heat capacity measures the effectiveness of the material for heat storage during a continuous 24 h [281
Effective heat capacity accounts for the effects of the building’s materials’ thermal properties and design [291
factors on the long term energy performance
Effective heat storage accounts for the effects of thermal capacity and thermal resistance of the building [381
elements, and the extenorresistance. for exterior and interior building elements
Envelope heat trasnfer coefficient includes the effects of thermal transmittance of the material along with heat transfer rate Cl71
due to infiltration
Heat capacity introduces the effect of heat storage for different building types in the correlation [361
coefficients used in calculating the solar saving fraction
Mass effect coefficient accounts for the temperature fluctuation allowable in the space, the amount of heat gain v41
due to ambient conditions, and the degree of exposure of the space to ambient
M Factor corrects steady state U values for the building materials P61
Solar saving fraction correlation coefficients as a function of the heat capacity for specific building types [361
Thermal capacity determines the heat flow in unit time by conduction through unit thickness of a unit area
material. across aunit temperature gradient, defined as the product of density by spesific
Thermal effusivity accounts for the response of a surface temperature to a change of the heat flow density [371
at the surface
Total thermal time constant the heat stored m a whole enclosure per unit of heat transmitted to or from the outside [301
through the elementssurrounding the enclosure and by ventilation

dimensionless correction factor, not a direct measure of ther- guishes between direct and indirect gains in thermal mass, by
ma1 storage or insulation capacity of walls. using the diurnal heat capacity (dhc) and the total heat capac-
The model of Givoni [ 271 and Balcomb and Jones [ 71 ity (the) . The dhc, introduced by Balcomb and Douglas [ 281,
utilizes the concept of heat capacity, the product of density is a measure of material heat storage effectiveness during a
by specific heat, of building materials. The model distin- continuous 24 h cycle, while the measures the total heat stored
C.A. 6alarct.s / Energy and Buildings 24 (I 996) I-10 I

if all the material was uniformly raised in temperature. In the order differential equations, which requires the calculation of
Givoni-Balcomb model a similar parameter called the effec- eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. Seem et al. [ 331
tive heat capacity (ehc) is introduced to predict the effects have improved the last method, by eliminating the interme-
of material properties (density, thermal conductivity and spe- diate steps, thus providing a simple computational and accu-
cific heat) and design factors such as the surface area, thick- rate two- or three-dimensional heat transfer calculation. The
ness and location of the structural storage elements, on the basic heat transfer process that occurs in a building zone is
long term energy performance of a passive solar system. The illustrated by an electrical circuit network. The heat transfer
model has been validated with results obtained from other system is then solved in the zone temperature or the zone
models and can predict satisfactorily the performance of load calculation modes. The Kusuda model has been used for
direct gain buildings. a study of various types of buildings. The cooling require-
The effective heat capacity and a generalized solar load ments of the buildings studied in this series averaged 22%
ratio correlation have also been used in a method developed less for heavier constructions.
by Wray and Best [ 291. The effective heat capacity is first Researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
defined empirically, by calculating the quantity that best cor- (LANL) have published numerous data on tests they have
relates with auxiliary energy consumption, and then new solar conducted on passive test cells, along with various correla-
load ratio correlations are established, that contain the result- tions which were developed using a mainframe computer
ing effective heat capacity as the single variable pertaining program (Passive Solar Energy code, PASOLE). The use of
to thermal storage. This work confirms the hypothesis by the LANL model, however, is limited due to the fact that it
Givoni that ehc resembles dhc, but has no optimum relative is applicable only to buildings similar in their heat capacity,
to thickness, for a fixed area. type of glazing or night insulation, to the types specified by
Givoni and Hoffman [ 301 extended the use of the thermal the model. The model utilizes the solar saving fraction [ 361
time constant (TIC) concept for an enclosure, by introduc- which depends on the building’s thermal storage capacity,
ing the total thermal time constant of the building (TITCB), nominal mass thickness, mass to glazing area ratio, number
for measuring the ability of the enclosure’s interior mass to of glazing and night insulation conditions.
admit and store heat. Originally, TTC was derived from the van der Maas and Roulet [37] have developed a model
analogy between the heat flow through the building’s mate- for simple energy calculations of stack ventilative night cool-
rials represented by a thermal circuit and the time constant of ing in a building zone, with an air-entrance and air-exit open-
an electric circuit, as a single parameter that can be used for ing. The algorithm links stack ventilation to heat transfer and
evaluating the thermal performance of a building. The a wall thermal model and predicts the influence of building
TTTCB is defined as the heat stored in the whole enclosure, materials and opening sizes on the heat transferred out of one
including internal air, per unit of heat transmitted to or from zone by nighttime ventilative cooling. The heat transfer proc-
the outside through the elements surrounding the enclosure esses are represented by a thermal network. Themethod intro-
and by ventilation. The shorter the TTTCB, the smaller the duces the thermal effusivity of building materials (the square
heat flux needed to achieve a unit variation of temperature. root of the product of density, specific heat and thermal con-
The method calculates internal air temperature and has been ductivity) which accounts for the response of the surface
validated for different model building materials and geome- temperature to a change of the heat flow density at the surface.
tries, under natural climatic conditions and with full-scale The model has been validated with measurements collected
buildings in different climatic zones [ 301. during tests conducted in office rooms ventilated by a single
Kusuda [ 3 1] has developed a model based on the response open window, and a test at a high mass, three level, staircase
factor method (RIM) [ 321. It utilizes the conduction trans- in an office building, cooled by stack ventilation.
fer functions (CTF), which is a convenient and effective tool Mathews and Richards [ 38,391 have developed a model
for the evaluation of transient heat transfer through building for thermal simulation of a building zone. It predicts hourly
construction components. The RFM and CTF methods are air temperatures and sensible energy loads and treats the
used in building simulation programs to solve transient heat effects of heat storage. The proposed approach introduces a
transfer problems in which the heat transfer properties are novel treatment of heat storage in buildings and a term
time-invariant. The advantage of these methods is that they describing varying ventilation rates. The relevant equations
are more efficient than other classical techniques for solving are solved under the assumption that all variables are periodic.
long-term heat transfer problems like Euler or Crank-Nicol- The thermal network for a single building zone includes the
son, because there is no critical time step and the internal time-dependent radiative heat source acting on the internal
temperature distribution is not calculated [ 331. The RFM has structure, the solar temperature acting on the exterior, the
also been used by Stephenson and Mitalas [34] for one- convective heat source acting on the internal air volume, and
dimensional problems. An exact set of transfer functions and/ the outdoor temperature acting on the internal air volume.
or response factors is determined by solving the conduction The method uses a single zone approach and consequently
equation by Laplace and/or z-transforms. Ceylan and Myers no heat exchange exists between different zones in a building.
[ 351 have presented a method for calculating transfer func- The air temperature distribution throughout the zone is
tions for multi-dimensional heat transfer from a set of first- assumed uniform. All interior surfaces are assumed to be at
8 C.A Balurus /Energy und Buildings 24 (1996) I-IO

the same temperature. The model has been extensively veri- thermal mass is treated as an isothermal mass. The mode1
fied in more than 60 passive, naturally ventilated buildings calculates the maximum indoor air temperature, without any
[40]. For 80% of the time temperature predictions were mechanical means, or with a fan only. A series of simulations
within 2 “C of measurements, showing that heat storage using this model has shown that the optimum thickness of a
effects are efficiently simulated. concrete layer of an internal partition should be 10 cm, while
Passport Plus [ 411 is a simplified computational tool, for the recommended thickness of an external wall is 15 cm [45].
DOS compatible micro-computers, developed within the SPIEL [ 461 is a simplified design tool for buildings which
CEC Research Programme on passive cooling in buildings, can calculate the mean monthly hourly indoor temperature
PASCOOL [ 421. The program is structured in such a way as and required backup heating or cooling to reach the set indoor
to easily accept enhancements and modifications, in the form air temperature. This approach does not allow for adistinction
of a routine that treats specific phenomena. Some of the pro- between direct or indirect thermal gain mass, thus it is not
gram’s features include a more detailed treatment of the ther- possible to optimize the location of the mass. Thermal mass
mal mass problem based on transfer functions and finite effects are taken into account by the capacitance of the build-
differences, accounting for the role of the building’s sur- ing, that is, its ability to store heat. The mode1 can handle
rounding external environment, small scale micro climate, multi-zone buildings, it accounts for internal heat gains,
external remote obstacles, external shading devices like lou- natural and forced ventilation, and indirectly for night ven-
vres, and improved treatment of natural ventilation phenom- tilation. A new version of the program, recently released, has
ena. The program handles multi-zone buildings, including improved its many features.
active and inactive zones, using hourly input meteorological Finally, according to the simple steady-state model [ 171,
files. Passport Plus calculates indoor air and wall tempera- when buildings are exposed to hot summer weather condi-
tures, indoor air flows, cooling or heating loads and indoor tions for which both the day and night outdoor temperatures
thermal comfort conditions. The program has undergone an are sufficiently warm to cause a 24 h continuous net positive
intermodel comparison between several well-known models space cooling load to exist, the average daily space cooling
and with experimental data from several European sites, with load can be calculated by the steady-state theory. This relation
satisfactory results. is the product of the envelope heat transfer coefficient and
Givoni [36] has developed a new predictive model for the temperature difference of the average outdoor tempera-
direct gain (PMDG), to replace the constants of the LANL ture and a balance point temperature which is the average
model with functions dependent upon the thermal properties daily outdoor temperature at which the daily space cooling
of the building, the components of the solar system, or both. load vanishes.
The modified LANL model can be used for buildings with Simplified design tools offer an alternative to more
any heat capacity, down to a lower limit of 150 Wh/m’ “C. advanced and complex programs which are also available.
Based on an experimental study and a comparison between Advanced models require a great amount of input information
the PMDG and LANL models with the collected data, it and provide in return the capability for treating complicated
appears that the LANL mode1 can be used even for buildings phenomena with high accuracy. Advanced programs are suit-
that do not have the exact properties of the reference build- able for simulating the behaviour of buildings and evaluating
ings, although the PMDG model may provide a more accurate the performance of various systems with great accuracy. They
prediction of the auxiliary load. are more likely to be used by people with advanced knowl-
Seem et al. [ 331 have developed a model which utilizes edge on these subjects, for scientific and research activities.
the TFM procedures for computing the cooling loads and There are several advanced computer models for simulat-
floating room temperatures in buildings. The transfer func- ing the thermal behaviour of buildings, like DOE [ 471, TARP
tions describing heat flows in building elements are combined [48] and BLAST [49]. Several European research pro-
in a comprehensive room transfer function (CRTF) for an grammes in the area of energy conservation in buildings, have
enclosure. CRTF simulations require less computational utilized extensively the environmental systems performance
effort than energy balance simulations because only outputs (ESP) software [ 505 11. TRNSYS [ 521 has also been a very
of interest are computed. The method accurately models long- popular commercially available program in the field of solar
wave radiation exchange and convection in an enclosure energy system design, mainly because of its modularity, espe-
through an approximate network, called the { star’ network. cially following the release of a version for persona1
Resistances in the star network are determined from a network computers.
which uses view factors to mode1 long-wave radiation
exchange. Combining heat flows from every surface to the
star nodes results in the CRTF equation, which relates the 5. Conclusions
load for an enclosure to past and current inputs and past loads.
The Shaviv model [43,44] is a time-dependentmethod The massstructure plays an essentialpart in the thermal
which simultaneously solves the heat transfer equation responseof buildings. Generally, a high massbuilding hasa
through all exterior walls of the building, taking into account smaller interior air temperature variation than a low mass
the thermal massof exterior walls andpartitions. The internal building, while there is a decreaseand a time lag of the peak
C.A Bolaras / Emrgy und Buildings 24 (19961 l-10 9

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[ 141 M. Ruud, J. Mitchell and S. Klein, ASHRAE Trans.. 96 ( 1990) 820-
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is more applicable to offices and other buildings which are [ IS] M. Brown, S&r Energ)) Eng. 112 ( 1990) 273-282.
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European Commission.It is publishedwith permissionfrom 1351 H. Ceylan and G. Myers, ASME J. Heor Transfer, 102 ( 1980) l15-
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