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Jepara, 20 November 2023

Kepada Yth.
PT Sehat Rukun Sentosa

Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan informasi yang saya terima bahwa PT Sehat Rukun Sentosa membuka program rekrutmen
Technical Support, dengan ini saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :
Nama : Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat
Pendidikan : S1 Peternakan
Tempat/tgl lahir : Jepara, 20 November 2000
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Agama : Islam
Alamat : Margoyoso Rt 05 Rw 01, Kec. Kalinyamtan, Kab. Jepara

Bersama ini saya sertakan lampiran dokumen pendukung sebagai bahan pertimbangan, sebagai berikut:
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV)
2. Scan Ijazah
3. Scan Transkrip Nilai
4. Scan KTP
5. Pas Foto
6. Sertifikat Magang

Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat. Besar harapan saya untuk dapat memenuhi panggilan PT Sehat
Rukun Sentosa untuk mengikuti proses seleksi lebih lanjut. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima

Hormat saya

Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat

Jepara, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia • • + 62895365431666


A hardworking Animal Husbandry Graduate with knowledge of animal science, livestock management, and
agriculture knowledge, including social, economic, and business aspects. Demonstrated a track record of working
in several places as a Production Management Staff while also keen to seek experience by joining the
organization to increase skill sets and knowledge. Proven technical skills, problem-solving skills, analyzing data,
performing research (quantitative & qualitative), etc. Possess great time management skills. Adaptable and able
to work as a team. Interested in the agriculture, business, management, marketing, and banking sectors



Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture/Bachelor Degree 2018-2022

● GPA : 3.74/4.00


PT Cemerlang Unggas Lestari Semarang

Production Management (Internship) Mei 2021– July 2021

● Learn the development, maintenance management, business and distribution of broiler

● Directly involved in all activities both farming poultry
● Observed and evaluated production process while also analysing data to produce improvement
● Assisted in conducting health examinations of chicken livestock
● Created daily reports and compiled them into final reports to be submitted to the supervisor
PT. Prima Food Indonessia Semarang
Production Management (Internship) APR 2021 – May 2021

• Retail store inventory management

• Service excellence, consumer acquisition, retail store administration
• Manage and develop marketing campaigns

PT. Prima Food Indonessia Semarang

Marketing, Canvasse dan Agronomy (Internship) Mar 2021 – Apr 2021

• Increas brand awareness to costumer

• Carry out promotion activity and consumer acquisition
• Manage and develop marketing campaigns
• Research and analyze market trend

PT. MSS Semarang

Sales (Frelance) July 2021– Aug 2021

• Increas brand awareness to costumer

• Looking for new customers


● Hard Skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) G-Suite (Google Docs, Google Sheets,
Google Slide)
● Soft Skills (Critical thinking, Creative Thinking, Leadership, Communication, Problem Solving,
Adaptable, Great Teamwork, Project Management, Project Reporting)
● Language: Indonesia (Native), English (Intermediate)

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