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Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of human to keep them headed toward their goals. A manager at
behavior in organizational settings, of the interface Best Buy has to control costs, inventory, and so on.
between human behavior and the organization, and of Important Managerial Roles
the organization itself. Although we can focus on any 1. Interpersonal Roles- are primarily social in nature;
one of these three areas, we must also remember that that is, they are roles in which the manager’s main task
all three are ultimately necessary for a comprehensive is to relate to other people in certain ways.
understanding of organizational behavior. For example, -Figurehead - Attend employee retirement ceremony.
we can study individual behavior without explicitly Taking visitors to dinner and attending ribbon-cutting
considering the organization. ceremonies are part of the figurehead role.
It shows the linkages among human behavior in -Leader - Encourage workers to increase productivity
organizational settings, the individual–organization -Liaison - Coordinate activities of two committees.
interface, the organization itself, and the environment Relating to others outside the group or organization.
surrounding the organization. Each individual brings to 2. Informational Roles- involve some aspect of
an organization a unique set of personal characteristics information processing.
and a unique personal background and set of -Monitor -Scan Business week for information about
experiences from other organizations. Therefore, in competition. Actively seeks information that might be of
considering the people who work in their organizations, value to the organization in general or to specific
managers must look at the unique perspective each managers.
individual brings to the work setting. -Disseminator - Send out memos outlining new policies.
MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Transmits this information to others
1. Human Resources -Spokesperson- Hold press conference to announce new
2. Financial Resources plant. Speaks for the organization to outsiders.
3. Physical Resources 3. Decision-making Roles.
4. Information Resources -Entrepreneur- Develop idea for new product and
Basic Managerial Functions convince others of its merit. Voluntarily initiates change
1. Planning- is the process of determining the such as innovations or new strategies within the
organization’s desired future position and deciding how organization.
best to get there. The planning process at Sears, for -Disturbance handler- helps settle disputes between
example, includes studying and analyzing the various parties, such as other managers and their
environment, deciding on appropriate goals, outlining subordinates.
strategies for achieving those goals, and developing -Resource allocator- Allocate budget requests. Decides
tactics to help execute the strategies. who will get what how resources in the organization will
2.Organizing-the process of designing jobs, grouping be distributed among various individuals and groups.
jobs into manageable units, and establishing patterns of -Negotiator- Settle new labor contract. Represents the
authority among jobs and groups of jobs. This process organization in reaching agreements with other
produces the basic structure, or framework, of the organizations, such as contracts between management
organization. and labor unions.
3. Leading- the third major managerial function, is the Critical Managerial Skills
process of motivating members of the organization to Technical skills are skills necessary to accomplish
work together toward the organization’s goals. An Old specific tasks within the organization. Designing a new
Navy store manager, for example, must hire people, computer for Hewlett-Packard, developing a new
train them, and motivate them. Major components of formula for a frozen- food additive for Conagra, or
leading include motivating employees, managing group writing a press release for Halliburton all require
dynamics, and the actual process of leadership itself. technical skills.
4. Controlling- is the process of monitoring and Interpersonal skills to communicate with, understand,
correcting the actions of the organization and its people and motivate individuals and groups. As we have noted,
managers spend a large portion of their time interacting

with others, so it is clearly important that they get along in areas such as labor market dynamics, productivity,
well with other people. human resource planning and forecasting, and cost-
Conceptual skills are the manager’s ability to think in benefit analysis.
the abstract. A manager with strong conceptual skills is - Engineering has also influenced the field of
able to see the “big picture.” That is, she or he can see organizational behavior. Industrial engineering in
opportunity where others see roadblocks or problems. particular has long been concerned with work
Diagnostic skills allow managers to better understand measurement, productivity measurement, work flow
cause-and-effect relationships and to recognize the analysis and design, job design, and labor relations.
optimal solutions to problems. - Medicine has come into play in connection with the
First-line managers generally need to depend more on study of human behavior at work, specifically in the area
their technical and interpersonal skills and less on their of stress. Increasingly, research is showing that
conceptual and diagnostic skills. Top managers tend to controlling the causes and consequences of stress in and
exhibit the reverse combination-more emphasis on out of organizational settings is important for the well-
conceptual and diagnostic skills and less dependence on being of both the individual and the organization.
technical and interpersonal skills. Middle managers A Descriptive Nature- A primary goal of studying
require a more even distribution of skills. organizational behavior is to describe relationships
Characteristics of the Field between two or more behavioral variables. The theories
An Interdisciplinary Focus- In many ways, organizational and concepts of the field, for example, cannot predict
behavior synthesizes several other fields of study. with certainty that changing a specific set of workplace
Perhaps the greatest contribution is from psychology, variables will improve an individual employee’s
especially organizational psychology. performance by a certain amount.
- Psychologists study human behavior, whereas CONTEXTUAL PERSPECTIVES ON ORGANIZATIONAL
organizational psychologists deal specifically with the BEHAVIOR
behavior of people in organizational settings. Many of Several contextual perspectives—most notably the
the concepts that interest psychologists, such as systems and contingency perspectives and the
individual differences and motivation, are also central to interactional view—also influence our understanding of
students of organizational behavior. organizational behavior.
- Sociologists study social systems such as families, Systems perspective- or the theory of systems, was first
occupational classes, and organizations. Because a developed in the physical sciences, but it has been
major concern of organizational behavior is the study of extended to other areas, such as management. A
organization structures, the field clearly overlaps with system is an interrelated set of elements that function
areas of sociology that focus on the organization as a as a whole. An organizational system receives four kinds
social system. of inputs from its environment: material, human,
- Anthropology is concerned with the interactions financial, and informational. The organization’s
between people and their environments, especially managers then combine and transform these inputs
their cultural environment. Culture is a major influence and return them to the environment in the form of
on the structure of organizations and on the behavior of products or services, employee behaviors, profits or
people in organizations. losses, and additional information. Then the system
- Political science as the study of political systems such receives feedback from the environment regarding
as governments. But themes of interest to political these outputs.
scientists include how and why people acquire power Situational perspective- In the earlier days of
and such topics as political behavior, decision making, management studies, managers searched for universal
conflict, the behavior of interest groups, and coalition answers to organizational questions. They sought
formation. prescriptions, the “one best way” that could be used in
- Economists study the production, distribution, and any organization under any conditions, searching, for
consumption of goods and services. Students of example, for forms of leadership behavior that would
organizational behavior share the economist’s interest always lead employees to be more satisfied and to work

harder. They discovered that in organizations, most made up of all work-related behaviors. Absenteeism is a
situations and outcomes are contingent; that is, the measure of attendance. Although virtually everyone
precise relationship between any two variables is likely misses work occasionally, some people miss far more
to be situational. than others. Some look for excuses to miss work and call
The universal model, shown at the top of the figure, in sick regularly just for some time off; others miss work
presumes a direct cause-and-effect linkage between only when absolutely necessary. Turnover occurs when
variables. For example, it suggests that whenever a a person leaves the organization. If the individual who
manager encounters a particular problem or situation leaves is a good performer or if the organization has
(such as motivating employees to work harder), a invested heavily in training the person, turnover can be
universal approach exists (such as raising pay or costly.
increasing autonomy) that will lead to the desired Individual Attitudes and Stress -Levels of job
outcome. satisfaction or dissatisfaction, organizational
The situational perspective, on the other hand, commitment, and organizational involvement all play an
acknowledges that several other variables alter the important role in organizational behavior. Stress is
direct relationship. In other words, the appropriate another important individual-level outcome variable.
managerial action or behavior in any given situation Given its costs, both personal and organizational, stress
depends on elements of that situation. is becoming an increasingly important topic for both
researchers in organizational behavior and practicing
Another set of outcomes exists at the group and team
level. Some of these outcomes parallel the individual-
level outcomes just discussed. For example, if an
organization makes extensive use of work teams, team
productivity and performance are important outcome
Interactionalism: People and Situations
variables. On the other hand, even if all the people in a
Interactionalism- attempts to explain how people
group or team have the same or similar attitudes toward
select, interpret, and change various situations. Figure 6
their jobs, the attitudes themselves are individual-level
illustrates this perspective. Note that the individual and
phenomena. Individuals, not groups, have attitudes.
the situation are presumed to interact continuously. This
interaction is what determines the individual’s behavior.
Finally, a set of outcome variables exists at the
Managing for Effectiveness
organization level. As before, some of these outcomes
parallel those at the individual and group levels, but
others are unique. For example, we can measure and
compare organizational productivity. We can also
develop organization-level indicators of absenteeism
and turnover. But profitability is generally assessed only
at the organizational level.
Perhaps the most significant source of change affecting
INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL OUTCOMES many organizations today is the increasing globalization
Individual behaviors result from a person’s participation of organizations and management.
in an organization. One important behavior is The Changing Environment of Business
productivity. A person’s productivity is an indicator of
his or her efficiency and is measured in terms of the
products or services created per unit of input.
Performance, another important individual-level
outcome variable, is a somewhat broader concept. It is
The Growth of International Business Uncertainty avoidance, which can also be called
First, communication and transportation have preference for stability, is the extent to which people
improved dramatically over the past several decades. feel threatened by unknown situations and prefer to be
Telephone service has improved, communication in clear and unambiguous situations.
networks span the globe and can interact via satellite, Masculinity, which might be more accurately called
and once-remote areas have become routinely assertiveness or materialism, is the extent to which the
accessible. dominant values in a society emphasize aggressiveness
Second, businesses have expanded internationally to and the acquisition of money and other possessions as
increase their markets. Companies in smaller countries, opposed to concern for people, relationships among
such as Nestlé in Switzerland and Heineken in the people, and overall quality of life.
Netherlands, recognized long ago that their domestic Long-term values include focusing on the future,
markets were too small to sustain much growth and working on projects that have a distant payoff,
therefore moved into the international arena. persistence, and thrift.
Third, more and more firms are moving into Short-term values are more oriented toward the past
international markets to control costs, especially to and the present and include respect for traditions and
reduce labor costs. Plans to cut costs in this way do not social obligations.
always work out as planned, but many firms are DIVERSITY AND BUSINESS
successfully using inexpensive labor in Asia and Mexico. Workforce diversity refers to the important similarities
Finally, many organizations have become international and differences among the employees of organizations.
in response to competition. If an organization starts 3M defines its goals regarding workforce diversity as
gaining strength in international markets, its “valuing uniqueness, while respecting differences,
competitors often must follow suit to avoid falling too maximizing individual potentials, and synergizing
far behind in sales and profitability. collective talents and experiences for the growth and
Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities success of 3M.”
Culture is the set of shared values, often taken for Stereotype is a generalization about a person, or a
granted, that help people in a group, organization, or group of persons based on certain characteristics or
society understand which actions are considered traits. Many managers fall into the trap of stereotyping
acceptable and which are deemed unacceptable. workers as being like themselves and sharing a
Cultural diversity can be an important source of synergy manager’s orientation toward work, rewards, and
in enhancing organizational effectiveness. More and relating to coworkers.
more organizations are coming to appreciate the virtues Prejudices are judgments about others that reinforce
of diversity, but they still know surprisingly little about beliefs about superiority and inferiority. They can lead
how to manage it. to an exaggerated assessment of the worth of one
Individualism exists to the extent that people in a group and a diminished assessment of the worth of
culture define themselves primarily as individuals rather others.
than as part of one or more groups or organizations. Dimensions of Diversity
Collectivism, on the other hand, is characterized by tight Primary dimensions of diversity are those factors that
social frameworks in which people tend to base their are either inborn or exert extraordinary influence on
identities on the group or organization to which they early socialization. These include age, race and ethnicity,
belong. At work, this means that employee–employer gender, physical and mental abilities, and sexual
links are more like family relationships, relationships are orientation. These factors make up the essence of who
more important than individuals or tasks, and hiring and we are as human beings.
promotion are based on group membership. Secondary dimensions of diversity include factors that
Power distance, which can also be called orientation to matter to us as individuals and that to some extent
authority, is the extent to which people accept as define us to others; however, they may be less
normal an unequal distribution of power. permanent than primary dimensions and can be
adapted or changed. These include educational

background, geographical location, income, marital management processes and systems. On the other
status, military experience, parental status, religious hand, they have also resulted in less personal
beliefs, and work experience. communication, less “down time” for managers and
The Value of Diversity employees, and an increased sense of urgency vis-à-vis
The United States has historically been seen as a decision making and communication—changes that
“melting pot” of people from many different countries, have not necessarily always been beneficial.
cultures, and backgrounds. For centuries, it was Ethics have long been of relevance to businesses, what
assumed that people who came from other countries seems like an epidemic of ethical breaches in recent
should assimilate into the existing cultural context they years has placed ethics in the mainstream of managerial
were entering. thought today. One special aspect of business ethics,
Assimilation is the process through which members of a corporate governance, has also taken on increased
minority group become socialized into learning the ways importance. Ethics also increasingly relate to
of the majority group. In organizations this entails hiring information technology.
people from diverse backgrounds and attempting to How an Organization Treats Its Employees- One
mold them to fit into the existing organizational culture. important area of managerial ethics is the treatment of
Valuing diversity means putting an end to the employees by the organization. This area includes
assumption that everyone who is not a member of the policies such as hiring and firing, wages and working
dominant group must assimilate. This is not easily conditions, and employee privacy and respect.
accomplished in most organizations. How Employees Treat the Organization -Numerous
Technology refers to the methods used to create ethical issues also stem from how employees treat the
products, including both physical goods and intangible organization, especially in regard to conflicts of interest,
services. Technological change has become a major secrecy and confidentiality, and honesty. A conflict of
driver for other forms of organization change. Moreover, interest occurs when a decision potentially benefits the
it also has widespread effects on the behaviors of individual to the possible detriment of the organization.
people inside an organization. How Employees and the Organization Treat Other
Manufacturing is a form of business that combines and Economic Agents- Managerial ethics also come into play
transforms resources into tangible outcomes that are in the relationship between the firm and its employees
then sold to others. with other economic agents. The interactions between
Service organization is one that transforms resources the organization and these agents that may be subject
into an intangible output and creates time or place to ethical ambiguity include advertising and promotions,
utility for its customers. For example, Merrill Lynch financial disclosures, ordering and purchasing, shipping
makes stock transactions for its customers, Avis leases and solicitations, bargaining and negotiation, and other
cars to its customers, and your local hairdresser cuts business relationships.
your hair. Corporate governance- the oversight of a public
Technology is the basis of competition for some firms, corporation by its board of directors. The board of a
especially those whose goals include being the public corporation is expected to ensure that the
technology leaders in their industries. A company, for business is being properly managed and that the
example, might focus its efforts on being the lowest- decisions made by its senior management are in the
cost producer or on always having the most best interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.
technologically advanced products on the market. But But in far too many cases the recent ethical scandals
because of the rapid pace of new developments, alluded to previously have actually started with a
keeping a leadership position based on technology is breakdown in the corporate governance structure.
becoming increasingly challenging. Information technology- are individual rights to privacy
Information Technology- Breakthroughs in information and the potential abuse of information technology by
technology have resulted in leaner organizations, more companies.
flexible operations, increased collaboration among
employees, more flexible work sites, and improved

The Management of Knowledge Workers differences that characterize a specific person make that
Traditionally, employees added value to organizations person unique. Whether specific differences that
because of what they did or because of their characterize a person are good or bad depends on the
experience. However, during today’s “information age,” circumstances.
many employees add value simply because of what they Personality is the relatively stable set of psychological
know. These employees are often referred to as attributes that distinguish one person from another. A
knowledge workers. How well these employees are longstanding debate among psychologists—often
managed is seen as a major factor in determining which expressed as “nature versus nurture”—concerns the
firms will be successful in the future. extent to which personality attributes are inherited from
Knowledge workers include computer scientists, our parents (the “nature” argument) or shaped by our
physical scientists, engineers, product designers, and environment (the “nurture” argument). In reality, both
video game developers. They tend to work in high- biological and environmental factors play important
technology firms and are usually experts in some roles in determining our personalities.
abstract knowledge base. The “Big Five” Personality Traits
Outsourcing is the practice of hiring other firms to do 1. Agreeableness refers to a person’s ability to get
work previously performed by the organization itself. It along with others. Agreeableness causes some people
is an increasingly popular strategy because it helps firms to be gentle, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and
focus on their core activities and avoid getting good-natured in their dealings with others. But lack of it
sidetracked by secondary activities. results in others’ being irritable, short-tempered,
Contingent worker is a person who works for an uncooperative, and generally antagonistic toward other
organization on something other than a permanent or people.
full-time basis. Categories of contingent workers include 2. Conscientiousness refers to the number of goals on
independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary which a person focuses. People who focus on relatively
employees (usually hired through outside agencies), and few goals at one time are likely to be organized,
contract and leased employees. Another category is systematic, careful, thorough, responsible, and self-
part-time workers. disciplined. Others tend to pursue a wider array of goals,
Tiered workforce exists when one group of an and, as a result, tend to be more disorganized, careless,
organization’s workforce has a contractual arrangement and irresponsible, as well as less thorough and self-
with the organization objectively different from that of disciplined.
another group performing the same jobs. 3. Neuroticism- people who are relatively more neurotic
PEOPLE IN ORGANIZATIONS tend to experience unpleasant emotions such as anger,
Psychological contract is a person’s overall set of anxiety, depression, and feelings of vulnerability more
expectations regarding what he or she will contribute to often than do people who are relatively less neurotic.
the organization and what the organization will provide People who are less neurotic are relatively poised, calm,
in return. resilient, and secure; people who are more neurotic are
more excitable, insecure, reactive, and subject to
extreme mood swings.
4. Extraversion reflects a person’s comfort level with
relationships. Extroverts are sociable, talkative,
assertive, and open to establishing new relationships.
Introverts are much less sociable, talkative, and
assertive, and more reluctant to begin new
Person-Job Fit- good person-job fit is one in which the
relationships. Research suggests that extroverts tend to
employee’s contributions match the inducements the
be higher overall job performers than introverts and
organization offers.
that they are more likely to be attracted to jobs based
Individual differences are personal attributes that vary
on personal relationships, such as sales and marketing
from one person to another. Individual differences may
be physical, psychological, and emotional. The individual
5. Openness reflects a person’s rigidity of beliefs and within hierarchical social systems such as organizations.
range of interests. People with high levels of openness For example, a person who is highly authoritarian may
are willing to listen to new ideas and to change their accept directives or orders from someone with more
own ideas, beliefs, and attitudes in response to new authority purely because the other person is “the boss.”
information. They also tend to have broad interests and Machiavellianism is now used to describe behavior
to be curious, imaginative, and creative. On the other directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior
hand, people with low levels of openness tend to be less of others. Research suggests that the degree of
receptive to new ideas and less willing to change their Machiavellianism varies from person to person.
minds. Further, they tend to have fewer and narrower Self-esteem is the extent to which a person believes
interests and to be less curious and creative. that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular A person with high self-esteem is more likely to seek
questionnaire that some organizations use to assess higher-status jobs, be more confident in his or her ability
personality types. Indeed, it is among the most popular to achieve higher levels of performance and derive
selection instruments used today, with as many as 2 greater intrinsic satisfaction from his or her
million people taking it each year. accomplishments.
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, refers to the extent to Risk propensity is the degree to which a person is
which people are self-aware, can manage their willing to take chances and make risky decisions. A
emotions, can motivate themselves, express empathy manager with a high-risk propensity, for example, might
for others, and possess social skills. experiment with new ideas and gamble on new
Self-awareness -It refers to a person’s capacity for being products.
aware of how he or she is feeling. In general, more self- Attitudes are complexes of beliefs and feelings that
awareness allows a person to guide more effectively his people have about specific ideas, situations, or other
or her own life and behaviors. people. Attitudes are important because they are the
Managing emotions- This refers to a person’s capacities mechanism through which most people express their
to balance anxiety, fear, and anger so that they do not feelings.
interfere with getting things accomplished. Attitudes are formed by a variety of forces, including
Motivating oneself- This dimension refers to a person’s our personal values, our experiences, and our
ability to remain optimistic and to continue striving in personalities.
the face of setbacks, barriers, and failure. ATTITUDE STRUCTURE
Empathy- refers to a person’s ability to understand how Cognition is the knowledge a person presumes to have
others are feeling even without being explicitly told. about something. You may believe you like a class
Social skill- This refers to a person’s ability to get along because the textbook is excellent, the class meets at
with others and to establish positive relationships. your favorite time, the instructor is outstanding, and the
Other Personality Traits at Work workload is light. This “knowledge” may be true,
Locus of control is the extent to which people believe partially true, or totally false.
that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to A person’s affect is his or her feelings toward something.
them. Some people, for example, believe that if they In many ways, affect is similar to emotion—it is
work hard they will succeed. something over which we have little or no conscious
Self-efficacy is a related but subtly different personality control. For example, most people react to words such
characteristic. A person’s self-efficacy is that person’s as “love,” “hate,” “sex,” and “war” in a manner that
belief about his or her capabilities to perform a task. reflects their feelings about what those words convey.
People with high self-efficacy believe that they can Intention guides a person’s behavior. If you like your
perform well on a specific task, whereas people with instructor, you may intend to take another class from
low self-efficacy tend to doubt their ability to perform a him or her next semester. Intentions are not always
specific task. translated into actual behavior.
Authoritarianism- the extent to which a person believes When two sets of cognitions or perceptions are
that power and status differences are appropriate contradictory or incongruent, a person experiences a

level of conflict and anxiety called cognitive dissonance. Attribution theory has extended our understanding of
Cognitive dissonance also occurs when people behave in how perception affects behavior in organizations.
a fashion that is inconsistent with their attitudes. For Attribution theory suggests that we observe behavior
example, a person may realize that smoking and and then attribute causes to it. That is, we attempt to
overeating are dangerous yet continue to do both. explain why people behave as they do. The process of
Attitude Change attribution is based on perceptions of reality, and these
Attitudes are not as stable as personality attributes. perceptions may vary widely among individuals.
KEY WORK-RELATED ATTITUDES Workplace behavior is a pattern of action by the
Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find members of an organization that directly or indirectly
gratification or fulfillment in their work. Extensive influences the organization’s effectiveness. One way to
research on job satisfaction shows that personal factors talk about workplace behavior is to describe its impact
such as an individual’s needs and aspirations determine on performance and productivity, absenteeism and
this attitude, along with group and organizational turnover, and organizational citizenship. Unfortunately,
factors such as relationships with coworkers and employees can exhibit dysfunctional behaviors as well.
supervisors and working conditions, work policies, and Performance behaviors are the total set of work-related
compensation. behaviors that the organization expects the individual to
Organizational commitment, sometimes called job display. You might think of these as the “terms” of the
commitment, reflects an individual’s identification with psychological contract. For some jobs, performance
and attachment to the organization. A highly committed behaviors can be narrowly defined and easily measured.
person will probably see herself as a true member of Dysfunctional behaviors are those that detract from,
the firm (for example, referring to the organization in rather than contribute to, organizational performance.
personal terms such as “we make high quality Two of the more common ones are absenteeism and
products”), overlook minor sources of dissatisfaction, turnover.
and see herself remaining a member of the -Absenteeism occurs when an employee does not show
organization. up for work. Some absenteeism has a legitimate cause,
Affect and Mood in Organizations such as illness, jury duty, or a death or illness in the
Positive affectivity- this means that they are relatively family. At other times, the employee may report a
upbeat and optimistic, that they have an overall sense feigned legitimate cause that’s actually just an excuse to
of well-being, and that they usually see things in a stay home.
positive light. Thus, they always seem to be in a good -Turnover occurs when people quit their jobs. An
mood. organization usually incurs costs in replacing workers
Negative affectivity- are just the opposite. They are who have quit, and if turnover involves especially
generally downbeat and pessimistic and they usually see productive people, it is even more costly. Turnover
things in a negative way. They seem to be in a bad mood seems to result from a number of factors, including
most of the time. aspects of the job, the organization, the individual, the
Perception- the set of processes by which an individual labor market, and family influences.
becomes aware of and interprets information about the Organizational citizenship refers to the behavior of
environment—is another important element of individuals who make a positive overall contribution to
workplace behavior. If everyone perceived everything the organization. Consider, for example, an employee
the same way, things would be a lot simpler (and a lot who does work that is acceptable in terms of both
less exciting!). quantity and quality. However, she refuses to work
Selective perception is the process of screening out overtime, won’t help newcomers learn the ropes, and is
information that we are uncomfortable with or that generally unwilling to make any contribution beyond the
contradicts our beliefs. strict performance of her job. This person may be seen
Stereotyping is categorizing or labeling people on the as a good performer, but she is not likely to be seen as a
basis of a single attribute. Certain forms of stereotyping good organizational citizen.
can be useful and efficient.


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