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CosmicBreak StageEditorβ Manual


Table of Contents

(1) Starting the Stage Editor

(2) General Interface

(a) Main Menu
(b) Displaying/Hiding Ground
(c) Displaying/Hiding Ground Height
(d) Displaying/Hiding Buildings
(e) Displaying/Hiding Objects
(f) Displaying/Hiding Polygon Field

(3) Primary Controls

(a) Camera Controls
(b) Shortcut Keys

(4) Modifying Stage Parts

(a) Swapping Standard Sets
(b) Swapping Extended Sets
(c) Distance Settings

(5) Environment Settings

(6) Modifying Stage Limits

(a) Modifying the Horizontal Axis
(b) Modifying the Vertical Axis

(7) Map Boundary Settings

(a) Changing the Altitude Limit

(8) Copying Ground Elements

(9) Editing from the Overhead Map

(a) Using Layers
(b) Modifying Ground Height
(c) Placing Terrain
(d) Placing Objects
(e) Placing Lighting
(f) Placing Objects and Entities
(g) Moving the Camera

(10) Playing in a Custom Map

Copyright(C) 2013 CyberStep, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Starting the Stage Editor
How to Access the Stage Editor
The Stage Editor may be accessed from the CosmicBreak Launcher.
The button is located to the right of the [Start Game] button.

Upon successfully loading the Stage Editor, this screen will be displayed.
General Interface
Stage Editor Interface

Map preview and Camera control panel

Stage parts menu

Stage scenery menu

Stage component selection menu

Stage element display/boundary menu

Overhead Map

More detailed explanations may be found on each function's respective page(s)

(a) Main Menu

The toolbar located at the top of the screen houses the

basic functions and controls.

Discards current map and creates a new one.

Saves and/or renames the current map.
Saved stages may be used in-game and freely edited later.

Discards the current map and loads a previously saved map.

Exits the stage editor.

Reverses the last change made.

Reapplies the last revision made.

Deletes the selected object.

Allows the player to move through the map as if they were in-game.
(b) Display/Hide ground icons

Clicking on the Yellow Circle next to [Icon Field] will switch

the display of the ground layer on and off.

When ON When OFF

When set to [OFF], [Water] and [Grass] icons will not be displayed on the
overhead map.

How the Stage will appear

(c) Display/Hide element elevation

Clicking the yellow circle next to [Height Field] will toggle the
display of elevation differences on the overhead map.

When ON When OFF

When [ON] the map displays elevation differences between stage elements
through color.

How the Stage will appear

(d) Display/Hide stage parts

Clicking on the yellow circle next to 「Parts」 will toggle the

display of all stage parts on the overhead map.

When ON When OFF

When set to [OFF], PART elements such as these rocks will not be
displayed on the overhead map.

How the Stage will appear

(e) Display/Hide stage objects

Clicking on the yellow circle next to [Objects] will toggle the

display of all stage objects on the overhead map.

When ON When OFF

When set to [OFF], stage objects such as these TEAM MARKs will not
be visible on the overhead map.

* Regarding TEAM MARKS

These marks represent spawn areas for players of the

selected team.
(f) Display/Hide Polygon Field

Clicking on the yellow circle next to [Polygon Field] will toggle the
display of polygon density on the overhead map.

When ON When Off

When set to [ON], the overhead map will display polygon density in a grid
format. Polygon density is represented through color. High poly areas
will have a red overlay on the overhead map.

* PC performance may suffer while this option is active

Primary Controls
(a) Operating the Camera

You can move through your custom stage through the preview panel by
clicking on different parts of the screen.


Rotate Left Rotate Right


Left clicking on a portion of the screen will allow you to move across the
X and Z axis.



Right-clicking on a portion of the screen will allow you to move across the
X and Y axis.
(b) Shortcut Keys

Each layer is assigned to the Function keys F1-F8.
Press the key to switch to the corresponding layer.

Shortcut key for the UNDO function.
Reverts the last change made.

Shortcut key for the REDO function.
Reapplies the last revision made.

Shortcut key for the PREVIEW function.

Copies the currently selected PARTS or OBJECTS on the
overhead map and places them onto the clipboard.

Places any PARTS or OBJECTS that are on the clipboard and
applies them to the overhead map.

Switches between functions available from the Palette panel
located on the lower left half of the screen.
In order, they are [Ground Height], [Ground Tiles], [Objects].
[Lighting], [Entities], and [Camera Position].

Deletes the currently selected element(s).
Modifying Stage Parts
Elements that can be placed into a stage are organized
into [Sets] of similar elements

(a) Selecting a Standard Set

A [Standard Set] is comprised of Parts that can be used to build your stage.
You may switch between sets at any time by selecting them from the menu
and clicking on the [Apply] button.
(b) Selecting an Extended Set

Extended sets operate in much the same manner as Standard Sets, but will not
necessarily contain interchangable objects. Switching between incompatible
sets will result in the removal of all incompatible elements.
(c) Distance Settings

By selecting [Curvature], the preview panel will render the stage

using the radius value. Radius values may range from 50 to 150.
The higher the value, the less of the stage will be visible.

球面描画 OFF

Curvature ON Radius 50.0 Curvature ON Radius 150.0

The smaller the value, more The higher the value, less
of the sphere will be visible. of the sphere will be visible.
Environment Settings
Changing the Environment
Changing the Environment Effects will cause the landscape and
general environment of the stage to reflect the new setting.

DE_nightsun1 DE_snow1

Sunset Landscape Tundra Landscape

PY_rain2 GN_moon1

Falling Rain Landscape Full Moon Landscape

Modifying Stage Limits
Changing the size of the Stage
Changing the values under Stage Size will expand or shrink the
size of the stage accordingly.

(a) Changing the X value

The X value represents the horizontal axis and will change the width of the
stage accordingly.

Changing the X value from 80 to 60

The stage will expand or contract from the

[Right] half of the screen.
(b) Changing the Y value

The Y value represents the vertical axis and will change the height of the
stage accordingly.

Changing the Y value from 80 to 60

The stage will expand or contract from the

[Top] half of the screen.
Map Boundary Settings
Set Map Boundaries
The Moveable Area values determine the range in which a player
will be allowed to move within. It is displayed as a yellow box on
the overhead map. The boundary may not exceed the stage limit.
Note that each value represents a unit of measure FROM the
stage limits.

(a) Changing the Altitude Limit

The Altitude Limit determines how high into the air a player may
travel before running into a boundary.

Regarding Altitude Limits

As the maximum stage height is currently set to 10, allowing players to
move excessively higher than this point may result in errors. If the game
experiences errors, please set the Altitude Limit to 10.
Copying Ground Elements
Copying and Reflecting ground elements
By clicking the [Mirror Copy] buttons shown below, ground elements
can be copied and "reflected" across the selected axis.

In the case of accidentally reflecting an element, press [CTRL+Z]

to activate the UNDO command.

Button functions

Copies the bottom half of the map and reflects it across the X axis
to create an identical version of it on the upper half of the map.

Copies the upper half of the map and reflects it across the X axis
to create an identical version of it on the lower half of the map.

Copies the left half of the map and reflects it across the Y axis
to create an identical version of it on the right half of the map.

Copies the right half of the map and reflects it across the Y axis
to create an identical version of it on the left half of the map.

*A symmetrical map can be easily created by creating one half of a map

and reflecting it across the middle.
*The placement of certain ground elements may cause errors when
attempting to copy and reflect a map.
Editing from the Overhead map
Arranging elements from the overhead map

Basic Controls
Ground elements such as grass, trees, and water may be placed by clicking
the appropriate tile in the palette and then dragging the mouse across the
desired position on the map. Objects can be dragged from the palette onto
the map and moved, raised, or rotated once placed.

Selecting multiple parts/objects

It is possible to select multiple objects by holding down the [SHIFT] key and
clicking on the parts/objects to be manipulated.
(a) Changing layers

Regarding Layers
Layers can be thought of as transparent canvases that exist on top of each
other. Each layer is a plane upon which parts and objects may be placed, but
any modifications made to objects within the selected layer will take effect.
In example, a set of trees placed in Layer 2 cannot be selected or deleted
while operating in Layer 3. The division of elements across layers allows for
the organization of like elements and higher levels of precision while
creating stages

* In the case that the user intends to create a stage with a large number of
parts and/or objects, dividing the elements across multiple layers will make
editing them afterwards much easier.

Switching between Layers

Switching between layers is possible by clicking on the numbered buttons
as shown above or pressing the corresponding function keys F1-F8.

Layer 1 Layer 2

* Stage elements aside from Parts/Objects will not be affected by layers

and therefore may be modified independently of layer selection.
(b) Editing terrain height.

The [Set Ground Height] tool may be accessed by clicking on its icon,
located at the top left corner of the tool Palette or by pressing [ALT+1].
With this tool it is possible to elevate a portion of the stage to a desired level.
The [Height] slider determines the elevation to be applied to the area.
The [Size] slider determines the size of the cursor when applying the
height tool.

Applying the Terrain Height tool

After selecting the desired [Height] and [Size], clicking on the ground will
either raise or lower the terrain over the selected area.
(c) Placing ground tiles

The [Place Ground Tiles] tool may be accessed by clicking on its icon, located
at below the terrain height tool at the top left corner of the tool palette, or
by pressing [ALT+2].
Ground tiles will become the "floor" of the stage and should be placed first.

Placing tiles
After selecting the desired tile type, clicking and dragging the mouse across
the overhead map will cause that tile to appear as the "floor" within the

When checked, tiles placed will attempt to match borders with the
surrounding tiles.

When making changes for fine details, this function should be left

Size changes
The [Size] slidebar dictates how many of the selected tile will be placed
at once. Naturally, the larger the number, the more tiles will be placed.

Damage Floor settings

The [Damage Floor] value dictates how much damage will be done to any
players that cross the affected tile(s). The higher the number, the more
damage is done. Often used to create instant-kill zones.
(d) Placing Objects

The [Place Objects] tool can be accessed by clicking on its icon, as shown
below, or by pressing [ALT+3].
A selection of available objects will be displayed, each of which can be
dragged and dropped onto the overhead map.

Changing object elevation

An object's elevation can be modified at any time by selecting it and
dragging the [Height] slidebar to the desired position.

Rotating objects
An object can be rotated to any of the 4 cardinal directions by pressing the
[Rotate] button located at the top right.
(e) Light Sources

The [Place Light Source] tool can be accessed by clicking on its icon, as
shown below, or by pressing [ALT+4].
With this tool, it is possible to create a light source that will illuminate the
surrounding area.

How to place Light Sources

A light source may be placed by clicking and dragging the
[DROP THIS] button onto an area on the overhead map.

Light Source Attributes

The values determine the location of the light source and represent the
X, Z, and Y axes, respectively
* Light sources may be selected and moved via the overhead map as well.

Determines the light source's effective range.

Changes the color of the light source.

Switches between [POINT] and [SPOT] lighting.

Determines whether or not the light source will create shadows.
(f) Placing Entities

The Place Entities tool may be accessed by clicking on its icon, or by

pressing [ALT+5].
*Entities cannot be copied or pasted.

Regarding Environment Objects

Up to 50 environment objects may be placed within a stage.
Any object that is destroyed will automatically respawn in 40 seconds.
* Object respawn time cannot be modified.

Regarding Powerspots
Up to 2 powerspots per team may be placed within a stage.

Types of Environmental Objects

Places an entity that launches a player vertically.

Places an entity that launches a player at an upwards angle.

Places an entity that launches a player horizontally.

Places a powerspot usable by [TEAM0]

Places a powerspot usable by [TEAM1]

Places a destructible entity shaped like a cactus.
*Metactus will deal damage to players that touch it.

Places a destructible entity shaped like a tree.
* 4 colors available (Red, Green, White, Gray)

Places a destructible entity shaped like a Totem Pole.
* 3 sizes available.

Places a destructible entity shaped like a Snowman.
* 3 colors available (Red, Green, Blue)

Places a destructible entity shaped like a mushroom.
* 2 colors available (Green, Pink)
Places a destructible entity shaped like a barrel.
* 3 colors available (Blue, Red, Yellow)
Placing Environmental Objects
After selecting an entity to place, clicking on the [Attach] button will make it
appear with other objects ready to be placed on the overhead map.

While the entity is selected, clicking and dragging from the [DROP THIS]
button onto the map will place the entity within the stage.

The values determine the location of the entity and represent the
X, Z, and Y axes, respectively
* Entities may be selected and moved via the overhead map as well.

Changes the direction the entity faces.
Entities may be rotated 360 degrees freely.
Setting Player Spawn Points
This function is used to determine the possible locations for players to
spawn from.

Team Settings
Dictates the location of each team's spawn points. As with other
entities, spawn points can be freely moved around the stage.
Each team requires 5 spawn points each.

The values determine the location of the spawn point and represent the
X, Z, and Y axes, respectively
* Spawn points may be selected and moved via the overhead map as well.

Changes the direction the spawn point faces.
Spawn points may be rotated 360 degrees freely.

(g) Moving the camera

The Move Camera tool may be accessed by clicking on its icon, or by

pressing [ALT+6].

Camera movement via the overhead map

After selecting the Move Camera tool, clicking on the overhead map will
move the camera's position to the selected point in the preview panel.
* This tool is best used to quickly move to different points on the map.
Playing with Custom Stages
* Before exiting the Stage Editor, make sure to save a copy of your
custom stage with a recognizable name.

For use in Team Fight

Custom stages can be used in Team Fights. Begin by selecting the
Team Fight option in matching and create a room. Scroll down to the bottom
of the Map listing and select [EDIT STAGE].

Selecting [EDIT STAGE] will bring up a list of the custom Stages saved to
disk. Select the desired custom stage to load it for the room.
Custom stages will appear in the Team Fight listings as shown below.

Once the required number of players have entered the matching list,
it will be possible to begin the battle.

Try out all sorts of custom stages with your friends!

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