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1. Perjanjian 1. Abundant Crops (I) 01.10.18 Term COVENANTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES:
Kerja-Kerja Sdn. Bhd.
Memotong, (“ACSB”) (II) To set forth (Clause 5) Obligations of Pemborong
Mengutip, the scope of work to
Mengangkut 2. Syarikat Maju be undertaken by Commencement i. To have sufficient number of workers and
Kelapa Sawit, Tiga (B.M) Sdn. Syarikat Maju Tiga Date: in accordance with Malaysian laws (clause
Membaja, Bhd. (B.M) Sdn. Bhd. 3);
Meracun dan (“Pemborong”) in ii. To provide the vehicles, equipments and
Proning relation to the other necessities to carry out the work
(Unstamped Expiry Date:
works and the
copy) 30.9.28
payment Obligations of ACSB

i. To make payment to the sub-contractor

once a month after the contractor issues a
certificate confirming the BTS that have
been graded

ACSB can terminate the agreement at any time if:

i. Pemborong fails to adhere to the terms of

the contract;
ii. Work done is not to the satisfaction of
iii. Any written instruction from ACSB forms
part of the contract and the Pemborong is
to follow the instruction;
iv. ACSB has the right to reduce or add any
new condition

2. Perjanjian 1. Abundant Crops (I) 17.03.22 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Kontrak Kerja Sdn. Bhd.
Ladang (“ACSB”) (II) To set forth Commencement 1. The scope of work and the payment is as
(Unstamped the scope of Date: follows:
copy) 2. Tekko Agro work to be Not stated a. Menuai sawit – RM115/tan;
Enterprise (sub- undertaken b. Kutip biji – RM300/tan;
contractor) by Tekko Expiry Date: c. Meracun/3 pusingan – RM75/ekar
Agro 16.03.25 or until d. Pruning – RM2.00 – RM3.00/pokok
Enterprise in any party e. Sewa backhoe – RM380/hari
relation to terminates the f. Sewa lori – RM350/hari
the works agreement or any g. Sewa tractor – RM350/hari
and the variation to the h. Upah tabur baja – RM4.00/bag
payment agreed terms

3. Perjanjian 1. Abundant Crops (I) 01.05.22 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Kontrak Kerja Sdn. Bhd.
Ladang (“ACSB”) (II) To set forth Commencement 1. The scope of work and the payment is as
(Unstamped the scope of Date: follows:
copy) 2. Abdul Fariz bin work to be Not stated a. Membaja – RM4/bag;
Nazri (sub- undertaken b. Meracun/3 pusingan – RM30/ekar
contractor) by Abdul Expiry Date:
Fariz bin 01.01.23 or until
Nazri in any party
relation to terminates the
the works agreement or any
and the variation to the
payment agreed terms.

Effectively the
agreement has
4. Perjanjian 1. Majlis Agama (I) Not stated Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Pajakan Islam dan Adat
Melayu Perak (II) A lease 20 years 1. Distribution of proceeds (by way of pawah) is
(“MAIPk”) agreement where 60 (ACSB)/40 (MAIPk and SARA);
MAIPk as the Commencement 2. ACSB is only to use the land for oil palm
2. Sekolah Agama landowner leases Date: plantation;
Rakyat Arbaiyah the land to ACSB for 01.07.11 3. SARA is to monitor ACSB’s work on the land
(“SARA”) oil palm plantation. and the lease agreement;
Expiry Date: 4. SARA can use balance of the proceeds after
30.06.31 deducting 10% management fee to MAIPk for
3. Syarikat The land is HSM 269
SARA’s purpose
Abundant Crops PT 2681, Mukim
Sdn Bhd Beriah, Daerah
Kerian, Perak with
area of 1.6187
Early termination is allowed subject to:
Lease is not 1. The party wishes to terminate must give a 30
registered day written notice to the other party;
2. Upon termination, ACSB shall no right over the
land or for any compensation from any
building or loss suffered by ACSB;
3. ACSB must clean up the land from anything
considered as “waste”.

5. Perjanjian 1. Zahaini binti (I) 23.08.19 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Pajakan Mohamad
Tanah (II) A lease 20 years 1. Distribution of proceeds is 70 (ACSB)/30
2. Abundant Crops agreement where (landowner);
Sdn Bhd Zahaini as the Commencement
landowner leases Date: 2. Distribution of proceeds is only made in the 6 th
the land to ACSB for January 2012 year onward;
oil palm plantation.
January 2032
The land is HS(M)
2907 PT 2474, 1. If the landowner terminates the agreement
Mukim Beriah, within 10 years from the date of planting,
landowner is to pay damages of
Daerah Kerian,
Perak with area of
1.6187 hectare.
2. If the landowner terminates the agreement
after 10 years but before 15 years from the
The land is a Malay
date of planting, landowner is to pay damages
Reserve land.
of RM10,000/acre;
Lease is not
3. If the landowner terminates the agreement
from the 16th year until the rest of the term,
Based on land landowner is to pay damages of
search dated RM7,000/acre;
16.10.23, the land
belongs to Siti 4. If the agreement is terminated by ACSB, ACSB
Zabidah binti shall have no claim ask for damages from the
Ladin via transfer landowner.
on 05.08.2015
6. Perjanjian 1. Zahaini binti (I) 23.08.19 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Pajakan Mohamad
Tanah (II) A lease 20 years 1. Distribution of proceeds is 70 (ACSB)/30
2. Abundant Crops agreement where (landowner);
Sdn Bhd Zahaini as the Commencement
landowner leases Date: 2. Distribution of proceeds is only made in the 6 th
the land to ACSB for January 2012 year onward;
oil palm plantation.
January 2032
The land is HS(M)
2039 PT 2500, 1. If the landowner terminates the agreement
Mukim Beriah, within 10 years from the date of planting,
landowner is to pay damages of
Daerah Kerian,
Perak with area of
1.6187 hectare.
2. If the landowner terminates the agreement
after 10 years but before 15 years from the
The land is a Malay
date of planting, landowner is to pay damages
Reserve land.
of RM10,000/acre;
Lease is not
3. If the landowner terminates the agreement
from the 16th year until the rest of the term,
landowner is to pay damages of

4. If the agreement is terminated by ACSB, ACSB

shall have no claim or ask for damages from
the landowner.
7. Perjanjian 1. Norlida binti (I) 23.08.19 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Pajakan Hassan
Tanah (II) A lease 20 years 1. Distribution of proceeds is 70 (ACSB)/30
2. Abundant Crops agreement where (landowner);
Sdn Bhd Norlida as the Commencement
landowner leases Date: 2. Distribution of proceeds is only made in the 6 th
the land to ACSB for January 2012 year onward;
oil palm plantation.
January 2032
The land is HS(M)
2038 PT 2443, 1. If the landowner terminates the agreement
Mukim Beriah, within 10 years from the date of planting,
landowner is to pay damages of
Daerah Kerian,
Perak with area of
1.6187 hectare.
2. If the landowner terminates the agreement
after 10 years but before 15 years from the
The land is a Malay
date of planting, landowner is to pay damages
Reserve land.
of RM10,000/acre;
Lease is not
3. If the landowner terminates the agreement
from the 16th year until the rest of the term,
We were informed landowner is to pay damages of
that the land has RM7,000/acre;
been sold to Abu
Samah bin Ismail 4. If the agreement is terminated by ACSB, ACSB
(director/sharehold shall have no claim or ask for damages from
er) the landowner.

8. Perjanjian 1. Norlida binti (I) 23.08.19 Term SALIENT TERMS OF THE CONTRACT
Pajakan Hassan
Tanah (II) A lease 1. Distribution of proceeds is 70 (ACSB)/30
2. Abundant Crops agreement where 20 years (landowner);
Sdn Bhd Norlida as the
landowner leases Commencement 2. Distribution of proceeds is only made in the 6 th
the land to ACSB for Date: year onward;
oil palm plantation. January 2012
Expiry Date:
The land is PM 1654,
January 2032 1. If the landowner terminates the agreement
No lot 11932,
within 10 years from the date of planting,
Mukim Beriah,
landowner is to pay damages of
Daerah Kerian,
Perak with area of
1.55 hectare.
2. If the landowner terminates the agreement
after 10 years but before 15 years from the
The land is a Malay
date of planting, landowner is to pay damages
Reserve land. of RM10,000/acre;
Lease is not
3. If the landowner terminates the agreement
registered. from the 16th year until the rest of the term,
We were informed landowner is to pay damages of
that the land has RM7,000/acre;
been sold to Abu
Samah bin Ismail 4. If the agreement is terminated by ACSB, ACSB
(director/sharehold shall have no claim or ask for damages from
er) the landowner.

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