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An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents arguments on a particular topic or issue. The
purpose of this essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer's point of view or position on the
topic. It involves the presentation and analysis of evidence and reasoning to support a particular

Here are key elements that define an argumentative essay:

Thesis Statement: The essay typically begins with a clear and concise thesis statement that presents the
main point or argument. This statement establishes the writer's position on the issue.

Evidence and Support: The body of the essay includes supporting evidence and examples that
strengthen the writer's argument. This can include data, statistics, facts, anecdotes, or expert opinions.
The goal is to provide a convincing case for the writer's perspective.

Counterarguments and Refutation: An effective argumentative essay acknowledges opposing viewpoints

and addresses counterarguments. This demonstrates the writer's awareness of alternative perspectives
and strengthens their own argument by addressing potential objections. The essay may include a section
to refute opposing claims.

Logical Organization: The essay is typically organized logically, with a clear progression of ideas. Each
paragraph should focus on a specific point or piece of evidence, and there should be a smooth transition
between paragraphs.

Persuasive Language: Argumentative essays use language that is designed to persuade the reader. This
includes the use of strong, compelling language, as well as rhetorical devices that enhance the
persuasive effect.

Conclusion: The essay concludes by summarizing the main points and reiterating the thesis. The
conclusion often emphasizes the significance of the argument and may suggest implications or actions
based on the presented ideas.

The purpose of an argumentative essay is multifaceted:
Persuasion: The primary goal is to persuade the reader to adopt or agree with the writer's perspective
on a particular issue.

Critical Thinking: Argumentative essays require critical thinking skills as writers analyze and evaluate
evidence, consider alternative viewpoints, and construct a well-reasoned argument.

Communication Skills: Writing an argumentative essay helps develop effective communication skills, as
writers must articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively.

Research Skills: Argumentative essays often require research to gather relevant information and
evidence to support the claims made in the essay.

Overall, argumentative essays are a common form of academic writing that encourages students and
writers to engage with complex issues, think critically, and express their opinions in a structured and
persuasive manner.


Clear Thesis Statement:

An argumentative essay begins with a clear and concise thesis statement that presents the main point or
argument. This statement typically appears in the introduction and guides the reader on the writer's
stance on the issue.


Argumentative essays rely on evidence and support to strengthen the presented argument. This
evidence can include data, statistics, facts, examples, anecdotes, or expert opinions. The quality and
relevance of the evidence contribute to the essay's persuasiveness.

Logical Organization:
The essay is organized in a logical and coherent manner. There is a clear structure with an introduction,
body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph typically addresses a specific point or piece of
evidence, and there is a smooth flow of ideas between paragraphs.

Counterarguments and Refutation:

Argumentative essays acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints. This adds credibility to the writer's
argument by demonstrating an awareness of alternative perspectives. A section may be dedicated to
presenting counterarguments, followed by a refutation or rebuttal.

Persuasive Language:

The language used in an argumentative essay is persuasive and impactful. Writers often employ
rhetorical devices, strong and compelling language, and a tone that seeks to convince the reader of the
validity of their perspective.

Critical Thinking:

Argumentative essays require critical thinking skills. Writers must critically analyze information, evaluate
the strengths and weaknesses of arguments, and construct a well-reasoned and persuasive case.


Successful argumentative essays often involve research to gather relevant information and evidence. This
research helps writers build a solid foundation for their arguments and ensures that their claims are
supported by credible sources.

Concluding Remarks:

The essay concludes by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis. The conclusion may also
emphasize the broader implications of the argument or suggest potential courses of action based on the
presented ideas.

Audience Awareness:

Writers of argumentative essays are aware of their audience. They consider the knowledge, values, and
beliefs of their readers and tailor their arguments to effectively communicate and persuade.

Emphasis on Clarity:
Clarity is crucial in argumentative writing. Ideas should be expressed clearly and coherently to ensure
that the reader can follow the argument and understand the writer's position.

Ethical Considerations:

Argumentative essays should adhere to ethical standards in presenting information and making
arguments. This includes avoiding fallacious reasoning, providing accurate information, and maintaining
a fair and respectful tone.

"They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing" by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein.

"The Craft of Research" by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams.

Style guides such as the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)" or the
"Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook" for specific citation guidelines.

Argumentative Essay we chose

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