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Bid. Study : BAHASA INGGRIS WAJIB Hari/ Tanggal :
Kelas : XI Waktu :

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban a,b,c,d atau e dengan benar

Venice is a city in northern Italy. It has been known as the “Queen of the Adriatic”,
“City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across 117 small islands
in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.
Venice is world famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands
formed by about 150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built
are connected by about 400 bridges. In the old centre, the canals serve the function
of roads, and every form of transport is on water or on foot.
You can ride gondola therE. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is
mostly used for tourists, or weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most
Venetians travel by motorised waterbuses which ply regular routes along the major
canals and between the city’s islands. The city has many private boats. The only
gondolas still in common use by Venetians are the Traghetti, foot passenger ferries
crossing the Grand Canal at certain points without bridges.
1. What does the text tell you about?
A. Gondola.
B. Traghetti.
C. Venice
D. Italy.
E. Venetian boat

2. What transport crosses the Grand Canal for foot passengers at certain points
without bridges?
A. Gondolas.
B. Traghetti.
C. Waterbuses.
D. Lagoon.
E. Ship

3. From the text we can say that Venice belongs to a city of ….

A. water
B. ceremonies
C. buses
D. funerals
E. Gondola

4. What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?

A. The forms of transport in the worlD.
B. The canals and roads that people like to usE.
C. The archipelago that has a lot of islands.
D. Venice as the world famous for its canals.
E. Venice is the city of light

There are many reasons why people become vegetarians, including personal health, the
environment, and the economy.
A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, poultry, and fish. Vegetarians mostly eat
fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts. Vegetarians also consume eggs and
dairy products, but they avoid meat products, such as beef, chicken stocks, and gelatin.
According to research, vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease, high cholesterol,
diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. This may happen due to a healthy vegetarian
diet, which has low fat but high fiber.
However, a vegetarian diet can be high in fat if it includes excessive amounts of fatty
snacks, fried food, whole dairy products, and eggs.
At the same time, a vegetarian diet can be simple and easy to prepare. Therefore, a
vegetarian diet must be well-planned to prevent and treat certain diseases.
5. What meal is not consumed by vegetarians?
A. Dairy products
B. Fried food
C. Sausages
D. Milk
E. Fruit

6. Why does a vegetarian have a lower risk of many diseases? They ...
A. Eat vegetables every time.
B. Consumes low-fat but high-fiber food.
C. Avoid excessive amounts of fatty snacks.
D. Have well-planned agenda of what to eat.
E. Have a healthy live

7. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. Being a vegetarian help keep your body strong.
B. Vegetarians may not eat fatty snacks.
C. Eggs do not contain any fat or fiber.
D. Vegetarians do not consume gelatin.
E. Vegetarian diet can’tbe simple

.8 "... if it includes excessive amounts of fatty snacks ..."

The bold word can be replaced by ...
A. Too many
B. Decent
C. Very few
D. Little
E. Big

This text for question no.9 to 13

Indonesia communications and informatics ministry’s director general for application and
informations Semuel Abrijals Pangerapan stated that the country’s digital literacy
remained at a moderate stage. It’s year-over-year growth was not significant.
‘In the early program 9of digital literacy), the index score is 3.46. one year later, it
increased in 3.49 and this year, it grew by 5 points to 3.54,’ said semuel in an event on
digitdl literacy on Wednesday, february 1, 2023.
“ Index score 3 means moderate. Hopefully, it can keep rising and become at an advanced
stage. We want it reaches 4,’Semeul pinned hope
To increase people’s cyber literacy, kominfo held a national movement that promotes
four pillars. First, a digital skill, meaning people’s knowledge of using gadgets
‘ people must know how to use gadgets. They must know applications that can be used.”
He added
The second pillar is digital safety. This means people must raise their awareness
regarding safety on the internet. According to semuel, a digital room is similar to a
physical room that urges people to be aware of its safety
The third pillar is digital culture. Semeul opined that cyberspaces must be loaded with
Indonesian cultures and values, such as friendliness, politeness, and tolerance
The fourth pillar in digital literacy is digital ethics. “ In life, we actually practice ethics in
either digital or physical spaces.’ Semuel concluded
9. from the text above, we can know that...
A. Indonesia’s digital literacy is going down
B. there is no digital literacy in Indonesia
C. Indonesia doesn’t know about digital literacy
D. Digital is something expensive in Indonesia
E. Digital literacy is owned by every person in Indonesia
10. There are ... pillars promoted by Indonesian communications and Informatics
( Kominfo) ministry
A. one D. four
B. two E. five
C. three
11. What does it mean that Indonesia has point 3?
A. high digital literacy
B. low digital literacy
C. moderate digital literacy
D. super low digital li digital literacy
E. good digital literacy
12. Digital athnics is the ... pillar.
A. first D. fourth
B. second E. fifth
E. third
13. What must Indonesian people do after reading the text?
A. improve their digital literacy
B. ignore the news
C. make the news available to everyone
D. decrease their digital literacy
E. learning about digital literacy
14.A: I feel that children should explore more outdoor activities.

B: … Outdoor activity can help develop motoric sensory. It is also beneficial for


A. I agree

B. I’m not sure

C. I disagree

D. I totally disagree

E. I don’t sure

15. A: …

B: I think it is delicious and tasty.

A. what do you think of this battle

B. what about the food taste

C. how do you feel about the outfit

D. how about cooking food

E. What do you eat

16. Chika: I’m sure this food will end up in the trash.

Sasa : Well, I totally disagree with you. The beggar has waited for the leftovers. It

won’t end in the trash.

A. Sasa is doubtful about it

B. Sasa has the same opinion with Chika

C. Sasa totally cannot accept Chika’s opinion

D. Sasa doesn’t know what to say

E. Sasa and chika are friend

17. The little girl … is running down the hill is my neighbor’s


A. whom D. that

B. who E. how

C. which
18. The flats... will house over two hudred families, were completed
last month.

A. whose D. who

B. that E. when

C. which

19. Which of the following is an example of relative pronoun used in

a restrictive relative clause?

A. Which D. Whose

B. Whose E. That

C. When

20. Which pronoun is used to refer to a nonhuman subject in a

relative clause/

A Which D. Where

B. That E.. Who

C. Whom

Match the statement in coloum A with coloum B
21. A national holiday in Indonesia A. I don’ t agree
commemorating the anniversary B. 17 agust
of Indonesia’s proclamation of C. Dian has no idea about the case
independence. D. I think you should buy a new one
22. Wina: I’ve problem with my mobile E. That’s agood idea
phone what’s your idea? F. That’s a problem
Santi :.......... G. Sorry I can’t
Wina : that’s good idea.
23. Riri : Dian, I think Fitri is responsible
for this matter
Dian : well, I don’t know
24. Edo : the goverment plans to raise the
water bill next month
Rita : ..... it will uncrease the member
of poor people
25. Habib: What do you think if we study
Vanessa: …………….. Let’s take our
Benar Salah

State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialoque. These dialogue
gfor question no.26 to 30
Beni : urgh. I am done, I have been full. Lisa, do you want it?
Lisa : No, I don’t. But there’s a little bit leftlover on your food. Why don’t you eat it,
Beni : I don’t want it
Lisa : There are many people who waste their food. Don’t you be one of them
Beni : What is the effect if we waste our food, anyway?
Lisa : There are many people in other countries who suffer from poverty. You must put
that fact to your consideration before wasting your food.
Beni : so, what can I do?
Lisa : You can eat considerably. Don’t eat too much. you can also participate in
organization that deals with food waste, like greenpeace.
No. Statements T/F
26 Lisa and Beni knew each other
27 Beni didin’t want her food
28 There are leftovers in Beni’s food
29 Lisa doesn’t like people who waste thier food
30 Wasting their food contibutes to nutritional imbalance

This text for question no 31to 35


Do you use any of the social networking websites which are so popular
these days, the places where you can connect up with friends and relatives
and meet people who share the same interests as you?

If you’re younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely to be
found on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like
LinkedIn. But at least two of these sites have one thing in common: apart
from being social spaces where you can meet and chat to people, share
photos and other things, they’ve all added new verbs and nouns to the
language in the past couple of years. Let’s take a look at some examples.
You can facebook your holiday photos (upload them to your Facebook
page), facebook someone to see who they are (look him up in Facebook),
facebook someone about a party (contact someone through their Facebook
page) and ask permission to facebook someone (add them as a Facebook

As you can see, ‘facebook’ is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the
same about ‘myspace’, which you will find being used in much the same
way all over the Net. LinkedIn (being a more adult, professional community)
has not been used in the same way. While you’re ‘facebooking’ or
‘myspacing’ you may also find yourself ‘commenting’ (writing a comment on
someone’s Facebook or MySpace page), as in this example: ‘I commented
Mary that she should come to the pub on Saturday and she commented me
that she couldn’t because she was going away for the weekend’.
Read the text first, choose the following statements True or False!
31. People who use Myspace are generally not as old as people who
use Facebook.
32. Sites like these have given new words such as adverbs and
adjectives to the language.
T/ F
33. Myspace has proven to be a less versatile word than Facebook.
34. All three of the sites mentioned have provided some new words.
35. In this Internet context, ‘to comment’ means to leave a message for
someone on their site.

This text for question no 36 to 40
Singapore is a city state; it is a city but it is also a state. It is a Republic.
Along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines and Brunei, it
belongs to ASEAN, the association of South-East Asian Nations. Like
Indonesia, Singapore is a country of Thineka Tunggal &a' Chinese,
Malaysia, Indians and Eura-sians make up its citizens. Other Asians,
including Indonesia, Japanese, Philippines, Koreans, Thais and Arabs also
live on that tiny island. Singapore is sometimes called 'Instant Asia'
because you can see varieties of customs, cultures and foods or nearly all
Asia in Singapore.

36.. Singapore is not only a city but also a ....

37. Singapore and others countries in Southeast Asia form an organization
called ....
38. According to the text, Singapore is sometimes called ....
39. Singapore is a country of.... (par 2). The synonym of the bold word
is ....
40. Singapore is not big in ... because it only has a small island and the
smaller ones.

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