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1 - Very low
2 - Low
3 - Medium
4 - High
5 - Critical

01 - New
02 - Closed
03 - Accepted
04 - Mitigated
05 - Escalated
06 - Occurred

Expected returns
Amount x price x følgende sandsynlighed: 10% = Tlf 25% = Møde 50% = invitation til opfølgning 7
About Risk management
Negligible impact
Will have some impact on one of the following: the project's economy, timetable or scope
Will markedly impact the project's economy, shift timetable or change scope
Will reduce the projects economy, shift the timetable or remarkably change the scope
Succes will not be possible

Explanation of status
A risk or opportunity that has just come to mind of the eGro team
A risk that eGro have mitigated and closed
a risk that we cannot stop, but we have accepted that it might occur
we have taken measures to make sure that it will not happen or that it wont affect us
the problem is getting worse all the time; we need to act now
An event that has already occured/happened

Produce crops in Ghana/Proof of concept
eGro being profitable/Proof of business

cted returns

unt x price x følgende sandsynlighed: 10% = Tlf 25% = Møde 50% = invitation til opfølgning 75 % = kontraktsforhandling 100% =
Potentiel, but not likely Strategic Priorities
Potientially possible 1. Produce crops in Ghana/Proof of concept
Will likely occur sooner or later 2. eGro being profitable/Proof of business
Impending 3. Sale
Occurred 4. Stakeholders
5. HR
6. Logistics

Status for opportunities

Followed up
Ready for action
In execution

ng 75 % = kontraktsforhandling 100% = Underskrift

/Proof of concept
oof of business
Title of risk
Lack of cooperation with Description
preferences by authorities in other sectors than Area
government officials agriculture. Main focus: mining, oil and gas etc. Stakeholders

Farmers leave Single

to farmers goproduction
conventional back to monoculture
of agricultural crops, Stakeholder
Proof of
Delayed return on investment agroforestry systems break-even point may occur later concept Proof of
Ants as a pest black ant
Costly eats
calls a portion
through appsofasforest
Skype, system
Viber etc. to local concept
CPI of telecommunication
of 2 among West Ghanesian
scalability inphonenumber,
Ghana. Especiallywhen Jacob
if the has a high Logistics
is in the bush
corruption Proof of
African countries level of arbitrariness.
The risk of El Niño not only effecting Eastern- and business
Proof of
El Niño Southern Africa but also Ghana concept
Proof of
Drought General "El Nino" drought affects our area concept
Jacob incapacitated
A lack of knowledge of Breaks a leg
to lack of knowledge in Ghanesian government on HR
agroforestry benefits agroforestry benefits Stakeholder
Proof of
Funding target We miss our funding target for 2016
Knowledge sharing troubles due to lack of business
Trouble with knowledge sharing communication, culture or the like Stakeholders
Proof of
Growth of field in late season we are too late in seeding a crop, such as beans that have concept
Making the field grow with bushes in late rainy season Proof of
We miss a window for seeding
Financial risks in relation to a
Risk of missing funding target for next crop cycle in order conept
growth period of 120 days Proof of
upscaling to up-scale business
Proof of
Outbreak of ebola Outbreak of the disease ebola with high mortality rates concept Proof of
Significant crop loss 50+ % loss of crops
seperation of rights to land and both land and tree concept
Property rights tenure
production of chilies for the price necessary to make the StakeholdersProof of
Market risk
Knowledgesharing concept
be an agroforestry farmer instead of monoculture food concept
transport chiliplants from farmer
Challenge to transport fragile cargo on the roads due to Stakeholders
nursery to field
Onboarding of farmers of up- the rain and
Possible the mud
difficulties attracting more farmers to work with Logistics
scaling eGro
do notdogrow
to delayed financial
profitable return in Ghana. eGro would Stakeholders
with project
HR risks not
Riskbe affecting our supply chain, operation in Ghana and HR
of scalable. Proof of
Piracy or bandits proof
of natural disaster - a locust swarms devastate business
Proof of
Locust plague crops and cause major agricultural damage concept

Breakout of political instability Break out

offend theof politicalwas
farmers, instability between
too technical political
or in parties
other way was Stakeholders
Misguided educational videos misguided
taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and Stakeholders
Proof of
Business climate resolving insolvency business
Lack staff Insufficient
Public motivation
officer and setting
in the district capacitydemands of HR
permission/license/permit registration
Slow transportation of plants from the nursery to field Stakeholder
Slow transportation because of mud and no asfalt in the rainy season Logistics
Low HR growth inability to scale organisation in Ghana HR
Venomous animals bites in nature from creeps; snakes and scorpions HR

vi frugttræerne vil bestå, og det vil acacierne

uddannelsen af farmerne er indtagt
P\C 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 111 11
2 11 1111 1111
3 1 1 11 I
4 III 1111 11 i
5 I II

ID Date Consequense Probability Score (C*P) Status

EDLJ 8/4/2016 2 - Low 4 - High 8 03 - Accepted

JVS 8/7/2016 2 - Low 4 - High 8

EDLJ 8/9/2016 2 - Low 4 - High 8 02 - Closed
JVS 8/7/2016 2 - Low 3 - Medium 6
EDLJ 8/9/2016 3 - Medium 5 - Critical 15 06 - Occurred
EDLJ 8/10/2016 3 - Medium 5 - Critical 15 01 - New
EDLJ 8/4/2016 3 - Medium 4 - High 12 03 - Accepted
JVS 8/7/2016 3 - Medium 4 - High 12
JVS 8/7/2016 3 - Medium 4 - High 12
EDLJ 8/9/2016 3 - Medium 4 - High 12 03 - Accepted
JVS 8/7/2016 3 - Medium 3 - Medium 9
EDLJ 8/4/2016 3 - Medium 2 - Low 6 03 - Accepted
EDLJ 8/11/2016 3 - Medium 2 - Low 6 01 - New
JVS 8/7/2016 4 - High 3 - Medium 12
EDLJ 8/11/2016 4 - High 3 - Medium 12 01 - New
EDLJ 8/4/2016 4 - High 2 - Low 8 03 - Accepted
EDLJ 8/4/2016 4 - High 2 - Low 8 03 - Accepted
EDLJ 8/9/2016 4 - High 2 - Low 8 01 - New
EDLJ 8/10/2016 4 - High 2 - Low 8 01 - New
EDLJ 8/9/2016 5 - Critical 3 - Medium 15 01 - New
EDLJ 8/4/2016 5 - Critical 2 - Low 10 04 - Mitigated
EDLJ 8/9/2016 5 - Critical 2 - Low 10 02 - Closed
EDLJ 8/10/2016 5 - Critical 2 - Low 10 01 - New
EDLJ 8/4/2016 5 - Critical 1 - Very low 5 03 - Accepted
EDLJ 8/4/2016 5 - Critical 1 - Very low 5 03 - Accepted

EDLJ 8/10/2016 4 - High 1 - Very low 4 03 - Accepted

EDLJ 8/4/2016 4 - High 1 - Very low 4 04 - Mitigated
EDLJ 8/10/2016 4 - High 1 - Very low 4 03 - Accepted
JVS 15/08/2016 4 - High 4 - High 16 01 - New
EDLJ 8/4/2016 1 - Very low 1 - Very low 1 03 - Accepted
EDLJ 8/17/2016 1 - Very low 5 - Critical 5 06 - Occurred
JVS 9/3/2016 5 - Critical 4 - High 20 01 - New
JVS 9/3/2016 4 - High 4 - High 16 01 - New
302 accumulated risk score
8.882352941 average score
Change of propability to low Mitigation Plan to execute mitigation actions

The dialoginginand
up recruiting
part in its of new farmerswith
development early
this Get sponsorship from telecomms
knowledge in mind/acknowledged
Establish biological
telecomms locally, so the villages we work from
have a high connectivity to internet
have early warning and capital for buying "Groasis" boxes
get to secure and
a safer transport this years seeded
a "scout" crucialassistant
personal production trees
w. medic

build HR for recruiting funding teams

water in the field for drip irrigation by using improvised groasis
One resources in HRfinancial
to mitigate and further
and comms to keep
other risks is to deadlines
take funding
when it's available and keeping it in reserve for a rainy day.

Sale forproduction
of chili further research
in Ghanain order to mitigateagreements are set
until profitable
up in Denmark
Ghana. Close cooperation with Jacob's contact on how to make
could of Motor
reflect King Tricycle
an interest for the project. With successfull proof of
concept up-scaling will be of for
Invest all of what is possible all parties
project interest
in Ghana to succeed in
order to maintain HR
was highly positive and should therefore not be of high probability
to change
2015, Ghana was recognized by the World Bank as the best place
for doing business in the ECOWAS region. interaction with management to
Pay and train people, recruit more people and test/train them' IBrahim and Mubarrak
Find around the system,
the and bribery
plants to be safely
transported Motor King
appoint Abdalla manager and start
train and educate a HR growth culture in early hires aget
them tailo programme
made workclothes
train and educate people in consequences and avoid them and boots
mulated risk score

talking to huawei CSR

probability it would work
chance of high payoff

Title of opportunity Description Area

Contact to Sambu farmer A Sambu

Use local farmer
cinemawho is english
to launch speaking and
a documentary motivated
movie about stakeholder
eGro Film Festival eGro stakeholder
Sponsor a football team Recruit and pay a semi-professional football team exposure
Sponsor a football pitch Build and maintain a turfgrass field for pro football team exposure
P\C 1 2 3 4 5
2 I I
3 I
4 I

ID Date Probability Chance Score (C*P) Status

JVS 15/08/2016 2 - Low 2 - Low 4 Ready for action

JVS 15/08/2016 4 - High 5 - Critical 20 Ready for action
JVS 15/08/2016 3 - Medium 4 - High 9 Ready for action
JVS 8/15/2016 2 - Low 3 - Medium 6 Ready for action
Plan to execute

Local entrance method to 15-50 innovative and trusted farmers in

local area
Attract theofnetwork
Sambu 5km
of alleast of our nursery.
the farmers families in the Tamale area to
sign up for eGro participation
Contact local football players - maybe reach out to the ones we
have seen on the street playing




Probability Time P\C

Potentiel, but not likely Next growth cycle 1
Potientially possible In growth cycle 2
Will likely occur sooner or later Within a month 3
Impending Within 14 days 4
Occurred Immidiately - within a week 5

How to understand the Risk Matrix:

The risk matrix function as both a opportunity and risk matrix, so that both opportunities and risk are acknowledged. Th
opportunity/risk that will have the largest impact and the highest probability of occuring within the near future, will be f
The higher the score, the more pressing is it to address. The higher score therefore also means not only a pressuring opp

Making the field grow with bushes in late season

waterability to bring water to the field ability to harvest surface water in the field for drip irrigation
using groasis boxes
improvised groasis boxes
Will have some impact on one of Will markedly impact the
the following: the project's project's economy, shift timetable
economy, timetable or scope or change scope
Negligible impact
Will have some impact on one of Will markedly impact the
the following: the project's project's economy, shift timetable
economy, timetable or scope or change scope
Negligible impact
Reduction of profit: 1-2 % Reduction of profit: 15 % Reduction of profit: 30 %
Loss of 500 DKK Loss of 5,000 DKK Loss of 40,000 DKK
Sale of 500 DKK Sale of 5,000 DKK Sale of 25,000 DKK

Effect in minor degree Potentiel

Jacob not'case'
able to work in two Reaccurent theme
Slow get sick while in
of Ghana
plants to weeks
the field leading to cargo needing Jacob outofofhuman
amount work for a month
resource to fix
the field to be reloaded
covercrop to grow during roads
Loss of 10 % of trees planted Harmattan Loss of 100 % of trees planted

1 2 3
1 2 3
2 4 6
3 6 9
4 8 12
5 10 15

at both opportunities and risk are acknowledged. The Matrix is able to provide a quick overview of the opportunity/risk facing eGro, so th
robability of occuring within the near future, will be found a mitigation plan for. It is therefore a way of prioritizing the opportunities/risks
score therefore also means not only a pressuring opportunity/risk, but also that it will have a high impact/consequence for the success of

ter in the field for drip irrigation

Will considerably secure target Will secure target achievement

Will reduce the projects Succes will not be possible

economy, shift the timetable or
remarkably change the scope

Reduction of profit: 50 % Reduction of profit: 80 %

Loss of 60,0000 DKK Loss of 100,000 DKK
Sale of 50,000 DKK Sale of 100,000 DKK
Important stakeholders - Important stakeholders
evaluation if they are in or out engagement - in or out of eGro
the outmakes
field of work for six months
scalability Jacob not able
Transport to work
of plants from nursery
Not able to establish a self to field impossible
Not able to establish a self
functioning ecosystem functioning agroforestry system

4 5
4 5
8 10
12 15
16 20
20 25

pportunity/risk facing eGro, so that the

rioritizing the opportunities/risks facing eGro.
t/consequence for the success of eGro.

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