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NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY Independence – Freedom – Happiness

(Issued attached Decision of NEU’s President, 2023)

Course name: Fundamentals of Law – Program name: BFI

* Title: Fundamentals of Law ........................... Code: EP10.LUCS1129
* Credits: three-credit course (45 credit hours; 1 credit hour = 50 minutes of lecture)
* Credit hours for teaching and learning activities:
+ Lecture: 30 hrs
+ Exercise and discussion: 15 hrs
+ Self-study: 90 hrs.
* Parallel course(s): None.
* Prerequisite course(s): None
* Department conducting the course:
+ Faculty: Faculty of Law
Address: 10-10, Building A1, National Economics University
Tel: 024 36 280280 Ext: 5817 – 5819
+ Department: Fundamentals of Laws
+ Lecturers:
1. Tran Thi Hong Nhung , PhD ............... Tel: 0983217890 . Email:
2. Nguyen Thi Dan Phuong, PhD ............ Tel: 09936122960 Email:
* Kind of the course:

Foundation ☑ Fundamental ☐

Compulsory ☑ Elective ☐ Compulsory ☐ Elective ☐

* Course language: In English

* Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 10:00-11:00 am, or by appointment


The course includes the following main contents: Basic knowledge that is about
the state and the law in general and Vietnam such as: (1) origin, nature,
characteristics, functions and organs of the state, forms of government. (2) Origin,
nature of law, regulative mechanism of law for social relations: legal norm, legal
relations, legal implementation, the delict, legal duty and responsibility; (3)
Sourses of the law (4) The legal system. Some sectors of both public and private
laws in Vietnam including respectiely: Administrative law, Criminal law, Civil
law and Business law.
* Textbooks/Lecture Notes:
- Hans Kelsen (2007), “General Theory Law and State”, Harward University Press
- Jaap Hage – Bram Akkermans (2014), “Intronductio to Law”, Springer
International Publishing Switzerland.

* Additional references:
- Paul Richards (2017), “Law of Contract”, Pearson Longman
- Sarah Riches’and Vida Allen (2009), “Business Law”, Pearson Longman
- Legal nomartive documents

- Other resources:
o htttps://

Table 4. Course goals

Goals Goals Description PLOs Proficiency scale

Understanding and applying background legal

knowledge in terms of the state in general and
G1 the socialist republic of Vietnam in particular PLO2 3
such as: origin, nature, characteristics,
functions, organs and forms of governemnt.

Understanding and applying background legal

knowledge in terms of the law in general and
the law in Vietnam in particular such as:
origin, concept and basic characteristics of
G2 PLO2 3
law; legal norm, legal relationship, subjects of
legal relationship, legal implementation, the
delict, legal duty and responsibility, sources
of the law and the legal system.

Understanding some sectors of both public

and private laws in Vietnam such as:
Administrative law, Criminal Law, Civil Law
and Business Law.
G3 PLO2 3
Applying to the fields of the law for situations
in fact, specially with regards to
Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law
and Business Law

Help learners be able to work independently

or as a team and acquire communication,
G4 PLO8 3
presentation, and thinking skills to solve
practical problems effectively.

Having ethical qualities, a sense of

professionalism, civic responsibility, respect
G5 PL012 3
and observance of the law, a sense of
discipline and a spirit of cooperation.


Table 5. Course learning outcomes (CLOs)

Teaching level
Goals CLOs CLOs Description
(I, T, U)

Understanding and applying background legal

CLO1.1 knowledge in terms of origin and nature of TU3
the state in general.
Understanding and applying background legal
CLO1.2 knowledge in terms of characteristics of the TU3
state in general.
G1 Understanding and applying background legal TU3
CLO1.3 knowledge in terms of organs of the state in
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of forms of government.
Understanding applying the system organs of TU3
the socialist republic of Vietnam
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of origin of the law.
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
CLO2.2 knowledge in terms of concept and basic
characteristic of the law.
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of legal norm
G2 Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of legal relationship
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of the delict
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of sources of law.
Understanding and applying background legal TU3
knowledge in terms of legal system
Understanding the main contents of TU3
CLO3.1 Adminstrative law and applying it for some
situations in fact.
Understanding the main contents of Criminal TU3
G3 CLO3.2 Law and applying it for some situations in
CLO3.3 Understanding the main contents of Civil TU3

Teaching level
Goals CLOs CLOs Description
(I, T, U)

Law and applying it for some situations in

Understanding the main contents of Business TU3
CLO3.4 Law and applying it for some situations in
Be able to work independently or as a team; TU3
G4 CLO4.1 be able to apply critical thinking to solve
practical problems effectively.
Having ethical qualities, a sense of TU3
professionalism, civic responsibility, respect
G5 CLO5.1
and observance of the law, a sense of
discipline and a spirit of cooperation.

* Assessment methods:
- Grading: 10
- Average score of course is the total points of rubrics multiplied by the respective
weight of each rubric
* Assessment summary:

Table 6. Assessment summary

Assessments Rubrics CLOs Week

Formative assessment

Participant Rubric 1 1.1-51 10% 1-15

Midterm assessment
1.1 -1.5;
Group Assignment Rubric 3 20% 7
4.1; 5.1

2.1 -2.7;
Individual Midterm exam Rubric 2 20% 14

Summative assessment
1-1.5; 2.1-
Final exam Rubric 2 2.7; 3.1- 50%
3.4; 5.1

* Rubrics:
Rubric 1: Participant

Areas of Weighting Excellence Good Fair Poor

assessment (%) 8.5 – 10 point 6.5 – 8.4 point 4.0 – 6.4 point 0 – 3.9 point
Attendance 50 Attend class Ten minutes Fifteen Did not
on time. late. Submitted minutes late. attend
Submitted all at least 65% of The student classes or
assignments assignments leaves once for was
with more than with more than a short significantly
85% accuracy. 65% accuracy. emergency. late.
Attended at Attended at Submitted at Submitted
least 90% of least 80% of least 50% of less than
classes. classes assignments 50% of
with more than assignments
50% accuracy. with less
Attended at than 50%
least 60% of accuracy.
classes Attended
less than
50% of

Responding 25 Students Students Students Cutting class

100%-85%, to 84%-65% to 0%, to both the minutes late.
both the both the teachers and
teachers and teachers and students
students students questions,
questions, questions, ideas, and
ideas, and ideas, and opinions.
opinions. opinions.

Behavior 25 The student The student The student For the

always mostly mostly majority of
followed the followed the followed the the period,
teacher's teacher's teacher's the student
directions, directions, directions, did not
classroom classroom classroom follow any
rules. rules. The rules. teacher's
student has to The student directions,
be redirected at has to be classroom
least once. redirected rules.

Rubric 2: Midterm test and final exam

(Mid-term test and final exam mainly include three types of questions: situation
questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions)

Excellence Good
Areas of Weighting Fair Poor
8.5 – 10 6.5 – 8.4
assessment (%) 4.0 – 6.4 point 0 – 3.9 point
point point
Situation 40 Provided Provided Provided Skipped some
questions accurate accurate accurate problems or
solutions to solutions to solutions to provided
all problems, most some problems inaccurate
problems, or a few solutions to
problems most

Multiple 30 Scored Scored Scored Scored

choice correctly on correctly on correctly on correctly on
questions more than more than more than 45% less than 45%
85% 65%

Essay 30 Gave Gave detailed Gave limited or Gave poor

questions detailed and responses to unclear responses to
insightful most essay responses to most essay
responses to questions. some essay questions.
all essay Supporting questions. Supporting
questions. evidence is Supporting evidence is
Supporting sufficient and evidence is vague or
evidence is accurate. insufficient. missing.
convincing, Well written Writing is Poorly
accurate and unclear written.
Well written
with clear

Rubric 3: Group Assignment

Excellence Good
Areas of Weighting Fair Poor
8.5 – 10 6.5 – 8.4
assessment (%) 4.0 – 6.4 point 0 – 3.9 point
point point
Reports 60% The analysis The analysis The analysis is The analysis
is clear, is quite clear, relatively clear is not clear,
(Content, rigorous, rigorous, with and rigorous, rigorous and
Structure, with full most of with a enough
Format..) theoretical theoretical relatively theoretical
and practical and practical theoretical and and practical
bases. bases. practical basis. bases.

Well- Quite The structure is Not well-

organized balanced relatively organized
structure and structure, balanced and structure and
resonable satisfy the reasonable with reasonable
with requirements the with the
requirements of the content requirements of requirements
of the the content of the
content Quite unified content
form and Relatively
Unified form standards as unified form
and standards prescribed. and standards
as according to Not unified
form and
prescribed. regulations.
However, many standards as
spelling cores prescribed.
and different Too much
formats. mistakes

Time 10% Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

reports and reports and reports and reports and
required required required required
doccuments doccuments doccuments up doccuments
on time on time to seven day more than
late seven day

Presentation 30% Show good Show Not really Inability to

presentation relatively confident and present the
skills; skills good able to convey contents of
in using sign presentation at a limited the
language in skills; be able level; Limited assignment.
presentation to use some use of sign
activities. sign language language.

Excellence Good
Areas of Weighting Fair Poor
8.5 – 10 6.5 – 8.4
assessment (%) 4.0 – 6.4 point 0 – 3.9 point
point point
Listen and during the The ability to Inability to
answer well presentation listen and interact with
all the answer listeners.
questions Listen and questions is
answer the limited.
quite well

Table 7. Course outline

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text
Introduction the course Part II of Hans Read carefully the syllabus Rubric 1
Chapter 1: The State Kelsen (2007), provided
1.1. Origin, nature of the state General Theory Lecture
Law and State, CLO 1.1 Homework 1: Show classess of the
1 sates in society
Harward CLO 5.1
University Press

Chapter 1 Part II of Hans Lecture Rubric 1

1.2. Characteristics of the state Kelsen (2007), Homework 2: Show the diferences
1.3. Functions of the state General Theory between the communist party and
CLO 1.2,
Law and State, the state
2 1.3
CLO 4.1
University Press

Chapter 1 Part II of Hans Lecture Rubric 1

1.4 The organs of the state Kelsen (2007), CLO 1.4,
Homework 3: Forms of
1.5. Forms of government 1.5
General Theory government of ASEAN states
3 Review CLO 4.1
Law and State,
Outline of Gourp Assignment CLO 5.1
University Press

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text

Chapter 2. The Law Part II of Hans Lecture Rubric 1

2.1. General issues of the law Kelsen (2007), Homework 4: Study the
2.2. Regulative mechanism of the law General Theory differences between Natural theory
Law and State, and Positivist .theory
University Press
CLO 2.1-
4 Chapter 1, 2,3 of
Jaap Hage – 2.3
Intronduction to
Law, Springer
Chapter 2. The Law Part I of Hans Lecture Rubric 1
2.2. Regulative mechanism of the law Kelsen (2007), Homework 5: Study sources of the
2.3 Sources of the law General Theory law in Vietnam.
Law and State,
5 CLO 2.3-
University Press

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text
Chapter 2. The Law Part I of Hans Lecture Rubric 1
2.3 Sources of the law Kelsen (2007), Homework 6: Make comparision
2.4 Legal system General Theory betwwen Common Law and Civil
Law and State, Law.
University Press
Chapter 1,2,3 of
Jaap Hage – CLO 2.6-
Bram 2.7
Intronduction to
Law, Springer
Part II of Hans Present the group assigment report Rubric 3
Kelsen (2007), Make questions for the
General Theory CLO 1.1- presentation group
Law and State, 1.5 Answer the questions
7 Present the reports of Group Assignment
Harward CLO 4.1
University Press CLO 5.1
Legal c

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text

Part II of Hans Present the group assigment report Rubric 3

Kelsen (2007), Make questions for the
General Theory CLO 1.1- presentation group
Law and State, 1.5 Answer the questions
8 Present the reports of Group Assignment Harward CLO 4.1
University Press CLO 5.1
Charpter 3 Chapter 9 of Lecture Rubric 1
3.1 Administrative Law Jaap Hage – Homework 7: Studying and
Akkermans discussing an administrative case

9 -10 (2014),
Intronduction to CLO 3.1
Law, Springer
Chapter 3 Chapter 7 of Lecture Rubric 1
3.2 Criminal Law Jaap Hage – Homework 8: Studying and
Akkermans discussing a criminal case
(2014), CLO 3.2
Intronduction to
Law, Springer

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text
Chapter. 4 Chapter 4,5,6 of Lecture Rubric 1
4.1 Civil Law Jaap Hage – Homework 9: Studying and
Akkermans discussing a civil case

11-12 (2014), CLO 3.3

Intronduction to
Law, Springer
Chapter. 4 Sarah Lecture Rubric 1
4.2 Business Law Riches’and Vida Homework 10: Studying and
Allen (2009), discussing a business case
12-13 CLO 3.4
Business Law,
CLO 2.1- 01 midterm test in the form of Rubric 2
2.7 multiple-choice questions are
14 Midterm Test
CLO 3.1- given in class.
.3.2 50 minutes
Review Rubric 1
15 Review
CLO1.1, Students take exams according to According to
1.2, 1.3, give schedule the exam
Final exam
1.4. 1.5, requirement

Week Content CLOs Teaching-learning activities Assessment
readings text
2.1, Rubric 2
3.1 & 3.2


Table 8.1. Lesson plan for the course

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and
Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Introduction the course Part II of Hans Read carefully the syllabus Criteria: Attendance,
Chapter 1: The State Kelsen (2007), provided Responding &
1.1. Origin, nature of the state General Theory Lecture Behavior
1.1.1 Origin of the state Law and State, CLO 1.1 Homework 1: Show classess
1 Tools: Rubric 1
Harward CLO 5.1 of the sates in society
1.1.2 Nature of the state Method: Attendance
University Press Check & Work
Chapter 1 Lecture
1.2. Characteristics of the state Homework 2: Show the
1.2.1 State Power Part II of Hans differences between the Criteria: Attendance,
1.2.2 Sovereignty Kelsen (2007), communist party and the Responding &
1.2.3 Enacting the law General Theory CLO 1.2, state Behavior
2 1.2.4 Administrative Units Law and State, 1.3 Tools: Rubric 1
1.3. Functions of the state Harward CLO 4.1 Method: Attendance
1.3.1 Concepts University Press Check & Work
1.3.2 Classfication Assignment

Chapter 1 Part II of Hans CLO 1.4, Lecture Criteria: Attendance,

3 1.4 The organs of the state Kelsen (2007), 1.5 Homework 3: Forms of Responding &
1.4.1 Definition General Theory CLO 4.1 government of ASEAN Behavior

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and

Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
1.4.2 Establishment Law and State, CLO 5.1 states Tools: Rubric 1
1.4.2 Classification Harward Method: Attendance
1.5. Forms of government University Press Check & Work
1.5.1 Momarchy/ Republic Assignment
1.5.2 Centralization/Decentralization

Chapter 1
Outline of Gourp Assignment
Chapter 2. The Law Part II of Hans Lecture Criteria: Attendance,
2.1. General issues of the law Kelsen (2007), Homework 4: Study the Responding &
2.2. Regulative mechanism of the law General Theory differences between Natural Behavior
Law and State, theory and Positivist theory Tools: Rubric 1
Harward Method: Attendance
University Press Check & Work
CLO 2.1- Assignment
4 Chapter 1, 2,3 of
Jaap Hage – 2.3
Bram Akkermans
Intronduction to
Law, Springer

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and

Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Chapter 2. The Law Lecture
2.1. General issues of the law Homework 5: Study sources
2.1.1. Origin of the law of the law in Vietnam.
Part I of Hans
2.1.2.Concept and basic characteristics Criteria: Attendance,
Kelsen (2007),
of the law General Theory Responding &
2.1.3. Roles of the law Law and State, Behavior
5 2.2 Regulative mechanism of the law Harward CLO 2.3- Tools: Rubric 1
2.2.1 Legal norm University Press 2.6 Method: Attendance
2.2.2 Legal relationship Check & Work
2.2.3 The delict, the legal duty and Assignment


Chapter 2. The Law Part I of Hans Lecture Criteria: Attendance,

2.3 Sources of the law Kelsen (2007), Homework 6: Make Responding &
2.3.1. Concept of the legal sources General Theory comparision betwwen Behavior
2.3.2. Kinds of the legal sources Law and State, Common Law and Civil Tools: Rubric 1
Harward CLO 2.6- Law. Method: Attendance
6 2.3.3. Legal normative documents
University Press 2.7 Check & Work
2.4 Legal system
2.4.1 Definition of the legal system Chapter 1,2,3 of
2.4.2 Components of the legal system Jaap Hage –
Bram Akkermans

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and

Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Intronduction to
Law, Springer

Part II of Hans Present the group assigment Criteria: Attendance,

Kelsen (2007), report Responding &
General Theory CLO 1.1- Make questions for the Behavior
Law and State, 1.5 presentation group
7 Present the reports of Group Assignment Tools: Rubric 1
Harward CLO 4.1 Answer the questions Method: Attendance
University Press CLO 5.1
Check & Work
Legal c diccujhts Assignment
Part II of Hans Present the group assigment Criteria: Attendance,
Kelsen (2007), report Responding &
General Theory CLO 1.1- Make questions for the Behavior
Law and State, 1.5 presentation group Tools: Rubric 1
8 Present the reports of Group Assignment Harward Answer the questions
CLO 4.1 Method: Attendance
University Press CLO 5.1 Check & Work
Legal Assignment

Charpter 3 Chapter 9 of Lecture Criteria: Attendance,

9 -10
3.1 Administrative Law Jaap Hage – CLO 3.1 Homework 7: Studying and Responding &

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and

Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3.1.1. General summary of the Bram Akkermans discussing an administrative Behavior
administrative law (2014), case Tools: Rubric 1
3.1.2. Main contents of the Intronduction to Method: Attendance
Law, Springer Check & Work
administrative law
International Assignment
Chapter 3 Chapter 7 of Lecture
3.2 Criminal Law Jaap Hage – Homework 8: Studying and Criteria: Attendance,
3.2.1. General summary of the Bram Akkermans discussing a criminal case Responding &
criminal law (2014), Behavior
3.2.2. Crime Intronduction to Tools: Rubric 1
11 CLO 3.2
Law, Springer Method: Attendance
3.2.3 Sentence
International Check & Work
Publishing Assignment
Chapter. 4 Chapter 4,5,6 of Lecture
4.1 Civil Law Jaap Hage – Homework 9: Studying and Criteria: Attendance,
4.1.1. General concepts of the civil Bram Akkermans discussing a civil case Responding &
law (2014), Behavior
11-12 4.1.2. Main contents of the civil law Intronduction to CLO 3.3 Tools: Rubric 1
Law, Springer Method: Attendance
International Check & Work
Publishing Assignment

Readings Teaching and Learning Assessment tools and

Week Content CLO
requirement Activities criteria
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Chapter. 4 Lecture
4.2 Business Law Homework 10: Studying
Riches’and Vida
4.2.1. General contents of the and discussing a business
Allen (2009),
12-13 business law CLO 3.4 case
Business Law,
4.2.2. Business organization types
4.2.3 Business transactions
CLO 2.1- 01 midterm test in the form Number of correct
Midterm Test 2.7 of multiple-choice questions answers.
CLO 3.1- are given in class.
.3.2 50 minutes
Review Criteria: Attendance,
Responding &
15 Review
Tools: Rubric 1
Method: Attendance
CLO1.1, Students take exams According to the exam
1.2, 1.3, according to give schedule requirement
- Final exam 1.4. 1.5,
3.1 & 3.2


9.1. Requirements for taking final /terminal exams
- Students are allowed to take the final exam if their attendance score reaches 5
points or more (on the scale of 10).
9.2. Requirements for attending classes
- Students are responsible for attending all classes. In case of absence from school due
to force majeure reasons, sufficient and reasonable proofs must be provided. For
each absence, 1 point will be deducted 1 point. Students who miss any classes more
than 3 times, with or without reason, will be considered as failing to complete the
course and have to re-register.
- Students will be awarded points for constructive comments, these points are added
to attendance points and group assignments.
- Groups who do not submit the group work will receive a score of 0 (zero). Late
submissions will be deducted for each day of late submission.
9.3. Requirements for in-class behaviour
- The course is conducted on the principle of respecting learners and lecturers. Any
behaviour that affects the teaching and learning process is strictly prohibited.
- Students must come to class on time. Students who are late more than 10 minutes
after class starts will not be allowed to attend the class. Do not make noise and affect
others during the learning process.
- Laptops and tablets are only used for the purpose of taking notes for and calculating
for lectures and exercises, absolutely forbidden to use for other purposes.

Faculty Dean NEU’s President

Prof. Pham Hong Chuong

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