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Yulibeth Morales Flores


Political Science

2310: Sherri


Extra Credit 3



Reproductive Freedom and Personal Choice

• Trust Texans to make personal and responsible decisions about whether and when to bear chil-

dren, in consultation with their families, physicians, personal consciences, and/or their faith;
• Enable families to raise their children in safe and sustainable communities free from individual

and state violence with access to affordable, quality childcare;

• Fund qualified healthcare providers, including Planned Parenthood, who provide preventive

healthcare, pregnancy prevention, affordable prenatal care, and postpartum contraception;

• Use evidence-based medical science and data to guide reproductive healthcare policies, recog-

nize the rights of the pregnant person are paramount, and oppose any dangerous restrictions on

Texans’ access to abortion care;

• Expand access to contraception, including those covered by Children’s Health Insurance Pro-

gram (CHIP);

• Fight for the human right to an abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment, which

disproportionately impacts people of color and other marginalized communities;

• Ensure individual rights to obtain all forms of contraception, including long-acting reversible

contraception, abortion care, and other reproductive services through their health insurance

provider without additional premiums;

• Remove the Texas requirement that minors of child-bearing years receive parental consent be-

fore accessing contraception;

• Offer comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education, including information about communica-

tion strategies, consent, and healthy relationships, as well as support the rights of adolescents

to access and consent to their own contraception and other reproductive healthcare, and end

failed abstinence-only sex education policies;

• Provide resources for pregnant and parenting teens while encouraging them to continue their

education and career development;

• Increase access to accurate information about reproductive health, adoption, and related re-

sources, as well as defund crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) which discourage abortion using

unscientific, inaccurate information;

• Hold medical providers accountable for withholding information about a pregnancy from the

pregnant person based on their presumption that a pregnancy would be terminated if they were

aware of the condition; and

• Fund research and counseling for postpartum depression.

My thoughts !

The issue of abortion attracts my curiosity due to its implications for the scope of governmental

authority and masculine influence in shaping women's autonomy over their own bodies. If I may

expound upon your statement, it seems that you possess a certain viewpoint on the role of the

government in relation to the subject matter of abortion. The user's perspective posits that the

government's inclination to regulate abortion may stem from a want to secure sustained popula-

tion increase and societal production. The point you raise is intriguing. Indeed, it is verifiable

that human beings have a pivotal position in the establishment and operation of societal struc-

tures. The existence of a society as we now understand it is contingent upon the presence and

participation of human beings. Society may be seen as an intricate network of social interactions,

established norms, and institutional structures that are both created and maintained by individu-

als. The human species is It seems that you are expressing concern over the tendency of some in-

dividuals to perceive others as simple instruments or commodities, rather than acknowledging

their inherent humanity. This particular viewpoint sometimes manifests within the framework of
safeguarding the welfare of a country, exemplified by the United States. The aforementioned

perspective emphasizes the potential lack of adequate attention given to the contextual factors

surrounding a woman's pregnancy, including but not limited to instances of rape, consenting sex-

ual activity, or any other relevant situations. I am interested in engaging in a discourse on my af-

filiation with the Democratic Party, specifically in regards to my position as a woman advocating

for the Pro-Choice movement. In my perspective, it is essential to recognize and uphold the au-

tonomy of women in determining the course of action pertaining to their own physical well-be-

ing, including the option to either pursue or forgo motherhood. I have a strong conviction that the

decision of a woman to forgo childbirth should not be subject to legal prohibition or regarded as

a grave offense. The depiction of parenthood often presents it as a joyful and idealized en-

counter, although the actuality of this experience is much more intricate and demanding.

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