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Urgent Guidance for Navigating and

Circumventing the QTc-Prolonging and
Torsadogenic Potential of Possible
Pharmacotherapies for Coronavirus Disease
19 (COVID-19)
John R. Giudicessi, MD, PhD; Peter A. Noseworthy, MD; Paul A. Friedman, MD;
and Michael J. Ackerman, MD, PhD


As the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) global pandemic rages across the globe, the race to prevent
and treat this deadly disease has led to the “off-label” repurposing of drugs such as hydroxy-
chloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, which have the potential for unwanted QT-interval prolongation
and a risk of drug-induced sudden cardiac death. With the possibility that a considerable proportion of
the world’s population soon could receive COVID-19 pharmacotherapies with torsadogenic potential
for therapy or postexposure prophylaxis, this document serves to help health care professionals
mitigate the risk of drug-induced ventricular arrhythmias while minimizing risk of COVID-19
exposure to personnel and conserving the limited supply of personal protective equipment.
ª 2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2020;95(6):1213-1221

SARS-CoV-2 in vitro,3,4 are being evaluated From the Department of

ince its emergence from Wuhan,
Cardiovascular Medicine,
China, in late 2019, severe acute respi- in randomized clinical trials. Clinician-Investigator
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- In advance of more definitive evidence, Training Program (J.R.G.),
Department of Cardio-
CoV-2), the virus responsible for coronavirus clinicians on the front lines of the vascular Medicine, Division
disease 2019 (COVID-19), has already pandemic have begun to use these medica- of Heart Rhythm Services
claimed the lives of more than 70,000 individ- tions under the auspices of “off-label,” (J.R.G., P.A.N., P.A.F.,
M.J.A.), Department of
uals worldwide.1,2 With the number of “compassionate-use,” or FDA-approved Pediatric and Adolescent
COVID-19 cases and deaths increasing with Emergency Use Authorization (for chloro- Medicine, Division of Pe-
diatric Cardiology (M.J.A.),
each passing day, there is perhaps no more quine and hydroxychloroquine) with anec-
and Department of Mo-
pressing need in medicine than to identify dotal success.5,6 In light of (1) the need for lecular Pharmacology and
safe and efficacious therapies to prevent this practice to continue in the absence of Experimental Therapeu-
tics, Windland Smith Rice
SARS-CoV-2 infections as well as to viable, evidence-based therapies and (2) Sudden Death Genomics
attenuate the severity of the resulting the proclivity of many promising Laboratory (M.J.A.), Mayo
COVID-19 illness.2 Although there are no COVID-19 pharmacotherapiesdspecifically Clinic, Rochester, MN.

proven US Food and Drug Administration antimalarial agents such as hydroxychloro-

(FDA)eapproved drugs to prevent or treat quinedto prolong the QTc, thereby
COVID-19, a number of promising novel increasing the risk of drug-induced tor-
(eg, remdesivir) and repurposed (eg, sades de pointes (DI-TdP) and drug
hydroxychloroquine, potentially together induced-sudden cardiac death (DI-SCD),
with azithromycin) pharmacological this document was assembled to help
agents, reported to inhibit the growth of health care professionals safely use these

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2020;95(6):1213-1221 n 1213 n ª 2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

medications and minimize concomitant inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme

risks. 2emediated viral entry (ie, preinfection pro-
phylaxis) and (2) attenuating the postviral
PHARMACODYNAMICS AND QTC- cytokine storm observed in severe COVID-
PROLONGING/TORSADOGENIC POTENTIAL 19 cases via a multitude of immunomodula-
OF THE ANTIMALARIAL MEDICATIONS tory mechanisms (ie, treatment of active
CHLOROQUINE AND infection/postviral sequelae). Promising
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE in vitro data3,4 as well as anecdotal in vivo
Chloroquine and its analogue hydroxychlor- evidence of therapeutic benefit5 have led
oquine have been used for nearly 80 years as many institutions, including Mayo Clinic,
prophylactic pharmacotherapies for malaria. to consider the use of hydroxychloroquine
Although still used as antimalarial agents in as a first-line COVID-19 pharmacotherapy
parts of the world with chloroquine- for the time being and spurred an array of
sensitive Plasmodium falciparum protozoa, clinical trials designed to assess the efficacy
hydroxychloroquine has found new life as of repurposed hydroxychloroquine in both
a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
the management of conditions such as sys- Although the collective safety profiles of
temic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are
arthritis. relatively favorable, both drugs block the
At the cellular level, these antimalarial KCNH2-encoded HERG/Kv11.1 potassium
drugs accumulate in intracellular vesicles channel and potentially can prolong the
such as endosomes and lysosomes where QTc. In at-risk individuals, these so-called
they are protonated, leading to increased ve- HERG blockers can precipitate DI-TdP or,
sicular pH.7 This process in turn inhibits the worse, DI-SCD, especially with long-term
activity of the pH-dependent proteases use (Table 1). As a result, the number of
involved in the intracellular processing of DI-SCDs attributable to hydroxychloroquine
secretory proteins with a number of immu- in particular is not trivial (Table 1). With the
nologic and nonimmunologic effects, theoretical possibility that a substantial pro-
including tumor necrosis factor a and inter- portion of the world population could
leukin 6.7 Collectively, a reduction in these receive hydroxychloroquine as first-line pro-
secretory proteins is believed to result in phylaxis or treatment, including an esti-
(1) the accumulation of cytotoxic heme mated 3 million individuals with congenital
that poisons P falciparum protozoa and (2) long QT syndrome (LQTS), the number of
modulation of immune cell behavior in a hydroxychloroquine-mediated DI-SCDs
manner that attenuates inflammatory could increase precipitously unless appro-
processes.7 priate QTc monitoring algorithms are insti-
In addition, chloroquine and hydroxy- tuted. This risk of DI-SCD could be further
chloroquine possess antiviral properties amplified if multiple medications, each
in vitro.3,4,7,8 Both chloroquine and hydrox- with their own QTc-prolonging/
ychloroquine are believed to act on the entry torsadogenic potential (eg, chloroquine/
and postentry stages of severe acute respira- hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin and/
tory syndrome coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 or lopinavir/ritonavir), are used in combina-
infection, likely via effects on endosomal pH tion (Table 1).
and the resulting underglycosylation of
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors MITIGATING THE POTENTIAL RISK OF DI-
that are required for viral entry.3,4,8 TDP AND DI-SCD ASSOCIATED WITH
Based on this in vitro data, it has been WIDESPREAD USE OF CHLOROQUINE/
hypothesized that hydroxychloroquine, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE IN THE COVID-19
more so than chloroquine, may have thera- PANDEMIC
peutic efficacy in the COVID-19 pandemic Although some might argue that DI-SCDs in
by (1) preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection by the setting of widespread chloroquine/
n n
1214 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2020;95(6):1213-1221

TABLE 1. Torsadogenic Potential and Postmarketing Adverse Events Associated With Possible COVID-19
Repurposed Pharmacotherapiesa
Possible COVID-19 In vitro inhibition of CredibleMeds VT/VF/TdP/LQTS in Cardiac arrest in
therapy SARS-CoV-2 classification FAERSb FAERSb References
Repurposed antimalarial agents
Chloroquine Yes Known TdP risk 72 54 3, 19, 20
Hydroxychloroquine Yes Known TdP risk 222 105 4, 21
Repurposed antiviral agents
Lopinavir/ritonavir Unknownc Possible TdP risk 27 48 22-24
Adjunctive agents
Azithromycin Unknown Known TdP risk 396 251 25, 26
COVID-19 ¼ coronavirus disease 2019; FAERS ¼ US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System; LQTS ¼ long
QT syndrome; SARS-CoV-2 ¼ severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TdP ¼ torsades de pointes; VF ¼ ventricular
fibrillation; VT ¼ ventricular tachycardia.
Adverse event reporting from postmarketing surveillance does not account for prescription volume and is often subjected to substantial
bias from confounding variables, quality of reported data, duplication, and underreporting of events.
Lopinavir/ritonavir has been found to inhibit other severe acute respiratory syndrome viruses in vitro. However, a recent randomized
trial found no benefit in COVID-19.

hydroxychloroquine use represents accept- electrocardiogram (ECG) and corrected for

able “friendly fire” in the war on SARS- heart rate using the Bazett or Fridericia for-
CoV-2/COVID-19, we believe that with the mula before any intraindividual or interindi-
institution of a few simple and safe precau- vidual QTc comparisons are made.
tions, the risk of DI-TdP and DI-SCD can Unfortunately, in the context of the
be mitigated. Ultimately, it comes down to COVID-19 pandemic, acquisition of the pa-
identifying the small subset of individuals tient’s QTc by the 12-lead ECG, which re-
who, either secondary to an underlying ge- quires additional personnel exposure (ie,
netic predisposition (such as congenital ECG technician), and a necessity for serial
LQTS, which is present in 1 in 2000 people) ECGs, which requires exposure of complex
and/or by virtue of the presence of multiple equipment (multiple ECG wires), could
modifiable and nonmodifiable QTc risk fac- further strain the already limited supply of
tors (Table 2),9 have excessive baseline personal protective equipment (PPE) in
QTc prolongation (QTc 500 ms) and/or many countries. Alternatively, some FDA-
have an inherent tendency for development approved consumer mobile ECG devices
of an exaggerated QTc response (ie, DQTc are capable of generating accurate QTc mea-
60 ms) following exposure to medications surements.11 To this end, AliveCor, Inc, just
with the adverse effect of potential QTc pro- received emergency clearance from the FDA
longation (Figure 1). Although the percent- for use of the KardiaMobile 6L device (FDA-
age of individuals at risk is small, given the approved for atrial fibrillation detection) for
pandemic nature of COVID-19, in absolute QTc monitoring of patients with COVID-19
terms the number of individuals potentially treated with QT-prolonging medications
at risk for lethal adverse drug effects is large such as chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine
(at least 10,000 individuals of the (March 20, 2020, 1:15 PM CST). Similarly,
>1,000,000 COVID-19epositive patients many telemetry systems are equipped with
worldwide are expected to be at increased real-time QTc monitoring features that could
risk for DI-TdP/DI-SCD if treated with these be used for hospitalized patients.
medications). This issue would be especially For patients with COVID-19 about to be
true if these medications are adopted for treated with medications with the increased
postexposure prophylaxis. potential for DI-TdP/DI-SCD (Figure 1),
Traditionally, the QTc is calculated from baseline QTc status should be obtained either
either lead II or V5 of the 12-lead by a traditional 12-lead ECG or perhaps

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2020;95(6):1213-1221 n 1215

preferably with the use of a smartphone-

TABLE 2. Modifiable and Nonmodifiable Risk
enabled mobile QTc meter using the simple
Factors for Drug-Induced Long QT Syndrome/
infection control measures outlined in Torsades de Pointesa,b
Figure 2 to limit personnel exposures and
Modifiable risk factors
conserve critical PPE. On average, the QTc
Electrolyte disturbances
values for otherwise healthy postpubertal
Hypocalcemia (calcium <4.65 mg/dL)
males and females are around 410 ms and
Hypokalemia (potassium <3.4 mmol/L)
420 ms, respectively. In contrast, a QTc value
that exceeds the 99th percentile value for Hypomagnesemia (magnesium <1.7 mg/dL)

otherwise healthy individuals (ie, 460 ms in QT-prolonging medication polypharmacy

both sexes before puberty, 470 ms in postpu- Concurrent use of 1 medication from www.
bertal males, and 480 ms in postpubertal fe-
males), in the absence of any exogenous Nonmodifiable risk factors

QTc-aggravating factors, may signal an indi- Common diagnoses

vidual at increased risk for QT-related ven- Acute coronary syndrome
tricular arrhythmias.12,13 In contrast and as Anorexia nervosa or starvation
a frame of reference, the average QTc value Bradyarrhythmias (heart rate <45 beats/min)
was 470 ms for the more than 1400 patients Cardiac heart failure (ejection fraction <40%;
with congenital LQTS who have been cared uncompensated)
for in Mayo Clinic’s Windland Smith Rice Congenital long QT syndrome or other genetic
Genetic Heart Rhythm Clinic. Furthermore, susceptibility

with very few exceptions (amiodarone being Chronic renal failure requiring dialysis
one), patients with a resting QTc of 500 ms Diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2)
or more, whether secondary to congenital Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
LQTS or acquired (QTc-prolonging drugs, Hypoglycemia (documented and in the absence
QTc-prolonging electrolyte abnormalities of diabetes)
such as hypokalemia, or QTc-prolonging dis- Pheochromocytoma
ease states as detailed in Table 2), have a Cardiac arrest within preceding 24 h
considerably greater risk for both DI-TdP Syncope or seizure within preceding 24 h
and DI-SCD.14e16 Stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or other head
Accordingly, the baseline QTc value can be trauma within preceding 7 d
used to roughly approximate the patient’s risk Clinical history
of DI-TdP/DI-SCD following initiation of a Personal or family history of QT-interval
medication with QTc-prolonging potential. prolongation or sudden unexplained death in
the absence of a clinical or genetic diagnosis
For patients with QTc values less than the
99th percentile for age/sex (ie, 460 ms in pre-
pubertal males/females, 470 ms in postpuber- Elderly (>65 y)

tal males, and 480 ms in postpubertal females Female sex

[Figure 1 “green light” status]), the risk of DI- a
A “pro-QTc” score of 4 based on risk factors similar to
those listed above was an independent predictor of mortality
TdP/DI-LQTS is low, and chloroquine/
in patients with QT-interval prolongation.9 Unfortunately, the
hydroxychloroquine (or other QTc- predictive value of these risk factors in patients with normal or
prolonging COVID-19 pharmacotherapies) borderline QT intervals has not been assessed.
should be initiated without delay as outlined SI conversion factors: To convert calcium values to mmol/L,
multiply by 0.25; to convert magnesium values to mmol/L,
in the QTc monitoring algorithm. Remember,
multiply by 0.411.
whether by 12-lead ECG, telemetry, or Adapted from Neurogastroenterol Motil,10 with permission.
smartphone-enabled acquisition of the ECG, ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
if the noted QT interval is less than one-half
the preceding RR interval, then the calculated
QTc will always be less than 460 ms and the treatments that may have QTc-prolonging
patient can be “green light go” for COVID-19 potential.

n n
1216 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2020;95(6):1213-1221

COVID-19 testing No treatment

No Consider other
positive or high clinical indicated for low-risk
suspicion? etiologies
• Strict isolation x 14 days
Yes Hypothetical COVID-19
• Symptomatic management.
treatment algorithm
• Follow institutional/public
Severe respiratory illness health protocol regarding
requiring ICU-level care?* check-in/follow-up timing.
≥1 high-risk host factors?
• Age ≥65. Patient eligible for
• Immunosuppressed state
(transplant, malignancy,
clinical trial?
Yes [eg. NCT04315298 Yes ENROLL
uncontrolled HIV, or active Monitoring per trial
chemotherapy/immunotherapy). protocol.
NCT04292899 (remdesivir/Gilead),
• High-risk comorbid condition(s) and NCT04280705
(CKD, COPD, CHF, cystic fibrosis, (remdesivir/NIAID)].
or pulmonary fibrosis).


Consider alternative
drug(s) under
Yes consideration? No No
(eg. chloroquine, therapies with in vitro
hydroxychloroquine ± activity against SARS-
azithromycin, and/or CoV-2¥ or no therapy.

Benefits >> DI-SCD risk? STOP

All QTc-
Pretreatment QTc ≥500 ms • Document increased risk of TdP. • Correct electrolyte abnormalities
1% (K+ >4; Mg2+ >2).
checklist • Discontinue/avoid QTc- drugs if TdP
prolonging medications. • Place on telemetry or consider LifeVest. observed.
• Obtain pretreatment Q Tc
using standard 12-lead ECG,
telemetry, or mobile ECG
device QTc ≥460 ms (pre-
(see Figure 2 for details). puberty), ≥470 ms • Correct electrolyte abnormalities
• Obtain baseline expanded (postpubertal males), (K+ >4; Mg2+ >2).
electrolytes and ≥480 ms (post- Yes
• Discontinue unnecessary QTc-
(Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+). pubertal females), prolonging medications.
• Determine if any home QTc- but <500 ms.
prolonging medications can 9%
be discontinued
• Document high-risk CV and QTc <460 ms (pre-
comorbid conditions puberty), <470 ms
(see Table 2). (postpubertal males), PRESCRIBE/CONTINUE
or <480 ms (post-
pubertal females).
Post-treatment checklist
• Repeat QTc using standard 12-lead ΔQTc <60 ms
ΔQTc ≥60 ms ECG, telemetry, or mobile ECG device
and QTc <500
or QTc ≥500 ms (see Figure 2 for details).
• Obtain baseline expanded ms
electrolytes (Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+).

FIGURE 1. Approach to mitigating the risk of drug-induced torsades de pointes (TdP)/drug-induced sudden cardiac death in patients with
coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) treated following a hypothetical treatment algorithm with “off-label” hydroxychloroquine alone or in
combination with azithromycin. Both medications are known HERG blockers with both QTc- prolonging and torsadogenic potential. The
estimated 99th percentile QTc values (derived from otherwise healthy individuals), which places a patient in the “green light” category, are less
than 460 ms before puberty, less than 470 ms in men, and less than 480 ms in women. We estimate that the baseline QTc assessment will place
90% of patients in green light, 9% in yellow light, and 1% in red light status. *Severe COVID-19 cases are defined as a respiratory rate of greater
than 30 breaths/min (adults) or 40 breaths/min (children), oxygen saturation of 93% or less, PaO2 to fraction of inspired oxygen ratio less than 300,
or lung infiltrates involving more than 50% of the lung field after 24 to 48 hours. URepurposed antiviral alternatives such as lopinavir/ritonavir also
have QTc-prolonging effects. CHF ¼ congestive heart failure; CKD ¼ chronic kidney disease; COPD ¼ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
CV ¼ cardiovascular; ECG ¼ electrocardiography; ICU ¼ intensive care unit; NIAID ¼ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2020;95(6):1213-1221 n 1217

FIGURE 2. Protocols for the possible inpatient and outpatient use of a smartphone-enabled mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) to
assess and monitor QTc values in patients with coronavirus disease 19. A, Inpatient protocol using dedicated institutional smartphone/
tablet and mobile ECG device. Whenever possible, we strongly recommend the use of a dedicated institutional Bluetooth-enabled
smartphone or tablet device that is not used for personal use (ie, phone calls or other activities) to limit the spread of severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). B, Inpatient or outpatient protocol using personal (or institutionally loaned)
smartphone/tablet and mobile ECG device. *Currently, the only smartphone-enabled mobile ECG with US Food and Drug
Administration approval for QTc monitoring is the AliveCor KardiaMobile 6L device. PPE ¼ personal protective equipment.

In contrast, those patients with a baseline symptoms and a QTc of 500 ms or greater,
QTc of 500 ms or greater are at increased it may be reasonable to avoid treatment alto-
risk for DI-TdP/DI-SCD (Figure 1 “red light” gether because the arrhythmia risk may
status) and every effort should be made to outweigh the risk of developing COVID-
(1) assess and correct for contributing elec- 19erelated acute respiratory distress syn-
trolyte abnormalities (eg, replete potassium drome. However, in patients with a QTc of
and magnesium to levels > 4 mmol/L and 500 ms or greater presenting with progres-
> 2 mg/dl, respectively), (2) review and dis- sively worsening respiratory symptoms or
continue other unnecessary QTc-prolonging at greater risk (eg, >65 years of age, immu-
medications if present or transition to alter- nosuppressed, and/or high-risk comorbid
natives with less QTc liability, and/or (3) conditions) for respiratory complications,
proceed with closer monitoring (telemetry) the potential benefit of QTc-prolonging
or even consideration of more advanced COVID-19 pharmacotherapies may exceed
countermeasures such as equipping the pa- the arrhythmia risk. Importantly, if the deci-
tient with a wearable defibrillator (eg, LifeV- sion has been made to proceed with such
est [ZOLL Medical Corporation]) if the therapies for the patient with a "red light"
decision is made to commence therapy. QTc value (ie, QTc >¼ 500 ms), it may be
In the setting of a QTc value of 500 ms or reasonable to give magnesium prophylacti-
greater, navigating and circumventing this cally, regardless of their magnesium level,
QTc liability depends greatly on the risk- as an anti-torsadogenic counter measure.
benefit calculus, and the decision rests with Therefore, the ultimate goal of QTc surveil-
the treating clinician and patient. For lance in the COVID-19 pandemic should
example, in younger patients with COVID- NOT be to identify those who cannot receive
19 (ie, <40 years) who have only mild these medications but to identify those with
n n
1218 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2020;95(6):1213-1221

compromised or reduced “repolarization placed in red light status because their base-
reserve” in whom increased QTc counter- line QTc is 500 ms or greater, an initial
measures can and should be taken to miti- on-therapy QTc should be obtained around
gate the risk of drug-related death from 2 to 4 hours after the first dose and then
DI-TdP/DI-SCD.17 again at 48 hours and 96 hours following
Ultimately, much of the risk-benefit cal- treatment initiation. Patients receiving either
culus awaits determination of the therapeu- green light or yellow light status can prob-
tic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, with or ably forego the early QTc assessment and
without concomitant azithromycin. Until wait until 48 hours and 96 hours for their
such information is available, if the decision on-drug QTc determination. If the on-
has been made to treat a patient with a red therapy QTc is 500 ms or greater or the pa-
light designation (Figure 1) based on their tient self-identified as a QTc reactor with a
baseline QTc of 500 ms or greater, it seems DQTc of 60 ms or greater, then the QTc
prudent to start with hydroxychloroquine countermeasures need to be reexamined or
alone, rather than combination drug therapy the medications stopped in an effort to
with azithromycin. In addition, if combina- neutralize the increased potential for DI-
tion drug therapy, with hydroxychloroquine TdP and DI-SCD (Figure 1).
and azithromycin, was initiated in a patient In contrast, for medical centers able to
with an initial green light/yellow light QTc implement the FDA emergency-approved,
status and the individual transitions to red smartphone-enabled approach (Figure 2) or
light status after self-identification as a to determine the QTc from the telemetry
“QTc reactor” with a DQTc of 60 ms or strips, ECG technician exposure risk and
greater, then consideration should be given consumption of PPE by those individuals
to discontinuing azithromycin, optimizing would be eliminated and the patient’s QTc
electrolyte status, or intensifying counter- could be obtained by the health care team
measures further (placing on telemetry for already present, for example, with the QTc
continuous rhythm assessment). obtained per shift as another vital sign.18
Such increased QTc surveillance would
FREQUENCY OF QTC SURVEILLANCE AND enable discovery of the QTc reactor and
ADJUSTMENTS IN THE SETTING OF WIDE implementation of countermeasures sooner
QRS COMPLEX and hopefully would thereby circumvent
Ideally, following a baseline QTc assessment, the potentially preventable tragedy of DI-
therapy may be initiated with either QTc SCD (Figure 1).
reassurance (low risk for the vast majority Finally, for patients with a wide QRS
[90%] of patients) or varying QTc counter- complex from either ventricular pacing or
measures in place for those flagged as at right/left bundle branch block, a wide QRS
increased risk. The timing of on-therapy complex QTc adjustment will need to be
QTc surveillance will be dictated not only made. Otherwise, patients will receive a red
by the pharmacokinetics of the COVID-19 light signal inappropriately, resulting in
therapies used but also by the practical logis- therapy delay, discontinuation, or avoidance
tics of an institution’s method of QTc moni- altogether. In this setting, the simplest
toring. For the 12-lead ECG approach, if approach is to maintain the previously indi-
QTc surveillance is deemed important, then cated QTc green, yellow, and red light
one machine should be designated for acqui- thresholds and apply a simple formula to ac-
sition of the data and a limited number of count for the wide QRS complex (wide QRS
ECG technicians/personnel should be used complexeadjusted QTc ¼ QTc e [QRS 
to minimize PPE utilization and personnel 120 ms]). For example, if a patient’s left
exposure. Also, the number of on-therapy bundle branch block has yielded a QRS com-
QTc assessments should be constrained to plex of 200 ms and a QTc of 520 ms, this
minimize personnel exposure risk and PPE scenario would appear to activate the red
consumption. In this scenario, for those light pathway (Figure 1). However, the
Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2020;95(6):1213-1221 n 1219

wide QRS complexeadjusted QTc would be Correspondence: Address to Michael J. Ackerman, MD, PhD,
520 ms e (200  120 ms) ¼ 520  80 ¼ Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Genetic Heart Rhythm
Clinic, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905
440 ms, which is not red light status at all (
but rather “green light go” status with
much QTc reassurance that the patient is
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